Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 432 The Difference With Dowry

Chapter 432 The Difference With Dowry
Ding Yunfeng laughed angrily when he saw Liangkun come up with such a set of fallacies.

"Pu Jie, if everyone imitates you and gives me women, how many villas do I have to buy to accommodate them?"

"Oops! I didn't think carefully..." Liang Kun patted his forehead: "Brother Feng, don't worry, I will help you solve the problem of the house right away, brother!
Repulse Bay, the foot of Victoria Peak, tell me the address..."

"I'm talking about you asshole! Now I'm talking about the house with you?" Ding Yunfeng kicked him out.

Liang Kun smiled hippie, and patted off the shoe prints on his trousers: "Brother Feng, you have been taking care of me for so many years.

Now, I have finally become the leader of Hongxing, so give me a chance to honor you.

Otherwise, I will not sleep well every night..."

After saying that, Liang Kun licked her face and pointed to BOBO who was sitting on the sofa: "Actually, Brother Feng, you have another advantage in accepting her.

In the future, if other people want to give you a woman, they must not be inferior to this level.

To be honest, how many people on Hong Kong Island have reached this level can’t be counted on one hand.

In this way, wouldn't it make many people retreat in disguise? "

"Oh, then I have to thank you?"

"Hey, two brothers in the whole world, you have protected me for so long, how have I ever said a word of thanks to you?"

Black and white, pros and cons, what the hell is all explained by Liang Kun, the best.

In the end, Ding Yunfeng had no choice but to accept Liang Kun's kindness, and took BOBO to buy a two-storey duplex villa a few hundred meters away from Wang Xia's villa to house him.

Seeing that Ding Yunfeng gave him a villa worth several million yuan, he said to have a good rest, and actually wanted to leave.

BOBO, who is very confident in his looks, couldn't help but stepped forward and pulled him back: "Ding Sheng, in your position, it's normal to have a few women.

Am I born not pretty enough; or is my figure not good enough? "

The most basic of the professionalism of being a female hooker is to have good acting skills. BOBO's tears come as soon as he says it, and he enters the scene in five seconds, crying like pear blossoms with rain in the blink of an eye.

Ding Yunfeng frowned slightly as he watched her perform, and BOBO actually refused to do this trick when he saw the meal ticket.

She immediately suppressed her tears, returned to the sofa and sat down obediently: "Ding Sheng, if it's because I lied to Sister Su, you can punish me however you want..."

Hey, just pretend to be pitiful.

The two suspenders of the black dress slip off automatically, which is a bit too much!
Resisting the urge to complain, Ding Yunfeng stepped forward and pulled up the other party's slipped black skirt, covering up the scenery that was almost caught by SP book friends.

"Okay, stop being a monster, I'm just not used to doing things during the day, you don't think too much about it."

"An explanation?"

"To do things at night, you only need to add an ellipsis to 'overnight' and it's OK;
Doing things during the day, writing violations, getting sprayed if you don’t write, and there are suspicions of bad words! "


Ding Yunfeng was not Liu Xiahui in the first place. While helping the other party pull up the skirt, his hands were not idle. He took the other party's size and estimated the size of the shirt he would buy in the future.

"Ding Sheng, why don't you go to work this afternoon...

Yesterday when I was shopping, I saw a watch in the Patek Philippe store that just weighed you, not too high, not too low, just 100 million. "

"What a coincidence, you sent me?"

"Now the whole person is you, just as a dowry."

"Haha, then I have to go to work, otherwise, how can I have a salary to support my family?" Ding Yunfeng stretched out his middle leg that was hugged by the other party, and while tidying up his appearance, he asked: "A Su's side, it's not a big problem. I'll talk to her about wine." After the chaos, she can give you a few supercilious eyes at most, and she will be able to get over it.

On the other hand, since you are talking to her about setting up a beauty salon together, don't let her down.

Four stores, my name is Ah Kun.In a few days, you can accompany A Su to the Central District to support this business. "

"Understood, Ding Sheng." BOBO came to help Ding Yunfeng tie his tie, looked up at him with watery eyes: "Besides Sister Su, how many other older sisters do I have?"

"There are only two at present, I will take a chance and take you to meet them.

Also, don't call me Ding Sheng, because you are not my subordinate..." Ding Yunfeng pinched BOBO's tender cheeks.

BOBO didn't wait for him to finish, and replied with a smile: "Yes, she is your little wife. Why don't I call you Master?"

"Just as long as you like it." Ding Yunfeng glanced at the lockbox placed on the coffee table, grabbed the beauty in front of him, and took a bite.

It doesn't matter whether this woman is sincere or not to herself. From her appearance to now, it is very important to make herself comfortable everywhere.

Especially when leaving Liangkun, BOBO specially brought the 100 million, which actually has a special meaning...

"Not in the afternoon, there is still something to do at the police station.

In the evening, after dinner, go buy the watch you fancy.As you said, don't be reluctant to pay for the dowry. "

"Understood, sir."


Wiping off the lipstick marks on his face, Ding Yunfeng looked at BOBO standing at the door of the villa with emotion, blowing a goodbye kiss to himself.

A dowry is a concubine;

No dowry, just an outer room.

Of course this woman knows that it doesn't matter to Ding Yunfeng whether it's 100 million or [-] yuan.

But after buying this Patek Philippe, she just brought a dowry to Ding Yunfeng as a concubine.

This is related to status. To put it in a long-term perspective, one day Brother Feng will lose his braids and the descendants of the Ding family will divide the property. As long as BOBO can give birth to a son and a half for him, he will have a share.

Ding Yunfeng is not afraid of this kind of scheming woman. He has a smart woman to help him. Many times, he can relax a lot.

What's more, the other party knows how to measure, no matter whether it is deliberately flattering or covertly asking for fame, Ding Yunfeng did not resent him.

"Forget it, it just so happens that Shi Shi and the others have been with me for so long, and I almost have to give them an explanation." Ding Yunfeng was thinking about the backyard while driving.

Accepting BOBO today, he found that he was already in his early thirties and hadn't even started a family yet!


"Good afternoon Sir!"

A sonorous hello in front of him interrupted Ding Yunfeng's contemplation. He looked up and found that Chen Guorong was smiling brightly and was holding a document bag in his hand.

"What are you doing, you startled me."

"Brother Feng, when I was in the Flying Tigers, I don't know how many times I was frightened by you." Chen Guorong raised his eyebrows proudly, pulled out a chair and sat opposite Ding Yunfeng: "Hey, I laughed so loudly just now, is there something wrong? Good thing?"

"Looking for a fight? An honest gentleman like me..."

"Ding Sir can be regarded as a gentleman?" Chen Guorong deliberately put on a question mark face.

Ding Yunfeng laughed and cursed, and flung a camel over: "It hasn't been a year since you went to the Central District, and you, Chen Guorong, have also started to smile. Seriously, why did you suddenly come to Wanchai to pick me up?"

Chen Guorong put away his smile when he heard the words, and handed over the document bag in his hand: "Brother Feng, as you expected, Master Hong of the Anti-Mafia Group, he really has a problem!"

(End of this chapter)

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