Chapter 51

Long Gen was squeezed out by Coolie and the core of Liansheng!
I, Ding Yunfeng, are the driving force behind this matter?
After hearing Zhan Mi's words, the corners of Ding Yunfeng's eyes twitched, and he silently said sorry to Long Gen in his heart.

"Tell Ah Qiang to be more alert!
Although Long Gen is useless, he has been with Liansheng for so many years, and the contacts he has accumulated must be better than those of you who have just joined Liansheng. Beware of his secret tricks. After Ding Yunfeng was surprised, he reminded Zhan Mi.

"Okay, Brother Feng, but Brother Qiang and I are backed by you and Brother Luo. Unless Deng Bo is confused, no one from Liansheng and Liansheng will dare to provoke us!" Zhan Mi smiled confidently.

Ding Yunfeng smiled slightly, Zhanmi is very smart, a little bit by himself is enough.

He Liansheng's motorcade soon stopped outside the Backbone Restaurant.

Uncle Chicken brought his apprentices, waiters, and chefs to line up to greet him. This building was originally the property of He Liansheng.

The boss, Uncle Chicken, is of the same generation as Deng Bo, if he hadn't deliberately stepped out of the arena and concentrated on his business, he has a backbone.

At this time, he was either blowing air-conditioning in the laundry room in Stanley, or standing beside Deng Bo, acting as the second marshal or the master of Liansheng.



The two greeted each other.

Deng Bo started to help Ding Yunfeng to introduce the group of people who were in the team and the backbone of Liansheng one by one; Uncle Chicken took people down to prepare the dishes.

Many Jianghu people who dine with backbone are secretly amazed when they see this scene.

This guy is sitting in the restaurant with Liansheng. Uncle Chicken, who looked thin and weak in the past, can actually talk with his peers?

After getting to know Chuan Bao, Fei Hua, Shuang Fan Dong, Leng Lao, Huo Niu and Shuai Gou, Ding Yunfeng took Wang Xia and Zhan Mi Zai, and walked with Deng Bo and Coolie Qiang.

Swallow wings, abalone, ginseng, stingling clam, shrimp and crab!
He Liansheng invites people, and Uncle Chicken cooks for himself, making a very sumptuous table.

Wang Xia was already extremely shocked to know many bigwigs who were not able to meet in person on weekdays.

Now she is sitting with Ding Yunfeng, looking at the delicacies in front of her, she is so nervous that her delicate body is tense, and she doesn't know where to put her small hands.

"Ding Sir, please move your chopsticks, don't be polite." Deng Bo smiled and greeted Ding Yunfeng warmly.

Ding Yunfeng first helped Wang Xia get a cup of stewed bird's nest with papaya, and then he raised his chopsticks and began to eat. The table here is full of Jianghu people. If the food is too refined, it will be easy to be underestimated by others.


Seeing Ding Yunfeng's unassuming, smiling smiles on these people, he suddenly became more sincere, and as bottles of good wine were opened, the atmosphere gradually became warmer.

When the dishes were finished, Deng Bo wiped his hands with a hot towel, coughed lightly, Chuan Bao and the others stopped their cups and put down their chopsticks.

It's time to play meat...

Ding Yunfeng smiled and gave Wang Xia a reassuring look.

"Ah Qiang, bring the things up." Deng Bo looked at Coolie Qiang, who stood up in response, and went down to bring a handbag.

Coolie opened the zipper of the cloth bag, revealing stacks of banknotes tied with cotton string inside: "Brother Feng, there are [-] here, and we and Liansheng honor you."

Black gold.

Ding Yunfeng glanced at the cloth bag with a smile in his eyes, and raised his glass to Deng Bo: "Deng Bo, as the saying goes, you don't get paid for nothing! I just said a word to Liansheng in front of Killer Xiong, how can it be worth a hundred thousand?"

"Ding Sir, please don't misunderstand, what we and Liansheng mean, starting today, we will honor you with 10 yuan every month from now on.

Life in Stanley is really difficult. With your help, if one day my old bones are caught, at least I can hide in the laundry room and blow on the air conditioner. "

Deng Bo explained with a smile, and Chuan Bao and others agreed.

This group of people said that the black money was given to Ding Yunfeng alone.

As for the communication between Killer Xiong and Gui Lao, He Liansheng will solve it by himself.

There are two purposes for setting up wine with Liansheng today. One is to ask Ding Yunfeng to help them securely occupy the laundry room in the third prison area of ​​Stanley, and the other is to give some convenience to the people in Liansheng within Ding Yunfeng's authority .

"Everyone, talking about money hurts feelings. Based on my friendship with Ah Qiang, if I can help, I will naturally help.

As for the money, forget it.I, Ding Yunfeng, a public official, how can I accept bribes from associations privately? "For the sake of the future, Ding Yunfeng deliberately avoided going to Stanley, how could he be greedy for He Liansheng's money?

Seeing Ding Yunfeng put on an upright and serious attitude, making several people peek at each other, the atmosphere gradually cooled down.

Deng Bo rubbed his chin and said in a low voice: "Ding Sir, is this too little?

That's right, I heard that Ding Sir and Ah Qiang's protégé, Zhan Mizai, have jointly opened two Hongxin handbag shops. This year it can be said that they have made a lot of money every day. It is normal to look down on the 10 yuan.

In other words, Zhan Mizai joined He Liansheng, and it seems that he hasn't done anything for the club yet...

Just not long ago, a traitor took 200 million goods from the association and ran to Malaysia.

How about this, for Ding Sir's sake today, Zhan Micai, grandpa will give you a chance to be a leader!

You go to Malaysia and bring back that traitor's head, I'll give you a job, and then I will make you the eighth hero of Liansheng! "

Convex (fuck dish f*ck)! ! !

Fat guy!
Not only threatened me with Zhan Mi, but also separated him and Coolie Qiang!

Take Mizai as the eight heroes of Liansheng?
Coolie Qiang is the boss of Zhanmi, he has just squeezed out Long Gen to be promoted to the Seven Elites, and the disciples under his command will come up to be equal to him.

If you don't want to be laughed at by the world, coolie will definitely attack Zhan Mi, and if Zhan Mi has the ambition to be a leader, he will even stab the boss...

Although Ding Yunfeng's face remained unchanged, he had already scolded Deng Bo in his heart.

"Old Ding, I..." Standing behind Ding Yunfeng, Zhan Mi, who was not qualified to serve today, was just about to speak.

Ding Yunfeng turned around abruptly, and stared back at him: "Shut up! It's not big or small."

"Zhan Mizai, I'm not dead yet, you big brother, and Brother Feng is here again, it's not your turn to speak, so take Xiaoxia out first." Coolie put down the bag, walked to Ding Yunfeng's side with a face as heavy as water.

Seeing Coolie Qiang's behavior equivalent to expressing his opinion, apart from Deng Bo's face not changing, and those few people who colluded with him, they all cursed at him.

"You two-five boy!"

"This is wearing red shoes!"

"Wait for three knives and six holes!"


"Enough!" Ding Yunfeng slammed his fist on the round table, causing the cups and bowls to dance together.

Shuang Fan Dong was about to call someone, but Coolie Qiang had already looked over him coldly: "You'd better think about it before you call, Brother Feng is standing behind Brother Luo, I don't believe you dare to move him.

I, Zhang Qiang, swam over from the opposite side alone, and this is the only life left, who wants to change it with me? "

Chuanbao, Shuangfandong and the others were horrified when they heard the words. Deng Bo, who was with the old god, also twitched his face at this time.

After thousands of calculations, he just calculated the degree of loyalty of Coolie Qiang to Ding Yunfeng.

What the hell, in this darkest age, how can there be such a fool as Coolie Qiang, now the game is off-line, it is really hard to get off.

(End of this chapter)

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