Chapter 633 Su Xiong's altar

Feng Si cast a spell this time and invited a total of three sticks of incense.

One of the incense sticks is enshrined in the body of Zhang Yaoxiong;
Two sticks are inserted in the incense burner to worship the ghosts of the four directions who help guide the way.

In "The Exorcist Police", the two sticks of incense in the censer were broken by soot twice. In the movie, Feng Si marked it twice on the azimuth map in his hand.

But this time, Feng Si's spell casting was obviously more complicated than in the movie.

Standing beside him, Ding Yunfeng watched Feng Si make 8 marks on the paper.

If it weren't for Shi Shi's usual incense sticks for gods, they are all good products with lengthened lengths. Maybe, there is no way to last until Feng Si completes the spell today!
"Brother Feng! I found the other party to hide on the side." Feng Si began to compare the drawings with the map of Hong Kong Island, and quickly circled a location with a red pen.

Everyone gathered around curiously, and found that the place Feng Si had visited was on the Yau Ma Tei side.

"Brother Feng, since the other party has the ability to drive resentful ghosts over to harm people.

In my opinion, he is most likely a member of the Taoist sect. For safety's sake, don't go in this operation, and let me catch him. Feng Si put away the map and said slowly.

Ding Yunfeng ignored Zhan Mi's winks, covered his mouth and nose, and first helped Axiong pull out the long incense from his mouth.

Zhang Yaoxiong woke up with his eyes open, and let out a very foul-smelling serial fart, which made Robin and others who were not on guard yell at him.

"Hello? Zhan Mi, what happened just now?" A Xiong asked in a daze, looking at Zhan Mi who was avoiding him from afar.

Jamie pinched his nostrils and replied: "Just now, Sir Feng used your body to perform a Maoshan technique to catch someone!"

"Fourth, I just knew... Bah bah..." Ah Xiong spit a few mouthfuls.

He has known Feng Si for ten years, and he knows very well that the other party looks upright, but his personality is a bit dark.

Just casting a spell instead of choosing Zhan Mi but choosing him, it is clear that he wants to trick him for concealing all these years.

"It will be fine to expel this turbid air..." Feng Si glanced at Ah Xiong's butt, and said with a suppressed smile.

What a hard-faced Uncle Ying's face, Wanjie's unchanging black-bellied personality...

Before anyone else noticed, Ding Yunfeng called his servant, Ah Shui, and told him to take Ah Xiong to the guest room, wash and change his pants.

"Over there in Yau Ma Tei, no matter black or white, I have no acquaintances." Ding Yunfeng attracted everyone's attention to cover for Axiong: "I want to leave Robin to look after the house, and then we all go there together. .

In case something happens, at least there is someone to take care of you. "

"Alright." Thinking that there is Yixiantian, the great master of martial arts, who will accompany him this time, Feng Si nodded in response.

Zhan Mi went out to prepare the car first, and drove a Toyota seven-seater, carrying Feng Si, Yi Xiantian and Ding Yunfeng, and rushed towards Yau Ma Tei.

the other side.

Yau Ma Tei, Ferry Street, an incense table is placed on the second floor of an arcade with decades of history from the outside.

A statue of a god is enshrined on the case, and there are couplets on the left and right of the statue.

On the left, write [The Wonderful Method in the Eight Treasures Terrace],
You Shu [Speaking the Truth on the Seven Star Altar],
The horizontal batch is: Show your might!

Above the incense table, hang four plates of long incense.

Green smoke is curling up, and a lantern is caged.

Su Xiong, the head of the Sanlian Gang God Fighting Hall who just came back from Wadao, has changed his old suit and leather shoes. Today he is wearing a linen short-sleeved upper body and a pair of black trousers on the lower body. red belt.

Lighting three sticks of incense, Su Xiong, with a gray beard, bowed to the statue of the patriarch and inserted it into the incense burner.

A young man with shawl and curly hair and wearing a beige suit took a step forward: "Master Xiong, this Ding Yunfeng is not easy to mess with.

I just found out that not only is Ding Yunfeng sworn brothers with Lenghu's husband Laihao, the leader of the Bamboo Union Gang, but the last time he came to Frog Island to investigate the case, even Goose Bazi and Hei Lang wanted to give him face.

Dongxing Camel, he suffered a lot from Ding Yunfeng.

This time we put it out in Tsim Sha Tsui, obviously using us as guns. "

Su Xiong opened his eyes, and snorted disdainfully: "Wrong! Not only the camel, but also the bearded brave man with the number gang, and even the lame filial piety with the filial piety to plot against us."

"Master Xiong, since you know, why did you agree to come down that day?" The curly-haired man looked at Su Xiong in confusion.

Su Xiong walked to the next room, where there was also an Eight Immortals table.

However, the enshrinement here is not Maoshan Patriarch or any god, but a golden altar sealed with talisman paper.

"I have been away from Hong Kong Island for too long, and when I come back this time, the territory I laid down back then has long been taken by other gangs.

Even if I have you brothers supporting me, if I want to regain the lost ground, it will take a long time and a lot of energy.

Now there is an opportunity for me to replace the Ni family's position in Tsim Sha Tsui. Even if they know that Camel and the others have schemes, so what?

Once I get a firm foothold here by my God Datang, I can continue to get the support of the Sanlian Gang.

At that time, we will settle accounts with the people from the camels..." Su Xiong stopped suddenly after speaking halfway.

Because he saw that the golden altar on the altar, one of the soul lamps in front of it, went out at some point.

"How is it possible?" Quickly opened the lid of the golden altar, Su Xiong took a sniff with his nose.

In addition to the stale smell that the ashes should have, the pure yin energy in the altar disappeared completely, and Su Xiong's complexion turned dark instantly.

"What's the matter, Lord Xiong?" The curly-haired man asked quickly.

"The resentful ghost I sent was killed, and Ding Yunfeng may have someone from the Taoist sect beside him." Su Xiong threw away the golden altar in his hand, and shouted in a deep voice: "Pack up your things, let's go right away!"

"Okay, Master Xiong." The curly-haired man was shocked in his heart, having never seen such a reaction from Su Xiong.


Ten minutes later...

Ding Yunfeng and others followed Feng Si and found the underside of the arcade.

It's a pity that when they broke through the door, the people inside were already gone.

"Wow, Sir Feng, why are the walls of this room full of talismans? Could it be that you masters who cultivated Maoshan are going to put up such a big battle at home?" Finding that the windows were all sealed with purlins, Jimmy's tone was a little hairy.

Feng Si's complexion has been dark since he entered the door, he held up the flashlight, and looked up for a week: "From the arrangement of the altar, the other party is cultivating in the lineage of the gods!
However, this person is not right!

He painted yin-gathering symbols on the surrounding walls. If I guessed correctly, he should be raising ghosts. "

"God fight? Then raise ghosts?" Zhan Mi looked at Feng Si in astonishment: "I don't understand. Isn't it contradictory to do this?"

"Righteousness is not upper body. Although Maoshan art has spread among the people and has many inheritances and branches, no matter what, the Maoshan school is also a famous and decent school.

A person who is not upright, I guess, the patriarch of Maoshan, would not accept his invitation. Ding Yunfeng thought of the scene in "Uncle Zombie" where the four-eyed priest asked the patriarch to get on his body, and boldly gave a guess.

(End of this chapter)

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