Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 713 Mrs. Ge's Thoughts

Chapter 713 Mrs. Ge's Thoughts
Kwun Tong Police Station, [-]rd Floor, Commissioner's Office.

With one hand on his hips and a porcelain cup in the other, Ding Yunfeng was instructing Zhu Su'e and Chen Xiaosheng to tidy up his room.

In the corridor outside, there are cardboard boxes. Dog Wang Lun is holding a tablet and a box-end pen, numbering these cardboard boxes and making a list of details.

Cao Liang, Zhou Xingxing and Chen Jin kept going back and forth, moving the sealed boxes downstairs one by one.

"Hey, why so much wine? Are there seven or eight boxes of XO?" Ah Xing wiped the sweat from his forehead, panting slightly.

Cao Liang picked up a box and carried it on his shoulders: "What is this?
Back then, Brother Feng was a tactical consultant for the Flying Tigers. It is said that there were two large custom-made refrigerators with a capacity of 700L in the office. "

"Wow, so exaggerated?" Chen Jin looked over in surprise.

Cao Li'ang walked past him calmly: "What's so strange? At that time, there was a piece of rice, but brother Feng carried it up. Rice ate at least half of the contents of the two refrigerators..."

"Hey, hurry up outside, there's no room for the three boxes of cigarettes inside."

Hearing Zhu Su'e's urging, several people dared not chat, and immediately worked hard to continue working as cattle and horses.

at this time.

An old crown rattled on the road and drove into the gate of Kwun Tong Police Station.

Wang Yifei opened the car door with a nervous expression, and ran up the stairs at a trot, almost bumping into Cao Li'ang and the others who were walking down.

"Hey, Ah Xing, what are you guys up to? Could it be that Kwun Tong is also going to be renovated, and now move the police station in Kowloon like others?"

"No, Wang Sheng.

It's Brother Feng's resignation report, which was finally approved by the superiors, and now everyone helps him pack his personal belongings. "Ah Xing was carrying a box of red wine, tilting his head and replied.

Wang Yifei hurriedly said hard work, then he squeezed sideways, and tiptoed to Ding Yunfeng's office.

"Hey, Uncle King? What are you doing here?
Didn't you see how messy my place is, there's not even a place to stay? "Ding Yunfeng grabbed Wang Yifei who was almost crushed by the cardboard box.

Wang Yifei wiped his sweat with his left hand, and held Ding Yunfeng's arm behind his right hand: "Ah Feng, how can you quit the police force at this juncture?
Didn’t you promise me on the phone to help the Ge family settle this kidnapping case?I have signed all the contracts there..."

"Contract!! King Uncle, you actually used me to take advantage of the Ge family???" Ding Yunfeng's eyes twitched.

Wang Yifei should spread his hands out of nowhere: "Aren't you talking nonsense?
I get hundreds of thousands of dollars per minute. If I don’t get anything, I’ll call the Ge family to find you a favor?

Do you think I am you?

I am very loyal to my wife, I am only greedy for the Ge family's money, if it were you.


Maybe, Ge's dumplings are all cooked. "

"Uncle King, now I suspect that you are humiliating me."

"I'm just telling the facts, readers have sharp eyes.

The most I want is money, and you want both people and wealth.

If you don’t believe me, I put my words here, if I don’t follow 10 posts below, I will quit the business circle. "

Seeing Wang Yifei so swearing, Ding Yunfeng was really speechless to him.

In fact, apart from Zhao Su, he never ate dumplings again.

But when Zhao Su left the Song family, there was a lot of trouble. Even if Gan Lianghong and Lin Dazun made great efforts in public opinion, they couldn't hide it in the Chinese business circle.

Not wanting to talk about this kind of men and women, Ding Yunfeng decisively changed the topic: "Okay, I don't blame you for using my banner to steal the Ge family's wool, and you don't want to mention my backyard.

Now let's talk about going back to the Ge family.

It's not that I, Ding Yunfeng, backtracked and made you break your promise in front of the Ge family.

Before you called me, I thought, such a thankless case.

As long as I am willing to take over, and the Ge family asks for it, the higher-ups must push this hot potato to me before I hand over the work.

But now being intercepted by Li Shutang of the Causeway Bay Police Station, it means that there was a problem in the communication between the Ge family and the police station.

and so!
It's not that I don't want to help you get rich, brother, it's that you are destined not to get this money! "

"Hey, let me call the Ge family." Wang Yifei took out the phone book, squeezed to the desk, grabbed the handset and dialed.

Looking at the big brother on the table, Ding Yunfeng shook his head and walked out of the office. A real estate tycoon with a net worth of billions, save this communication fee?
The truth of the matter was soon confirmed.

Mrs. Ge explained to Wang Yifei on the phone that considering that Sir Ding had resigned, she followed the advice of Sir Cai and his family and decided to hand over the case of her husband to the Causeway Bay Police Station.

"Li Shutang's egg powder, how can Ah Feng be reliable? Sister-in-law, you will definitely regret it."

"Wang Sheng, we are in business, we need to talk about credibility.

As the saying goes, one thing does not bother the two masters, Ding Sir, when Ah Xiang is rescued, our husband and wife will come to apologize.

As for the cooperation we agreed before, it still counts now, so you don't have to worry. "Madam Ge was neither humble nor overbearing, and directly blocked Wang Yifei's words.

Wang Yifei shouted with a dark face: "Have I discussed money with your Ge family?
Is it a matter of money now?

I'm worried about Ge Sheng's life!

It's as if I only recognize money in life!Really excited, hang up! "

After hanging up the receiver forcefully, Wang Yifei came out cursing.

Seeing that the corner of Ding Yunfeng's mouth was slightly hooked, as if he was laughing at himself, he waved his hand in embarrassment: "Next, what are your plans?
Hey, I got word that next month, the Hong Kong government will put a few pieces of land up for auction.

Why don't we partner up and take the biggest piece, and then develop it into a high-end residential area and sell it for money? "

"Hey, for this kind of small business, you can go talk to Ah Qing or Zhan Mi. Seriously, I, Ding Yunfeng, am not interested in money now."

"Hmph! Are you not interested in money? You are more fake than me!
Forget it, if you don’t come, you won’t come. I’ll take it by myself. It’s better for one person to get water than two people.gone. Wang Yifei glanced at Ding Yunfeng disdainfully, then turned and walked towards the stairs.

Looking at the lonely back of the old man, Ding Yunfeng actually knew it very well.

With the other party's stingy temperament, if he didn't regard himself as a junior, how could he think of himself the first time something happened to the Ge family. This is because he knew that he was leaving the police force to help him make contacts in the business world.

As for the benefits offered by the Ge family, the two of them tacitly knew that it was just a joke.

An old man with no heirs, and a huge fortune, is not trying to protect himself from a miser.

Maybe he is the one that Ding Yunfeng said is not interested in money.


Li Shutang's mood is very complicated now. Since he was transferred to the front line of the police force, he finally defeated Ding Yunfeng once, and snatched the Ge family's case from the other party's hands.

The problem is, Sir Ding has already decided to leave. It is said that Kwun Tong is cleaning up the director's office.


When I solve this kidnapping case, the next time I meet Sir Ding, I have to take the initiative to salute, stand at attention, and shout—Mr. Ding?

Tuk tuk, there was a knock on the door.

Just to dispel the imaginary picture in Li Shutang's mind, he wiped his glasses, raised his head and shouted: "Come in."

"Report to Sir Li! All the members of the Kwun Tong Crime Squad are here now, and they are in the meeting room!"

"Okay, Xiaoli, you continue to urge the other guys on vacation to return to the team, and by the way, contact the transportation team and ask them to arrange a special line and have a special person on standby." Li Shutang got up, put on his hat, and instructed the secretary.

"Yes sir!" The Madam named Xiao Li replied loudly, puffing out her chest.

Li Shutang strode into the meeting room, looked at the police officers who were sitting all over the room, and shouted with a straight face: "My colleagues..."

Just when Li Shutang mobilized people to arrange an action plan, Zhang Zihao repeated his old trick and drove to the gate of Ge's villa alone.

"Hey, you can't park here." The gatekeeper ran over and knocked on the car window with a sullen expression.

Zhang Zihao jokingly opened the car door and got down: "I am the kidnapper who kidnapped your master. If you think your master is safe and sound, you'd better go inside and tell me."

"What? You! Are you a kidnapper?" The servant was shocked, but he didn't wait for him to call.

Zhang Zihao has put Ge Xiang's famous tie around his neck: "Shh...

Don't make a fuss, I'm very loyal to help my brothers, if I see something happen to me, I will definitely tear up my ticket. "



Zhang Zihao was invited into the villa by members of the Ge family, and Mrs. Ge, accompanied by her two younger uncles, came forward to negotiate with him in person.

"What? 5 million U.S. dollars? Why don't you grab it!" Hearing Zhang Zihao's offer, Ge Laoer turned pale with shock.

Zhang Zihao laughed: "Wrong, it is more profitable than robbing! I have read a few financial-related books in the past two days, and it said that the stock market is the hunting ground for you rich people to harvest the poor, and the listed companies are in your hands." gun.

It's only 5 million U.S. dollars, and the Ge family can get it back from those idiots who dream of getting rich soon.

The same reason!

If Ge Sheng had any troubles, I think the stock price of Xinhongqi would have to drop by [-]-[-]%.

At that time, the loss of everyone here must be more than this amount, right? "

"Crazy! You treat the Hong Kong Island stock market as our Ge family's cash machine!

How can you believe what is written in the book? "The third child of the Ge family looked at Zhang Zihao in shock and anger, feeling a sense of absurdity in his heart.

This world is so crazy, a kidnapper, he actually reads financial books, how is this any different from a cook reading the art of war?
Zhang Zihao laughed and walked up to Mrs. Ge: "It doesn't matter if I'm crazy or not, the most important thing is that Ge Sheng is in my hands.

Mrs. Ge, if you want to save your husband, you have to give me 5 million US dollars. "

"You have a big appetite, and you are worried that you will die."

"It's average, but not as good as Ge Sheng, who wrote those books."


Faced with Zhang Zihao's blackmail, Mrs. Ge finally chose to give in.

Even if she knew it very well, Li Shutang's people would be able to come here and catch him if it took a little longer.

However, Mrs. Ge didn't dare to gamble. She knew very well that the two younger uncles present had always been eyeing the foundation established by her husband.

However, Fan Ge Xiang made a mistake. In addition to bearing the pain of losing his husband, he had to face two evil wolves.

At that point, she might be kicked out by the Ge brothers.

"5 million US dollars is too exaggerated. Before Lin Ju was kidnapped, didn't Lin Ren only pay 10 billion Hong Kong dollars?"

"Hehe, Mrs. Ge is very well informed, and she even knows how much ransom the Lin family paid."

"5 million Hong Kong dollars! I'll give 5 million at most, or you can collect the money now and let my husband go, and you can't play with our Ge family in the future;

Or I'll call the police immediately, and then in the underworld, I will offer a reward of 5 million for the lives of you guys! "Ge Tailiu raised her eyebrows, watching Zhang Zihao speak.

Zhang Zihao was stunned, and immediately applauded lightly: "Okay, it's true that women don't give way to men.

Today, I will give you a face, Mrs. Ge, 5 million Hong Kong dollars is 5 million Hong Kong dollars, now let’s talk about how to pay..."


Twenty minutes later, Li Shutang rushed to Ge's house with his troops.

But what annoyed him was that the attitude of the Ge family, who had been angrily looking for Guilao and the first brother, suddenly changed 180% of their attitude towards him.

"Ge Tai, set up monitoring equipment, this is the most basic measure, we will keep the content of the monitoring confidential in accordance with the relevant police regulations, and ensure that the privacy of the parties will not be leaked..."

"No! Those who deal with our Ge family are business giants.

We are also talking about commercial secrets, if any of them are leaked out, the loss will be at least tens of millions.

Li Sir, I can trust you, but the people under you, can you guarantee that nothing will happen? " Mrs. Ge suddenly became reticent, and Li Shutang's hands turned red when she opened her mouth in anger.

Li Shutang waved his hand to stop a technical policeman, and replied sonorously: "My people, I am in charge. Mrs. Ge, since you don't trust our police, why did you call the police before?"

"Nonsense! My husband was kidnapped in front of the company in broad daylight. If I don't call the Hong Kong Island Police Force, why don't I go to the church to report to Jesus?
Are you in charge?
Back in your police force, didn't a senior police officer, Hong Zeshi, know the law and broke the law, planning a kidnapping case against Wang Yifei? "

What about Fatty Hong, is it hard to get over it?
The corner of Li Shutang's mouth twitched, he took a few deep breaths, and adjusted his emotions: "Mrs. Ge, you and I are all for Mr. Ge's safety, please calm down..."

"I can't calm down. My husband doesn't know whether he is alive or dead. How can I calm down?"


While Li Shutang was struggling to deal with Mrs. Ge's unreasonable troubles, Zhang Zihao had already brought part of the ransom paid by the Ge family, and triumphantly came to guard Ge Xiang's dilapidated house.

"Brother Guan, Brother Hao and the others are back." The person in charge of guarding Ge Xiang knocked on the door and said to the people inside.

Ye Shiguan turned over and sat up from the sofa. Seeing the big cloth bag brought in by Zhang Zihao and the others, he couldn't help laughing: "Successful?"

"Of course it went well, the second and third children of the Ge family have always wanted to 'seek to usurp the throne'.

Mrs. Ge may be in a mess at the first moment, and may even call the police.

But once she calms down, she won't dare to gamble. She's afraid of the Ge family, even our gang of thieves. Zhang Zihao took the beer from Ye Shiguan and walked up to Ge Xiang who was locked in the iron cage: "Ge Sheng, tell me, am I right?" "

"..." Ge Xiang huddled in the iron cage with his arms in his arms. He regretted it now. A few days ago, Wang Yifei organized a game, and he also went. Why didn't he spend money to hire a team of Dragon Shield security?

Ye Shiguan raised his head and blew out a bottle of beer, took out the black star on his waist, and strode to Zhang Zihao's side.

Zhang Zihao put his hand on the muzzle of the gun: "Brother Ye, what are you going to do?"

"Of course it's silence. He has seen our faces. If we testify against us in court, we will be wanted by the police." Ye Shiguan's tone was indifferent, his face was indifferent, and his finger did not leave the trigger.

Ge Xiang was shocked when he heard the words, and kept shaking his hands: "I dare not, you two big brothers, please let me go, I promise not to report the case to the police!"

Ye Shiguan sneered, and was about to raise the muzzle of the gun, but found that Zhang Zihao was holding it down with force.

"Brother Ye, we have to be moral when we come out to hang out. Since I promised to take the money and release him, now that his family has paid the money, I should let him go." Zhang Zihao looked at Ye Shiguan intently.

Ye Shiguan frowned: "Of course we have to be moral when we come out to play.

The question depends on who you are speaking to, and now you are speaking morally to a meat ticket?Brother Hao, are you crazy, or am I crazy? "

"Brother Ye, if you kill him, no one will be willing to pay the ransom in the future! Besides, do you know what his wife told me in Ge's house?" Zhang Zihao pulled Ye Shiguan's gun and held it against his own. chest.

Seeing this, the men of the two men drew out their pistols and aimed at each other.

With a cold face, Ye Shiguan slowly lowered the muzzle of his gun: "Speak, I'll listen."

Zhang Zihao smiled and waved his hands, telling his subordinates to put away their weapons: "Mrs. Ge said, either I will charge 5 million Hong Kong dollars to release her husband, and stop harassing the members of the Ge family;
Either she calls the police to collect her husband's body, and then goes on the road to pay 5 million bonuses to buy our lives. "

"Convex (哉盘哉)!" Ye Shiguan's complexion changed drastically, and he turned around and smashed the beer bottle in his hand: "This girl is delicious, I like it."

Zhang Zihao patted Ye Shiguan on the shoulder: "If you have no trust, you can do business for a long time."

After saying that, he turned around and squatted in front of Ge Xiang: "Ge Sheng, congratulations, you have a good wife!

Now there is still 1.5 million to go to the other side to collect, and I will let you go when I collect enough money.To show my sincerity, let me treat you to abalone first. "


A few hundred meters away from this hiding place, on a slightly higher hill.

Tian Yangsheng and Tian Yangzhong, with camouflage and camouflage on their faces, held binoculars in their hands and saw Ge Xiang, who was wearing only a pair of underpants and squatting in an iron cage in the dilapidated house, gorging himself on abalone. .

"Brother, when will we save people?" Tian Yangzhong asked doubtfully.

Tian Yangsheng had a grass stalk in his mouth: "Save me, save me? The boss didn't even order to come, so let everyone watch patiently."

"Understood." Tian Yangzhong grabbed a walkie-talkie, brought it to his lips and said a few words.

The security personnel of Longshield ambushing in other directions responded one after another with the walkie-talkie.

At this time, Li Shutang was finally broken by the Ge family.

He led a group of men out of Ge's house with a dark face.

Taking a look at the surrounding environment, Li Shutang first arranged for people to set up surveillance nearby, and then ordered the guys in the technical department to directly connect the phone line of Ge's house.

Since the other party didn't cooperate, he decided to force it!

Anyway, the reporting process has already gone through. With Li Shutang's background, as long as Ge Xiang can be successfully rescued, Ge's family will have nothing to do with him afterwards.

On the second floor of the villa, the second child of the Ge family looked at Li Shutang through the window, and turned around worriedly: "Sister-in-law, Li Sir has a deep background in the police force. Wouldn't it be a bit too much to do this?"

"Excessive? Who made him come so late?

I have already paid part of the money, so if the police intervene at this time, if Zhang Zihao tears up the ticket, wouldn't it be a waste of money for me? " Mrs. Ge put on an unreasonable expression, but in fact, she was more vigilant in her heart.

I didn't think about it at first, but since I learned that Ge Xiang was kidnapped, these two little uncles have been making up their minds by my side.


These two guys have long been urging themselves to call the police, prompting the kidnappers to tear up the idea!
(End of this chapter)

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