Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 707 Qiu Jinshen's Calculation

Chapter 707 Qiu Jinshen's Calculation
Knowing that Cai Yuanqi was really in a hurry this time, Qiu Jinshen didn't dare to say anything, so he agreed decisively.

Walking out of Cai Yuanqi's official residence, Qiu Jinshen drove to the foot of Taiping Mountain, took out his big brother's phone, thought for a while, and called Meng Bohui.

After a few rings, the phone connected.

Qiu Jinshen didn't talk nonsense, and he hit the opponent's weak spot when he opened his mouth - female sex.

On the other end of the phone, Meng Bohui was lying on a round bed. The back view from the bathroom light was taking a bath. It should be a beautiful shorthair cat.

"What? Can Bawanghua let me soak?

Hey, bragging, can you make a draft first? Your condition is too outrageous, isn't it? "Meng Bohui stopped whistling, sat up straight and replied.

Qiu Jinshen smiled faintly, and parked the car on the side of the road: "Brother Hui is a gunslinger, how many lives does brother have to lie to you? If you don't believe me, I can take you to the dance held by Bawanghua first at night."

"Wow, if you want to say that, I'm really interested." Meng Bohui gave a smirk like Jiahui's while wiping the golden cat that came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

Seeing this guy take the bait, Qiu Jinshen felt a little relieved.

Quickly making an appointment for the time and place to meet in the evening, Qiu Jinshen resolutely pulled the cord and stopped the "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" coming from the opposite side.

"It's outrageous, it's in broad daylight..." Shaking his head, Qiu Jinshen made a few more phone calls.

However, his good luck seems to have run out.

Those who received his call either made excuses to decline, or directly refused like Cheng Ren and Mrs. Rose.

"Forget it, let's go help the boss first and get those safes out of the way." Temporarily unable to find any other candidates, Qiu Jinshen started the car and drove to a lock shop in Mong Kok, which occupies a small area and is stuck in the most popular location. .

"Sir, just take a look, our Wang's lock shop has been passed down for more than a hundred years!

Regardless of the traditional mechanical locks in the past or the Swiss electronic locks now, we have them all. "An apprentice who looked very much like Jimmy, wearing a white shirt and jeans, sat at the counter and greeted Qiu Jinshen.

Qiu Jinshen looked up and down the shop, which was covered with locks from the counter, to the walls, and even the attic: "Where is your master?"

"You want to find my master? Sir, what's your surname?" Bai Datong opened the cabinet and came out in doubt.

"Miangui, my surname is Qiu.

Liangzi, please call your master for me.

Just talk...

Back then, the old friend who helped his wife bring money to the Kowloon Police Station to redeem him came, so he would understand. " Qiu Jinshen pulled a stool, took off the scarf and patted on Erlang's legs to sit down.

At this time, the flip-flops who were washing clothes and mopping the floor heard the movement, and walked out with duck steps: "What's going on? Are you making trouble?"

"No, this gentleman said he knew our master, and asked me to make a phone call, call Master back." Bai Datong held on to the flip-flops and whispered in his ear: "Maybe it's an old acquaintance.

The last time Master was drunk and said that when he was young, he once offended a detective and was arrested and headed by him, and almost lost his life at the Kowloon Police Station. "

"Well, then you say hello to this guest, and I'll make a call." Flip-flops let go of their fists, looked warily at Qiu Jinshen, walked into the room and made a call.

Repulse Bay, Wangxia Villa.

The royal father, nicknamed Bao Zugong, sat across from Ding Yunfeng with a smile on his face: "Ah Feng, no matter what, Xiaoxia is always a child, and now she is pregnant before the wife, isn't that embarrassing for you?"

"Dad, don't worry about it.

In my heart, Xiaoxia and Shi Shi have the same status in the Ding family.

Because all the men of the Ding family died on the battlefield except me and my elder brother Ding Hu.

Therefore, there are no elders in the Ding family to take care of them. Since the eldest brother recognized Shi Shi and Xiaoxia in the letter, the children born by them will not be classified as the eldest son. "Ding Yunfeng knew very well what the charterer was worried about, and decisively gave the old father-in-law a reassurance.

The charterer's smile became brighter when he heard the words, he turned to look at the living room, and grabbed Wang Xia's nagging wife: "It's really ignorant of country women, now Xiaoxia is accompanied by 6 nannies every day, she is needed Chatty?"

"Mama, she's worried that Xiaoxia's first child is inexperienced." Ding Yunfeng knocked out a little panda.

The charterer took it over and clicked it, and took two sips: "Ah Feng, you just said that you need to give me 2 more buildings for rent.

I think, forget it.

The family is big and the business is big, so it's hard to manage.

Relying on the property you gave us before, we have an income of at least 200 million a year, which is enough to live on.

Besides, I still have a lock shop. "

As expected of an old fritter who lived under the gun of a rabbit...

Once he quits gambling and drinking, this old man is sure enough to do things and talk!
"I know what your old man is worried about.

Don't worry, I, Ding Yunfeng, don't dare to say anything to Shi Shi's group of women.

Xiaoxia is pregnant with my first child. If I don't tell the outsiders a little bit, my brother knows that as an uncle and patriarch, he will definitely call me ignorant. "

Hearing that Ding Yunfeng offered Ding Hu all, Bao Zugong didn't dare to refuse.

He also came to Hong Kong Island from his hometown. He knew the situation of Ding's family, and spreading branches and leaves was the top priority of the family.

That means Ding Hu is not here, otherwise, the Patriarch and Patriarch might be even more nervous than Ding Yunfeng.

Because, Ding Hu and his wife are both working in the capital, and it is now 1976, according to regulations.

Ding Hu and his wife can only have one child, but the first child is a girl.

Therefore, whether the Ding family's incense can be passed on depends on Ding Yunfeng.

Brother Feng has a lot of women on Hong Kong Island, but at the age of 32, he hasn't even laid a single egg.

In Ding Hu's letter during this period, the first sentence at the beginning is always - sisters and daughters-in-law, who is pregnant?

Weng son-in-law had just talked a few words, the name of the unborn child, the big brother next to the charterer rang.

I was a little upset and pressed the answer button, and the charterer shouted: "Hey, I'm not free right now. If you have something to say, hurry up and hang up if you have nothing to do."

"Master, a mustache surnamed Qiu came to the shop to pick you up!
He said, I knew you, and I helped your family bring money to the Kowloon Police Station to redeem you! "It can be heard that the opposite party is very angry, and the flip-flops have a bitter face.

He only asked Qiu Jinshen to be reliable, otherwise, when the charterer came back, he who made this call would definitely be repaired.

Good luck!

As soon as he heard the person calling himself Qiu, Bao Zugong's expression changed on the spot.

He slowed down his tone, and asked the flip flops to greet the distinguished guests first, and he hurried back quickly.

"Ah Feng, I have to go, the middleman who helped the family bring money to find Huo Qilin to rescue me has come.

Out of emotion and reason, I have to go back and greet people. "The Charterer looked at Ding Yunfeng apologetically.

Qiu is a very rare surname.

Coupled with the vaguely heard appearance of the 'mustache', Ding Yunfeng helped the father-in-law put on his coat and asked, "Dad, what's the name of this man?
Back then, he was able to save someone from Huo Qilin's men. This person probably has a lot of background, maybe I still know him. "

"Qiu Jinshen!

He has a very complicated background. When I knew him, he was still a patrolling horse in Kowloon.

Later, I heard people say that every time, he changed his profession.

I haven't seen him for many years, and I don't know what he is doing now? Shaking his suit, the charterer grabbed his eldest brother and replied: "However, since he has come to the door, I guess he has encountered difficulties."

They helped me back then, and if I had the chance, I still wanted to repay the favor. "

"Hehe, if this Qiu Jinshen is the Qiu Jinshen I know...

I reckon that what he asked you to do may not be a trivial matter. "Ding Yunfeng put his hands on the charterer's back and accompanied him out of the villa.

The charterer heard the words, and compared his two index fingers under the nostrils with a Chinese character: "A Shen, he has been growing a small beard since he was a young boy."

"That's right, the police recently created a special operations unit.

The person in charge of this department happened to be called Qiu Jinshen.

I also heard that this Qiu Sir has a neatly trimmed mustache on his upper lip. Ding Yunfeng gestured to the bodyguard Ah Shui, asking him to come over and help charter the public car.

Mr. Bao Zu is a master of dog morality, so he knows that his son-in-law may not be able to deal with this Qiu Sir.

"Ah Feng, does the surname Qiu have any grudge against you?"

"No grudges, but behind him stands an older brother, Cai Yuanqi, who is my opponent in the police force."

"Okay, I understand." The charterer didn't say much, and sat in the back seat and closed the door: "Drive, Dundas Street, Wang's lock shop."

Watching Hutouben leave, Ding Yunfeng turned and walked back to the villa.

Seeing him coming in, Wang Xia brought her mother over, "Hey. Where's my dad?"

"Oh, the flip flops called, and an old friend came to visit. Father-in-law, he went back to greet the guests first." Ding Yunfeng didn't say much.

The Queen Mother frowned: "What kind of old friends does the old ghost have?
Except for those people in Mediation Ridge, there are only those cronies who called him to drink.

no!I have to go back and watch him. "

Over the years, Wang Xia has followed Ding Yunfeng, and has met countless big bosses on the road. Her eyesight and reaction can throw her mother to the moon.

Seeing that the Weng and son-in-law had something to hide from their mother and daughter, Wang Xia smiled and held her mother back: "Mom, don't do this!

Dad has changed everything, besides, I saw that Brother Feng arranged for Ah Shui to send Dad back, so nothing will happen. "

"Ah Shui is very capable, and he can handle ordinary situations." Ding Yunfeng winked at Wang Xia, telling her to keep her mother-in-law, then said excuse me, walked up to the study on the second floor, and started calling Close the wind.


In Wang's lock shop, Qiu Jinshen holds a teacup in one hand and flips through a foreign magazine about electronic locks in the other.

"If I remember correctly, Lao Wang should not understand these things. He should be a handicraft handed down from his family?" Looking up at Bai Datong, Qiu Jinshen waved the magazine in his hand.

Flip-flops came out with a serious face: "My master said that the times are advancing, and only understand mechanical locks, and sooner or later there will be nothing to eat. So he asked the two of us to work hard to learn the Swiss electronic locks..."

"Oh, very good, I have a vision." Qiu Jinshen threw the magazine aside, with disbelief written all over his face.

If Lao Wang is an expert in mechanical locks, he will certainly believe it.

How about an electronic lock?

Lao Wang can't even understand English, so it's okay to buy and sell.


What a fart he is!
Bai Datong held on to the grumpy flip flops, but the background of the other party was still unclear.

This will be hands-on, in case someone is really an old friend of the master, I really can't explain it later.


The Mercedes-Benz car that the charterer took arrived in a few minutes.

Ah Shui got out of the car and opened the door. The charterer took a deep breath and stepped down. As soon as he entered the shop door, he laughed and held Qiu Jinshen's hands: "Rare customers, Ah Shen, I haven't seen you for many years. The mustache is still so fake, it's just like the real one!"


Why does this sound so weird?

Are you praising my beard, or are you hurting my beard?

The corner of Qiu Jinshen's mouth twitched, and he decided to put aside this difficult question for the time being.

Wiping his beard so neat that it could shave snakeskin, Qiu Jinshen patted the charterer on the shoulder: "Old Wang, I haven't seen you in these years. You are the same as before, and you still like to joke so much."

"Smile, ten-year-old boy!
Besides, you can tell by looking at my face that I am a professional when it comes to being funny. "The charterer rubbed his palms, and while beckoning Qiu Jinshen to sit down, he asked his two apprentices to buy vegetables and wine, so that he could make dinner for the guests.

Qiu Jinshen quickly called to stop the two: "Don't bother, I will leave after a few words."

"Hey, I haven't seen you for many years, so I have to have a drink tonight anyway.

By the way, where did you get rich recently?The last time I heard people talking about you, it seems that you went abroad and became a mercenary? "

"Oh, that's all about the old calendar. I'm currently working for the Hong Kong Island Police Force. Now, here's my business card."

The charterer pretended not to know how to take it, and took a look——

[Special Operations Department - Superintendent Qiu Jinshen, phone number: 527-84]

It really is him! ! !

Raising vigilance, Chartered Public's acting skills are soaring: "Wow, sharp!

Superintendent, then everyone can't call you Ah Shen in the future, but Qiu Sir. "

"Hey, we've been friends for decades, and you're playing with me?" Qiu Jinshen pretended to be dissatisfied, and pointed at the charterer.

The two looked at each other and laughed together.

After a while, Qiu Jinshen stopped laughing and tapped on the tea table: "Okay, I don't want to joke with you. I came here today. I want to ask you to do me a favor."

"Tell me, if you can help me, I will definitely help..." The renter rubbed his chin and said with a smile: "If you can't help, I will definitely say Sorry, and I won't give up."

After listening to the first half, Qiu Jinshen was still smiling, but when the second half of the sentence came out, he, who was used to wearing a mask, almost failed.

Convex (艹盘哉), I haven't seen him for more than ten years, how did this old Wang become so difficult to deal with.

"This job is not difficult for you. I want to order a few safes that only you can open." Qiu Jinshen didn't want to talk about it, and directly stated the request.

The charterer rubbed his fingers: "Sorry, I can't do what you asked.

Only I can drive?

Then if I lose something in the future, won't I be blamed? "

"Old Wang, don't take my word for it.

We have been friends for decades, so you won't even refuse to help me with this favor?

Ask for money, easy to say!My boss is not short of money..." Qiu Jinshen pressed the charterer's shoulder, and his tone became slightly aggravated.

The charterer put away his smile, and waved back the flip flops and Patekson who rushed over: "Your boss? The boss who is qualified to be your superintendent, shouldn't you be the chief of police?"

"Hehe, that's right, my boss is Cai Yuanqi, Cai Sir." To the surprise of the charterer, Qiu Jinshen did not deny it, but admitted it.

He took out the cigarette case, tapped it with his fingers, and the charterer caught the popped cigarette: "Since you don't hide it, I don't need to tuck it in. You must have known who my daughter is with before you come here.

With the relationship between Cai Sir and Ah Feng, you, as his subordinate, actually asked me to make him a safe.

A Shen, what kind of medicine is sold in your gourd? "

"Sell it." Qiu Jinshen spread his hands, and replied as a matter of course: "I don't think about Cai Sir's prospects, and I want to switch to the Ding family, but I suffer from no connections.

This kind of opportunity is rare, so I just want to build a bridge with you, an old friend, and leave a good relationship in front of Ding Sheng. "

"Ha, no wonder you have changed so many jobs." The charter lit a cigarette and looked deeply at Qiu Jinshen: "Yes, I agree to this matter.

You report the size to me, wait for one more month, and come to receive the goods. "

"Okay! Then we'll make a deal." Qiu Jinshen shook hands with the charterer, got up and walked out of the lock shop.

Watching the N-headed snake leave, Bai Datong said to the charterer with some worries: "Master, you promised to help him make a safe. In the future, if Brother Yi loses something, we are the most suspicious..."

"Shut up! As a master, I can't see what you know?" The charterer slapped Bai Datong, and explained with a dark face: "Our lock shop is the only one on the whole street. The surname Qiu has been here for so long, and the uniformed police patrolling outside have walked past it several times.

If something really happens, as long as he insists that the safe is done here, with the relationship between me and Ah Feng, Cai Yuanqi will definitely not let go of this opportunity to use me to threaten Ah Feng.

Rather than being calculated by others for nothing, I might as well make these safes!
At least, I can guarantee that when Ah Feng needs it, we can help him take out the things Cai Yuanqi put inside. "

"In this way, once Brother Feng loses power, Qiu can use these safes to frame Master, and then help Cai Yuanqi use you to attack Brother Feng;
Conversely, if Cai Yuanqi gets embarrassed, he can use this incident to sell Brother Feng well and jump to the camp.

No matter which side wins or loses, he is undefeated? "Flip-flops are rarely sober, and their faces are full of shock.

The charterer sneered: "This person has always done things like this.

Otherwise, how could he take both black and white, and changed so many jobs, the more he messed up, the better?
Don't forget, once he joined the police force, he was the superintendent! "

Ignoring the two stunned apprentices, the charterer went out to greet Ah Shui to drive, and hurried back to Repulse Bay.

At this time, Ding Yunfeng had already heard the news. After his group had left in the morning, Qiu Jinshen approached the black panther and angered him with a few words.

Then, the black panther rushed to Cai Yuanqi's official residence, and the latter rushed back from Taiguan in a panic.

I don't know what the two of them were talking about inside. They were in charge of staring at the eyeliner of Cai Yuanqi's mansion, and when they saw the black panther walk out of Cai's house angrily.


Qiu Jinshen recruits people everywhere.

Many masters from the underground world received the invitation.

It's a pity that, except for Meng Bohui, who is the most out-of-the-ordinary, no one agreed to Qiu Jinshen's solicitation.

"Meng Bohui? Didn't this guy hang out with the Black Panther all the time?" Ding Yunfeng put down the phone with a surprised expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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