Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 511 Unwilling to bow your head

Chapter 511 Unwilling to bow your head
Interpol responded very quickly, and within a day of reporting the report, the Hong Kong Island branch received an order.

Maybe Zhan Mi's friendship is too important. The person in charge of the Hong Kong branch actually chose a beautiful policewoman for Ding Sir to follow up the case, named Le Yazi.

Kwun Tong Police Station, the commissioner's room.

Ding Yunfeng, Yazi, and the two of them were silent. The carefree Sister E couldn't bear the low air pressure in the room. She slipped out on the pretext of making coffee.

"Sister E, which department is this madam? She is so pretty." Chen Xiaosheng was at a loss for words, his right hand was very restless, and he tried to take the opportunity to touch Sister E's shoulder.

Slapping the opponent's paw away, Zhu Su'e explained to everyone in a low voice: "He was sent by Interpol to assist in handling the case. His surname is Le and his name is Yazi."

"Wow, Interpol." Chen Xiaosheng rubbed his paws, and raised his eyebrows at Cao Li'ang and Dog Wang Lun: "I see the situation inside, Atou and the other party, I'm afraid there must have been a story."

"Tsk, you just take care of yourself. As for Atou's business, don't worry about it, okay?" Cao Li'ang looked at Chen Xiaosheng with his hips on his hips, and the dog Wang Lun standing beside him nodded repeatedly.

Ding Yunfeng has kindness to both of them, and every time they see Chen Xiaosheng's attitude towards Brother Feng is too casual, they have some opinions.


Through the gap in the blinds, Ding Yunfeng knew that a few people outside were rushing to the street, watching and eating melons at this time.

With a light cough, Ding Yunfeng got up, poured a cup of boiling water and placed it in front of Yazi: "I never thought that Interpol would actually send you here."

"You think I want to?
Martin, that wretch, is as bad a man as you are.

All of a sudden, I was asked to put down the case that I have been following for several years, and come back to deal with this blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, .

At the beginning, the two families turned against each other because of a contract. She knew that the Le family was in the wrong, but because of this, her second uncle, Le Xiaowen, was still locked up in Siberia to dig potatoes. Avoid America.

Lejia fell directly from a quasi-rich family to the third tier.

As the eldest daughter of the Le family, she really couldn't smile at Ding Yunfeng.

"I can make a report and ask Martin to replace him." Ding Yunfeng lit a cigarette and said in a deep voice.

Back then, he and Le Yazi had worked together to deal with the doctor. He had a feud with Le Yiwu and Le Xiaowen, but he had no grudges with Le Yazi.

"Forget it, Martin is sitting in that seat, so he won't know about the filth between our two families?" Yazi is not as silly as Le Huizhen, if he calms down a little, he will know that he was sent here, and there must be something inside. .

Ding Yunfeng shrugged his shoulders: "I don't care, I have a thorough plan for this case.

Afterwards, I'll just add your name to the report, it doesn't matter if you participated or not. "

"Hehe, I would like to take a break, but the person who pushed me out probably won't agree. Let's leave it at that today. If there is any situation, I will contact you." Yazi sneered and stood up, Ding Yunfeng silently watched the other party leave.

Yazi's sudden participation in this case is probably related to Le Yiwu, who hasn't appeared in the scene for a long time.

And counting the date, it seems that the ten-year-sealed hometown will be unsealed, and it seems that Le Xiaowen, who digs potatoes in Maoxiong Country, will also be released.

Taiping Mountain, Lejia Villa.

A silver sports car roared down the mountain road, and a drifter stopped outside the gate of the villa.

Yazi pushed the car door angrily, she waved back to say hello to the housekeeper and servant, and strode into the living room.

"Hey! Good girl, are you back?" Le Yiwu put down the newspaper and looked up at his daughter who had been recruited into Interpol by him.

"Daddy, did you ask someone to take action and suddenly transfer me back to Hong Kong Island to join Ding Yunfeng's painting gang case?" Yazi sat opposite his father and asked in a cold voice.

Le Yiwu put away his smile and straightened his spine, which was a little bent with age: "Wrong!

It's not that I want to transfer you back to deal with Ding Yunfeng, but the first elder brother, Cai Sir, and your Uncle Chen from Frog Island worked together to transfer you back. "

"Uncle Chen? I heard that he was tortured miserably on Frog Island. Is he still in the mood to meddle in Hong Kong Island?" Yazi rubbed his forehead speechlessly: "By the way, there is also Cai Yuanqi, he Do you want to have trouble with Ding Yunfeng? The two governors failed to trample Ding Yunfeng to death, so he has so much confidence in himself?"

Le Yiwu sighed: "Good girl, in fact, in the past few years, I have also figured it out!

If it wasn't for your second uncle and I who tried to use that contract to go further, Le Jia and Ding Yunfeng would not have come to this point.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

If we take a wrong step, we will make a wrong step. In the past few years, Lejia has been able to gradually recover, and naturally it is necessary to borrow some strength.

We got on someone else's boat, and there is no way to get off, whether you like it or not, this time you have to obey orders..."

"Azhen has hated you for nine years and has refused to come back from the United States. If she finds out that I helped you deal with Ding Yunfeng, she will definitely hate me as a sister."

"Yazi! I've said so much, but you didn't hear a single word?

The Le family has no way out. If you don't follow suit, our enemy will not be Ding Yunfeng, but Chen Zhichao, Cai Yuanqi, the Guilao consortium, and even the people in the Governor's Mansion! "

Facing his father who was furious, but his eyes showed a hint of panic, Le Yazi was speechless.

She suddenly discovered that the middle-aged man in front of her had nothing to do with the father in the business world she remembered.

"I'm an adult, I have my own bottom line!

Daddy, if the revival of Lejia needs to be completely controlled by others, you might as well leave the house and retire early.

Anyway, with my current ability, it is enough to support you in retirement.

You don't have to worry about threats and revenge from these people. Before Lejia chose the wrong path, he did a lot of right things and publicly said a lot of firm words!

I believe that as long as you are willing to bow your head, Uncle Tai and Uncle Ping in the Chinese Chamber of Commerce will remember the old friendship and help us bear some pressure..."

"Shut up! You rebellious girl, how can you say such a thing?

Want me to bow my head?It's because they don't talk about old feelings!
If you support Ding Yunfeng, if you don't support me, I will be forced to seek help from ghosts!
When I spoke from the standpoint of my hometown, I was pressured by Gui Lao to split up the Leshi Group.

In desperation, I handed Hong Kong Island TV to your useless second uncle. Have they forgotten all these things?

pick!Before Ding Yunfeng came, our Le family had done a lot for our hometown!
A few old guys, they have completely forgotten everything, and now I want to beg them, I am sorry, they are not benevolent first, I am right! "

 Well, Lejia is on stage again, and when this chapter is published, people will probably be scolded again, and there should be some book lovers calling for abandoning the book.

However, I was mentally prepared to scold and scold, to give up, to tell the story I wanted to tell, and to fill in the pits I expected to dig.

Regardless of whether the characters are big or small, decent or villainous, I think human nature should be complicated, and the description should be as three-dimensional as possible.

Label Zhang San as a bad guy today, and then the protagonist tramples him to death, and label Li Si as a bad guy tomorrow, and let the protagonist trample him to death, repeat and repeat.

Sorry, I really can't write this kind of cool article that pushes bad guys all the way.

In the end, the same sentence, the book is not good, let everyone down, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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