Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 578 The Plan in Tsim Sha Tsui

Chapter 578 The Plan in Tsim Sha Tsui

After hearing Ding Yunfeng's words, Supervisor Zhu sighed a little ashamedly: "I'm sorry, Brother Feng, I think I'm wrong."

"Oh, you are also thinking of me, I am very relieved, how can you blame you?" Ding Yunfeng waved his hand: "Come on. There is nothing to do, you can go down and do things."

"Then I retire."

Hearing the sound of Zhu Jian's footsteps closing the door and walking away, Ding Yunfeng spit out a column of smoke.

Although Lao Zhu is very diligent in his work, there is no problem in his loyalty.

But his thinking is too rigid, far inferior to those two old foxes, Bi Wenzhan and Dong Biao.

Looking at the newly renovated office, Ding Yunfeng found that the Kwun Tong Police Station was still too small.

If it can be changed to Causeway Bay, I believe it will be able to attract more outstanding talents.


Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

As soon as Li Shutang opened the car door and got out, he saw Lu Qichang and Huang Zhicheng coming up one after the other.

"Welcome, Sir Li, we have received all the documents related to the joint case handling by the two police stations.

The conference room is over there, please! "After Lu Qichang shook hands with Li Shutang, he stepped forward to lead the way, while Huang Zhicheng walked behind them with an ugly expression.

Li Shutang has the support of Cai Yuanqi behind him. Apart from the Ding Department in the Hong Kong Island police force, if he wants to find a police station to jointly handle the case, all he needs to do is send a document to him.

In the last anti-drug operation, although he participated in the middle of the competition, he failed in the second half of the competition and was intercepted by Ding Yunfeng once.

This kind of Li Shutang is naturally not reconciled, according to what he said.

Wherever he falls, he will get up there.


This time, he set his sights on Tsim Sha Tsui, which is more famous than Lin Kun - the Ni family!

Huang Zhicheng had always regarded the Ni family as his prey, but he was naturally very upset when Li Shutang suddenly stepped in.

After all, the other party was the Superintendent of Police, and Lu Qichang was just the Chief Inspector.

If the two police stations work together to handle the case, most of the right to speak will definitely fall into the hands of Li Shutang, and he, Huang Zhicheng, may become a pawn driven by others.

The Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station is naturally larger than the Kwun Tong Police Station, and it takes at most a few hundred steps to walk from the entrance to the conference room of the office building.

Before Huang Zhicheng could clear his mind, the three of them had already walked into the meeting place. The serious crime team and the guys in military uniform stood up together and snapped at attention to the three of them.

"My colleagues, you are welcome, please sit down."

"Thank you sir!" After a loud sound of seats being pushed and pulled, dozens of eyes on the scene all focused on Li Shutang who was sitting in seat C.

Li Shutang looked at everyone blankly, then took out a stack of slides from his pocket, and walked towards the slide projector.

Lu Qichang made a gesture, and the military uniform sitting closest to the light switch quickly got up and turned off the fluorescent lamp.

"This person is Ni Yongxiao, the current head of the Ni family in Tsim Sha Tsui..." Watching Li Shutang personally control the machine, he knocked out several important figures from top to bottom of the Ni family group.

Everyone in Tsim Sha Tsui, who thought they could gain more say in terms of intelligence and data, was shocked.

Especially when Huang Zhicheng saw that Chen Yongren also appeared in the scene, his complexion changed drastically, and he immediately sat up straight.

Slightly revealing his hand to control the Tsim Sha Tsui side, Li Shutang accepted it as soon as he saw a deal.

When he sat back to his original seat, he said very modestly that if there are any deficiencies in the information collected hastily in less than a week, please ask Sir Lu, Sir Huang and others to make up.

Less than a week! ! !
Did you come here to cooperate today, or did you come here just to mess things up? ? ?

Lu Qichang smiled reluctantly, and he didn't dare to take it seriously. As for Huang Zhicheng, as the person in charge of the case of the Ni family, his face turned red at this time, he bowed his head to drink water, and didn't say a word.

"Director Hans, why don't we stop here today?
Let's let the guys below go to work first, and then I will make an appointment with Sir Lu and Sir Huang to talk slowly? Li Shutang suggested after glancing at the Director of Tsim Sha Tsui who came over to pose for a pose.


I finally don't have to embarrass myself with this idiot Huang Zhicheng...

It took Li Shutang less than a week to collect nearly 70% of the information about the Ni family that Huang Zhicheng handed over in the past few years.

Ghost Hans tried his best to maintain his demeanor, told Lu Qichang to greet Li Sir well, and then walked away with his secretary without looking back.

"Disband!" Lu Qichang waved to his subordinates, and when everyone was gone, he looked at Li Shutang with a wry smile: "Li Sir, if you do this, Lao Huang and I will be miserable."

"As long as we destroy the Ni family, Hans will forget this little thing.

He is the more self-motivated type among ghosts. If you can let him look better on his personal resume during his tenure in Hong Kong Island, he will not treat you badly. "

Li Shutang took out a pack of Marlboro, opened it, knocked out two and handed them to the two.

Lu Qichang nodded and took it, Huang Zhicheng hesitated, finally said thank you and took it.

The three of them swallowed for a while, and Huang Zhicheng couldn't help but said: "Li Sir, this place in Tsim Sha Tsui used to be dominated by the Ni family. Later, in order to fight for the consecutive victories, Jordan Lin Huaile sent Dongguan Zai to lead the army." Step in.

Now, the underworld in Tsim Sha Tsui is a situation where two heroes stand side by side.

You said just now that you wanted to destroy the Ni family?

In that way, wouldn't it give He and the winning streak a chance!

With the strength of Dongguan Tsai, if there is no support from the Ni family, he will be able to beat Tsim Sha Tsui into a uniform within half a month. "

"Huang Sir, don't be a fan of Streak!
I checked, and in the past ten years, this society has been engaged in less and less illegal industries.

On the contrary, on Ni Yongxiao's surface, he appeared as a businessman on various occasions.

In fact, since Ni Kun's death, the "business" of the Ni family has grown bigger and bigger in the past few years. Li Shutang frowned slightly, and interrupted Huang Zhicheng with a wave.

Regardless of Lu Qichang's hint, Huang Zhicheng put down his cigarette butt and said, "Li Sir, you don't know the details. If it wasn't for half of the site being taken up by Dongguan Boys, Ni Yongxiao wouldn't have been forced to expand shipments..."

"Huang Sir! Please pay attention to your identity!

You are a Hong Kong Island Royal Police, do you know that your own thoughts are very dangerous!
You're helping a fanboy off the hook! Li Shutang was furious, and suddenly raised his head to stare at Huang Zhicheng.

"Ah!" Huang Zhicheng was taken aback by Li Shutang who suddenly turned his face.

Seeing this, Lu Qichang hurriedly took a step forward, and walked between the two of them: "Sir, you misunderstood. What Lao Huang meant, he actually wanted to talk about Tsim Sha Tsui. In fact, we have a very long-term plan here.

Regardless of Ni Yongxiao or Dongguan Tsai, we all want to get rid of these two restless underworld bosses, and then arrange for a few honest and obedient people to manage the gray area in this area.

As the saying goes, the water is so clear that there are no fish.

Not to mention the Ni family, even if we get rid of He Liansheng, who are in full swing, there must be other clubs popping up. "

(End of this chapter)

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