Chapter 434
The two were old acquaintances, and without outsiders present, Wang Yifei certainly wouldn't put on airs. He smiled and took out his cigarettes, and took the initiative to distribute them to Ding Yunfeng and Chen Guorong.

Not surprisingly!

This old product is the cheapest cigarette on the market, the kind that doesn't even have a filter.

"Chen Sir, eat cigarettes." Wang Yifei nodded happily, and said to the dazed Chen Guorong.

Chen Guorong couldn't laugh or cry, took the lighter thrown by Ding Yunfeng, pressed his lips against the cigarette, took a few seconds, and finally lit it.

Everyone in the world is saying that the real estate tycoon Wang Yifei is very lonely, but Chen Guorong did not expect that the other party is so stingy that he is cruel to him.

"Ah Feng, I didn't tell you in advance this time, it's because my uncle can't do it well, and I will definitely make it up to you when this matter is over.

My intuition is right!
The car that appeared around me recently must be driven by the kidnappers! "Wang Yifei took a few puffs of cigarettes and said firmly.

Chen Guorong frowned, and opened Wang Yifei's file: "Boss Wang, you were kidnapped once a few years ago. This kind of thing will leave a shadow in your heart to some extent. Could it be that this time it was your personal too much?" Are you oversensitive?"

"It's not that I'm sensitive, I have evidence!

I called one of my subordinates to take photos secretly. I originally wanted to see the construction site of the real estate built by my company, but someone went to steal the building materials.I didn't expect that this car was captured by the camera and parked at the gate of my construction site for four days in a row...

My intuition is that these people in the car are very problematic! "

"Intuition?" Chen Guorong looked at Wang Yifei in astonishment.

Wang Yifei smiled confidently: "Chen Sir, right? Don't underestimate my intuition!
I, Wang Yifei, can earn this wealth, [-]% depends on my own talent and hard work, and [-]% depends on my intuition! "

Just like the plot staged in "Serious Crime Squad", Wang Yifei has successively used the two developed experiences of buying land and purchasing the Shatian Fotan Factory to prove the accuracy of his intuition.

Seeing that Chen Guorong was skeptical, Wang Yifei ignored him.

Wang Yifei took out a document from the inner pocket of his coat, and pushed it in front of Ding Yunfeng: "Ah Feng, this is a decoration contract for three large commercial buildings. As long as you help me get rid of these kidnappers, I will hand over this business to Huang Huihuang." The company will do it!"

"Uncle Wang! It's not in line with your personality to spend such a large sum of money." Ding Yunfeng moved his eyes and looked at Wang Yifei jokingly.

Wang Yifei laughed and sat down: "You can only be a thief for a thousand days, how can you guard against a thief for a thousand days?

If you don't catch a few shovelers and shovel them out to make an example to others, these desperadoes really think that I, Wang Yifei, are a soft persimmon!

What's more, Brilliant Company has a lot of commercial cooperation with my Wang's real estate.

You and I do business together, and I can have a lifetime of peace. Although I earn a little less temporarily, in the long run, I will not lose money. "

"Hmm..." Ding Yunfeng grabbed the contract, swipe his fingers, and clapped his palms: "Yes! Even if I don't look at these three contracts, I will look at it because everyone is also a member of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

Uncle Wang, I want to bring a few guys to your house for a short stay in the past few days. "

"No problem, I will arrange it immediately!"

Ding Yunfeng and Wang Yifei negotiated terms. At this time, Dong Biao, Ma Jun, and Yuan Haoyun all received the transfer order and rushed to the Central District Police Station from their respective departments.

"Ah Jun, you can change into a suit and pretend to be Uncle Wang's bodyguard, Haoyun is good at driving, so you can pretend to be his driver.

From now on, the two of you will personally protect Uncle Wang. "Ding Yunfeng first arranged two detectives for Wang Yifei to escort him back to the company to handle official business.

Then, Ding Yunfeng took Uncle Biao and Chen Guorong and walked downstairs to the office hall of the Central District Serious Crime Squad.

Seeing Chen Guorong and Uncle Escort escorting Ding Yunfeng in, the members of the Central District Serious Crime Squad received orders from Uncle Hua.

One by one, they put down their work: "Attention!"

"I'm Ding Yunfeng, the former head of the Wanchai Anti-Mafia Team.

The higher-ups temporarily transferred me to your Central District Police Station to take charge of the case of Wang Yifei!
From now on, whether you have heard my name or not, I am your boss!

Uncle Biao is temporarily my deputy and is in charge of the base camp. Chen Guorong is the leader of the operation team. He is directly responsible to me. Do you understand? "


"Okay. Now I will give you 10 minutes to solve the personal hygiene problem. I will wait for you to come to the conference hall on the fourth floor for a meeting. Disband!"

"Yes sir!"

Seeing Ding Yunfeng calm down the scene with a few words, the uncle with the highest police rank present looked at Chen Guorong with a smile, and gave Ding Yunfeng a thumbs up behind his back.

Chen Guorong is a little speechless about the tricks of an old naughty boy like Uncle Biao, don't you see who is talking?

Not to mention the sacrifices Brother Feng made for the [-] Chinese police officers, but he recently cracked the Siamese counterfeit banknote case. He is currently in the limelight in the police force, but anyone with a normal IQ would not be crazy at this time Police station.

10 minutes passed quickly...

In the central meeting room, almost all the members of the serious crime team arrived first, even the director, Uncle Hua, and the ghost who was smashed out of the security department by Wang Yifei with tax money also came.

Uncle Biao secretly counted the heads: "Brother Feng, everyone is here."

"Arong, turn off the lights and play the movie!" Ding Yunfeng glanced at Chen Guorong.

Chen Guorong turned off the light and turned on the slide projector. On the gray curtain, a topographic map of the villa built by the Wang family in the middle of the mountain appeared.

"Colleagues, according to..." Ding Yunfeng raised a baton, and circled several directions on the drawing.

At the time when Ding Yunfeng circled the area where he "intuited" that kidnappers had appeared based on the information temporarily provided by Wang Yifei, he arranged for the police to set up an ambush, and was ready to wait for the kidnappers to set up traps.

The door of the conference room, which was originally closed, was suddenly knocked open from the outside, and a fat body flashed in nimbly, and cautiously touched Uncle Hua and the high-ranking ghost sitting in the last row.

"Hey! Who's that over there?

The one who sneaked up to Uncle Hua and sat down just now!

That's right, it's you.Now the Central District Police Department's serious crime team is holding an action meeting.

People from your department?Suddenly ran in without saying a word, do you think I, Ding Yunfeng, are air? "

After Ding Yunfeng said a word, dozens of gazes turned to Master Hong with a snap.

Although all the lights in the house were turned off in order to open the slide show, Master Hong still felt that he was suddenly pulled from the shadows and exposed to the scorching sun.

"Report! I'm Hong Zeshi, the leader of the Anti-Mafia Team of the Central District Police Station. I heard from the staff downstairs that the serious crime team encountered a big case, so I wanted to come over and see if I could help." Bite the bullet, Hong Zeshi stood at attention and saluted Uncle Hua and Gui Lao.

I know you thought I didn't know you were an insider.

But I won't say, let's see how long you can hide...

Seeing this, Uncle Hua secretly sneered. He remained calm and explained Hong Zeshi's duties to the ghost of the security department next to him.

(End of this chapter)

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