Chapter 514
Having been a thief for decades, Zhou Jiang is very vigilant.

Hearing the sound of the siren coming in from the window facing the street, he stood up abruptly and gave the bodyguard a wink.

The bodyguard named Ah Shui quickly took out his pistol and opened the door carefully.

Through the crack of the door, I saw the dance floor outside. The sound system had been stopped, and several CIDs were holding up their ID cards, loudly restraining the guests and nightclub employees who came to play.

"Boss, something is wrong!

This movement is not like an anti-pornography or anti-drug..."

Zhou Jiang had already put away the oil painting and stuffed it into the cylinder brought by Ah Hai: "Where's Lin Baosheng? Where's Ah Hai? Have you seen them?"

"No! Boss, there are a lot of bad guys outside..."

"Hey, leave them alone, you protect me and go through the back door, hurry up!"


Carrying this oil painting worth 40 US dollars, Zhou Jiang lowered his head and followed the bodyguard, and started running as soon as he got out of the box.

Out of caution, he had already seen the floor plan of the Emerald Nightclub where the transaction took place.

He is familiar with all the safe passages, as well as the back door exits exclusively for employees.


"Don't move, those two in front!"

The two CIDs, who were sent by Ding Yunfeng to the nightclub in advance and pretended to be guests, saw two people running in front of them, and immediately took out their .[-]s and chased after them.

"Ma De, these gangsters, have you taken some high medicine today? I've never seen them so conscientious?" Zhou Jiang cursed angrily when he heard footsteps approaching.

But he was still shocked and angry, maybe Ding Yunfeng's nickname of that hot-handed crazy policeman was too resounding.

The two plainclothes men only chased for more than [-] meters before they grabbed the point [-] and kept pulling the trigger while yelling at the person in front of them to get down.

clap clap clap...

Although the power of .[-] is not enough, it is not a joke to get shot.

What's more, Zhou Jiang was injured by a gunshot in New York recently. When he heard the gunshot, he lost his mind for a moment, and shouted at the bodyguard: "Ah Shui, don't worry, shoot with me, these two punks street!"

The bodyguard turned around and took out a handful of black stars, slammed them twice, suppressed the firepower, and was forced to hide in the rooms on both sides of the passage by relying on Brother Feng to cover up the two plainclothes who could shoot the gangster this time.

"Damn, I was really hit by Brother Feng. These guys are all rotten eggs!" Cao Liang saw that the two old men from the Criminal Division of the Kwun Tong Police Station were so useless, so he decisively took out his gun and rushed forward. .

The dog Wang Lun let go of the dog leash calmly, with a black back and sharp teeth bared, he rushed past Cao Liang like a black shadow and threw down the bodyguard Ah Shui.

Zhou Jiang, who broke through the safety door and rushed into the stairs, heard the screams from behind. He didn't know that the gang of police dogs who sent out the police dogs came specifically for him today.

"Lin Baosheng, how are you!

Count me?Do you really think that no one can deal with the Lin Group..."

Cursing while fleeing for his life, the legs and feet honed by Zhou Jiang as a young thief can be regarded as useful.

After a dozen vertical jumps in succession, Zhou Jiang rushed out of the stairs, counted his steps while feeling the dark safe passage, and slammed open the door in front of him forcefully.

Breathing the cold fresh air outside, the corners of Zhou Jiang's mouth curled up, looking stronger and stronger.

I'm in my early sixties, I didn't expect to be able to get rid of the big bull behind me...


A few bright lights suddenly lit up, interrupting Zhou Jiang's self-satisfaction.

He raised his palms to protect his uncomfortable eyes, and his lower back was suddenly blocked by the muzzle of a gun.

"Mr. Zhou, we are the Royal Hong Kong Island Police Force!

Now that you are suspected, directly or indirectly, of participating in many international famous painting theft cases, you can keep silent..."

Chen Xiaosheng skillfully finished the opening nonsense necessary for the Hong Kong Island Police Force to arrest people, took off the cylinder that Zhou Jiang was carrying, and took out the handcuffs for him to put on.

Zhou Jiang didn't even look at Chen Xiaosheng, but stared at Ding Yunfeng who walked in front of him to light a cigarette: "Ding Sir, let me go tonight, you can do whatever you want.

You should know that if you catch me, Hong Kong Island, the United States, France, Germany... many people will not be happy..."

"It's none of my Ding Yunfeng's business if others are not happy?
I knew it, I caught you today and got all the stolen goods, I am very happy! "Ding Yunfeng took the cylinder from Chen Xiaosheng.

He unscrewed it and found that it was actually made of stainless steel, and the inside was exquisitely pasted with velvet pads. It really deserves to be a gang of professional stealers, and even the storage tools are specially made.

Seeing Ding Yunfeng open the oil painting, two reporters ran out behind him, raised his camera and snapped shots, Zhou Jiang gritted his teeth and said with a smile: "Ding Sir, you will regret it..."

"Ma De, a little villain, still talking so much?

Leon Cao, where did you die, come here!Bring him back! "

"Yes sir!"


Zhou Jiang stiffened his neck, cursing at Ding Yunfeng.

However, he was quickly stuffed into a police car by Cao Liang and his bodyguard Ah Shui.

"No wonder this guy has the confidence to be arrogant. Hearing what he said just now, I'm afraid many people will jump out to protect him!" Lin Baosheng walked to Ding Yunfeng's side and reminded him in a low voice.

I didn't have a chance to fight today, but I heard Ding Yunfeng's flicker, he brought a lot of firepower, and made preparations for nothing.

Hearing Lin Baosheng's words, she suppressed her dissatisfaction and nodded: "Brother Baosheng makes a lot of sense!

I suggest that we seize the time and pry Zhou Jiang's mouth open.

If you can obtain the confession overnight and submit it to the Interpol, the headquarters can send a commissioner to intervene in this case, so that your pressure will be reduced a lot..."

Ding Yunfeng smiled lightly, took out his cigarette case, and walked around: "Hong Kong Island Daily, as early as a week ago. I asked the editor-in-chief to write a detailed report on the case of this international painting piracy group;

Not only that, Hiro even flew to the United States on a business trip in advance.

Before the operation started tonight, I made an international call and asked Hong to visit Mr. Morgan, the editor-in-chief of The New York Times..."

"You want to use American public opinion to force those people to keep silent?" Lin Baosheng looked at Ding Yunfeng in astonishment.

Ding Yunfeng shook his head: "Every famous painting sold by Zhou Jiang to a big shot represents a major loss to a museum or a private collector.

As long as the news of his arrest spreads, those big shots who are worried about their embarrassment being exposed and have to come out to protect Zhou Jiang will have people of the same level come out to deal with them.

To be honest, if it wasn't for Ah Hai, I wouldn't have to expend so much energy on dealing with this kind of guy.

Find a bounty hunter who retired from [Seal], one bullet is enough to send him on the road. "

After Ding Yunfeng finished speaking, Ah Hai trotted over with a bowl of fish balls in his hand: "Oh, Brother Feng, I am so grateful that I am so grateful!

I won't talk about those clichés about showing loyalty today!
Come on, let me honor you with a bowl of curry fish balls, while it is burning, while it is burning! "

(End of this chapter)

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