Chapter 658
When writing the first letter, Ding Hu was still a recruit.

However, he was able to get a 5 yuan cloth ticket from his superior. Ding Yunfeng judged that the elder brother should have made his mark in the army by relying on his own force.

As for the second letter...

Ding Hu asked sternly why the younger brother was not in the capital, and his handwriting was quite correct.

Moreover, the letter paper used has become more formal, instead of using a pad like the first letter from home.

It can be seen that Ding Hu may be a squad leader at this time.

And to the third letter.

Ding Hu has made a third-class merit.

According to "My Grandpa Agent", Lao Ding's self-narration to Fairy Park.

The year after he joined the army, he won the No. 1 martial arts competition in the Jincheng Military Region and was transferred to the capital to do security work.

Ding Yunfeng preliminarily judged that the third-class merit hinted by his superiors to Ding Hu was obtained in this competition.

Suppressing his heart, Ding Yunfeng opened the fourth letter.

In addition to caring about his younger brother who is far away on Hong Kong Island, Ding Hu spent a lot of space in the letter, describing the process of his success in the army.

Even, at the end of the letter, Ding Hu bragged to Ding Yunfeng very badly.

At this speed, when Ding Yunfeng returns from Hong Kong Island, he should be able to rise above the division level.


I bet you won't be able to laugh in the next letter...

Looking at the end date of the letter, Ding Yunfeng smiled wryly and opened the next ten letters, then folded the letter papers together and looked through them.


As Ding Yunfeng expected.

Wind blows……

As the environment became more and more severe, Ding Hu was quickly dismissed from all positions and transferred to the logistics department to feed pigs.

Seeing Ding Hu's handwriting messed up again, and many places on the paper being scratched by the pen tip, Ding Yunfeng's heart was heavy.

Flipping through the letter paper, Ding Yunfeng passed through these family letters, and a soldier king clearly appeared in his mind from anger, to bewilderment, to numbness, to resignation...

After reading three or four pages, Ding Yunfeng's eyes turned red.

Just when he was worried about whether Ding Hu would have a hard time these years.

Ding Yunfeng was surprised to find that within two months of feeding the pigs, Ding Hu's situation turned around.

[X month X, late at night, suddenly received XX, changed jobs, transferred to XX repair factory in X province, served as security department, section chief]

How to write it out and paint it out with a pen?
And the content of the smear just includes: time, place and person.

Pulling out the letter paper, Ding Yunfeng looked up at the light and took a look.

Trying to recognize the content that Ding Hu deliberately obliterated, Ding Yunfeng's eyes lit up, he put away the letter paper, and let out a foul breath: "Fate against the sky!
Brother, you are not Kung Fu Panda, you are Yu Mao Zhan Zhao! "

Remind Ding Hu to use third-class skills to make things right, and when he was stepped on as a pig feeder and no one was paying attention, he was sent to someone's side...

Ding Yunfeng exclaimed secretly, he had guessed who was behind the scenes to control all this.

Who is suitable to be a bodyguard?
Of course it is the most inconspicuous person!

A guy who feeds pigs, who would have thought that this fat man won the No. 1 military competition?
Lighting a cigarette to calm himself down, the more Ding Yunfeng thought about it, the more convinced he became. If the weather is calm and the batch of calculators he sent back then, Ding Hu will definitely have no problem climbing up to the division level;

If there is a storm and waves, Ding Hu, who has escapees from Hong Kong in his family, will definitely decline immediately, so that Ding Hu can be turned from bright to dark, so as to protect some people.

After smoking the cigarette, Ding Yunfeng rubbed his cheeks vigorously with both hands, trying to make himself forget what he had made up in his brain.

The Sri Lankan has passed away~ There are some things that cannot be verified.

All in all, what the Ding family owed others will never be repaid.

Continue to read the letter...

Sure enough, Ding Yunfeng saw that the elder brother's mentality had changed, and he no longer had any thoughts about feeding the pigs, and Ding Hu, the brave champion of the three armies, had returned.


Ding Yunfeng could see from Ding Hu's words that he had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

Sleep at night with one eye open and one eye closed.

Patrol during the day, keeping an eye on someone.

Whenever he approached, no matter how he looked at him, Ding Hu always felt that the other party looked like an enemy.

Therefore, he is often criticized by a certain bigwig.


Ding Yunfeng read the following content relatively quickly.

Because it is basically Ding Hu's daily life.

Finally, Ding Yunfeng saw what Ding Hu wrote in the letter.

In the middle of the year, his job position changed again.

After the situation was settled, he was arranged by the boss to serve as the chief instructor in the Beijing Security Bureau.

The head coach of the Forbidden Army is nothing, but every time the boss goes out, the coach who must be named and asked to accompany him is awesome!

After reading these letters, Ding Yunfeng took out his lighter without hesitation, and burned them all on the spot.

There are too many taboo contents, and any possibility of leaking secrets must be eliminated!


The next day.

Ding Yunfeng got up and walked out of the room, only to find that Xingzi had already gotten up and was doing boxing exercises at the entrance of the ancestral hall.

"Comrade Ding, are you up?"

"Xingzi, you exercised too much yesterday, why don't you take a rest today?"

Ding Yunfeng beckoned Zuo Songxing to come over, pointed at the fried dough sticks, buns and white porridge on the table: "Come, let's have breakfast first!
Also, this is Hong Kong Island, don’t call me Comrade, if you don’t mind, just call me Brother Feng just like Ah Xing and Pheasant. "

"Thank you, Brother Feng." After receiving the chopsticks from Ding Yunfeng, Xingzi changed his words on the spot.

At the beginning of "The Saint of Gamblers".

Facing the malicious prank by the pier security guard, Zuo Songxing used his supernatural powers to slap him in the face.

Here it is!

Xingzi is simple, he is not stupid.

On the contrary, Zhou Xingxing often regards himself as a smart person, but always makes some ridiculous oolongs.

Chen Jiaju's classifier is horse, and Zhou Xingxing's classifier is head.

It was the first time to eat such a rich breakfast. Xingzi ate three times the amount of Ding Yunfeng alone.

The pheasant sitting on the side kept persuading him not to overeat. If he eats his stomach, it will not be worth the loss.

Ding Yunfeng was amused to see it. At the Fai Kee food stall in Shek Kip Mei, the pheasant tasted no better than Xingzi!

Good morning Feng! Ren Yinjiu came in with a yawn, and pulled away the stool beside Xingzai.

After lighting a cigarette to refresh himself, Ren Yinjiu had just grabbed a deep-fried dough stick when the big brother beside him rang.


It's me, hey, for this kind of thing, of course it's a quack killing order.

Now, I'm very busy here, so I'll just talk about it once. "Ren Yinjiu bit the fritters and hung up the phone.

Seeing Zuo Songxing staring at him in horror, Ren Yinjiu put down his elder brother: "I'm really sorry, I made everyone laugh. The people below have no idea, they have to call me for advice..."

Zuo Songxing let out an ah, and vigilantly pulled away the chair: "Is this a trivial matter?"

"Hey, Hong Kong Island is no different than the other side. There are more young and Dangerous people out on the street than in factories.

This gang of stinky hooligans, cheated, cheated, ate, drank, prostituted and gambled, just like the one just now...

Fujie relied on Fu Yixing's chic reputation, and went to our Dashuangkou to harass the female students who came out for supper!
If I don't send anyone to do anything today, will there still be customers coming to spend in the future? "Ren Yinjiu bit the fritters viciously and preached.

(End of this chapter)

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