Chapter 464 She is the Murderer
Hearing this, Ding Yunfeng was able to confirm that the plot of "Play Back To School 3" appeared ahead of schedule.

Wang Wanwan, an incomprehensible guy, was seduced by Tang Zhudi's assistant Cheng Wenjing in all likelihood, then tied up, and then stuck to death on the bed with an ice pick.


"Ah Feng, actually I have suspicions. Lin Dayue and I bid for a piece of land in Wan Chai last time. He lost to me. I suspect that he wants to use millions to force me to give up the land."

"Hmm...was it the auction I went to buy the land in Tseung Kwan O last month?
It turned out that the person who threw 20 billion that day to take the picture of the king of Wanchai was promoted by you. Long Jiajun thought it was Lin Baosheng. "(The foreshadowing is in Chapter 349)
"Hey, at this time, can you stop talking about land?

In a word, we got to know each other once, will you help me this time? "

"Help! Everyone is here as a friend, of course I will help!" Knowing Tang Zhudi's feelings for Wang Wanwan, Ding Yunfeng did not choose to tell her the bad news, but asked Uncle Zhan to take him downstairs, go through the formalities first, and then continue. case.

After Tang Zhudi left, Ding Yunfeng asked Huang Yaobing if there was a Sir Li in the police force who was nicknamed Da Hengli?

"Yes, Happy Valley Police Station, Lao Chen's right-hand man."

"Okay, I have something to do, let's go first." Ding Yunfeng didn't repeat himself, he stubbed out his cigarette butt, got up and went downstairs.

Back then when he was fighting in the Walled City, Ding Yunfeng was able to enter the Guilo Hospital for treatment because of Tang Zhudi's affection.

Therefore, this time Ding Yunfeng decided to personally follow up the case. He drove to the Happy Valley Police Station and met an acquaintance when he entered the door——Beethoven.

"Brother Feng, how are you? Have you eaten yet?" Bei Duofen came over to say hello. While blocking Ding Yunfeng's sight with his body, he gestured behind him with his hands.

Ding Yunfeng didn't have the time to play mushrooms with him, and slapped him aside: "I didn't come to ask Anna Xingshi for a crime! What's your code for spanking?"

Hearing this, Anna naturally couldn't continue pretending to be an ostrich, she stood up embarrassingly.

But to Anna's embarrassment, she thought she mustered up her courage and was about to say sorry to Brother Feng.

Ding Yunfeng actually didn't even look at her, but went directly to the head of the Criminal Division: "Sir Li, I'm Ding Yunfeng. I have a case and I want to talk to you."

"Brother Feng, you are too polite. It should be you who came to guide us in our work." Li Sir was usually arrogant in front of his subordinates, but when facing Ding Yunfeng, he really couldn't be arrogant.

Respectfully invited Brother Feng into the office to sit down, while making tea, he sent someone upstairs to inform the director Chen Jianxin.

Within 2 minutes, Chen Jianxin ran down in a hurry. When the two heard that Tang Zhudi had gone to the Wanchai Police Station to report the crime, they immediately knew why Brother Feng came here.

"Brother Feng, that's right, we received an alarm this morning, and someone beat Wang Wanwan to the bed with a sharp object.

This is the file of the case, you see, just printed out, the ink is not dry yet! "

Atou's Atou's Atou personally intervened in this case, and Li Sir was a cooperation in cooperation, he took out a kraft paper bag and handed it to Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng took a quick look, confirmed that the embarrassing person was Wang Wanwan, and immediately made a few phone calls.

Half an hour later, the whole Wang family came.

Next, the ears of Ding Yunfeng, Chen Jianxin and others were not clean for a second.

The cries of Wang Yifei, his wife and Tang Zhudi almost overturned the police station.

"Ah Feng, Wanwan died so badly. You must help me catch the murderer. I want him to be buried with me." As the head of the family, Wang Yifei was the first to stop crying.

Ding Yunfeng has seen the movie, so he naturally knows who the murderer is, but there is no proof, and with the special relationship between Cheng Wenjing and Tang Zhudi, it is not practical to arrest the other party and come to the police station to extract a confession.

"Uncle Wang, I will. My condolences."

"Ah Feng, how much you worry about..."

After seeing off the Wang family, Ding Yunfeng and the others returned to Li Sir's office.

"Old Chen, I will personally monitor this case.

You and Lao Huang communicate as soon as possible, and transfer this case to Wanchai for merger. "Ding Yunfeng gave the order to Chen Jianxin first.

Chen Jianxin smiled wryly, Happy Valley is no better than Wanchai, there are not many cases here, there is a rare murder case, the file has just been completed, and Ding Yunfeng stabbed him, this matter - a blood loss!

"Okay, okay, stop crying.

This time, a friend entrusted me to deal with it. I can't turn it down, can I?

If you communicate with Lao Huang, the two police stations will cooperate to investigate the case. "Ding Yunfeng gave Chen Jianxin a little comfort, and the latter was overjoyed immediately.

That afternoon.

It was rare for Ding Yunfeng to come out in person to preside over the analysis meeting on the murder of Wang Wanwan!
Showing everyone the photos taken by Sir Li at the scene of the murder, Ding Yunfeng pointed to the outline of a human body with a tail on the bed: "According to the fact that the deceased was not wearing clothes, and on the bed sheet, there was a lot of stuff coming out of him. of deoxyribonucleic acid.

It is now preliminarily determined that the murderer is a woman. "

Uncle Da raised his hand and asked, "Hey, what is deoxyribonucleic acid?"

Zhou Xingxing rolled his eyes at him, and whispered something in his ear, Uncle Da showed a wretched smile.

Ding Yunfeng tapped on the blackboard: "It seems that there are colleagues who don't even understand the most basic common sense. Ajie, I'll hand over this case to your team A. I'll give you a suggestion. Find out from the people around the deceased Wang Wanwan." rise."

"Yes sir!" Song Zijie stood up and saluted.

After explaining a few more words, Ding Yunfeng announced the end of the meeting, but told Song Zijie to stay.

"How do you want to check?"

"Brother Feng, according to the clues provided by Tang Zhudi, I think that Wang Wanwan's former friend Lin Dayue is very suspected of committing the crime."

"Didn't I just say that? The murderer is most likely a woman."

"As far as I know, Wang Wanwan and Lin Dayue have been in close contact during this period, and the latter is likely to bribe a female killer to get her close to Wang Wanwan, and then kill him!"

Do not!
Ajie, you are wrong!
The real case is not as complicated as you think.

Apart from Lala, that Cheng Wenjing also has a serious mental illness.

In her eyes, no matter whether she offends Tang Judy or likes Tang Judy, she is damned!
What's more, Lin Dayue's goal is the land in Tang Zhudi's hands, why kill Wang Wanwan?
The plot is known, but Ding Yunfeng has no way to speak out.

Sending Song Zijie down to investigate the case, Ding Yunfeng decided to send a more discerning person to help him, find evidence as soon as possible, and catch Cheng Wenjing, whose condition is getting worse.

At this time, Lat Sir came in time.

As soon as he met Ding Yunfeng under Huang Yaobing's personal introduction, he was assigned a task by the latter to investigate secretly, obtain evidence, and arrest Cheng Wenjing.

Chen La is very knowledgeable. Instead of asking questions, he has Song Zijie who has his own ideas.

He firmly believes in Ding Yunfeng's words, since Brother Feng said that Tang Zhudi's female assistant is suspicious, then investigate her!

in a few days!
The opportunity is coming!

Lin Dayue used the secret photos of Tang Zhudi and Cheng Wenjing's secret meeting to blackmail Tang Zhudi for the 20 billion land in Wanchai.

After all, the embarrassment of Wang Wanwan, this time there is no episode in the original plot where Li Sir assigns Ah Xing to be an undercover agent, so naturally he can't hide from these wolves and tigers who are staring at the Wang family.

Seeing the weakness of the Wang family, Lin Dayue felt that he could take advantage of it, but who knows, he almost caused a murder!
(End of this chapter)

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