Chapter 482 You Are Undercover
Before the money empire collapsed.

Among the ten Chinese detectives in the Hong Kong Island Police Force, nine of them have big-end identities in outside associations.

As for ordinary police officers, let alone.

If you don't join the club, you don't have a mountain, how can you get along without a mountain?
Ding Yunfeng threw a lucky lottery to Bi Wenzhan: "No problem?

Uncle Zhan, haven't you noticed that this kid started working in Wong Chuk Hang, and now he is the leader of Team B in the Mong Kok Anti-Mafia Team.

Along the way, everyone who has come into contact with him, no matter classmates, colleagues or bosses, praised him for his generosity and loyalty? "

"This..." Bi Wenzhan sat up straight after hearing the words, and he picked up several handwritten documents on the table and looked through them carefully.

These were written by several instructors who trained Liu Jianming in Wong Chuk Hang, based on their memories.

If it wasn't for Xiong Sir's help, and Ding Yunfeng's face is big enough, Bi Wenzhan alone might not be able to get it!
"Yes, according to the information written in his file, his family situation is ordinary." Bi Wenzhan compared the information with an increasingly ugly expression on his face.

When everyone is Brother Feng, can he continue to win people's hearts by throwing coins as soon as he enters the police force?

No matter how eye-catching Liu Jianming is, when he was sent by Han Chen to Huangzhukeng to train as a student police officer, he was in his teens or less than [-] years old.

He can receive 1 yuan of pocket money from Sister Mary every month. How can he bear it at this age?

What's more, this money was originally used by Han Chen and his wife to make connections in the police force.

"Good guy, it's still Brother Feng, you have sharp eyes." Bi Wenzhan smiled and offered a flattery.

Ding Yunfeng didn't like him, put away Liu Jianming's information, and said: "Don't say anything about this matter, as long as you know it in your mind.

If Liu Jianming really applies for transfer, you can keep an eye on him. "

"Brother Feng, don't worry, under my nose, even if Liu Jianming is a monkey, don't expect to be able to do somersaults."


The morning after two days.

Not long after Uncle Zhan sat down, he saw Liu Majiu Jianming and came to report with the transfer order.

"Brother Feng hasn't come to work yet, so I'll take you upstairs to see Sir Huang." Uncle Zhan smiled, got up and put Liu Jianming on the shoulders, and walked out of the anti-mafia group with his arms.

Song Zijie, who arrived first every day, saw this and walked forward quickly.

Uncle Zhan introduced the two to each other, and heard that Liu Jianming applied to come over to meet Ding Yunfeng.

Ajie was very surprised. The current Wanchai Anti-Mafia Group is no more than two or three small cats and puppies before. Even Fat Leopard and French can be mixed in.

Currently, Brother Feng has two groups of people under his command.

Liu Jianming's original position was neither high nor low, just at the same level as him and Cao Li'ang.

Brother Feng would definitely not be able to set up another team just for Liu Jianming, he would only start as a soldier.

In this way, it is better to stay in the Mong Kok Anti-Mafia Group and continue to be the leader of Group B!

Under Song Zijie's puzzled gaze, Liu Jianming followed Uncle Zhan upstairs to report to Huang Yaobing.

Fatty Huang had received a call from Ding Yunfeng a long time ago. This guy's ambiguous beatings immediately made Liu Jianming's little heart pump up and down like a bucket.

After finally surviving until noon, Brother Feng finally came to work slowly.

What surprised Liu Jianming was that, except for Madam Hu who rolled his eyes at Atou's late arrival, the other colleagues didn't care.

"Hey! Ming Zai is here?" Ding Yunfeng waved Liu Jianming to sit down, and shouted at France Li: "France Li, go and shake people, let's go to Jumbo Seafood Restaurant at noon, and welcome the new guy to report!"

"Okay! There's another big meal." Francie Li patted his palms, grabbed the handset skillfully and began to call someone.

Seeing everyone cheering, Liu Jianming was greatly shocked.

Before, he heard Huang Ziyang mention it many times in Mong Kok, Ding Sir is generous and treats the people under his command very well.

But in order to welcome himself to come and report, he had to go to Zhenbao Seafood Restaurant to set up wine, which was far beyond Liu Jianming's imagination.


Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Facing the enthusiasm of his colleagues, Liu Jianming's vigilance was gradually lost in a statement!

Bi Wenzhan led several people to take turns drinking, and Liu Jianming was soon half drunk in order to adapt to the new environment.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Ding Yunfeng asked Hu Xiang for a quiet box and carried Liu Jianming in with Uncle Zhan.

"Brother Feng, no... sorry... I can't drink any more..."

Liu Jianming struggled to open his eyes, but he didn't finish speaking.

Ding Yunfeng threw Wang Bo over: "Tell me, who sent you to the police force as an undercover agent?"

Liu Jianming was horrified when he heard the words, but unfortunately his head was anesthetized with alcohol.

He was unable to react for a while, and the horror on his face fell into the eyes of Ding Yunfeng and Bi Wenzhan, and he was speechless.

"Look at these..."

Bi Wenzhan received Ding Yunfeng's instruction to present the information he obtained yesterday.

Uncle Zhan pointed to the above items of Liu Jianming's large expenditures in the police academy or the police force, and combined with his personal family financial conditions, he successively found out the details of Liu Jianming.

"Although these cannot prove that you are an insider, if you hand over these materials to ICAC, can you explain clearly yourself?" Bi Wenzhan sneered again and again.

Liu Jianming remained silent. At this time, he was much more sober and understood the evidence in Ding Yunfeng and Bi Wenzhan's hands, so he could not directly testify against him.

Of course, he can't clear up the other party's suspicion by himself. The best way to deal with it now is not to speak.

"Hey, you boy..." Bi Wenzhan sneered and grabbed Liu Jianming's collar when he saw Liu Jianming's look like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

Ding Yunfeng stopped him: "Uncle Zhan, you go outside and hold on for a while, I'll talk to him alone."

After saying that, Ding Yunfeng handed Liu Jianming a cigarette.

When Uncle Zhan went out to close the door, Ding Yunfeng smiled faintly: "Is it Han Chen who sent you to sneak into the police force?"

"Brother Feng, please don't talk about such unfounded things!
That's right, I know Han Chen, it's because my family used to be neighbors with his wife Mary, so can't it be okay for me to have a few meals with my neighbors? "

"Okay, of course you can eat. Han Chen and I have also had dinner. But, you said that if I tell Han Chen that someone has been secretly in love with his wife..."

"Ding Yunfeng! Don't spout blood!"

"Is there, you know it in your heart!

Liu Jianming, I (kan) checked (guo) (dian) (ying). Three years ago, on Lantau Island, Han Chen said in front of you guys that one will be successful...

Finally, Han Chen also wished all Sirs smooth sailing in the police force, right? "Ding Yunfeng blew a puff of smoke at Liu Jianming.

Liu Jianming looked at him in amazement, his eyes changed from surprise to fear.

Ding Yunfeng's words were like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

The person who had been suffering in the endless hell all year round collapsed. He covered his face in pain: "Why do you all want to force me? I didn't have a choice before, but now I just want to be a good person."

(End of this chapter)

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