Chapter 488 Ni Kun died
On the beach and sea, gunshots rang out.

Over the years, the gunmen who have been transporting fans for the Ni family responded quickly.

They used the hull as a cover, picked up the guy decisively, and started to fight back.

Han Chen, Gandhi and the others used to be big bosses in the past. Facing the hail of bullets, they fired blindly while beckoning their subordinates to protect themselves, and ran to the seawall.


above the seawall.

Ni Kun is no longer in the mood to play Godfather.

Leaving Chen Yongren who hadn't recovered yet, Uncle Kun rushed into the silver car that Biao came to meet him.

Before getting into the car and sitting still, Ni Kun asked the driver to step on the accelerator, and the Rolls-Royce roared——slid away.

Looking at the scum who was asking him to call him dad a few seconds ago, he left him and ran away.

Chen Yongren wants to smile on the left side of his face, and wants to cry on the right side. With this expression, he played Ji Gong well.

"Aren, get in the car, stand here and wait to be caught?" Cockroach grabbed a Mazda, and Han Chen sat in the back seat and kept urging to drive.

Chen Yongren woke up with a start, he pulled away the passenger seat and quickly got in.

Cockroach Qiang received the winning horse and stepped on the accelerator decisively.

Mazda slammed into the nigger's Mercedes-Benz, but unfortunately, the horsepower was insufficient, so they ran away and became neck-and-neck!
10 minute later.

On the beach, Ding Yunfeng was biting a cigarette and weighing a pack of white powder: "Is it right?"

"No problem Brother Feng, the fat leopard has already licked it, and these Bai ladies are quite on time!" Song Zijie replied with a smile all over his face.

Everyone laughed when they heard the words. In fact, the Ni family's shipment had just been shipped from Siam, and Brother Feng got wind of it through the informant there.

If it wasn't for the fact that Huang Zhicheng and his gang were watching this case, after discussing with the director, Brother Feng was worried that if he sent troops from land, he would attract the other party's attention.

This time, the land and sea are attacking from both sides, and the Ni family will definitely be wiped out!
"Brother Feng, we only killed one leader named Wen Zheng.

Ni Kun's old fox, as well as several backbones of his subordinates, seem to have slipped away. "Francis Lee walked over with a Remington and said in strides.

"Let's go, it doesn't matter, the Ni family can't last long. By the way, is Call old?"

"As soon as the fire ceased, the team leader called the director. The director should be on the way to wash the ground with a military uniform, a fire alarm, and a white car."

"Cao Leon has made progress! Alright, I won't wait for Lao Huang, I'm going back to sleep, good night everyone, see you tomorrow."

"Brother Feng, go slowly."

"Detective, send Brother Feng back."

"Got it!" The detective rushed over after hearing the words.


A silver Rolls Royce rushed out of the seawall at a speed of over a hundred kilometers.

Looking at the spacious road in front of him, Ni Kun heaved a sigh of relief, he took out a cigar and lit it...

"I'm coming!"

"Is the roadblock ready?"

"Don't worry, with a ten-meter triangle and a big truck, no matter if it's a Rolls-Royce or a Lamborghini, it won't be able to run away!"

"Okay, after the incident, I owe you a favor."

"Working together to help the boss, it's too outrageous for you to say that."

On the mountain road in the middle of the night, there were a few conversations, and then it became quiet, with only a few pairs of eyes staring at the rapidly approaching car lights.

One minute later, there were several loud noises.

The valuable Rolls-Royce was first punctured by a triangle and lost control, and then it was stunned by a large truck that rushed out suddenly, and it rolled over and stopped on the side of the seawall.

"Ahem, help, help..." Ni Kun crawled out of the rear window covered in blood.

Da da da, the footsteps of the god of death approached, under the moonlight, Liu Jianming walked towards Ni Kun expressionlessly.

Taking out the black star, he continuously depleted all the bullets in the magazine.

The polar bear found that Ni Kun's driver hadn't died yet, so he squatted down in front of him with a silly smile and crushed the driver's throat.

"The mute said, as long as you pull this line, it will explode in ten seconds." Jun Huo Yong, who was driving a large truck, handed a bunch of detonators to Liu Jianming.

Liu Jianming took it with a smile: "Thank you dumb brothers for me, you guys go first, I can just pretend to be on the scene."

"Okay, be careful with yourself, let's go first."

Watching the two reinforcements leave, Liu Jianming dragged Ni Kun's body back to the Rolls-Royce, then he pulled the detonator and threw it in.

The special bomb instantly blows Rolls-Royce into a fireball!
While driving, Liu Jianming couldn't help dialing a phone number with his mobile phone.

"Hello, husband? Is business going well tonight?"

Hearing Sister Mary's anxious voice, Liu Jianming moved his cheeks slightly, pressed the hang up button, and he threw the big brother in his hand out of the car.


The next day.

Two shocking pieces of news spread across Hong Kong Island in black and white.

First, the Wanchai Anti-Mafia Team seized a ton of white powder and killed twelve drug dealers on the spot. Among them was a young man nicknamed Wen Zheng, who was suspected of being involved in multiple drug trafficking cases;
Second, there was a serious car accident in the middle of the night on a mountain road from the sea wall to the urban area.

In the car accident, the driver and passengers were killed at the same time. According to the on-site investigation, the possibility of homicide cannot be ruled out.

These two pieces of news seem to be irrelevant, but in the eyes of some people, it is definitely enough to make them sleepless!

After staying up until dawn, he didn't wait for news from Chen Yongren, but saw Huang Zhicheng, who once again made the headlines in the morning, and he smashed everything in front of him regardless of his image.

"Ding Yunfeng! You bastard..."

Seeing that Huang Zhicheng completely lost his mind, Lu Qichang drove away the police officers in Tsim Sha Tsui who were watching the bustle, and closed the door of the office by the way.

After venting for ten minutes, Huang Zhicheng calmed down panting.

After receiving the cigarette from Lu Qichang, he cursed with red eyes: "Ni Kun must have been killed by someone sent by Ding Yunfeng.

Everyone in Hong Kong knows that He Liansheng is controlled by Ding Yunfeng!

In order for Lin Huaile to step into Tsim Sha Tsui, he simply took advantage of this opportunity to kill Ni Kun directly.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if things come to light
He Liansheng has a lot of people who came out to take the blame for their superiors, so what if they are arrested, but Stanley was driven by Ding Yunfeng..."

Hearing Huang Zhicheng's words getting more and more outrageous, Lu Qichang angrily poured the tea in the thermos cup onto his face: "Crazy line?

If your words spread, even if Ding Yunfeng doesn't sue you, the internal audit department of the police force will not let you go!

Without evidence, you actually slandered a senior inspector for colluding with outside societies to murder a well-known businessman? "

This cup of tea, which had been cold all night, finally woke Huang Zhicheng up.

He wiped his face, and retorted unconvinced: "Choose, that one, when was he a senior inspector?"

"Whenever the Ni family falls, he will be promoted!
Not convinced?Go to Tai Kwun to appeal now!

Give it a try, Les will stand on you, or stand on Ding Yunfeng! "Lu Qichang snorted.

Huang Zhicheng has nothing to say, brother Lais and Ding Yunfeng are good brothers, this is no secret in the police force.

What's more, as Lu Qichang said, it's okay to complain in private, but once it gets out, the consequences will be serious.

(End of this chapter)

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