Chapter 674
Regardless of whether the words of ghost Matthew are true or not, Ding Yunfeng laughed it off anyway, and he strode out of the other party's office with Feng Si.

Matthew and Cai Yuanqi personally sent them downstairs and watched them get in the car and leave.

Cai Yuanqi put away his smiling face in an instant: "Sir, according to your orders, I will give in to Ding Yunfeng again and again.

It doesn't matter to me if this continues, but the people below me will have opinions. "

"Don't be angry, Cai Sir, you also know that our purpose of doing this now is to take advantage of Ding Yunfeng.

After all, even if the leader of the ghost catching unit doesn't have to charge on the front line, he is still destined to be a scapegoat.

You don't want your people to go up, so you can only persuade Ding Yunfeng to go up. Matthew patted Cai Yuanqi on the back, biting his cigar and preaching.

Cai Yuanqi looked up at him, turned around and went downstairs, returned to his office, and slammed the door shut with a bang.

Matthew and a group of ghosts smiled contemptuously, and returned to their posts to do their work.

And at this time, Ding Yunfeng told Feng Si, who was in the passenger seat, while driving the car: "These ghosts have a good plan, why did they deliberately create this mess, and they don't want to send the banana man they cultivated to carry the flag. So you want to fool me into coming out against the thunder."

"Brother Feng, the roots of this gang of ghosts are all in the ancestor's family.

Even if the situation is out of control, they can pat their butts and leave, but the ordinary people living on Hong Kong Island cannot leave.

This is a conspiracy, and they are sure that you will not sit idly by. "Feng Si recalled what he saw and heard in the morning, and his face was as black as the bottom of a pot with anger.

Ding Yunfeng shook the cigarette case and bit one on his mouth: "You want me to be the leader of the ghost hunting team.

If I went, Lin Daying, Zhong Fabai, and Chen Dachao, the Maoshan disciples, would naturally be recruited by the Hong Kong government.

Then, they sent over the egg powder and waste wood in the police force. This organization was almost [-]% set up, and it was really good. "

"Then what should we do now?" Feng Si's head hurts a bit, he is good at fighting with ghosts, but he is really not good at fighting with people.

Ding Yunfeng turned the steering wheel: "Don't worry, let them hang out first. As for the ghosts, if they are entrusted to the door, we will take them and deal with them. If I am not wrong, the hometown may be unsealed in the future. I will contact them there first." , and then deal with the matter here."

"it is good!"


Time flies, and two days are here in the blink of an eye.

Just like what Ding Yunfeng said in Tongfeng's four lectures, a few days ago, the special function group had to collectively perform kung fu on the other side to bring Zuo Songxing back.

Before noon, Dasha was very excited and called to report. In the early morning, two of the three fishing boats he sent had arrived in Pengcheng.

"Brother Feng, long-distance calls can be made now!

Silly Cat said, after reading the letter you wrote, the relevant departments over there arranged for them to have dinner at the Pengcheng Guest House.

Just after noon, they will start back. Dasha raised his elder brother and shouted.

Hearing that the mist dissipated as expected, Ding Yunfeng finally let go of his worries.

History will not be empty, and everything will end as scheduled.

Instructing Dasha, once the horse boy sent back safely, immediately bring him to Repulse Bay to meet him, Ding Yunfeng hung up the phone and focused on Lin Daying and Zhong Fabai.

"You two, although there were a few twists and turns in the incident at the Kowloon Police Station this time, it can be considered a perfect solution." Ding Yunfeng motioned for the two to drink tea, and nodded to Zhan Mi.

Jimmy lifted the red cloth at hand, revealing 2 stacks of banknotes exuding the fragrance of ink: "According to the rules set by Brother Feng in advance, this is the bonus for the two missions this time, 2 Hong Kong papers each.

Because the two volunteered to waive the reimbursement of exorcism consumables for this mission, so I respect your intention and help the company save this subsidy. "

"Hey, I almost screwed up, if I'm not worried, if I don't collect money, I will miss the company's good start.

Neither Aying nor I want to take the 2 today. "Zhong Fabai still blamed himself, while Lin Daying's Adam's apple twitched slightly, with the expression that should have been on his face.

Ding Yunfeng skillfully pointed at Gongfu Tea: "The more you work, the more you get. If you contribute, you are entitled to a share of the money. As for the small twists and turns of that night, just pay more attention next time. Old Zhong, don't worry about it all the time.

Issey Miyake is also a Ghost King character design, and the two of you have to carry three oil bottles, and there were no casualties, so you have performed well. "

"Then... since Brother Feng said that, we both feel ashamed." Zhong Fabai scratched his hair, stepped forward to take the money from Zhan Mi, counted half of it on the spot, and handed it to Lin Daying beside him.

Lin Daying put it away quickly, his financial situation was no worse than Zhong Pai.

Lao Zhong eats enough for one person, and the whole family is not hungry.

Recently, I changed hands to a grocery store, and there are some deposits at the bottom of the box.

He, Lin Daying, led a large group of apprentices alone, and the 2 yuan was actually very important to him.

After dividing the first sum of money, Ding Yunfeng got up with several people, and walked to a shrine placed in the company hall with a solemn expression.

Today's Chen Dachao rarely changed into Taoist robes. Seeing Ding Yunfeng bring people over, he resolutely ordered a bunch of incense and distributed them to everyone one by one.

Stepping aside, Chen Dachao knocked on the copper, Ding Yunfeng stepped forward in response, and took the lead to insert three sticks of incense into the incense burner, Feng Si and others followed suit.

Chen Dachao took out a sacrificial oration from his sleeve, shook his head, and began to recite.

This is to report to the ancestors of Maoshan in the upper realm and below about the formations, talismans, and soul-controlling veins. In response to the master Ding Yunfeng, he chose a location in Central Hong Kong Island to open a joint hall for external activities.

The first mission, the perfect ending.

I hereby express my feelings and offer some sacrifices.

I hope, all the big brothers in the sky and the earth, bless you all, the exorcism will go smoothly in the future, and the wealth will be abundant...

Ding Yunfeng was in charge of keeping a straight face throughout the whole process, as long as he put on the majesty of the head of Maoshan. For the specific link, Chen Dachao and Lin Daying led a large group of apprentices to rush around.

The ceremony takes about half an hour.

Ding Yunfeng realized for the first time that just standing up straight without talking is so tiring...

Wait until the bell whispers to remind you that the ceremony is over, so don't hold it.

Ding Yunfeng rubbed his cheeks, smiled at everyone, "Okay, everyone has worked hard today.

I told Lao Ou in Manhanlou to arrange three tables of vegetarian dishes in advance, and everyone put away their things, and then closed the store and went to have a good meal together. "

"Wow, brother Feng is so proud!"

"Master Ou from Manhan Tower sells the vegetarian food himself. Even if you have money, you can't eat it."

"Don't stand there stupidly, why don't you hurry up and do something?"


Seeing Xichao and others discussing excitedly, Ding Yunfeng took Fengsi and the others to go back to the tea room first.

But when they were about to leave, a seal script suddenly appeared on the yellow paper on the altar.

(End of this chapter)

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