Chapter 458 Looking for a Gun 3
I also know that you are afraid of death.

During the period of the undercover mission, even if you got the wind, you chose to hide it and not report it. While receiving the undercover allowance from the police force, you mixed in various industries to do part-time jobs - earning double salary!

Ding Yunfeng took a look at Uncle Da, knocked on the table and said, "I won't tell Lao Huang about your bullying of the police force!
But why don't you tell me the clues about the Gun of Goodness quickly?
You have all seen the situation just now, if this gun cannot be retrieved for a day, the risk of losing my virginity in this school will be increased by one point.

In the unlikely event that someone is killed, you two sausages, can you bear the responsibility? "

I'm protruding (艹盘哦)!

Ah Xing and Uncle Da looked at each other. The two thought they were masters of the lowly way. They really didn't expect that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people.

"Hey, what do you mean by those eyes?" Ding Yunfeng lit a cigarette, got up and opened the window behind him, the glass was pasted with [No Smoking]: "I don't believe it, Uncle Da, you have been here for so long, even who in this school It is possible that the crime will not be found out..."

"Ding Sir, in fact, I just had some clues.

There is a boy in Edinburgh Middle School, his name is Johnny Aberdeen, and now he is affiliated with a club boss nicknamed Da Fei.

This gang of gangsters is bullying in school all day long, and they also formed a school bullying gang called the Four Tigers of Bijiashan.

The last time the school sent students to visit and study at the Wan Chai Police Station, Johnny Aberdeen's class also went there.

I think he is most likely the one who stole the gun. "

Seeing that Ding Yunfeng found out that he cheated on the undercover allowance, Uncle Da scratched his head and replied.

Zhou Xingxing was furious when he heard the words: "You have a clue, why don't you report it?"

"I'm afraid of death. In our second and fifth classes, 12 students came out of the Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy as undercover agents at the same time, and now 9 of them have fallen on the street. I don't want to be the 10th or the 11th or 12th." Uncle Da The face sighed helplessly.

Zhou Xingxing patted the table directly and shouted: "Attention!"

"Yes sir!" Uncle Da reflexively stood up with him.

"If you don't report what you know, there will be consequences, do you know?" Zhou Xingxing stared at Cao Dahua sharply.

But as soon as the words were finished, before Cao Dahua could answer, Ding Yunfeng had already picked up a medical magazine and slammed it at Zhou Xingxing: "Fuck the collar mother! Consequences! Can you think about it from the perspective of a buddy?
A group of them came out to undercover, 12 of them lost 9, and they are not allowed to take care of their own lives?

No wonder Jane proudly said that every time you practice, everyone who is your subordinate will die!

You, a guy who only cares about himself and doesn't talk about human feelings at all, really made you get promoted. I don't know how many guys will be forced to die by you! "

"Brother Feng! He was shocked to death, and I was also shocked to death, but we, as royal police officers, have to endure to death!" Zhou Xingxing answered in disbelief as he caught the magazine.

Ding Yunfeng sneered: "But you are not the direct supervisor of 5798, you have your professional ethics, and he has his own way of doing things!
If you don't like his behavior, you can report him to your superiors, but you don't have the right to yell at a senior who hasn't seen the light for decades and hasn't worn a uniform yet.

Ah Xing, Uncle Da is old enough to be your old man.

When you are holding a micro punch, he is frightened every day, worrying whether he will become the person on the 10th card of God. "

"Ding Sir. I..." Looking at Zhou Sir who was speechless by Ding Yunfeng's spray, Uncle Da wiped his eyes: "Sorry! It's my fault, you two don't hurt your peace because of me, a good-for-nothing."

"Sit down, good-for-nothing..." Ding Yunfeng stubbed out his cigarette, looked at A Xing who looked embarrassed, "And you are on the street, now I want to discuss the case with Uncle Da, do you still want to participate?"

Zhou Xingxing finally stayed, but after Ding Yunfeng's roar.

After sitting down, Zhou Xingxing looked at Uncle Da embarrassingly, and apologized in a low voice.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Uncle Da got used to it, even with Ding Yunfeng helping him this time, he didn't dare to pretend to be serious, so he took a mouthful of bamboo tube to calm himself down: "If Johnny really stole Ah Tou's gun, He is likely to get Dafei to ship the goods.

I have an old buddy who is in charge of keeping an eye on Da Fei's club, and I will ask him out as soon as possible to collect wind.

If there is a situation, I promise this time that it will be reported to the two Sirs as soon as possible. "

"You old man, are you from the second and fifth class you're talking about?" Ding Yunfeng asked, pretending not to know, having brushed "Play Back To School 1" countless times.

Uncle Da scratched his head: "Yes, Sir Ding, according to the rules, I can't reveal his identity, please be considerate."

"Isn't it Lao Wang? Fatty Huang has already given me your information. Since this case, you two have been with me. Ah Xing, Lao Wang caught a young and Dangerous boy named Ji Zaibiao ten years ago.

Recently, this person was released from Stanley.

The chicken is labeled as Da Fei's horse, and I guess that Lao Wang's identity will be revealed soon.

Uncle Da, you ask Lao Wang to come out to hand over the information, and I will ask A Xing to accompany you to prevent accidents.

When the information is exchanged, you let Lao Wang hide in this place for a few days, and after I wipe out Da Fei, arrange the two of you to return to the team. "Ding Yunfeng wrote down an address and stuffed it into Uncle Da's coat pocket.

"Ah! The chicken is released?"

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with that, Brother Feng used to be known as the overlord of Stanley, and he could get wind of the death of a few mice over there.

Hurry up and ask Lao Wang out, it's late, I'm afraid something will happen to him. Zhou Xingxing pushed Uncle Da, who stood up in a panic.

Ding Yunfeng shook his head as he watched the pair of superb partners leave. After a while, Teacher He Min came over after class and took him around the offices of all grades.

During the period, some sharp-eyed teachers found that Ding Yunfeng's face looked familiar.

However, Ding Yunfeng made excuses to prevaricate them, and when he came, he would invite everyone to eat in Hanlou. Except for the chemistry teacher with a bad memory who always misremembered his name, everyone else greeted him with a smile on his face.

After all, cannibals have short mouths.

At noon, Ding Yunfeng ordered Zhan Mi to arrange two buses to take a group of new colleagues to Manhanlou, where they had a table of delicacies.

After dinner, He Min's boyfriend Huang Sir came to pick her up and recognized Ding Yunfeng who was surrounded by Lin Zuodong and others.

Huang Sir pulled He Min aside: "Is that the new teacher who invited you to eat shark's fin when he first arrived?"

"No, Dr. Ding is not a teacher, he is a school doctor specially invited from London by the school board..."

Surname Ding?

That's right!
Huang Sir said a few words to his girlfriend, straightened his appearance and said, "Wow, the medical elite of King's School in London!
You can quickly introduce me to a doctor. If we have a headache in the future, just ask him to prescribe a few packs of pills. "

"Hey, how can there be someone like you?" He Min couldn't laugh or cry, but she couldn't hold back her boyfriend, so he pulled her to Ding Yunfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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