Chapter 449 Find a way

Send away the black wolf who hastily boarded the car and left.

Xie Wanying's face was full of doubts: "Ah Feng, I am a cheap boss, although he is considered a clean stream in the world of Frog Island, but such a concession like today still makes me feel a little unreal..."

"Sister-in-law, you may have forgotten that besides being a police officer, I, Ding Yunfeng, is also the actual controller of He Liansheng, and the youngest member of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce..." Ding Yunfeng laughed.

Xie Wanying was taken aback when she heard the words, but when she thought of her husband Wu Shihao's fate, her pair of heroic willow eyebrows soon became sad.

He is also the leader of the gang, compared to Ah Feng who has been hiding behind the scenes, Brother Hao only wants to be the emperor of the underworld.

At the peak of the righteous group's power, not only did the large and small associations on Hong Kong Island bow their heads, but even the detectives of the police stations in each district had to look at the face of the righteous group leader.

But what can be done?

In less than three to five years, all the so-called power and prestige were reduced to ashes.

Brother Hao, Wei Wei, dumb Ah Qi, and even Rose, all became prisoners.

The Yiqun who had run rampant on Hong Kong Island retreated back to the Walled City of Kowloon and dormant. It is estimated that in a few years, this signboard resounding throughout Hong Kong Island will not be able to scare even ghosts.

While thinking about the righteous group that Brother Hao worked so hard to create, Xie Wanying turned and walked back to the villa, her face full of confusion.

Ding Yunfeng could tell that Xie Wanying was touched by his words, now she needs a space to be quiet...

Standing at the entrance of the villa, Ding Yunfeng smoked a cigarette, and saw a black and yellow Ford car rushing out of the night, with the words [Daobei Police Station] in the middle.

Turning off the lights, Team Leader Ke pushed the door and got out of the car with two of his subordinates, trotted to Ding Yunfeng: "Ding Sir, I really didn't expect that.

In less than ten hours, you and I met three times! "

Holding the opponent's rough palm, Ding Yunfeng replied playfully: "An hour ago, Team Leader Ke led his colleagues from the North Island Police Station. No matter when the police were dispatched or when they acted, Ding admired him very much!"

"Ding Sir, stop laughing at me.

A total of sixty police officers were dispatched, but they still yelled without thinking about mental calculations.

I can't even break into a three-story commercial building, I'm really throwing it to Alishan..." Team leader Ke laughed at Ding Yunfeng with a self-deprecating smile.

In fact, Ximending is a hot potato.

Team leader Ke will be hated by some people above if he catches the other party, and if he fails to catch him, he will be scolded in front of his colleagues in Hong Kong Island and lose the face of the Wadao police.

There are pits on the left and right, and it hurts to step on it.

Instead, Ximending was robbed by Ding Yunfeng halfway, and he copied the former's stolen money of 3.2 million frog coins before he had time to take it away.

It's a loss of face, but for such a result, Team Leader Ke thinks that for him, it is a blessing in misfortune.

The two chatted for a few words, and Ding Yunfeng walked into Wu's villa with him.

Just before the black wolf Li Youyou warned Ximending before leaving, Ximending, who was planning to resist to the end, saw that the Wadao police sent people to the scene, so he simply wiped out the case of Wang Yifei.

The few people had a tacit understanding and only asked about the kidnapping case, not about Xinghua Financial Enterprise Company helping various forces in Wadao to launder rice.

After Ximending signed and fingerprinted the confession, team leader Ke handcuffed him and asked the two men to escort each other away first: "Ding Sir, I didn't expect that Hong Sir who accompanied you was also involved in this case. inside.

How about it, can I apply to the higher-ups to help you catch him? "

"Thank you, Team Leader Ke, please."

"Nading Sir go to bed early, it's already 3 o'clock at night."


After seeing Team Leader Ke and the others away, Ding Yunfeng flicked the cigarette butts away with his fingers: "Rather than owe you Wadao police favors, I might as well ask the cheap brother Hei Lang for help."

After speaking, Ding Yunfeng yawned.

From Hong Kong Island to the present, I have been busy for a full ten hours.

It's okay if Xiao Hei didn't say it, but Ding Yunfeng was really sleepy after he said that.

Silent all night.

In the early morning of the next day, Wu Guanyi, the goose bully who played a set of boxing exercises, took the towel handed over by his good brother Heilang Li Youxian, wiped off his sweat, sat down and asked, "Did you see Ding Yunfeng last night? How is it? Younger brother, would you like to be friends with us?"

"Hey, Ding Yunfeng is a smart person, how could he reject the kindness of our Bamboo Union Gang?
Just as I used words to force him to give in, he also used my rhetoric to turn me into an army. "Li Youxian let out a soft sigh.

Wu Guanyi snorted, sat up straight, and asked for details.

But when he heard that Ding Yunfeng made two requests in total, especially the second one, he waved his hand and said, "Director Shen, you don't need to go!

These big masters, it would be great if they didn't force us to pay more donations, but you still want them to spit out the meat they ate?Don't make fun of yourself. "

Hei Lang pushed his glasses: "Brother, no!
I have promised Ding Yunfeng that at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, I must give him 2000 million US dollars!

What's more, this money is from Wang Yifei, the real estate tycoon of Hong Kong Island. If it is withheld, they can stop investing in the real estate built here. "

"I told you not to ask for it, but I didn't mean to not return Ding Yunfeng."

"This year's market is not good. If our Bamboo Union contributes the money again, I'm afraid you and the uncles in the association will not be able to explain it."

"Tell me, I'm the boss, and I can do whatever I say." Wu Guanyi stared with piercing eyes.

Except for Hei Lang whose expression remained unchanged, all the other horse boys took a step back in fright from the sudden anger of the elder brother.

"Actually... the halls below, don't they all shout to spend money to get ahead?
In my opinion, this time is a good opportunity. "As a military adviser, Hei Lang thought of a strategy when he rolled his eyes.

After hearing this, Goose Bazi gave him thumbs up again and again.

An hour later, Wu Guanyi, the goose bully who convened a meeting of the hall masters of each branch, took the lead and walked down the hot spring pool.

"Hey! Now the gang has encountered a problem.

That bastard in Ximending, he, together with a black policeman surnamed Hong on Hong Kong Island, kidnapped a rich man for ransom.

Now the money is staying at the North Island Police Station, and Ximending has fallen into the hands of Ding Yunfeng who came from Hong Kong Island.

People, I want, money, I don't want to pay, what can you tell me? "

"Brother, this matter is easy to handle. Leave it to me. I'll take the 200th person and kill the one surnamed Ding first, and then bring Ximending back to you." Ding Zongshu took a step ahead and raised his right hand and shouted.

Hei Lang glanced at him: "Ding Yunfeng is my good friend, and the elder brother himself admitted that he will be a good friend of our Bamboo Union Gang in the future."

"Ah! That! That's not easy." Ding Zongshu was dumbfounded.

Seeing this, all the hall masters at the scene hissed one after another, only one man with a gloomy appearance remained silent, frowning in thought.

"Zhou Chaoxian, I see you didn't say anything when you came in, do you have any thoughts?"

(End of this chapter)

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