Chapter 645

Leon's movements were bold and unrestrained. With two fingers on his left hand, he flipped the pages of the book quickly.

When encountering incomplete chapters and missing pages, he picked up the ink pen with his right hand and quickly wrote on a blank paper. When the writing was almost finished, he picked up the scissors for comparison, and cut out pages of suitable size with a click. Put some glue on it.

Ding Yunfeng picked up a piece of paper that had written on it but was cut out by Leon, took a deep breath, and silently hinted to himself-believe it will work, if you don't believe it won't work...

About 1/3 of the contents of these two thread-bound books found from the Suxiong stronghold are missing in each.

Together with the two purple talismans, Ding Yunfeng handed them all over to Feng Si afterwards.

Feng Si was very interested in the two fragments of the talisman, and was asked to study by him.

However, Feng Si flipped Su Xiong's two books on the spot and returned them to Ding Yunfeng.

According to what the fourth child said, there are too many missing contents in the book, it may be an inheritance of Su Xiong's family, and its symbolic meaning is far higher than its practical value.

Whoever dares to follow the practice, let alone beginners, will be considered disabled if he doesn't practice.


Judging from the unnatural expression on the fourth child's face when he said these words.

Ding Yunfeng vaguely guessed, could it be that the fourth child has only learned talisman seals, and he has no understanding of the two branches of magic fighting and formation, and the other is half a bucket of water?
After all, last time on the small island, Feng Si drew a magic circle before the ghost messenger appeared, saying that it could hide Su Xiong's ghost.

In fact, the protective effect of the magic circle is played, but it seems that there is no effect of disappearing.

In order to prevent the strong wind from getting overwhelmed, Ding Yunfeng saw it through and didn't say it, but put away the two broken books with a smile. The east side is not bright and the west side is bright, and the wind is not good. Isn't there a Leon?


Looking at it now, it seems that Leon is even more unreliable. In order to cut the size, he even cut out the original written text.

While Ding Yunfeng was struggling, Leon had already completed two Maoshan secret books.

"Finished and call it a day!" Wiping off the sweat on his brow, Leon put the pen, paper, scissors, glue, and transparent glue back into the drawer one by one.

Sitting next to him, Ding Yunfeng could clearly see that every time Leon puts something in, the one he put in last time disappears, this damn drawer is always empty.

"Come on, Ah Feng, try it." Pushing the book in front of Ding Yunfeng, Leon got up and spread his hands, making a gesture of come on baby.

Ding Yunfeng took a deep breath, first grabbed the "Shen Da Zhen Jie", and opened it slowly.

Well, the prologue page is quite normal, it is about the origin of the magic art.

However, when the second page was opened, half of the old page was missing, but now someone used a very rough method to paste a very abstract graffiti drawing of the human body.

above is fish,

Below are the legs,

There are two peas in the middle? ?
"Leon, I need you to help me explain this book, for example, this picture, explain it?" Ding Yunfeng resisted the urge to abandon the book and asked, pointing to the picture.

"This one? Isn't it the exercise map of the Divine Fighting Technique!
You haven't watched Shaw Brothers' martial arts movies. Aren't they all the martial arts secrets in it?
You see, this arrow is the exercise route..." Leon grabbed the book and pointed to the pictures.

Arrows I can understand!

But, I'm not Liu Xuan, what the hell are you doing drawing a half mermaid for me?
Ding Yunfeng finally understood why even Ah Xing could only be Leon's half friend.

Wanting to communicate with this person is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Seeing Ding Yunfeng's embarrassing appearance, Leon waved his hand impatiently: "Hey, looking at your appearance, I guess, if you practice according to the book, you won't be able to do it in 30 years!

Forget it, my friends, I will share half of the energy and help you once. "

After saying that, Leon grabbed a 'secret book' with one hand, and slapped the book on Ding Yunfeng's back with a strange cry.

【alarm!alarm!Perceived the power of a certain rule to bless the host, does the system need to forcibly isolate it? 】


Looking at the selection window floating in front of him, Ding Yunfeng chose whether or not with his mind.

As soon as the window was closed, Ding Yunfeng felt that in his mind, there was a lot of knowledge in an instant, and at the same time, at the navel, he faintly felt a small pond between reality and reality.

Depend on!
Could it be that this is the legendary opening up of the dantian?
Before Ding Yunfeng could regain his composure, two warm currents poured into his back where Leon was propping up with two books.

These two warm currents, one going down and the other going up, traveled through the meridians of Ding Yunfeng's body, and finally merged at his dantian, turning into a piece of sweet rain and pouring down on the dry pond until it was half full.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a few minutes, maybe a few seconds.

When Ding Yunfeng came back to his senses, the first thing he did was to help Leon who was sitting on the ground leaning on the desk with a bad face.

"Thank you, Leon."

"Hey, friends, it's meaningless for you to say this.

Help me to lie down first, then I may need to rest for a while.

That's right, before you leave, help me water Lily..." Before he finished speaking, Leon, whose back was glued to the bed board, fell into a deep sleep.

Through the monitoring of the ward, the four-eyed doctor who witnessed the whole process was very excited and rushed in with a nurse pushing an iron cart full of countless medical instruments.

"Ding Sheng, please give me a break. It's rare for Leon to fall asleep. We must seize this opportunity to study... No! Treat him..." The four-eyed doctor was excited for less than 3 seconds before Ding Yunfeng picked up his collar and threw him out. Three meters away.

Facing Ding Yunfeng's cold gaze, the nurse who was about to scream decisively covered her mouth, and then ran out of the ward pushing the iron cart.

Walking in front of the four-eyed doctor who tried to stand up, Ding Yunfeng yelled, "Ah Yi!"

Tian Yangyi, who pretended to be a visiting family member, ran out from the next ward in response: "Brother Feng! I'm here."

"You stay here and protect Leon until he wakes up.

If anyone dares to touch him during this period, you will give it to me and chop off his claws. Ding Yunfeng shook out a cigarette, stuffed it into his mouth and walked towards the hospital exit.

Facing Ding Yunfeng's back, Tian Yangyi stood at attention and saluted: "Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Watching Brother Feng disappear down the stairs, Tian Yangyi stared at the four-eyed doctor in a daze: "Aren't you going to get out? Are you waiting for me to take out a knife and cut off your hand?"

"No! Boss, I didn't mean that. I'll go right away, right away."

"Wait! Ask someone to bring over a set of bedding!"

"Okay, okay, I'll call the nurse to arrange it right away."


Tian Yangyi was arranged to protect Leon so that he would not be sent to the Abnormal Human Research Center as a researcher while he was asleep, and Ding Yunfeng walked out of the Chongguang Mental Hospital alone.

Tian Yangzhi, who was standing at the entrance of the hospital selling corn, saw Brother Feng coming out alone, immediately took off his hat and ran across the road, quickly took out the key and got into the driver's seat of Brother Feng's car, and drove the Bentley in front of Brother Feng .

"Let's go back to Kwuntang first." Ding Yunfeng sat in the back seat of the car and inhaled intently. The cigarette on his mouth ignited spontaneously without fire.

Tian Yangzhi was a little startled when he saw this, but he didn't dare to ask. Instead, he shifted the gear in a numb manner, started the car and set off.

(End of this chapter)

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