Chapter 607

Peng Yixing was moved when he heard the words, and looked down at the hand that usually held the gun, his five fingers trembling slightly.

Not being a slave to guns...

He fell into deep thought, and when he came back to his senses, he realized that Ding Yunfeng and Chen Xiaosheng had already left.

"waiter, Bill please."

"Brother, those friends of yours have already paid the bill. This is my number. I have free time tonight. Let's watch a movie together."

"Sorry, pretty girl, I have a girlfriend."


Coming out of the restaurant, Ding Yunfeng sent Chen Xiaosheng away, brought Ali to the pier and took a boat to a secret base on Lantau Island.

Looking at the militarized sentry boxes, outposts, and tents in front of him, Ali's face changed slightly. If it weren't for his undercover work experience in the past few years, he might not be able to help but exclaim.

"According to my original plan, there are other candidates for the chief of the Daguling Police Station.

However, plans cannot keep up with changes.

The original candidate didn't want to go, but after much deliberation, I can only let you return to the team early to save this field. "Ding Yunfeng led Ali into the depths of the base.

Bypassing a group of security personnel who were training, Ding Yunfeng nodded to the instructor Tian Yangyi.

The latter stood at attention, and Ali was surprised to find that the opponent's posture was not like that of the Hong Kong Island Police Force, and his palms were facing the ground...

"Don't pay attention to us, you continue to train." Ding Yunfeng pointed at the tip of his eyebrows and shouted loudly.

Tianyangyi saluted with attention until Ding Yunfeng led Ali into the main building.

He put down his palm, and shouted to the dozens of students in front of him: "Now the two of you are divided into groups, ready for actual combat training ~ start!"




Ali, who followed Ding Yunfeng into the main building of the base, heard the shouts of killing coming from outside, before going up the stairs, he couldn't help being curious, turned around and looked, and saw his moving scene.

The gang of youths wearing camouflage vests in the playground outside were fighting each other.

Seeing the punch to the flesh and blood splattering from the teeth, this scene is obviously not a practice routine, but a real one.

"Ali, what are you doing standing there?"

"It's coming, I'm sorry, Brother Feng."

Holding back his doubts, Ali quickly followed Ding Yunfeng to the second floor, where he saw a young man with a fair face and sharp eyes.

"This is Tianyangsheng, he is the second person in charge of the training base."

"Ah Sheng, his name is Ali, and I will send him to be the chief of the Daguling Police Station recently.

In the next few years, the company has to send a dozen people around Ali, not only to protect his safety, but also to listen to his orders at critical moments. "

Ding Yunfeng helped the two introduce each other, and gave orders by the way.

Tian Yangsheng dragged him towards Ali: "My name is Tian Yangsheng, you are the first person Ding Sheng brought here, and I will cover you."

"Brother Sheng, please take care of me."

"Come with me and fill out a questionnaire. I'll see if you have any shortcomings in your ability first, so that I can help you choose someone accurately."

Ali looked at Ding Yunfeng and got an affirmative answer from the other party, so he left with Tian Yangsheng.

Ding Yunfeng walked to the balcony, lowered his head and lit a cigarette.

Looking at the students in the special training downstairs, Brother Feng was suddenly very proud of the fact that Tianyang Qizi was hired with a lot of money.

7 people with an annual salary of 5000 million.

Expensive is a bit expensive, but depending on the results of the training, the money is well spent.

After waiting for ten minutes, Tian Yangsheng came back with Ali and handed a note to Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng knew that this was the test result, so he waved his hand on the spot to say no.

"Ding Sheng, I taught Ali the connection code.

For those ten people, tomorrow I will arrange for them to go to ambush around the Daguling Police Station.

If necessary, Ali can always order these people to do things through the contact methods I gave him. "Tian Yangsheng said coolly.

Even when reporting to Ding Yunfeng, Tian Yangsheng's tone was very cold.

Ali was in a state of half-bewildered until Ding Yunfeng took him on a boat to leave Lantau Island, and finally plucked up the courage to ask the reason.

"After the North District, it may not be peaceful.

Peng Yixing is the general, the ten people that Ah Sheng selected for you are the soldiers, and you are handsome.

Ali, what is my position, Ding Yunfeng?

Your uncle must have had a showdown with you.

In this way, if you choose to follow me, you have to have a hunch, what kind of enemies you may encounter in the future, right? "Ding Yunfeng stood at the bow of the boat blowing the sea breeze, what he said made Ali's expression straighten.

"Brother Feng, I didn't have the determination to go to the end with you, so I wouldn't agree to you and go to the North District to be the director of Daguling." Ali replied in a deep voice.

Ding Yunfeng chuckled, and took out a brand new black star and handed it over: "Then you are out of luck, you chose my black car, Ding Yunfeng.

Put it away, at the critical moment, rely on [-] points, what's the point? "

"Black car?" Ali skillfully retracted the magazine, glanced at it and slammed it on: "No way, my uncle told me clearly, brother Feng, you've always been driving a red car?"


Before the Lin Kun case, Ali's rank in the police force was Senior Sergeant.

When the report was concluded, Ding Yunfeng divided his work and transferred his files to Kwun Tong.

Logically speaking, even if Ali skipped the probationary inspector and was promoted to inspector by relying on the Lin Kun case, it would not be enough to be the chief of the Daguling Police Station.

Helpless, he has a strong backing, and the Chief Superintendent of the North District is Uncle Hua himself.

Therefore, within three days, a document from the acting chief was sent from the New Territories North Region to the Kwun Tong Police Station.

Brother Feng signed and sealed, and Ali took office.

Peng Yixing was even more straightforward. In the afternoon of the same day, he gave an answer through Chen Xiaosheng - he was willing to help Brother Feng with something, and he had a small request, whether he could arrange for his girlfriend Colleen to work at Hongxin Handbag Shop in Mong Kok.

Brother Feng waved his hand—arrange!
Colleen went to work that day, and the proprietress Shi Shi went through an interview and gave a guarantee that if Colleen could adapt to work after three months, she would be promoted directly to the store manager.

It is the dream of countless Hong Kong girls to be a counter lady in Hongxin handbag shop, let alone have the opportunity to be the store manager?
Colleen was happy, and Peng Yixing's mood became better.

A few days later, he hunted some wild game around Daguling, and asked Zhang Yaoxiong to send someone to Ding Yunfeng.

The peaceful mountains and forests of the past.

Suddenly came a sharpshooter on the verge of a breakthrough.

While picking his teeth, Ding Yunfeng paid a silent tribute to the wild animals in the New Territories.

Jingle bell... Jingle bell...

The phone on the table kept ringing, Ding Yunfeng picked up the receiver: "Oh?

Brother Shun!
Yes, it's me, no, someone has already gone.

It's okay, I'm still busy, that's it, hang up first, let's drink tea together when I have time. "


Kowloon Police Station, Criminal Division on the second floor, in the team leader's office.

Putting down the handset that was emitting a busy tone, Miao Zhishun looked unnatural.

That day, after Ding Yunfeng came, no matter how much he tried to cover up, his wife Ellen still found that his emotions were a little out of place.

After repeated questioning, Miao Zhishun had no choice but to tell the whole story.

Miao Sir didn't realize the seriousness of rejecting Ding Yunfeng.

But his wife Ellen was very worried and urged her husband to agree to Ding Yunfeng's request.

have no choice……

Opportunities wait for no one.

(End of this chapter)

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