Chapter 69

On the third floor of the food stall, Deng Bo, who was holding a purple clay pot in one hand and teasing a mynah in the other, smiled faintly when he heard the movement downstairs, and slowly stood up with the support of his disciple Chuiji.

"The good show has begun." Fat Deng walked to the window, looking from a distance, he could vaguely see the place where the storm happened - Yunlai Tea House.

He has followed Deng Bo for more than ten years. He is wearing a plaid shirt, a pair of black trousers, and his beard and hair are neatly combed.

It's not so much that blowing chicken is a combination of winning and winning, it's better to say that he is more like a nine-to-six office worker.

"Grandfather, after today, Ah Qiang will definitely accept your life-saving grace. Fu Yixing is at the pier in Yuen Long, do you still want to give it to him?" Blowing Chicken asked tentatively.

Deng Bo glanced at him with a smile: "Since I decided to win Ah Qiang, the association must not be stingy. After all, Brother Stanley Peak also gave him a lot."

"But..." Chui Ji was a little unwilling, he thought that Coolie Qiang and Zhan Mi were not on the same page with everyone at all.

Deng Bo naturally knew what was going on in the mind of his protégé with high eyes but low hands.

Before Coolie Qiang entered He Liansheng, Chuiji was his scheduled successor.

There is no other reason.

Poor chicken blowing ability, he is easy to control.

Unexpectedly, Lei Luo suddenly informed Deng Bo a year ago that he was going to plug in two people and win the match.

In this era, black and white are a family.

As Lei Luo is the head of the family, the four major clubs on Hong Kong Island all follow him to earn food.

Luo Ge chose He Liansheng, which was a honor bestowed on Fei Deng, how could he have the courage to refuse?

But from Chuck's point of view, he always thought that after Fat Deng retired, he would be able to be the sitter with Liansheng.

Now seeing Fat Deng wooing Coolie Qiang frequently, Chucky is very jealous.

he thinks!If there were no strong coolies, Fu Yixing, the Yuen Long Wharf, would definitely fall into his own hands at this time!
"To be a human being, the most important thing is to recognize yourself..." Deng Bo sighed lightly, ignoring Chucky's ugly face, and stared intently at Yunlai Tea House.

On the other side, as Ding Yunfeng and Laihao walked down the teahouse, Chuanbao and others finally removed the invisible shackles, and greeted Yiqun's people and Han Bin dinosaur with a smile on his face.

Big D is very eye-catching, because he personally ran to Stanley to deliver a letter to Brother Feng, and when he came back to the teahouse, he followed Ding Yunfeng all the time.

Airplane disdains Big D's thick skin in his heart, he just regrets, why didn't they fight today?
Brother Qiang has promised that after this battle, he will not care about breaking into the backbone box, and he will be accepted as the winner!

"Plane, don't stand still, can you drive?"

"Yes, what's the matter, Brother Zhanmi?"

"It's fine, you drive my car, go to the Kowloon bus company right away, rent a few minibuses to take everyone over there, have a backbone, hurry up, go now." Jimmy threw a bunch of car keys and a stack of money to the plane.

The plane has something to do, and he is very happy.

He ran downstairs quickly, and just as the plane opened the door, there were suddenly countless shouts of killing from the opposite street.

"Why are there still ambushes?"

The plane was taken aback, he didn't bother to close the car door, he rushed to the front of Ding Yunfeng and the others: "Brother Feng, you retreat first, we will hold this place!"

"Damn you! I, Wu Shihao, am going to withdraw without even seeing the enemy? How can I come out and mess around if the news is spread?" Wu Shihao laughed out loud.

Inside the teahouse, members of the three major gangs also rushed out following the sound.

"What the hell! Yiqun hasn't basked in the horse for a few days now, what kind of turtle, snake, dragon (ox, ghost, snake god) dare to run in front of me, Wu Shihao, to show off his might?

Dawei leads people to guard the left side, Serena leads people to guard the right side, you mute protect Shi Shi.

Ah Feng, let's go, the two of us stand in front, let's challenge these bastards together! "Wu Shihao gave orders, even if he limped a foot, his aura was still so overwhelming that the gang and Liansheng people dared not show their arrogance.

Ding Yunfeng gave Shi Shi a reassuring look, smiled and shook out a cigarette in his mouth, and Zhan Mi held the dagger in his backhand and stood silently behind him.

Coolie Qiang was anxious to make amends, so he took off his sackcloth jacket, revealing his lean muscles.

A few guys who wanted to get out of the way and Liansheng beat the boy, clenched the guy and followed behind Coolie Qiang, among them was the big D in a gray suit and the plane who was always in the wrong seat.

Shuangfan Donghuo Niu Shaogou ran fast, and they quickly overtook Le Shao who was leading the way.

But when they brought people to Yunlai Tea House, they suddenly found out that the situation here seemed a bit inappropriate...

What about the people in Fu Yixing?

Why changed Yiqun?

Dawei, Serena, Dumb, and even the leader of Yiqun, who is feared by people on the road, is lame! ! !

Why was Sir Stanley Ting also present?

Shuangfan Donghuoxue and Shuaigou stared wide-eyed, and coolie Qiang Chuanbao and the others standing opposite them were also confused.

"Ah Dong. The three of you brought so many people here, what exactly do you want to do?"

Chuanbao looked at Lihao and Ding Yunfeng who kept sneering, and at Shuaigou who kept winking at him, and took a step forward with courage to ask.

Shuang Fandong scratched his head: "No! Ah Qiang sent someone to report, didn't he say that you were ambushed by Fu Yixing's people in the teahouse? We found out and brought people over to rescue you."

"I didn't send anyone back to bring reinforcements!
What's more, the people in Fu Yixing were driven away by Brother Hao and Brother Feng long ago. Coolie shook his head resolutely.

Zhan Mi immediately counted the number of people, and soon announced that Coolie Qiang and his subordinates were all present.

Suspicions fell on Chuanbao, Feihua and Leng Lao, and the three hurriedly counted the number of people, only to find that Lin Huaile, the young master who begged Chuanbao to bring him over to open his eyes, was missing.

"Lin Huaile? That straw sandal that was tied up with me?"

Coolie Qiang finally remembered this person, and immediately shouted: "I have no friendship with him, how could I send him back to ask for help? Besides, I am a red stick and he is a straw sandal. How can I be a coolie strong enough to command him, Le Shao?"

In fact, at this point, the three of Shuangfandong have come back to their senses.

Just now when they heard that the Yunlai teahouse was fighting, the three of them didn't think about it, and immediately led their troops to kill them. Looking back now, there are obviously many doubts about this matter.

"Haha, I almost made an oolong, but as long as Ah Qiang and you are okay." Shuai Gou gave a quick wink, trying to change the topic.

Chuan Bao vaguely guessed that he was put together by Le Shao and someone today, so he walked quickly to Jamie's side and explained a few words in a low voice.

After hearing this, Zhan Mi straightened his expression, and hurried to Ding Yunfeng's side.

But before Zhan Mi opened his mouth, Wu Shihao had already laughed out loud with disdain: "Okay, that fat guy is best at these little tricks that don't make it to the public.

Ah Feng, we Yiqun will not drink this toast.

Come over to my place another day if you are free, and we will have a good drink together. "

After saying that, Wu Shihao turned around and left with Yiqun's people, and no matter how many people tried to persuade them to stay, it didn't work.

Seeing Li Hao leave, Han Bin and Dinosaur also want to leave.

The brothers came here today because of Ding Yunfeng's face.

Now that they know that He Liansheng is still plotting against their own people when they are facing foreign enemies, they despise the sour meal of backbone and can't swallow it.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, Shi Shi was frightened, I'll send her back first." Ding Yunfeng winked at Coolie Qiang and Zhan Mi.

The two immediately took the big D and the plane under the pretext of protecting Ding Sir and his sister-in-law, and took the opportunity to slip away.

The original lively scene, in the blink of an eye, was left with a series of fat Hua Lenglao and Shuangfan Donghuo Niubaigou, just when the six people didn't know how to end it.

Lin Huaile, who was in poor health, finally rushed over out of breath: "Huh? What, what's going on, the fight is over so quickly?"

(End of this chapter)

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