Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 641 Do You Have the Money to Hire Bloodfang?

Chapter 641 Do You Have the Money to Hire Bloodfang?
Ding Yunfeng had no choice but to see what Ken said so absolutely.

Considering that Ken's old-fashioned face has appeared not only in several "Yin Yang Road", but also in many ghost movies, Ding Yunfeng followed suit and agreed.

However, to Ding Yunfeng's surprise, Ken is actually very interested in the film and television industry, and he wants to stay in the film company under Ding's family to develop.

Ding Yunfeng promised to go back and talk to Liangkun, Long Wei and others, and then handed Aken to Jimmy to take with him.

Jimmy also has the identity of a white paper fan with Liansheng, which is enough to cover Ken on the road.

"Brother Feng, are the corpses of Su Xiong and his gang thrown into the sea to feed the sharks according to our old rules?" Dasha asked Ding Yunfeng after he went to the pier and called the dumb cat and stupid dog back.

Ding Yunfeng thought for a while and decided to use the waste. He ordered Dasha to take the bodies of Su Xiong and others away in body bags.


a few days later.

Frog Island, Daobei, Zhonghe, and the main hall of the Sanlian Gang.

Lei Gong, the leader of the Frog Island Sanlian Gang, was wearing a well-crafted dark blue suit.

With a blank expression, he looked at a total of eleven bloody corpses in front of him.

Ding Yao, who was charming and dressed in a kimono, walked in on clogs. She was holding a wooden tea tray with 2 cups of barley tea on it.

"Miss Wanying, please drink tea."

"Ayao, don't be so polite."

After setting Xie Wanying's cup, Ding Yao leaned back and went back to Lei Gong to set the remaining cup, then stepped back behind him and stood with lowered eyebrows.

Lei Gong pointed to Su Xiong who was in the middle with a gunshot wound on his forehead: "Aying, Su Xiong attacked Brother Feng this time, I really didn't know!
Think about it, Brother Hao and I are siblings, and Brother Hao and Brother Feng are brothers of Huang Zhi.

If I send someone to attack Brother Feng, how can I explain to Brother Hao when he comes out in the future? "

Xie Wanying was also wearing a slim-fitting women's suit. She had long hair in a high dish, flaming red lips, and a thin face of powder that was tight.

Compared with Ding Yao who was present, although both of them are the women of giants in the world, their aura is very different.

"Master Ray!

I, Xie Wanying, came here today not to listen to your explanation, but to warn you of two things!

First, the last time Ah Feng arranged for Sister Mei to go back to Hong Kong Island, and met with Brother Hao, Brother Hao made it clear that he would not apply for a commutation of sentence, and decided to squat in Stanley until the end of his sentence.

So, no matter what happened before, or this time when Su Xiong went to work in Hong Kong Island, don't worry, Brother Hao will come out to settle accounts with you;

Second, it doesn't matter if you knew it beforehand or deliberately indulged in it!
Since Su Xiong is the leader of your Sanlian Gang, his every move certainly represents the position of your Sanlian Gang!
Ah Feng asked me to tell you that he wrote down this account! "

After saying that, Xie Wanying didn't care about the ugly faces of Lei Gong and the others, and stood up directly against the table.

The two volunteers standing behind her snorted openly at the members of the Sanlian Gang present, and turned around to protect the sister-in-law.

Lei Gong stood up with a dark face: "Stop! Lenghu, if you say this, it is clear that you are coming to threaten me today?"

Xie Wanying stopped, turned her head, and looked at Lei Gong with disdain: "What? You just found out?"

"Keep to the north, Hall Master Xie, if you say that, then we will have to fight!" Ke Zhihua rushed forward, pointing at Xie Wanying and the three of them.

Xie Wanying didn't even look at him, but stared at Lei Gong: "Yesterday I received a call from Ah Feng, originally I wanted to settle the old and new grudges together, and directly started fighting with your Sanlian Gang.


Ah Feng advised me on the phone.

When Brother Hao came out to play around, he always put the etiquette first and then the soldiers.

I am his woman, and today, I can't smash his indole.

so!First, I will bring eleven salted fish to your door to threaten you, as a formal etiquette.

You'd better turn around, so I can ask my brothers to do things. "

After a word fell, the audience was silent.

Lei Gong and Ke Zhihua, a large group of high-level members of the Sanlian Gang, all looked as if they had seen hell.

Everyone has been out for so long, and I have seen a lot of arrogant bosses, but this is the first time I have met an arrogant boss woman!

"Why are you bluffing?

With your reputation of a hundred people, you pretend to be your sister..." A Sanlian gang leader pointed at Xie Wanying angrily and shouted.

Lei Gong smiled faintly, he wanted to sneer at Xie Wanying.

Xie Wanying had already opened her mouth and said: "Personal grievances, I will not involve the Bamboo Union Gang.

It is enough to only use the twelve righteous group outsoles I brought from Hong Kong Island, plus the three combat teams of the bloodfang mercenary group ABC. "

"Ha! You want to invite blood teeth?
And hire three combat teams at a time?
Can you afford to pay other people's commissions? Ke Zhihua covered his mouth and laughed.

"Hey, dark-skinned gentleman with dark glasses.

Please show some respect to our employer. Our performance bonus is linked to customer satisfaction. Please don't force me to shoot, okay? Using a zipline to descend from the roof, Pete, the leader of Team B of the Bloodfang Mercenary Corps, held a micro-charger and pointed the gun against Ke Zhihua's back.

Seeing his own lair, he sneaked into a gunman without making a sound.

Lei Gong and the others were startled and angry, and while they called Ma Zai to come in and protect themselves, they hid in the nearest bunker.

Ding Yao hid behind a screen, she dazzled at Xie Wanying who bowed her head and lit the fire at the door—we are all women, why are you so good?

"Stop! Stop everything for me!" Heilang Li Youyou ran in, sweating profusely. He raised his arms and stood between the two sides, and said to Xie Wanying with a wry smile: "Aying, didn't we agree? Big brother and I can come forward, don't let the blood tooth go to the island?"

Xie Wanying tapped Lei Gong's hiding place with her index finger: "If they didn't believe that I couldn't afford Blood Fang, how could Pete show up?

Brother, I didn't tell Pete to deal with them directly. I already gave you and Boss Wu a lot of face.

Besides, those who come out to mess around, who can't hide some tricks?

If you don't show up in time, maybe I'll be beheaded to death by them here. "

"Hey, no matter what, if you let mercenaries go to the island, it won't work!

Ah Ying, stop making trouble, otherwise, it will be very difficult for us to explain to the higher authorities. "Heilang Li Youyou's eyelids twitched when he heard that.

Others don't know, but as the second in command of the Bamboo Union Gang, he naturally knows who is standing behind Blood Fang.

If it hadn't been for the anti-mouse trick, he and Wu Guanyi, the goose bully, would not have been with the help of Sanlian to protect Xie Wanying and Amei's group.

"Okay, Pete, put away your gun." Xie Wanying also knew that it would not be appropriate to turn her face now.

No matter how strong the blood teeth are, there are only fifty people in total;

No matter how abolished the Frog Army is, it will be in units of tens of thousands.

Brighten your muscles, and leave it as soon as you see it, this is what Ding Yunfeng told you on the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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