Chapter 554 Uncle Ah Feng
Seeing He Xin handing over the donation to the organizer, Ding Yunfeng knew that the farce was almost over. He pushed away the two reporters who were blocking him, and walked nimbly to Xin Ge's side.

"How about it?"

"We did find a few suspicious ones. Let's go first and lure them out."

Hearing Ding Yunfeng's words, He Xin felt certain. He dealt with the reporters a few words, and led his men towards the exit of the stadium.

On the other side, Dadong, Nie Aotian's subordinate, saw He Xin walk out of the basketball court, raised his brother and said a few words.

At the same time, Ding Yunfeng, who was following He Xin, suddenly pushed He Xin, turned around and kicked a killer who was rushing from the crowd with a knife several meters away.

"Protect Brother Xin!" Huang Shihu yelled sharply, and with a sharp strike, he settled the two killers in the blink of an eye.

But at this time, He Xin sent people to ambush the horses around, surrounded them, and in less than 2 minutes, they settled down the gang of desperadoes arranged by Dadong.

"Feng, are you okay?"

"It's okay, this kind of thieves, they fell before I did anything." Ding Yunfeng took the cigarette He Xin handed over.

He Xin said thank you, and led the team back to the basketball court.

There, Dadong has been handcuffed by several Haojiang policemen, but his boss Nie Aotian is missing at this time.

Ding Yunfeng took a few puffs of cigarettes, got up and asked He Xin for a bunch of car keys, and returned to the Lisboa Hotel alone.

Because of He Xin, the hotel is no stranger to Ding Yunfeng's face.

As soon as he got out of the car, the manager came to ask, what service do you need?

"What about Niu Bi and Han Biao?"

"The two big brothers were just invited upstairs by Manager Cheng to speak."

"Yes, I see." Ding Yunfeng walked towards the elevator, and soon came to the floor where the hotel administration was located.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, Niubi who was guarding outside came over with a smile on his face: "Brother Feng, my name is Niubi, brother Xin asked us to do things according to your orders.

The kid surnamed Cheng has been settled by our people, and now Han Biao is leading people to watch him. "

"Well, take him and let's go." Ding Yunfeng tossed Niubi a lucky draw and told him to go over and call for someone.

Niu Bi quickly left and returned. Cheng Zhen was sandwiched between him and a man with a tough temperament. The latter's mouth was sealed with tape, and his hands and feet were tied with ropes. When he saw Ding Yunfeng, he immediately groaned. Woo struggled.

"Don't resist. Although I was asked by your father to find you, I'm not here to save you. I'm here to send you back to the United States." Ding Yunfeng glanced at Cheng Zhen and spoke, causing the other party to look at him. anger.

old bean?

My old man Fu Jiajun died early, and he actually said that you were invited by my old man? ? ?
At this moment, He Xin's daughter, He Tianbao, came out crying.

Seeing Ding Yunfeng lead Cheng Zhen into the elevator, she hurriedly pressed the button: "Uncle Ding, where are you taking Ah Zhen? Could it be Daddy..."

"Little niece, don't think about it!

Even though your father's brand is big, it's not big enough to send me to kill people. Ding Yunfeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and pointed to the sky: "Brother Xin doesn't want to see him, so please ask me for help. I just want to send him to the airport and get on the plane back to the United States." "

"Oh..." He Tian'er is very aware of Ding Yunfeng's energy in Hong Kong Island, and even more aware of his father's uncompromising temperament.

Therefore, no matter how reluctant she was, she could only watch as her fiancé was taken away.

However, she made up her mind that after a while, when her father's anger dissipated, she would find a chance to intercede and let Cheng Zhen come back...

Until now.

This woman still doesn't know that her brother died at the hands of her boyfriend.

She thought that He Xin's expulsion of Cheng Zhen this time was because of his backstab at the board of directors last time.

On the way to the airport with Cheng Zhen, Ding Yunfeng asked Niu Bi to tear off the tape on Cheng Zhen's mouth.

"Are you Ding Yunfeng?"

"That's right!"

"Let me get off the bus, this is Haojiang, not Hong Kong Island..."

Ding Yunfeng fought hard and directly beat back the threat behind Cheng Zhen.

Faced with rapidly red and swollen cheeks, Cheng Zhen didn't dare to say much, he complained in a low voice: "I am the general manager of the Lisboa Hotel, and soon someone will find out that I am not in the post, let me go now, there is still a chance Redeem!

If it's late..."

"So what if it's late, Nie Aotian himself is just a pawn pushed by the Australian government to beat the new brother.

You, a general manager who was temporarily promoted by Nie Aotian, can't even restrain people from the Jianghu today. You still want to threaten me? Ding Yunfeng lighted his cigarette calmly, and Cheng Zhen was speechless when he opened his mouth.

Niu Bi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned around and looked at Cheng Zhen and laughed: "Ghost King Nie has to talk about his peers when he sees Brother Feng, you little boy, you don't even have hair on your mouth, what kind of onion are you?"

Hearing that Ding Yunfeng didn't even buy face from Nie Aotian, Cheng Zhen stopped talking, the Haojiang River is very small, and the car quickly parked outside the airport.

Ding Yunfeng led people to walk in front, and Niu Bi escorted Cheng Zhen. From registration to boarding, it was not that no one saw that Cheng Zhen was being held hostage, and he also winked at the staff, including even the airport police.

Unfortunately, what made Cheng Zhen feel powerless was that even if he blinked his eyes sorely, the people at the airport would always look at him with formulaic smiles.

"Ding Yunfeng! Don't think that you and He Xin can cover the sky in Hong Kong Island and Haojiang. I can tell you, I will be back soon!" Cheng Zhen shouted at Ding Yunfeng before being taken onto the plane by Niubi's men .

Brother Feng knocked out the last lucky one, and just put it into his mouth, Han Biao took out a lighter and lit it for him.

"Brother Feng, this guy holds American citizenship. If he goes back and immediately buys a plane ticket and flies back again, it seems we really have nothing to do with him." Han Biao asked in a low voice.

Ding Yunfeng blew out a smoke ring: "Don't worry, the Americans will naturally be dealt with by the Americans!

You go and get my big brother, I'm going to make a call and ask a friend to help me with something. "

Washington, DC, USA.

Just after dealing with an addict who was trying to steal money, Toll Road answered Ding Yunfeng's call.

Clamping the mobile phone around his neck, Toll Road slammed out his fists repeatedly, making the junkie scream again and again.

"Hello, Boss, I'm not in a good condition recently, I'm very excited to receive your call..."

"That's it? No problem, go to the airport to pick up the plane first, then let that kid be honest, and then send him to his mommy, right?
Very simple, a reward of 1000 US dollars? "


Cheng Zhenren was on the plane. Before it landed, he was thinking about how to put pressure on the Hong Kong government through the United States to force the Hong Kong government to fire Sir Ding.

Who knows!

As soon as he got off the plane, he was about to call someone to pick him up when a tall black man suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Hello, are you Cheng Zhen?" Toll Road stared at Cheng Zhen, who nodded blankly, and he grinned and showed his white teeth: "Good! It's you!"

(End of this chapter)

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