Chapter 609

Seeing Ding Yunfeng speaking to Hu Xin, Miao Zhishun felt slightly calmed down.

However, the matter of sending him to see the reservoir was settled, and now he was embarrassed instead.

Except for a thank you, suddenly, he didn't know what to say to Ding Yunfeng...

Thinking about leaving as soon as his matter was settled, it seemed not too good, so Miao Zhishun decided to find a topic first and sit for a few more minutes.

At this time, he accidentally discovered that there were several photos hanging on the wall of the office.

In the photo frame on the top, there is a slightly yellow photo, which is a group photo taken in the dormitory when they graduated from Wong Chuk Hang.

C is class monitor Chen Jiaju, Ding Yunfeng is on the left, and he himself is standing on the right of Jiaju. (Echoing Chapter 206)
"Time flies so fast. When we came out of Huangzhukeng, it has been 12 years in the blink of an eye." Miao Zhishun got up and walked over, pointing to the photo and said with emotion.

Ding Yunfeng looked up and said, "Yes, in 64 I illegally crossed over to Hong Kong Island. In the same year, I was arranged by Brother Luo to go to Wong Chuk Hang for training. In 65, I graduated with all of you. Now in 78, it's almost 12 years."

After the conversation between the two, Miao Zhishun found that the atmosphere became even more awkward.

Chen Jiaju, Ma Jun, Zhang Yaoxiong, Qiu Jinjiang and his Miao Zhishun, plus Ding Yunfeng who came in halfway, six people share a dormitory.

The first four roommates have been twisting around Ding Yunfeng so far, but he fell behind halfway, why does the more I think about it, the more I feel like a traitor?

Rubbing his nose, Miao Zhishun was ashamed to continue to stay, he slapped a haha, and found an excuse to leave.

In the past, Ding Yunfeng would definitely have kept him and called Shang Jiaju out for dinner, but this time, Ding Yunfeng just said "slow down" and continued to bury his head in reading the documents.

Miao Zhishun returned to Kowloon by car. He was halfway there when he received a call from Hu Xin, telling him to report to the West Kowloon Communications Department.

From looking at the reservoir to riding an iron horse?
Miao Zhishun had a premonition that this time, the head of his Kowloon criminal team would definitely be killed by Hu Xin.

But he really didn't expect that after Ding Yunfeng called, Lao Hu still didn't save himself any face, and even drove him to the Department of Communications in West Kowloon.

"Director, Ding Sir just called you..."

"That's right! If Brother Feng hadn't called to plead for you, wouldn't you have to go to see the reservoir?
Now I will transfer you to the West Kowloon Communications Department and give you a small team leader. Are you still not satisfied? "Hu Xin was holding the receiver while instructing his subordinates to set up the office.

The original Kowloon Police Station was being renovated, and they all moved to this old office, so they must decorate it.

At this time, several new police officers came to report with their personal files.

Hu Xin didn't bother to perfuse Miao Zhishun, so he replied "I'm busy, remember to report to the new department", and then decisively closed the line.

Tuk Tuk Tuk!
There was a knock on the door, and Hu Xin pulled his tie: "Come in!"

"Good morning, sir! Police Constable Kim McKee, police number PC: 53838, with orders from your superiors, come and report!"

"Hu Sir, my name is Meng Chao, and my police number is PC: 54444. I also came here to ask you to report."

One face has dull eyes, and the other has dull eyes.

From Hong Zeshi, Er Xiaobao to Miao Zhishun, although these three subordinates have two hearts or selfishness, they can be used anyway.

These two best pieces came today...

It's not that he believes in judging people by their appearance, but that he has been deceived by his subordinates a lot, and he has accumulated a little bit of insight—these two people are either scammers or useless materials!
"You're welcome, it's your own person here.

I am Hu Xin, the Chief of Police of the Kowloon Division, and I am temporarily arranging for you to work in the Criminal Division.

Remember, do things with your heart in the future, and don't cause trouble for me, do you understand? Resisting the urge to drive people away, Hu Xin warned with a straight face.

"Yes sir!" Kim McKee and Meng Chao stood at attention and replied.

Kim McGee moved so violently that the gun on his waist fell to the ground and spun around;

Meng Chao's movements were soft, he bowed his shoulders and shrugged with a bitter face. If it weren't for the ID card hanging on his chest, people would believe that he was a fellow Taoist.

"Hey, why don't you pick up the gun yet?" Hu Xin pointed at the ground speechlessly. When Kim McKee put away the [-] with a blushing face, he sighed, pressed the intercom, and called a madam to come in and take the two of them out for work. .

After arranging these two, someone knocked on the door again.

Hu Xin called again to come in, but when he saw someone coming, he immediately opened the drawer, took out a bottle of heart-saving pills, and poured a few pills into his mouth: "Wu Aqiu, Beethoven, Expert Wen? Why are you here? "

"Hey, Hu Sir, we are all old acquaintances, I don't know that you are short of people, so..." Wu Aqiu scratched his head and showed a smile that you understand.

Pushing away Beethoven who took out his lighter and was about to light a cigarette for himself, Hu Xin shouted and asked, "But I heard that you and Anna got married and went to Nanyang for honeymoon."

"Annan and Siam have not been peaceful recently, and the honeymoon plan has been cancelled."

Wu Aqiu came up with a smile, covered his mouth and said to Hu Xin: "Hu Sir, I am in my early forties, and I am still only a senior police chief.

In the past, as a bachelor, if one person was full and the whole family was not hungry, of course I didn't care.

But now that I finally got married, brother, I have to consider starting a business.

It's rare that on your Kowloon side, the heads of the serious crime team and the criminal team are vacant at the same time.

Today I will apply to the higher-ups and transfer to see if there is a chance, hehe..."

Hey you big head ghost!

Hu Xin clutched his heart in horror.

Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, he could imagine that Wu Aqiu's original boss, in addition to approving his application report on the spot, would probably take the entire police station to the rich man to have fun all night after get off work today!
"Wherever Ah Qiu goes, I will go!

Hu Sir, with the joining of our two elite soldiers, you can walk sideways after the Kowloon District, gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas! "Beethoven patted Hu Xin hard on the shoulder with a mouthful of Chaopu.

Hu Xin disgusted and pushed away this modest guy, and looked at the expert Wen who was looking at his office: "What about you? You don't sit in the office of the Criminal Investigation Division, what are you doing here suddenly?"

"Hey, why are you sitting in an office?

Others don't know, but you, Sir, still don't know what my status is over there?
Today, I am the same as these two wonderful species. Seeing that you have an opportunity here, I will come here to try my luck. "

While replying, Expert Wen stretched out his hand to pinch some wall dust: "This building is at least several decades old, and it's okay for temporary use. It's best to move it back as soon as possible."

"Need you to teach?

I am looking for people from Brilliant Company to work, and Chen Yaoqing told me that I will be able to move back in about half a year. "Hu Xin gave Expert Wen a blank look.

Sitting down and knocking on the table, Hu Xin sighed: "Forget it, since we are old acquaintances, don't say I won't give you a chance.

The Criminal Division has just added a new member, the three of you should go to the Serious Crime Division.

Whether you can take the position depends on your performance.

I still say the same thing, don't get me into trouble! "

(End of this chapter)

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