Chapter 623 Ambush and Kill
Lian Haolong carried two travel bags filled with US dollars and walked to the conference hall in Helian Shengtuo.

Seeing Lin Huaile sitting in the main seat, Coolie Qiang, Zhan Mi, Chen Yaoqing, the plane on the right seat, Master Su, Datou and others on the left seat, Lian Haolong threw two travel bags on the ground.

"Brother Le, I brought 1000 million US dollars today. Is this amount enough to redeem my younger brother A Dong?"

Hearing the 1000 million US dollars, Liansheng and his gang all changed their faces slightly. Master Su received Jimmy's wink, got up and called a few of his men, and quickly checked the banknotes brought by Lian Haolong.

Two 10 minutes later.

Master Su turned to Lin Huaile and said, "Grandpa, the money is fine."

Lin Huaile looked at Coolie Qiang, Zhan Mi and the others when he heard the words, and when the three leaders nodded together, he waved at Master Su: "Since Brother Long is so sincere, Asu, go down and bring Adong out. "

Master Su clasped his fists in response, and hurried away with his two subordinates.

Lian Haolong stood with a cold face, the 1000 million US dollars, but he asked for it from the loyal and loyal behind-the-scenes boss Fourth Uncle.

In order to raise this money, he did not hesitate to give up many benefits of the gang.

From now on, for a long time to come, Zhong Xinyi will almost work for Fourth Uncle Bai.

Forget it.

Money can be earned slowly in the future.

As for the young man, there is only one.

Lian Haolong just had a self-persuasion in his heart when he suddenly saw Master Su running back in panic, leaning over and whispering in Lin Huaile's ear.


Lian Haodong is dead?
What an international joke! ! !
Lin Huaile looked at Master Su in horror.

Master Su nodded again and again, with an expression as if I was right and you heard me right.

The communication between the two fell into the eyes of Lian Haolong, which naturally became more and more suspicious.

Taking a step forward, Lian Haolong secretly guarded: "Brother Le, what's the matter? Is there any problem?"

Lin Huaile's breathing was stagnant. He turned to coolie Qiang and Zhan Mi for help, but unfortunately he didn't get any response.

Thinking back to how I wanted to resign, but was suppressed by Jamie.

Now Lin Huaile doesn't know that this matter has been a round from the beginning, a round of ambushing and killing the brothers of the Lian family, and then letting himself be blamed.

"Problem? No, no problem!
It's just that Ah Dong drank a few more drinks with our two brothers last night, and he couldn't wake up for a while.

Haha, come, come, let's drink tea first, I guess A Dong will come out in a few minutes. "Lin Huaile was in a hurry, so he could only find an excuse to delay the time.

But he didn't know that Lian Haodong had never had a drink with a stranger before!
What's more, he was a prisoner this time, based on Lian Haolong's understanding of his younger brother.

Lian Haodong must have had trouble sleeping last night, how could he be in the mood to drink.

Knowing that something was going on inside, Lian Haolong didn't dare to waste time, so he made a decisive request, wanting to go inside and see the 'drunk dead' brother in the past.

Everyone is gone!

How dare Lin Huaile let Lian Haolong go in like this, he resolutely refused the other party's request.

Lian Haolong became more and more uneasy, just when he weighed the strength of everyone present and was about to take a risk and charge.

Zhan Mi suddenly said: "Brother Long and Brother Dong have a deep relationship, Grandpa, why don't you make an exception and let him go in and take a look at Brother Dong?"

"This..." Lin Huaile hesitated for a moment, but finally couldn't stand Lian Haolong's urging, so he agreed.

A large group of people followed behind Lian Haolong, and quickly walked outside the room where Lian Haodong was held.

"Brother Dong is inside." Jamie pointed to the closed door.

Lian Haolong couldn't care less about other things at this time, he kicked open the door, and what came into view was a scene that made him extremely sad.

——The little guy who needed him to wipe his butt everywhere in the past was not only tied to a chair, but also had an obvious strangle mark on his neck.

"Lin Huaile!" Looking at Lin Huaile angrily, Lian Haolong was about to lose his temper, but saw Lin Huaile run away surrounded by Datou and Master Su, leaving only Coolie Qiang, Zhan Mi, Chen Yaoqing and others in place.

"Brother Le, you go first, it would be great if we are here." Jamie shouted loudly, swinging a telescoping stick.

Master Su, who was protecting Lin Huaile, answered the words loudly: "Brother Le told you to be careful, this fat man surnamed Lian is very good at beating."

I didn't, so don't add drama to me all of a sudden! ! !

Lin Huaile looked at Master Su in shock, but it's a pity that things have come to this point, Lian Haolong, who lost his younger brother, has lost all reason in anger.

"Young Master Le, take your life!" Lian Haolong rushed to Lin Huaile with a punch to force Chen Yaoqing away.

Lin Huaile was so scared that his face turned pale. Just when he wanted to order the other party to be captured alive, when the other party calmed down, he could explain and clear up the misunderstanding.

A pistol stretched from his back to the front, with a bang, shot at Lian Haolong!

blah blah blah...

A shot hit Lian Haolong's arm, and the shooter pulled the trigger one after another, and the magazine ran out of bullets in less than 5 seconds.

Lian Haolong dodged four bullets, and his shoulder blade and thigh were wounded.

With agility, Lian Haolong saved his life. He hid behind a pillar and watched the direction of the bullet flying vigilantly.

"Lin Huaile! You are not moral!
Since you invited me to come over today to talk about the math, why do you still want to piss off my younger brother? " Lian Haolong questioned loudly, but secretly observed the surrounding environment, trying to find a way to escape from the encirclement.

At this time, Lin Huaile was dragged to the hall by Master Su and Datou in the name of protection.

When the three of them were about to leave the backyard, Qi Qi heard a stern shout: "Grandfather has orders, set fire and shoot!"

The gunshots sounded like firecrackers!

One by one, the gunmen who had ambushed in advance competed to show off. Lian Haolong hadn't displayed all his abilities, and was smashed into a hornet's nest by bullets from all directions behind the pillar.

Lin Huaile looked at Master Su angrily, pointed inside with trembling fingers and asked, "What's going on?
What are you guys thinking?

Don't agree to tell the truth, refuse others, and then announce the start of the fight!

But now, what is this?

Oh, invite people to come over to talk about the number, but ambush the gunmen to kill them and the hostages together?
If this matter gets out, have you considered the consequences?
The brand of us and Liansheng will be too dirty to be cleaned in the future! "

After questioning one after another, Lin Huaile scolded Master Su so much that he didn't dare to look up, he turned to look at the big head: "Aren't you the master of Xingtang?
Say it!
Today, Asu refused to let me explain, and forcibly took me away!

For this matter, how many sticks do you have to fight? "

"Brother Le, you are useless against big hair.

As the master of the punishment hall, according to the rules, he was not allowed to intervene in the affairs of the society. "Zhan Mi came out with a cigarette in his mouth, followed by Coolie Qiang and others.

Lin Huaile stood up vigilantly: "Let me just ask, what should I do now..."

In the middle of the sentence, a dagger stabbed into Lin Huaile's kidney from behind, he turned around with difficulty, and saw the guilty and helpless eyes of Master Su.

(End of this chapter)

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