Chapter 441 Acknowledging the Next Nephew

Leaving behind a bag stuffed with banknotes, Yan Jisheng escorted Wang Yifei to his daily operating 'Fa Ji Shrimp Boat'.

Tuk Tuk Tuk!
The shrimp boat started quickly and left the pier quickly.

They had just divided the 20 yuan for traveling expenses and were still discussing whether to cross the sea to Haojiang to have a try with the two Heletang gangsters.

All of a sudden, several deep-water police officers rushed up and put their dogs on their heads.

Their hands were handcuffed, the banknotes were searched, and the two fell into the street in a police car with their heads downcast.

Ding Yunfeng and Chen Guorong opened the car door and went to the pier, took the binoculars handed over by the policeman next to them, all four eyes locked on the sea surface, and turned into a black spot on the Faji shrimp boat.

"A Sen, you should immediately call the marine police and ask them to cooperate with us in monitoring the Faji shrimp boat 24 hours a day.

this time.Our police have made a guarantee with the Wang family that no accident will happen to Wang Yifei. "Chen Guorong put down the binoculars and said to his subordinate Asen.

Ding Yunfeng stopped Asen who took out his walkie-talkie: "Since I dare to promise Wang Yifei, I have the means to protect him. Don't trouble the marine police."

"Yes, Brother Feng." Asen glanced at Chen Guorong, seeing the latter nodding, he put away the walkie-talkie and retreated.

Chen Guorong took the cigarette from Ding Yunfeng, took out the lighter and lit it for the other party: "Brother Feng, in order not to make Fatty Hong suspicious, Wang Yifei didn't even have a positioning device on him, so I'm a little worried."

"Hey, don't worry, I have already dispatched shrimp soldiers and crab generals. Even if Wang Yifei is dumped into the sea by them, I can still pick him up."


After sending out the shrimp boat, Yan Jisheng pushed Wang Yifei into the cabin and put him in an iron cage.

"Big rich man, those of us who are looking for money but not life, you'd better cooperate and don't force us to be violent."

The black belt that tied his eyes was pulled down, Wang Yifei whimpered, Yan Jisheng pulled down the towel covering his mouth, sneered a few times, turned and walked onto the deck.

"Bah, bah, bah! Dead Afeng, is it safe to talk to me?
Oh, my old bones..." Wang Yifei felt a little regretful.

He didn't know what kind of evil trick he had fallen into at the beginning, but he actually listened to Ding Yunfeng's deceit and used the risk of his life to catch these robbers.

It's okay if nothing happens, if there is an emergency, with Wang Wanwan's trash, how can he keep the family business he has worked so hard to earn?

Think about it, the more you think about it, the more you regret it, and the more you scold, the more angry you become.

Just when Wang Yifei couldn't stop talking, there was a dark object in the corner of the cabin, and he suddenly stood up.

"Wang Sheng, I'm sorry, Brother Feng arranged for me to protect you.

But I've been here for several hours, I was really sleepy, so I fell asleep, sorry, sorry. "

Looking at the fat man with a simple and honest smile in front of him, Wang Yifei let out a low voice: "You... who are you?"

"Oh, I'm the president of the Fuxing Detective Agency, and everyone in the circle calls me Partridge.

Wang Sheng, it's an honor to meet you.Come on, let me untie you first. "Partridge said while untying the rope for Wang Yifei.

Miraculously, the noose came loose.

But without careful observation, it was hard to find.

After receiving the business card from Partridge, Wang Yifei leaned against the iron cage and asked vigilantly, "President Wang, right?

You just said that you have been sleeping in the cabin, did you hear what I said just now? "

"If you can't hear me, I must be sleeping soundly right now." Partridge blinked at Wang Yifei.

Wang Yifei's expression froze, recalling that he had said a lot of bad things about Ding Yunfeng just now, he squeezed out a smile, and looked at Partridge embarrassingly.

A moment later, Wang Yifei, the real estate tycoon, had an extra nephew from his own family——Wang Bao.

"A Bao, I own two streets of properties under my name, and I will hand them over to you to watch the show in the future.

On the police side, I will help you clear up the relationship. Don't go too far during the day, let them decide;
But after twelve o'clock at night, I promise, those two streets are your business! "


At this time, Hong Zeshi received the news that Wang Yifei had been successfully kidnapped by his group.

Something happened to the protection target, and it was robbed by several kidnappers during the day when the police had prepared in advance.

Not only the Central District Police Station couldn't bear this slap, but even the security guard Steven who participated in this case couldn't sit still.

"Sir, everyone who knows me knows that I don't like to speak ill of people behind their backs." Seeing Steven walking into the serious crime team with a dark face, Master Hong quickly greeted him: "But this time, I I really can't help it!
Ding Sir, as the person in charge of this case, unexpectedly skipped work and went to Sham Shui Te, thus giving the kidnappers a chance to succeed.

Outrageous, simply outrageous! "

Uncle Biao walked over with a cold face: "Ding Si left less than 30 seconds before the kidnapper jumped out to do something. This time is more accurate than Hong Sir's watch. According to me, there may be an inner ghost in this incident... ..."

"Dong Sir, now in front of Mr. Steven, can you still wash your head hard?"

"I'm just discussing the matter as it stands. Besides, if I remember correctly, Sir Hong also went out in the morning."

"Can't I buy a pack of cigarettes?"

"Want to buy 27 minutes?"

"Chu(艹盘哉), what do you mean by that? Don't stare at the kidnappers outside, you stare at me?"

"Shut up! Is it time to quarrel?" Steven was furious: "Uncle Hua, where is Sir Ding?"

"Ding Sir and Chen Sir caught the two kidnappers who took Wang Yifei away. He and Ma Jun and Yuan Haoyun, who also caught the robbers, are on their way back." Uncle Hua looked at Hong Zeshi disappointed, and said slowly .

"Ah?" Hong Zeshi was taken aback.

Uncle Biao snorted: "What's so strange? Ding Sir can even deal with the gang of doctors, let alone this gang of eggs?"

"Good! When Sir Ding comes back, tell him to come to Uncle Hua's office to pick me up.

As for everyone present, I hope everyone can calm down and work together to rescue the hostage Mr. Wang Yifei.Well, I'm not here to affect everyone's work.In addition, Hong Sir, when we are at work, we still need to endure the addiction to smoking. "

After Stephen finished speaking, he glanced at the sweaty Hong Zeshi, turned around and left with Uncle Hua.

A few minutes later, Ding Yunfeng and others came in with eight kidnappers and one van driver.

"Sir Ding, Mr. Steven and Uncle Hua are waiting for you to report to work in the office."

"Understood, this group of people, first lock them up separately.

Ah Rong, you immediately lead someone to interrogate them.Uncle Dart, come with me. "Ding Yunfeng arranged a few words, and led Uncle Biao to the director's office.

Holding the coffee, Hong Zeshi quickly turned his head to avoid Ding Yunfeng's gaze.

After the two of them left, he knew that the arrests this time were all from He Le Tang by beating Chen Guorong on the sidelines.

The key person was not arrested, Hong Zeshi wiped the sweat from his forehead, and slowly jumped to the little heart in his throat.

(End of this chapter)

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