Chapter 486
The last time Uncle Xia introduced Zhang Yaoxiong to the Annan Gang and found the white powder that the poisonous snake Bing hid in the Baishi refugee camp, he was squeezed into Ding Yunfeng's camp.

Li Jie helped the polar bears set up their base on Lantau Island, so naturally he wanted to greet Uncle Xia first.

Therefore, after receiving a call from the polar bear, Uncle Xia rushed to the grocery store with two of his men and handcuffed Long Jiajun.

after a day...

Ding Yunfeng came to Lantau Island Police Station.

Looking at Long Jiajun who was wearing an ill-fitting suit and ripped trousers in front of him.

Even if he had read "Dancing with the Dragon" many times, he couldn't help laughing at this moment: "If it wasn't for someone under his command to report it, Ah Jun, this time, you would at least have been on the headlines for several months in the gossip tabloids. .”

"Hey, Brother Feng, are you still friends?
You deliberately crossed the sea today to embarrass me? "Long Jiajun became angry from embarrassment.

Hearing this, Ding Yunfeng put away his smile, took out a few newspapers and threw them over: "During your disappearance, your cousin Gong Dina not only helped Long's Group stop Zhou Dapeng's attack, she also helped your company take some small pieces of land. .

She is indeed a bit rude, but didn't your mommy teach her to speak foul language in English?
Gong Dinna is fine, she has a very good appearance and figure, go back soon, don't you really want to hide in Lantau Island for the rest of your life? "

Long Jiajun's eyes lit up: "Brother Feng, if you have a crush on my cousin, why don't you help me eat her belly?

When you have a happy event, I will give a piece of land and two construction companies as congratulatory gifts! "(Foreshadowing Chapter 211)
"Choose, who do you think I am?

I, Ding Yunfeng, lack your piece of land and two companies?
Those companies that I indirectly control can't manage it!

Let Jimmy go, he's too busy to have sex! "Ding Yunfeng looked at Long Jiajun speechlessly.

Seeing that Long Jiajun had eaten the weight, he became determined, and he was determined to marry Moonlight, the Cinderella.

Ding Yunfeng was too lazy to continue chatting with him, and simply pointed out that on the other side of Lantau Island, several of his subordinates set up a stronghold.

If there is any trouble in the future, Long Jiajun can bring his business card to ask for help.

Long Jiajun misunderstood that Ding Yunfeng deliberately sent some of his men to stay on Lantau Island in order to protect himself.

For a moment, Young Master Long was moved to tears. He stood at the pier, waving a white handkerchief towards the speedboat going away.

"Brother Feng, everything is in silence!
When I marry Yueguang, I will definitely match you and my cousin, one piece of land is not enough, we need two..."


If Ding Yunfeng heard what Long Jiajun said, he would definitely ask Li Jie to knock him out and tie him back to Long's house.

a week later……

Liu Jianming, who has been on vacation at home and has recovered from his injuries, woke up to find a kraft paper bag next to his pillow.

Vigilantly opening the paper bag, Liu Jianming found that the information he requested last time was in the bag.

Thinking that before falling asleep last night, he had locked the doors and windows.

But the other party was able to sneak in quietly and put this thing next to his pillow, Liu Jianming's awe of Ding Yunfeng immediately increased.

After carefully reading the information, Liu Jianming repeatedly selected one of them as the target of approach.

Another week later, through various schemes, Liu Jianming became the head of the intelligence department, and was officially transferred from the police force to the intelligence department.

And at this time, the Ni family in Tsim Sha Tsui finally couldn't hold back Jordan Lok, who was pressing every step of the way.

Ni Kun decided to let go of the requirement to accept horses. Now whoever stands up to help Ni's family guard Tsim Sha Tsui will not only receive money every day, but also let you suck enough white powder.

For a time, Tsim Sha Tsui became the focus of black and white.

Chen Yongren had to keep an eye on Ni Kun's movements and try to report to Huang Zhicheng for the opportunity; he also had to avoid the elite soldiers led by Dongguan Tsai and protect that idiot.

24 hours a day, Chen Yongren sleeps less than 3 hours!
He felt that if Lin Huaile didn't take down Tsim Sha Tsui, he might be exhausted first.

On this day, Ni Kun mobilized five of his subordinates and ordered them to use their best soldiers to protect a batch of goods brought from Siam.

Every day, the supply of Taoist friends is open, and they are asked to stop Dongguan Tsai's knife with their flesh and blood. The Ni family spent a lot of money during this period, and even their shipments were affected.

Therefore, Ni Kun had to take the risk to buy another batch of goods from outside.

That night, on the beach.

Ni Kun sat in the Rolls-Royce and smoked a cigar. Gandhi, Guohua, Wen Zheng, and Heigui led troops to protect them. From the embankment to the pier, there was an elite Ni family within three steps.

Han Chen wiped his sweat nervously. Among the few, he was the latest to emerge and had the weakest background. Therefore, he didn't have one or two decent boys.

In fact, according to Han Chen's thinking, buying from Siam at this time, the risk far outweighs the benefit.

Instead of fighting with Lin Huaile with all his wealth, it is better to cede part of the territory on his own initiative, so that He Liansheng can reach into Tsim Sha Tsui.

Taking out his phone, Han Chen dialed Liu Jianming's number while no one was paying attention.

When it was connected, Han Chen asked in a low voice, "Did Ding Yunfeng take any action?"

"Brother Chen, I was kicked out by the police force, and you still ask me this question?" Liu Jianming laughed as he grabbed the phone.

Han Chen's expression changed slightly, he held back his anger and smiled and said, "It's not that I heard that you have changed to work in Special Branch, and it's still in charge of intelligence.

I just thought, there is a turmoil in the police force now, and you must be able to receive it in advance..."

Before Han Chen could finish speaking, Liu Jianming on the other end of the phone shook his head and refused while checking the gun: "Brother Chen, it is impossible for the intelligence department to only focus on Ding Yunfeng!
What's more, I've been working for less than half a month, and I'm not familiar with the work here yet!How can there be any reason to help you check Ding Yunfeng's action records? "

After saying that, Liu Jianming ended the topic: "Okay, brother Chen, it's better not to see it than to see it. This is what your old man taught me."

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Han Chen's eyes were as cold as ice. At this time, a boy came to tell him that Ni Kun asked him to take someone to the beach to inspect the goods in person.

Patting the black star in his pocket, Han Chen walked quickly down the seawall with his leading horse, Sha Qiang, and Chen Yongren hurriedly followed.

On the other side, Huang Zhicheng, who knew that the Ni family was replenishing the stock tonight, brought a large group of staff from the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, fully armed and waiting for the news.

"Huang Sir, you've drank seven cups of coffee tonight, aren't you afraid of shaking your hands?" Lu Qichang came over with the coffee pot in hand, and asked to refill Huang Zhicheng's cup.

Huang Zhicheng pinched the bridge of his nose: "Oh, until now, there is no news, so I don't worry."

"Trust buddy."

"Well, I believe him!" Knowing who Lu Qichang was referring to, Huang Zhicheng smiled.

As for the buddy Chen Yongren mentioned in the conversation between the two, he was holding back his excitement at this time and walking closely behind Shaqiang.

He put his right hand in his trouser pocket, and there was a tiny transmitter inside. If any fans really came ashore, he would use the Moore code to notify Huang Zhicheng to come and arrest them.

(End of this chapter)

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