Chapter 666

The old police station in Kowloon, the enchantment of the underworld, is like a bar with a gray and white tone mask added.

Dozens of fusang ghosts live here, wearing foreign clothes from 30 years ago, listening to obscure gramophones.

Or two couples dancing together on the dance floor;
Or around the bar drinking old sour wine;
Or embrace the dusty female ghost, lying on the bed and eating drugs...

There are three old ghosts with the strongest Yin power, gathered in a deeper room.

They bowed before an urn, and chanted extremely uncomfortable spells...

After they knelt and knocked nine times, the urn with the label of "Issey Miyake" gradually released wisps of cold black air.

In the lead, an old Fusang ghost in a black suit and with a slicked-back hair, placed a package containing Issey Miyake's clothes during his lifetime, together with the saber that the other party used to commit seppuku, in front of the urn.

He may feel the breath of his relics, and the black mist that diffuses from the cracks in the urn is like living things entangled with parcels and sabers.

The old ghost in a white suit standing on the left sighed with some regret: "When the weather is here, the soul, bones, and things are also there. Only blood and flesh are missing, and the chief can be resurrected."

"The premise is that there must be an opportunity to open the barrier from the outside.

At the beginning, I said that I wanted to leave a portal in the enchantment that could be freely entered and exited, but unfortunately those stinky girls from the Jiuju faction disagreed, and said that they were worried that we could not wait and go out early to cause trouble. "The last old ghost in a gray suit complained.

"Don't make any more noise! ​​Back then, the masters of my Great Fusang Empire, after many calculations, successfully predicted that a greedy and humble person would stray into the barrier in the past two days and provide blood and flesh for Miyake's resurrection." .

We must believe in the calculation ability of the masters of the imperial sect!

In the past few days, ask those outside to keep an eye out for me, is there any stranger coming in from outside! "The leader old ghost snarled and interrupted the dispute between the two companions.

"Hi!" The other two old ghosts stood at attention and nodded, solemnly accepting the order.


at the same time!

Expert Wen, Kim McKee, and Meng Chao gathered in the office to play poker. The former pretended to be calm, and complained that Lin Daying's apprentices pasted charms everywhere, messing up the whole police station. In fact, in his windbreaker pocket, stuffed Lots of crosses, garlic, holy water, etc.

Kim McKee and Meng Chao were originally atheists, but when they saw that Brother Feng and Director Hu Xin didn't look like they were joking, they naturally believed it.

If it wasn't for the expert Wen to force them to play cards, they would definitely run to stay beside Lin Daying and Zhong Fabai.

Regardless of whether there is Ah Piao or not, at least these two, one wearing Taoist robes and the other posing on the altar, can give them a little more sense of security.

"Hey, who took this three of diamonds? Play the cards!" Expert Wen patted the table hard and shouted.

Jin McGee and Meng Chao were shocked by his sudden yell.

With trembling fingers, Meng Chao drew a card and placed it on the table—it was three of clubs.

Expert Wen disdainfully snorted, stepped forward and turned Meng Chao's head back: "Did you make a mistake, three plum blossoms came out?"

"Ah, Brother Wen, I'm sorry, my eyesight was wrong, this shop is mine." Meng Chao took out a red cedar fish and threw it on the table, got up and said, "I'm going to pee, excuse me."

"Kidney failure and dizziness, you can tell at a glance that you have been single for too long, and you have been hiding in the mosquito net every night and shooting mosquitoes with anti-aircraft guns." The expert Wen spoiled Meng Chao.

Kim McGee couldn't understand his arrogance. Just as he was about to push back the buddy, Meng Chao suddenly tugged at his sleeve: "Let's go together."

"What are you doing?" Kim McKee looked at Meng Chao in astonishment.

Meng Chao said awkwardly: "I'm a little afraid of the dark, why don't you accompany me to drain the water.

Anyway, tonight you have to release it sooner or later, if you release it early, you don't have to hold it...hold it. "

"Wow, you're too embarrassing, aren't you?"

Kim McGee was full of reluctance, and was pulled up by Meng Chao, and the two walked out of the office side by side amidst expert Wen's ridicule.

But as soon as he took a few steps in the corridor, Meng Chao suddenly pulled Jin McGee and rushed towards the entrance of the police station.

Kim McKee was in a daze the whole time, he really couldn't figure it out, Meng Chao, who was always in a daze, why did he act so abnormally tonight?
Meng Chao dragged Jin McKee to Lin Daying's side, he was out of breath and said, "Master Lin, can we two stay by your side tonight?

To be honest, Brother Rifeng brought you here, the first time I saw you, I thought you were very kind. "

"Huh?" Lin Daying asked with question marks all over his head.

However, remembering that during the past seven days, he and Zhong Fabai went in and out of this police station, and the prematurely aging Sir in front of him seemed to be respectful to him.

After a simple calculation of the five fingers in the sleeve, Lin Daying found out in astonishment that he and this stupid-looking guy had some sort of karma.

"Meng Sir, what Pindao and Brother Zhong are going to deal with tonight is very vicious.

If you follow us, you might as well go back home and sleep.

If you are worried that Sir Hu will blame you for leaving your post without authorization afterwards, I can help you explain it to him the next day. "Buddha talked about origin, Taoism talked about destiny, Lin Daying shook a whisk and spoke slowly.

It's almost 12 o'clock at midnight now, and here is the wilderness again, as the saying goes, the grass grows, the forest is deep, and there are many graves in the wild.

In addition, today is the Ghost Festival, we go back now, only ghosts can know what kind of ghosts we will meet on the way.

Maybe somewhere, there is an invisible causal line connecting Meng Chao and Lin Daying.

Meng Chao, who had no opinion in the past and was even more muddled than Beethoven.

He didn't think for a second, and replied with a determined expression: "Master Lin, I still want to follow you.

And I see, you were helping those cameras this afternoon, now can you fire our guns.

just in case……

In case of any danger, the two of us can help. "

"Then... well, while there is still a little time." Lin Daying glanced at Meng Chao, then turned and walked towards Zhong Fabai's altar: "Brother Dao, borrow an altar."

"No problem." Zhong Fabai stepped aside curiously.

Lin Daying killed the chicken, ground the ink, wrote the talisman, tapped the talisman, and his movements were smooth and flowing. In just a dozen seconds, he made a bowl of talisman ink that exudes yang energy.

"You soak all the bullets in it first, and then you can shoot and injure them when you encounter dirty things." Lin Daying handed the rooster bowl to Meng Chao.

Meng Chao took it carefully with both hands, and smiled naturally: "Thank you, Master."

"Hey, don't bark, I'm not your master." Lin Daying corrected with a stern face, but Zhong, who was good at observing, turned pale, but saw that the corner of the other party's mouth was obviously raised.

When Meng Chao took the talisman and asked Jin McKee to run to enchant the bullets, Zhong Fabai walked up to Lin Daying: "Brother Dao, do you want to take in disciples?"

"Oh, let's see.

Everyone staying tonight is to deal with those Japanese devils. There is only a bowl of talisman ink left and right, so you can do it as you please, and it is not too troublesome. "

"That's true..." Zhong Fabai said halfway, then suddenly looked up at the moonlight: "It's time!"

(End of this chapter)

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