Chapter 436

"Well, I see."

Ding Yunfeng hung up Uncle Biao's phone, and while leading the team to the construction site, he pressed a series of numbers to dial out.

And in Lianshengtuo, the construction workers of many brilliant companies are doing in full swing.

Chen Yaoqing, the boss of the company, is wearing a white helmet and leading seven or eight department heads to inspect the progress of the construction site.

This time, I sat in the hall to brag about chickens and took out a large sum of public funds to expand Tuodi, which won the support of many colleagues.

Not only Coolie Qiang, Zhan Mi and others took the lead in paying the money, but Shuangfandong and Fire Niu, who have retreated to the second line, have millions more and hundreds of thousands less, and they are all unwilling to be left behind.

As for the old Sijiu who has no money and can only do his best, or the blue lantern who is trying to join the club, let alone.

Looking around the entire construction site, if you didn't carry the signboard of He Liansheng, you wouldn't have a role in moving bricks and cement!
Chen Yaoqing had to pay attention to this project.

Since the day the ground was broken, he has come here in person every day. As for the Brilliant Company, during this time, Chang Man has been supporting it alone.

"Hey, Brother Feng, it's me. You can order something..." Suddenly receiving a call from Ding Yunfeng, Chen Yaoqing walked away a few steps.

After listening to it, he called A Cong: "Our Heji, is there another branch called Hele?"

"Hele?" A Cong thought for a moment, and finally remembered the small name that sits on the edge of Heji Weiya every year: "Boss, there is indeed a name called Hele, there are about thirty of them, and the owner's name is Wu Guohua. "

Chen Yaoqing suddenly realized, Hele, he is not very clear.

However, Wu Guohua is very familiar with him. This person is considered to be a colleague of Dasha. Relying on his younger brother Wu Guoren's power in the Golden Dragon Trading Company, he specializes in smuggling lamps from abroad into Hong Kong Island.

Brilliant decoration sometimes uses high-end lamps and lanterns, usually purchased from Wu Guohua.

Thinking of this, Chen Yaoqing clicked his tongue secretly. He had dealt with Wu Guohua so many times, but he couldn't find that the other party also had the prefix "he".

Brother Feng may have never even met this person, but he knows Wu Guohua's details, and even the relationship between him and him.

This terrifying grasping power made him palpitate just thinking about it.

"You find Big Brother and Ah Hong, and bring a few people to keep an eye on the Wu family brothers."

"Boss, the brothers of the Wu family have a few eggs, instead of staring at them, why don't I turn them over at once?" A Cong laughed outright after hearing this.

Chen Yaoqing gave him a brainstorm: "Don't act recklessly! Brother Feng has specially ordered you not to make random claims about this matter."

"Ah! The brothers of the Wu family are out of their minds, how dare they provoke Brother Feng??" A Cong held his head in confusion.


How could the Wu family brothers know that while they were waiting for Master Hong's order, A Cong and the others had already led a group of troops to secretly surround them and Le De Tuodi.


The other side!
Wang Yifei did not wait for the kidnappers, but instead waited for a group of construction workers who came to ask him for unpaid wages.

"Stop! Salary workers are not kidnappers, let them come here." Ding Yunfeng stopped the police officers who were about to step forward to intercept them.

Wang Yifei looked over in astonishment: "Afeng, didn't you agree that you want to protect me..."

"Uncle Wang, these are ordinary people begging for wage arrears. You told me to aim my gun at them. I'm sorry, but I can't do it." Ding Yunfeng shook his head at Wang Yifei: "Actually, this 200 million yuan is not enough for you. , It’s just a drop in the bucket, so you should just accumulate virtue and return this hard-earned money to others.”

"Ah Feng! You put it simply, it's not your money now!" Wang Yifei was furious: "Besides, this is the business of their workers and contractors, it's none of my business."

"Uncle Wang, when you speak, you have to touch your conscience.

Every time the Wang Group opens a real estate project, you will secretly send someone from the leather bag company to act as your contractor.

Once you default on the wages of the workers, you will put all the responsibility on these so-called 'contractors'.

Unless someone died in an accident on the construction site, and the sufferer disagreed, and you couldn't push it, you would spend some money to buy heads from major associations to take the blame.

These few steps of giving birth to a son without an ass hole make even those old Jiang Hu who come out to mess around feel ashamed.

Listen to my advice, money, of course you have to make money, but people also have to do it.

If one day you really can't even look at God, even if I help you catch these kidnappers and make an example to others, you will die sooner or later. "

"Choose, it's your turn to teach me how to do things?" Wang Yifei was furious, and he pushed Ding Yunfeng hard with both hands.

In the end, Brother Feng smoked calmly, but Wang Sheng fell a bit of a shit himself.

Chen Guorong and others stood by, looking quite relieved.Brother Bifeng crouched in front of Wang Yifei, continuing to ridicule the miser.

Chen Guorong and the others still had some scruples, but everyone was holding back their laughter, and it was very hard to bear it.

"Uncle King. Workers are entering the stairwell.

Are you giving money or not?If you don't give it, I will be thrown downstairs later, I can't control it.

The serious crime team ignores these labor disputes. "Ding Yunfeng blew a puff of second-hand smoke at Wang Yifei and continued to tease him.

Wang Yifei's face turned pale. If it was only Chen Guorong, he would have the confidence to fool the other party to help him stop the workers.

But facing Ding Yunfeng, some of his methods did not work at all.

Everyone is a taxpayer, and they might pay more than him.

As for fighting backstage and setting up the scene, the giants of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce are very optimistic about this handsome guy surnamed Ding, and if they continue to push forward, he must be himself who loses face afterwards.

"Yes! Ah Feng, I will give you this face today.

Xiao Zhong, you calculate your salary and pay those gangs of property, and then inform them, get the money, and get out immediately, our Wang Real Estate will not use them again in the future! "

"Okay, boss." Zhong Shengyou smiled at Ding Yunfeng, and then he walked towards the workers asking for wages, and cursed in a low voice: "Listen to me early, and pay the wages to the workers? If you want to make trouble, it's a shame. It's just being cheap..."

The wage earners finally wanted their hard-earned money back, and left happily one by one.

Watching the cheering scene downstairs, Wang Yifei leaned against the concrete pillar on the roof of the building, clutching his heart, with an expression uglier than that of his dead parents.

"Boss, the salary has been paid in full, a total of 250 million..." Zhong Shengyou carried the workers' receipts in one hand and an oxygen cylinder in the other.

For Wang Yifei, the lonely boss, he knows very well, and he is ready to deal with the other party's fainting.

Who knows, before he finished speaking this time, he was pushed away by Wang Yifei: "You idiot, do you need money for oxygen?"

Angrily walking in front of Ding Yunfeng, Wang Yifei shouted with trembling lips: "Ah Feng, did you hear that?

A full 250 million Hong Kong dollars!I'm giving you enough face today, right?What about the gang of kidnappers who are after me, when will you help me out? "

 Zhong Shengyou: Provided by Tingtao, the first book friend in the group.

(End of this chapter)

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