Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 643 Three Cannon Mountain Cannon

Chapter 643 Three Cannon Mountain Cannon
It was actually a coincidence that Han Bin led the team to Frog Island to do business this time.

Last time, Ding Yunfeng asked Blood Fang to wipe out several strongholds of Xian Wei's gang.

The three combat teams of ABC competed for performance and won the reward of coming to Hong Kong Island to meet the big boss.

This time after Su Xiong was dealt with, Ding Yunfeng simply ordered Pete and his group of arrogant soldiers to make a detour to Frog Island to help Xie Wanying hold up the situation before returning to the Bloodfang Base.

When the ship arrived on the high seas, Zhou Chaoxian watched Han Bin, Pete and the others transfer to the ship of the Bloodfang Mercenary Corps, and then returned with the men of the Pine Forest Gang.

"Brother, Ding Zongshu, that bastard, recently brought a group of people back to kill him.

He also announced to the outside world that he is still the leader of Taoyuan!

It's a rare opportunity today, why don't you ask these big brothers for help, and settle Ding Zongshu smoothly? "Sanpao walked behind Zhou Chaoxian, asking puzzledly.

Zhou Chaoxian silently lit a cigarette, put away the lighter and walked into the cabin.

San Pao caught up a few steps, and continued to preach: "They are all dragons crossing the river, and their firepower is fierce.

As for Ding Zongshu's gang of scumbags, if they can't hold on for 5 minutes, they will have to rush to the street. This big tea and rice, they will leave as soon as they are done..."

Zhou Chao, who had been silent all this time, heard half of it, and slapped the gold-plated ZORRO on the table in the captain's cabin with a snap.

The glass countertop was instantly cracked by a lighter.

"I've already used the boss's money!
People who still want to use Boss now?

How do you think Boss will look at me?

Oh, I couldn’t do things without money before, and now I can’t do things without anyone, so what’s the use of me, Zhou Chaoxian?ah! ! Zhou Chaoxian stared at Sanpao with cold eyes: "Get out!"See upset. "

"Sorry, brother, I know I was wrong, I went out to do something."

Staring at Sanpao leaving, Zhou Chao unscrewed a bottle of distilled water first, poured it into his belly, then wiped the corners of his mouth, and cursed fiercely.

Three cannons and three cannons, it is simply a mountain cannon!
Before Binny Tiger Han Bin went to Nanyang, he was already the head of Hong Xing Kwai Tsing.

In terms of status and power in the world, Han Bin is at the same level as the leader of the Songlin Gang affiliated with the Bamboo Union Gang.

Persuade myself to ask Han Bin to send someone to do something to help Songlin help Ding Zongshu.

How stupid is it to come up with such a bad idea?
What's more, in the past few years, Han Bin founded the Bloodfang Mercenary Group, which has already jumped out of the circle of the world and reached a higher level.

not see!

Even the masters of Frog Island, who are usually aloof, are pretending to be blind to the arrival of Binny Tiger this time?

Rubbing his forehead, Zhou Chaoxian suddenly felt tired.

Since he was involved in Wang Yifei's kidnapping case, he secretly took refuge in Ding Yunfeng and became the rudder leader of Ding Xizhu's gang of Songlintang.

In the past few years, he has frequently traveled back and forth between Frog Island and Hong Kong Island.

As for the high-level members of the Ding family on Hong Kong Island, no matter black or white, Zhou Chaoxian has basically contacted them all.

To be honest, he sometimes envies Hong Kong Island.

The place is small, but there are many talents.

Say hit!

There are Ji Ji, A Cong, Dongguan Tsai, Wei Wen, etc. who can make a sound with their fists or blades;

Words eat brains!
Not to mention the ranks of Zhan Mi, Chen Yaoqing, and Huang Dawen.

Even if there is a guy like Datou, the pressure on Zhou Chaoxian in Wadao can be reduced a lot.


After Zhou Chaoxian went back, he immediately went to visit Xie Wanying in Wu's villa, and when he arrived, he found that the black wolf Li Youyou was also there.

"Brother Li, Sister Ying, I'm back." After calling someone to say hello, Zhou Chaoxian sat on the chair opposite Li Youyou.

Seeing that Zhou Chaoxian was actually sitting in the same row as him, Li Youyou's eyelids trembled, and he asked with a smile, "Chaoxian, Mr. Han, are they leaving?"

"Chaoxian, thank you for your hard work, let's drink tea." Xie Wanying interjected first, and placed a cup of Gongfu tea in front of Zhou Chaoxian.

Zhou Chaoxian nodded his thanks, held it up and took a sip: "Brother Li, don't worry, I sent Brother Bin and the others to the high seas, and I saw them board a warship with my own eyes before returning."

"Oh! That's good..." Li Youyou smiled, and then asked in horror: "A warship? You mean... Han Bin and the others came here in a warship?"

"No! Brother Li misunderstood.

Bloodfang's ship is not strictly a warship.

Looking at the appearance, I guess they used a Fujian fishing boat for armed modification.

Two small cannons were added to the front and rear of the deck;

On the left, center and right, three machine gun turrets were welded;

There are only two torpedoes hanging on both sides of the side of the boat. "Zhou Chao first waved his hand and explained.

By North!

This is already very threatening, okay?

Li Youxian's expression was a little unnatural, and he muttered in a low voice: "These mercenaries are really lawless!
Everyone come out to hang out...

Come out to mess around..."

Zhou Chaoxian and Xie Wanying vaguely heard something too flamboyant and low-key from Hei Lang's mouth.

But in order to take into account the face of the second in command of the Bamboo Union Gang, both of them pretended not to know and drank Gongfu tea in silence.


After Li Youyou left, Xie Wanying called Ding Yunfeng to tell the truth.

In order to avoid too much news being monitored, Ding Yunfeng said a few words, took the initiative to close the line, and Han Bin would send the detailed content through a special channel.

Nothing happened for several days.

The only change is that there is an extra Feng Si in the serious crime team of Kwun Tong Police Station. Ah Xing caught the loyal and loyal fishes Ah Wu and Ah Heng.

Zhu Su'e and Zhu Jian had already prepared and handed in the report related to the Zhongxinyi case.

Unsurprisingly, Ding Yunfeng won a commendation order again, but Chen Xiaosheng and Chen Jin, who represented Kwun Tong to Tsim Sha Tsui to participate in the joint action this time.

During the operation that night, the former made a great contribution by shooting the headshot of Ah Fa, a loyal backbone;
The latter accumulated credit and nominated him to apply for the examination of Probationary Inspector.

As for Cao Liang and Dog Wang Lun, although they caught Susu at Kai Tak Airport, they received orders from Ding Yunfeng privately and handed them over to Lu Qichang in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Cao Liang and Dog Wang Lun didn't get promoted in this case, but they are both loyal brothers of Feng, so they don't take this little credit to heart.

"Okay, no matter what, this time we teamed up with the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station and successfully destroyed Zhongxinyi, a criminal group that specializes in fans!

This is a great thing that is beneficial to the people of Hong Kong Island and social stability. Don't continue to be bitter.

Sister E, go and call Manhanlou, let's have dinner together at noon, let's celebrate. "Ding Yunfeng announced the documents for closing the case and said with a smile when he saw the silence of the crowd.

Zhu Su'e replied a little angrily: "Head, the above is too unfair. After solving so many cases, you should be promoted to superintendent."

"Hey, it doesn't matter, whether I, Ding Yunfeng, is majestic or not, it doesn't matter whether I rely on the flowers or the crown on my shoulder.

Uncle Hua is still the Chief Superintendent, why don't you still call me Brother Feng? Ding Yunfeng put away the files with a smile, turned and walked into the office.

Hearing what he said, everyone was in a better mood, just when everyone surrounded Zhu Su'e, arguing about ordering beautiful dishes at noon.

Zhou Xingxing laughed and walked in with Cao Dahua in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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