Chapter 648 The Hidden Thousand Crane

"Five fights and eight trigrams altar style"

"The Nailing Curse"

"Palm Thunder"

"Flame Curse"

"Taoist Body Wash"




Hearing Xu Zhenren and Qian Shibo, Ding Yunfeng finally understood why Qianhe was able to play the peak game.

It turns out that Xu Zhenren in "Ghosts Fighting Ghosts" is his uncle.

With a decent family and a Taoist family, it is no wonder that Qianhe was entrusted with important tasks by the former royal family during his lifetime.

"These Daoist scriptures were sent back to the Xu family by his disciple Zhang Boldly after his uncle died.

It is not only the Taoism of the Maoshan School, but also the family tradition of our Xu family.

As a teacher, my comprehension is limited. Apart from the formation method of my school, I only learn the Taoism of opening the sword with a sword, and the method of refining the corpse rope.

Today, as a teacher, I will pass on the lineage of the Dharma Formation and the Xu family's family lineage to you, so you can learn it at your own discretion..." Qian He took out a dozen Dao books in one breath, and said with some unfinished thoughts.

Looking at the secrets of Maoshan, which is as high as a person, placed on the desk.

Ding Yunfeng decided that once Leon woke up, he would persuade him to come out of the hospital and come over to serve as a few times as a teacher.

Otherwise, it may take three years to read the contents of these books alone, and it may take 30 years to learn the content.

"By the way, I have given you all the secret books, but as a teacher, there is nothing you can do about magic tools.

When I fought the royal zombies back then, I ran out of guys. The only funeral object was my mahogany sword that was broken by the zombies and used to kill myself.

Later, when he worked as an errand, except for a few bound yin and er magic weapons, he really didn't have any long-term possessions. " Qianhe looked at Ding Yunfeng with some embarrassment as he looked at the token of ecstasy in his hand.

As my master, I have failed too much.

His background is not as good as Lin Jiu's, his family background is not as good as Simu's, and he is a little bit better than that non-staff member Mao Shanming.

"No need, Master, you have given me enough.

Just relying on these Daoist scriptures, as long as I have learned half of them, I can walk sideways in the Taoist circle of Hong Kong Island. "Ding Yunfeng quickly comforted Master.

Qianhe smiled, motioned Ding Yunfeng to sit down, and began to teach him some common sense in the Taoist circle.


Ding Yunfeng discovered that every time Qianhe mentioned the content of the upper realm, he would be harmonized by a dark force;
Speaking of the following, the content of harmony will be relatively less.

In layman's terms, many of Qianhe's "science popularization" content became * when he exported it.

Luckily, it's about Hong Kong Island, a place where there is no national oppression for the time being.

What Qianhe said basically fell into Ding Yunfeng's ears truthfully.

"Not good! The time has come..." Qianhe looked at the ground suddenly flashing red, and hurriedly stood up: "Ah Feng, it is a special case for the teacher to be able to come up this time.

I really don't know how long we will have to wait for the next meeting between you and my master and apprentice.

To make a long story short, you have to keep in mind that good and evil are opposing each other, and you will fight for life!
In addition, we have a lineage of formations, and there is a magic weapon of the Five Elements Extinguishing Demon Disk left outside. Someday you will find it, and the correct activation of the secret method is like this..."

A spiritual light was injected into the center of Ding Yunfeng's eyebrows, and Taoist Qianhe couldn't bear the suction anymore.

Looking at Ding Yunfeng with a full face, Daoist Qianhe was entangled by the black air rushing out of the ground, and was pulled down by a huge force in the blink of an eye.


Ding Yunfeng shouted loudly, and suddenly found that he fell asleep lying on the desk without knowing when.

Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Ding Yunfeng looked up and saw that there were more than a dozen thread-bound books neatly piled up on the left side of the desk.

It's not a dream, it's real.

Looking at these scriptures in a complicated mood, Ding Yunfeng smoked a cigarette by himself.

Suppressing some doubts in his heart, Ding Yunfeng dialed the internal number of the police station and told Zhu Su'e to buy a suitcase for him.

Carefully putting these Taoism scriptures into the suitcase, Ding Yunfeng saw Feng Sida striding in.

"Maoshan Fengsi, meet Uncle Ding Master..." After closing the door, Feng pinched his fingers with all four hands and raised his head high, before kneeling down to Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng hurriedly stopped him: "Fourth brother, there's no need to be so serious between us."

"The old and the young are in order, and you can't be sloppy."

Feng Si insisted on saluting, but in the end, under Ding Yunfeng's strong request, he agreed to just this one time, and from now on, the two of them, according to the police force, just stand at attention and call the officer.

Ding Yunfeng found it really difficult to persuade Feng Si, a stubborn donkey.

Next, regarding the handover of the head jade pendant, when Ding Yunfeng learned that Feng Si got the sword of the ninth uncle, he no longer declined.

"Brother Feng, let me ask a question.

Patriarch Qianhe, in addition to the basic inheritance of the formation, how many other Taoisms have he passed on to you?

One door, or two doors? "Feng Si has also studied formations, and he knows that formations are not enough to fight against the enemy.

On the way here, he thought, if Brother Feng didn't get the attacking type of Taoism from Patriarch Qianhe, he would choose two kinds of attacking talismans and teach them to the other party.

They are both descendants of Maoshan. Strictly speaking, except for the fundamental Taoism of the main line, which cannot be taught privately, other methods have always been allowed to communicate with each other by default.

Ding Yunfeng opened the suitcase: "I don't know how many doors there are, you can see for yourself."

"..." Looking at a box full of Daoist books, Feng Si's expression almost became tense.

He suddenly felt that the mahogany sword he offered on the altar——was no longer fragrant.

"Patriarch Qianhe, you are really hiding something." After holding back for a long time, Feng Si replied in a very sour tone.

Ding Yunfeng shook his head and smiled, "It's not as good as Uncle Jiu. He even gave you his sword."

"Brother Feng, how about we change?"

"Fourth, I can't tell, you have thick eyebrows and big eyes, you can't take jokes, but you can tell jokes!"

The two joked with each other, and Ding Yunfeng's door was knocked open.

"Oh, you two, why do you still have time to talk and joke? Hurry up and help us investigate the drug transport case of the female corpse. The higher-ups have urged me to make several calls. I can't stand it anymore!" Huang Yaobing sat down sweating profusely. , and slapped the case file on the desktop.

Ding Yunfeng didn't expect that Lao Huang would run over from Wan Chai while Uncle Da was still outside.

"What about the female corpse poisoning case?" Feng Si opened the file and looked at it.

While pouring tea, Huang Yaobing briefly explained the case.

It turned out that a few days ago, in a coffee shop on the streets of Wan Chai, a woman was carrying a box of white powder and wanted to trade with someone.

The matter was discovered by the police officers on duty, who stepped forward to stop it on the spot.

In the end, the female drug dealer was simply inhuman, neither bullets nor cars could stop her, and she was finally hit by a large truck, which stopped her.

Things were weird, the woman's corpse was taken for an autopsy, and the forensic doctor judged that she had been dead for more than 7 days.

Huang Yaobing knew that the police force always received some strange cases.

He went to find Superintendent Wu, a veteran of the police force, to take over, and the other party recommended Feng Si from Dongpingzhou to him.

Feng Si was recently transferred to Kwun Tong by Ding Yunfeng, and Huang Yaobing sent Uncle Da to make a stop.

Unexpectedly, Cai Yuanqi seemed to know that there was a difficult case in his Wanchai police station, so he made several phone calls to urge him.

Huang Yaobing couldn't take it anymore, so he had to come to Brother Chanfeng for help!
(End of this chapter)

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