Chapter 455 I'm Lost

"Hi, Matthew.

Ding Sir's souvenirs never let me down.

You'll know all this when you've dealt with him a few times. "Less said the facts in the tone of someone who had experienced it, which made the ghost of the dragon's mouth shrug.

Can you guys stop being too high-profile about taking bribes?

What the hell, if these words reach the ears of ICAC, even if we are not unlucky, we will be invited to drink junk coffee.


Seeing the three of Rice getting into the car and leaving, Uncle Hua, who had been sprayed by them in turn for a long time, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Feng, at a critical moment, when you meet a ghost, you are the only one who can protect you!

I can't let you spend any more money this time, I'll be responsible for it myself. "Uncle Hua, who escaped the catastrophe, smiled at Ding Yunfeng while drinking Gongfu tea.

Ding Yunfeng picked up his teacup and took a sip: "It should be 200 million, the big one is 150 million, the middle one is 40, and the supporting one is 10."

"200 million? Good." When Uncle Hua heard the amount, his hands shook and he was scalded by the boiling water and grinned.

Uncle Biao held back his smile and looked away, even though Uncle Hua was a veteran detective who had survived from the era of the Four Great Detectives.

But when Luo Ge was in power, Uncle Hua was not a popular detective.

The 200 million this time will almost take out more than half of the old man's net worth.

"All right, all right, let me settle the money for you." Ding Yunfeng saw Uncle Hua's expression of swollen face and pretending to be a fat man, so he didn't bother to tease him anymore, took out a mobile phone, dialed a number and went out : "Hey, sister Zhu Di? In the case of your father-in-law, it was suddenly found out that he has something to do with your husband Wang Wanwan!
Do you have time now?Could you come over to the Central District Police Station? "

When it comes to her husband, Sister Zhu Di has to rush over no matter how busy she is.

Ding Yunfeng didn't hide, and when Tang Zhudi sat down, he threw a stack of documents out.

This is the purpose of the little boss of the gang that Hong Zeshi ran to Haojiang to seek refuge with.

The confession mentioned that Wang Wanwan and Lin Dayue contacted Hong Zeshi through this person to discuss how to redeem Wang Yifei.

The strangest thing about this confession is that the two parties agreed that they might as well double the ransom, and afterward, return the money to the dutiful son Wang Wanwan and the dog-legged Lin Dayue...

The son, together with pig friends and dog friends, colluded with the kidnappers to extort money from the family.

As long as there is no cerebral thrombosis for ten years, how can a normal person do such a foolish thing?

Looking at this ruined view, it happened to be very similar to the confession written by her unreliable husband. Tang Zhudi raised her legs and pressed down on the vacuum skirt: "Ding Sir, if I guessed correctly, this person's confession is very important to you. Whether the case can be closed is dispensable."

"Sister Zhu Di, when we send someone to handle the case, we must pay attention to seeking truth from facts."

"The Central District Police Station is a bit dilapidated. I would like to sponsor some Hong Kong dollars to repair the office environment for all Sirs. Sir Ding, how much do you think it will take to fix it?"


Tom Judy came and went in a hurry, but left a check for 500 million.

When Ding Yunfeng saw that she was walking along a doorbolt just before leaving the house, Ding Yunfeng immediately estimated that today's millionaires must learn a lesson.

"Hey, for a big project of 500 million, I will order brilliant people to come and start working.

Since I like pineapples above, let me deliver them for you by the way. "Ding Yunfeng put away the check, Cao Dahua accompanied him with a wry smile.

There was a lot of rhetoric in front of him, but in the end, he still had to rely on Brother Feng to help him out.


Two boxes of solid pineapples were delivered, Cao Dahua made a small mistake, and the page was turned.


Apart from receiving a telegram from Li Youxian, Ding Yunfeng was busy writing the report. Because of Hong Zeshi's case, all departments gave green light all the way from the trial to the sealing of the file for preservation.

In the end, Hong Zeshi was sentenced to 12 years, Yan Jisheng was sentenced to 7 years, and the Wu family brothers were sentenced to 3 years. As for the other He Letang Mazi who participated in the sentence, they were sentenced to 2 years more and a few months less.

Surprisingly, there is another Jiajia, she was sentenced to 1 year.

After Hong Zeshi pleaded guilty, he asked to meet with Ding Yunfeng and begged the latter hard.

Carrying a profit of 90 yuan, he lost the protection of Hong Zeshi.

Being able to go to jail, Jiajia's fate would be much better if she was acquitted.

After the case was over, Uncle Hua held a breakup party, because starting tomorrow, Ding Yunfeng will be transferred back to Wanchai, and Uncle Biao, Ma Jun and Yuan Haoyun, who are also on secondment, will also return to their respective police stations.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Uncle Hua brought a glass of wine and approached Ding Yunfeng: "Brother Feng, I received Feng, you can take off the two words in front of your trainee inspector this time. As for Ma Jun and the others, although they have not been promoted, they are It is also credited."

"Hehe, I finally became an inspector again.

However, this speed is not fast.

I was in Wanchai before, and the whole police station supported me, and I was finally promoted to probationary inspector by virtue of the Hengda counterfeit banknote case and the Longsi Shipyard case..." Ding Yunfeng laughed at himself.

Seeing this, Uncle Hua felt a little uncomfortable. With his decades of experience in the police force, he could tell that Ding Yunfeng was suppressed by the ghosts above.If it were other police officers, these major cases would be involved, not to mention inspectors, even senior inspectors, I'm afraid they would be able to touch them.

Seeing that Uncle Hua opened his mouth several times, Ding Yunfeng lowered his head and lit his cigarette: "What? Did you want to remind me. After this promotion, it will be difficult to be promoted to Senior Inspector in a short time?"

"Ah! Brother Feng, do you know something?"

"Hey, that's all the ghosts have. Don't worry about me. There are some cases that they can't suppress if they want to." Ding Yunfeng laughed.

Uncle Hua felt much better when he heard that, he is the one with the highest police rank among the 'insiders' and is currently the Chief Inspector.

What he hopes most is that Ding Yunfeng can take his place before retirement.

After all, the location of the central area is special. If it falls into the hands of the gang of second devils who were recruited by the ghosts after the police force was restructured, it will definitely be a big blow to the entire traditional Chinese police faction.

The next morning, Ding Yunfeng drove to Wan Chai.

The transfer took almost half a month. If it wasn't for Ding Yunfeng's stern request not to hold a welcome ceremony, the following group of people might make trouble again.

Even so, when Ding Yunfeng stopped the car, he still saw the entrance of the police station and pulled a red banner that said he was welcome to return to the Wanchai Police Station.

Ding Yunfeng was just looking for Cao Li'ang and France Li, and was about to tell them to remove the banner at the door, when he saw Anna knocking on the door: "Brother Feng, the director seems to be in a hurry to find you."

"Understood." Ding Yunfeng got up and went upstairs to Huang Yaobing's office.

Skillfully knocking on the door and entering, Ding Yunfeng sat down and found that Lao Huang's complexion was not right, and his eyes were a little erratic.

"What's the matter?"

"Brother Feng, I lost my gun."


(End of this chapter)

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