Chapter 580 A Big Expectation

Ding Yunfeng's words shocked Chen Yongren again.

The impact this time was even greater than that time when Ni Kun showed up on the seawall to find out the relationship between the two of them as father and son.

"no, I can not……

Huang Sir can't be an inner ghost, he hates the Ni family no less than I do..." Chen Yongren muttered to himself, and slumped down on the sofa.

Ding Yunfeng naturally knew that Huang Zhicheng was not an insider. The real insider should be the group of Sirs who were sent to Huangzhukeng Police Academy by Han Chen.

Among these people, there is Liu Jianming who wanted to be a good person, but now he was instigated by himself!

"I didn't say he was an insider!

However, I am skeptical about whether Huang Sir has some ideas that he shouldn't have. Ding Yunfeng walked over and patted Chen Yongren on the shoulder: "By the way, let me tell you."

Superintendent Li Shutang, the new director of Causeway Bay, has joined hands with the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station and will take major actions against the Ni family in the near future.

Be careful yourself, the muzzle has no eyes, and don't be accidentally injured by the buddies of the brother department. "

"Thank you, Brother Feng." Chen Yongren nodded and replied sullenly.

Ding Yunfeng took out a business card and stuffed it in his coat pocket: "This is my personal contact information. Frankly speaking, I am very optimistic about you.

If you need it, you can call this number, maybe it can help you. "

After saying that, Ding Yunfeng didn't want to keep him anymore, and sent someone to send him back to Tsim Sha Tsui.

Li Jie popped up quietly: "Brother Feng, what role can such a small character play? Is it worth your troubles to win him over?"

"Hey, I'm willing to make a move this time, I really don't have too many interests involved.

I just want to give Chen Yongren a hand. He is a good guy with a belief in justice.

If I, Ding Yunfeng, just sit and watch people like him end badly, I will have no face in the future to face those guys who stick to their hearts and have been undercover for three, six, or even nine years. "


Jade Tea Restaurant, Tsim Sha Tsui.

Chen Yongren, who ordered to get off at the corner, ran in with a heavy heart.

Cockroach Qiang saw him coming, got up and shouted: "Aren, are you going to the side? Why are you here now?"

"Brother Qiang, I'm sorry, I have something urgent..." Chen Yongren picked up his chopsticks and started.

Cockroach shook his head and said nothing, and pushed the dishes in front of him: "I'm done eating, hurry up, don't make Brother Chen wait too long."

"Understood." Chen Yongren gulped down the half-cold Fried Niuhe on the plate, and Cockroach Qiang poured him a cup of tea.

If this scene is seen by others, they must think that Chen Yongren is the boss, and Cockroach Qiang is his pony!

After quickly filling his stomach, Chen Yongren followed Cockroach to Han Chen's home.

Brother Chen looked serious, holding the big brother with one hand, and pointing at the group of subordinates in front of him with the other. Judging by his appearance, he should have been admonishing him for a while.

"Si Qiang, what kind of plane are you flying? Let's see what time it is?" Han Chen's eyes were sharp, and he spotted the two who were trying to blend into the crowd.

The cockroaches scratched their heads embarrassingly: "Brother Chen, I'm sorry, I had a stomachache from eating oyster omelette last night, so I asked Ah Ren to take me to see a doctor, that's why..."

"Damn, there's a lot of excrement and urine on the lazy donkey." Han Chen was so disgusted that he waved impatiently for the two to stand still.

Conveying some orders from the boss Ni Yongxiao, Han Chen quickly dispersed the gang, leaving only Chen Yongren behind.

"I got wind that the new Director of Causeway Bay, Li Shutang, didn't know that he had a wrong brain and came to the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station to ask for a joint case.

This case is ours—the Ni family! "Han Chen put incense on Second Master Guan, turned around and said to the two of them.

Cockroach Qiang showed shock, and Chen Yongren also showed a shocked expression in time: "Brother Chen, what should we do?"

"Hey, the wind is tight, so we have to be careful."

Han Chen took the lead to walk to the sofa, and opened a map: "At the beginning of this month, we have a shipment from the Netherlands landed.

When I handed in the numbers yesterday, Mr. Ni asked me to take someone to pick up the goods.

This matter is very important, you should be more careful when the time comes, and you must not make mistakes. "

Dutch goods?

These goods should be the ones that the alliance was planning to ship to Hong Kong Island last time. I told Sir Huang, but the news leaked from the police force to the road, forcing the camels to stop the shipment.

Chen Yongren's eyes moved slightly. Camel had announced that it would be able to deliver beautiful goods from the Netherlands.

Zhu Tao, Lin Kun, Ni Yongxiao and others bought about 60 kilograms from Dongxing to test the water.

Later, the police force launched a month-long anti-drug campaign, and the inventories of the major demolition houses on the road were almost emptied this month.

One month later.

Finally, the goods can be shipped in!

It is conceivable that the amount this time is definitely more than 60 kilograms.

Later, at least one more zero should be added, otherwise, it would be impossible to satisfy those fellow Taoists who were starving for food.

Han Chen then tapped the cockroaches again. He warned the other party that no matter what happens on the day of receiving the goods, they must act on time.

If he makes another oolong, he will not be polite.

"Brother Qiang, thank you very much. For me, Brother Chen has dragged you twice today." Walking out of Han Chen's house, Chen Yongren spoke to Cockroach Qiang.

"Chixian, I'm your boss, if I don't help you, who will help you?"

The cockroach snorted, and immediately put on a stinky expression: "Besides, I have been with Brother Chen for almost 20 years, such a trivial matter, he just said a few words and it was over.

You don't have to worry about me, but on the day of receiving the goods, you must not be late, Brother Chen gets angry, you will die..."

time flies……

In the blink of an eye, a week passed.

That day, Chen Yongren went home and thought about it for a long time, and he finally decided to trust Huang Zhicheng again.

He took the initiative to ask the other party to meet at the old place. This time, Chen Yongren came earlier than the other party, standing on the roof and blowing the northwest wind.

"What are you doing kid?

For a full month, no calls were returned, no passwords answered!

Do you know that what you are doing now, if you lose contact for a long time.

According to the police regulations, I have to report to the relevant department to check if you are a traitor! "Huang Zhicheng went up to the rooftop, and before Chen Yongren could speak, he rushed up and grabbed him by the collar.

Chen Yongren showed shock, anger, grievance and other expressions on his face. He pushed the other party away forcefully: "What am I doing? If you didn't leak the news.

This month, I have watched the Ni family fall, and then returned to the team in uniform. "

"Damn, I already talked about this last time, why did you bring it up when we met?" Huang Zhicheng's expression was a little unnatural, he let go of Chen Yongren's collar and said, "Tell me, it's rare that you take the initiative to ask me out, do you have big news to report? what?"

"Hmph, is 750 kilograms of material big enough?" Chen Yongren shook his clothes straight and gave Huang Zhicheng a white look.

750 kg? ? ?

Huang Zhicheng was really shocked.

He was short of breath and swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva.

This case is settled, how can I be promoted to a level.

"Tell me quickly, tell me quickly, do you have a specific landing place and time?" Huang Zhicheng asked anxiously, pulling Chen Yongren to squat down.

(End of this chapter)

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