Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 625 Ding Yunfeng Sends Troops

Chapter 625 Ding Yunfeng Sends Troops

When Su Xiong finished speaking, Luo Tuo stood up and clapped his hands.

Attracting everyone's attention with applause, Luo Tuo announced with a final word: "What Xiong Ye said is exactly what I think in my heart!
I propose that whoever helps Zhongxinyi keep their original territory, and kills any important senior Ding family members of Liansheng, can be recognized by our major clubs and take over Zhongxinyi's original territory. "

"Okay, in this way, it also makes sense morally, and I second it." Hu Xuyong raised his right hand and looked at Su Xiong angrily.

The lame Xiao raised his arms to express his position: "Even Brother Yong agreed, and I have no reason to object. However, this task is too difficult, and we, Xiao Zidui, withdrew from the competition."

"We, Dongying, are also withdrawing."

"We also quit..."

Seeing that the big bosses of the number gang couldn't take the head of the top of the Ding family, the leaders of the dozen or so small and medium gangs present rushed to raise their hands to withdraw from the competition.

Su Xiong glanced at the bearded Yong who was full of dissatisfaction: "It seems that Brother Yong is the only one left with me. Will you go first, or should I go first?"

The camel laughed loudly: "It's just a guest, so how about it, Brother Yong, give me face and let Master Xiong try it first?"

"Okay, I don't care, I'm just worried that Lord Xiong doesn't have enough people on Frog Island to keep the territory of loyalty and righteousness at the same time..." Hu Xuyong continued with a smile on his face.

Su Xiong got up and straightened his suit jacket: "I don't need Brother Yong to worry about this issue. If there is nothing else, I will go first."


Kwun Tong Police Station, Commissioner's Office.

Ding Yunfeng put down the phone receiver and lit a ball of video film.

This is Lin Huaile's tape of killing Deng Bo at Mingxin Hospital in order to gain his trust. (The foreshadowing is in Chapter 207)
Seeing the tape gradually being engulfed by the orange flames, Ding Yunfeng got up and opened the door and went out.

In the conference room, Cao Li'ang and others saw Ding Yunfeng coming in, and immediately stood at attention and saluted.


"Don't be too polite, everyone sit down." Looking at the group of armed men, Ding Yunfeng pressed his right hand falsely.

After a sound of chairs being dragged, everyone looked at Brother Feng in unison. Supervisor Zhu turned off the light and turned on the slide projector. On the curtain, a woman with a coquettish physique appeared.

"Susu, the woman of Lian Haolong, the leader of loyalty and righteousness, ten years ago, this woman was the head of the Emerald Nightclub.

Later, she followed Lian Haolong, who was still watching the scene for others, and gradually became the other side's virtuous helper. Basically, she was in charge of the loyal money..." Ding Yunfeng tapped the curtain with his baton: "I have already The channel for illegally leaving the port by sea is blocked. If this woman wants to escape, she can only consider taking a plane. "

Boss, you are really a pauper!

Waterways are closed as soon as they are said, and the water police are not in your power.

Everyone looked at Ding Yunfeng with admiration, and Ding Yunfeng's eyes fell on Cao Li'ang: "Cao Li'ang, the dog Wang Lun, you two bring police dogs, go to the airport immediately and stop Susu."

"Yes sir!" Cao Leon's dog Wang Lun stood at attention, saluted, and decisively opened the door to leave.

"Chen Xiaosheng, Chen Jin! We brought a team of military uniforms and immediately went to the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station to find Lu Qichang, the head of the anti-gang group and criminal group there.

In the next period of time, you will represent our Kwun Tong Police Station and cooperate with the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station to participate in the "sweeping operation against the illegal violent organization Zhongxinyi in East Tsim Sha Tsui"! "

"Yes sir! Thank you sir!" Chen Xiaosheng and Chen Jin replied loudly, they knew that Brother Feng arranged an opportunity to give him credit.

Zhou Xingxing winked at Ding Yunfeng from the side, and gestured at himself with both hands.

The corner of Ding Yunfeng's mouth twitched: "Sir Zhou, your condition has not stabilized yet. Now I will let you take a long vacation for one month..."

"Ah?" Zhou Xingxing was stunned on the spot.

Zhu Jian secretly pulled him, and explained in a low voice: "Brother Feng will let you take a long vacation, so you can roam around!

In this way, if you go to other districts to 'encounter' Zhongxinyi's few backbones who are at large, don't you have an excuse to arrest them temporarily. "

"Oh, I see!

Brother Feng, my aunt is late this month, and I want to go to a few hospitals for checkups. "

"Well, irregular menstruation can easily cause fertility problems. It's better to find out and approve your one week's vacation."

"Thank you sir!"

bibu bibu...

Several police cars rushed out of Kwun Tong Police Station one after another.

Ding Yunfeng and Zhu Jian stood on the second floor of the office building and watched. The latter opened a folder and said slowly: "Brother Feng, last night Chen Jin went to my house to find me for a showdown. It turned out that he suddenly transferred us to Kwun Tong before, Someone above promised him.

As long as he comes to our side for acupuncture, we can arrange for him to be promoted from sheriff to inspector within 2 years. "

"With so little money, no wonder he was sent here!

I guess, no one is willing to take on the task, so it's his turn, right? "Ding Yunfeng couldn't help but asked with a smile.

Zhu Jian touched his nose: "Almost, Ah Jin has a straight temper, so of course he can't get a good job.

Otherwise, when he came to report that day, he wouldn't deliberately contradict you, and you would have sent him to talk to Chen Xiaosheng. "

"He doesn't want to be a boy, and he doesn't want to betray those people to win my trust. This kid is quite noble?" Ding Yunfeng laughed in amazement.

Supervisor Zhu had no choice but to tap Chen Jin's information on the folder: "Brother Feng, I think he is quite pleasing to the eye, give me face and forgive him."

"From him, do you see your own shadow?"

"It's about the same. It should be said that it's my shadow when I was young." Zhu Jian knew that Ding Yunfeng couldn't hide this, so he simply laughed at himself.

"That's fine, as long as he doesn't make trouble for me, it doesn't matter to give him a chance. After this case is over, you can apply for a trainee inspector for him."

"Thank you, Brother Feng."

"You're welcome, Old Zhu."


That's when Ding Yunfeng arranged for people to arrest loyal and loyal people in exchange for credit.

There is no way to talk about Lian Haolong. In order to save his younger brother Lian Haodong, he did not hesitate to fight against Lian Haodong and Lian Sheng's brother Le.

In the end, the news that the two brothers were randomly shot to death in Tuodi, where Liansheng was held, was widely circulated in the Jianghu.

Loyalty to Yituo.

Susu, Lian Haolong's woman, lost control on the spot when faced with the bad news sent by the people sent by Luotuo: "Impossible! Brother Long, it is impossible for him to do such a irrational thing!"

"Sister-in-law, calm down." Ah Zou turned pale and said to Susu.

A few club leaders also came to persuade, but Su Su obviously couldn't listen.

Just when this group of people fell into confusion and panic, Luo Tianhong came up carrying the Eight-faced Han Sword.

Luo Tianhong shot very simply, he slapped Susu's pretty face with pear blossoms and rain directly.

"Tianhong boy, are you insane?"

"Brother Long's body is still cold, how dare you smoke my sister-in-law?"

Ah Wu and the others were shocked, although they never regarded Su Su as a sister-in-law in their hearts, but the brothers of the Lian family rushed to the street at the same time, now who will be the leader of loyalty and righteousness, this cheap sister-in-law's words are still useful to a certain extent.

Luo Tianhong's eyes were cold, and he swept across the audience, not even leaving Susu behind: "Boss, before he walked into Helian Shengtuo's place, he had a few words for me, do you want to hear them?"

(End of this chapter)

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