Chapter 670
"Brother Dao, how is the situation?" Zhong Fabai held the wooden sword in his hand and jumped to Lin Daying's side.

Lin Daying was bleeding from his right shoulder, holding the whisk with his left hand, protecting Meng Chao and expert Wen behind his back.

"Brother Dao, this thing is not an ordinary ghost. It has some characteristics of a Western vampire."

"Hmph! It doesn't matter what kind of ghost he is.

Tonight, we're going to (艹盘艺) turn him over. "

Zhong Fabai moved slowly, and shouted angrily: "Brother Feng couldn't wait for news from us, so he sent Feng Si to help.

Luckily, Feng Laosi gave me face and helped me look at the Buddhist altar, and let me come in and help you.

Don’t hide your tricks, if you can’t get it right, it will be difficult for us to raise our heads in Jingzhuan No. [-] in the future! "

"What?" Lin Daying was astonished, and immediately he held Fuchen firmly: "Okay! I will restrain him, and you will be the main attacker! Chao, carry Ah Wen out, hurry up!"

"Oh, master, then you should be careful." Meng Chao gritted his teeth and carried the expert papers, and strode towards the exit of the police station.

Kim McKee jumped out, and after the two broke up, he pointed his gun at Issey Miyake flying around the ceiling.

Feeling that Meng Chao and Meng Chao had already run away, Zhong Fabai shouted sharply: "Go!"

Raising his left hand, three fire talismans flew out from his sleeve, attacking Issey Miyake whose back was stuck to the ceiling.

Issey Miyake flitted aside like a bat, avoiding three fireballs the size of washbasins.

At this time, Zhong Fabai tapped the wall three times with his toes, and swung the Kaifeng wooden sword with his strength to slash towards him.


Issey Miyake hung the golden hook upside down, two ghost hands held the power of exorcism from the wooden sword, grabbed the blade and lifted Zhong Fabai forcefully, then opened his four fangs, biting Zhong Fabai's neck.

The essence and blood of a cultivator from the Hua Kingdom is worth more than a hundred young and middle-aged men.

If he could suck up this reckless opponent, his own strength would be able to rise to a higher level on the spot!


Imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Zhong Fabai caught all the ghosts around him at the age of 20. How rich is his exorcism experience?
Avoiding the biting fangs, Zhong Fa pinched the seal of the Lingguan with his white hand, and hit Issey Miyake hard on the forehead.

The Yang fire exploded, and Issey Miyake looked up with a headache.

Not only that, Zhong Fabai was in mid-air, turned around and drew out the wooden sword, the blade of the sword sliced ​​open two ghost claws, and at the same time kicked Issey Miyake hard in the right rib with the help of a volley.

Issey Miyake was kicked down by Zhong Fabai. He was not released by Snake Ming himself like in "The Devil's Office", but he was born ahead of time, and his strength was [-]% weaker than in the movie!

In addition, he and Lin Daying fought from inside the barrier to outside the barrier. Although the latter had to distract himself from protecting the two burdens of Meng Chao and Expert Wen, and suffered a little in his hands, he also consumed a lot of energy. .

Now that we meet, open the Dharma altar, light the seven-star lamp, and use the power of the ancestor to turn white, which one is stronger and which one is weaker, it can be regarded as an exchange.

Just one meeting, Issey Miyake knows.

The mustache who came from behind was even stronger than the square-faced Taoist priest he had fought against before.

One VS two, too bad.

Not to mention!

I failed to make sufficient preparations and was forced to resurrect early.

Compared with the peak strength, the strength is too far behind, it is better to go for the best policy, and wait for the strength to recover, and then come to settle accounts with these Chinese Taoist priests...

Thinking of this, Issey Miyake stubbornly resisted Lin Daying's whisk and flew towards the window behind him.

Seeing this, Lin Daying and Zhong Fabai hurried forward to stop it. The former was still in the gossip cloth bag, and took out a very old-fashioned gossip mirror.

The evil-slaying aura shot out by the gossip mirror hit Issey Miyake on the back, tore through his body-protecting cloak, and left a penetrating wound on the ghost body.

It's a pity that the wooden sword thrown by Zhong Fabai was a beat slower, and only a corner of Issey Miyake's cloak was nailed to the wall.


Without looking back, he put down a harsh word, Issey Miyake crashed through the window, turned into a black shadow and flew out.

"Not good!" Lin Daying and Zhong Fabai's expressions changed drastically, and they chased to the window together with Kim McKee.

Facing Issey Miyake who flew away like a bat, Aki hugged the magazine continuously.

It's a pity that for a toy gun like .20, when the bullet flies [-] meters away, it floats to an unpredictable level, and it can't keep the opponent at all.

"Chasing!" Zhong Fabai lifted up his Taoist robe, turned over and jumped out of the window.

Lin Daying failed to complete the containment task, so of course he followed.

Jin McKee climbed the water pipe downstairs, before the bullet was changed, he was stopped by Feng Si: "You stay here and help take care of that unconscious Sir.

Leave the rest to us. "

After saying that, Feng Si held the mahogany sword and flew towards the Sanshengju, so afraid of something coming!
Now I can only hope that Brother Feng can drag everyone back to help...

The Kowloon police station fought fiercely, but Ding Yunfeng was so bored at Sanshengju that he almost counted ants to pass the time.

Good luck!

Just as Ding Yunfeng was yawning again and again, under the moonlight, a black shadow exuding an evil aura flew towards his direction quickly.

Two faces of Uncle Ying, plus one face of literary talents, really extraordinary!
I knew that there must be an accident that caused the villain to escape from the encirclement...

Helding the ghost ax in his hand, Ding Yunfeng took a few steps to run up to the balcony on the second floor of Sanshengju with the help of a dead tree nearby.

"Issei きている person?" Issey Miyake smelled the breath of a stranger, and his scarlet pupils showed a hint of joy.

Since his resurrection, he has fought two consecutive battles, and now he urgently needs to suck the blood of living people to help him recover from his injuries.

Shaking the cloak, Issey Miyake rushed to the place where Ding Yunfeng was hiding.

But what puzzled him was that the guy who had been regarded as a blood bag by himself actually stood up with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Na ni?" Issey Miyake was full of doubts.

However, Ding Yunfeng quickly answered him with actions.

Bite on the cigarette butt, Ding Yunfeng guessed that the distance was about the same, and his lazy eyes suddenly turned sharp.

"Hey! Where is the ghost, let me eat my old Ding with an axe!" With a roar, Ding Yunfeng stepped on the balcony railing, raised the ax high and threw himself at Issey Miyake.

Issey Miyake was furious, I, Fusang Ghost King, was already embarrassing enough to be chased and beaten by two Chinese Taoist priests.

Now a mere mortal with an ax wants to step on me? ? ?
He was full of black air, and Issey Miyake stuck out his cold ghost claws. He decided to tear Ding Yunfeng alive to let the other party know that no matter how useless Fusang Ghost King is, he is also a ghost king, and not just anyone can treat him as air.

As for the ax that Ding Yunfeng threw at his head, Issey Miyake didn't even care about it!
It's just a cold weapon with a little evil attribute!
At the Kowloon Police Station before, there were two police officers with guns that could also hurt him, but in the end, they couldn't even touch the hem of his clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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