Chapter 715 I Want [-]%
The dignified British gentleman was slapped in the face by the peasants on the other side.

How can you bear this kind of shit?

Matthew, who used to appear as a nice gentleman, strode up to Cai Yuanqi.

Pointing to the scattered newspapers on the ground, the ghost Matthew shouted loudly: "Sir Cai, do you know where these newspapers came from?"

"I don't know sir."

"Okay, let me tell you.

At 7 o'clock this morning, the person in charge of the Hong Kong office on the other side knocked on Sir MacLehose's official residence with this newspaper in person. Matthew's eyes were full of anger: "Now the governor has been slapped in the face by the other side, and the next days will not be easy for everyone!"
You are the police chief, and arresting the ten most wanted criminals is within your scope of responsibilities.

We don't care what method you use, you must make achievements in the near future.

Otherwise, go to the Governor's Mansion and report to Sir MacLehose yourself! "

"Yes sir!" Cai Yuanqi stood at attention and saluted loudly.

Matthew nodded slowly, then turned around and took out cigars from the humidor on the table: "Then, you can go now."

In the past, everyone smoked and drank together to burn their heads, but today they couldn't even get along with a cigar.

Cai Yuanqi knew that Guilao didn't have much time left for him.

Without further ado, he nodded to the other ghosts, then turned and walked out.

The Chief of Police was washed by the ghost with saliva, and the heads of the police stations in the following districts will naturally not feel better.

As soon as he got back to Tai Kwun, Cai Yuanqi called a meeting for everyone.

The leaders of the five Chinese police officers, Cao Dahua and Lin Leimeng, walked into the conference hall with a dozen small police chiefs talking and laughing.

Cai Yuanqi squinted his eyes and looked at them. In fact, since Ding Yunfeng submitted his first resignation application.

He had already secretly sent someone to contact these five guys, but what made him angry was that he allowed him to raise the price even higher.

These five guys were all like the stones in the latrine—stinky and hard, none of them were willing to accept the olive branch he extended.

"Uncle Hua, hurry up and take your seats, everyone will be waiting for you." Looking at Cao Dahua, Chief Superintendent of the North District, who was surrounded by everyone in the center, Cai Yuanqi shouted in a cold voice.

Uncle Hua glanced at him, and led Huang Yaobing and others to the first row of seats.

Lin Leimeng opened the one in C, and Uncle Hua sat down with a smile: "Sir Cai, please be considerate of the old man.

I am an old bone, how can I rush to the Central District from the New Territories?

Or, next time you have a meeting directly, and then fax the results to me, so that you won't delay each other. "

"With my old cold legs, it is very hard to climb the stairs of Tai Kwun.

Cai Sir, next time I will ask for leave too, please fax me an extra copy of the meeting results. Huang Yaobing smiled at Cai Yuanqi while shaking his legs.

These two took the lead, and Hu Xin and Chen Jianxin also followed. One said that he was scared by ghosts and wanted to see a psychiatrist, and the other said that he was so angry by his subordinates that he wanted to do a heart bridge.

Among the five Chinese police officers, except for the young and strong Lin Leimeng, the other four went on strike together.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of the other two factions changed.

Li Shutang kept a stern face and said nothing. This time, he had already had a hard time dealing with the Ge family case.

Today, the British department is going to meet the Ding department, so he is stupid to mix it up.

Looking deeply at Uncle Hua, Cai Yuanqi waved his hand to stop a confidant beside him who couldn't help but explode: "Stop joking, Uncle Hua, the Hong Kong Island Police Force is holding a meeting. If you, the Chief Superintendent of the Northern District, are missing, it will be like What words?"

Finding that Ding Xi was still monolithic after Ding Yunfeng left, Cai Yuanqi decisively retracted his head.

Uncle Hua also knew that Lu Minghua hadn't been transferred to the police force yet, and he, the acting leader, was not suitable for tearing faces with Cai Yuanqi.

Therefore, he also smiled at Cai Yuanqi: "Look, I just said that Cai Sir is a good leader, and he takes care of us old seniors the most."

The two looked at each other and laughed together.

The originally tense atmosphere dissipated in an instant.

Li Shutang's eyes were slightly closed, and he was sitting on the left side by the window. However, compared to the previous time when he was transferred to be alone, he was also surrounded by several chiefs of small police stations in this meeting.

As such.

Since Ding Yunfeng left the police force, he handed over the Chinese police officer who had been inherited from the era of the four major detectives to Lu Minghua, who was appointed by his hometown.

Now the Chinese police officers of this faction can be called by the Chinese family;

Cai Yuanqi and his group are all banana people with yellow skin and white heart, referred to as the British family;

As for Li Shutang, the director of Causeway Bay, he is currently the weakest, but with his influence in the Three Banners, he is favored by the neutral faction. He can be regarded as representing the interests of Hong Kong Island itself, and can be called the Hong Kong faction.

The factions of the Hong Kong police are three-legged.

For the time being, the Chinese department is the strongest, and even the British department has to avoid the edge for the time being.

But as time goes by, the future is hard to predict.


Less than 15 minutes after the meeting ended, Ding Yunfeng, who brought Li Jie to Jingzhuan No. [-], already knew the details of the meeting.

To put it simply-this time the hometown arrested Ye Shiguan, which highlighted the incompetence of the Hong Kong Island Police Force.

The ghosts were very dissatisfied and asked everyone to take care of Zhang Zihao at all costs in the near future.

After hanging up the phone, Ding Yunfeng smiled at the people who were looking at him curiously: "It is estimated that my hometown sent someone to give the ghost a stimulus. Through Cai Yuanqi, this group of guys issued a death order to the police stations in each district, saying they want to arrest Zhang Zihao!"

"I've seen Zhang Zihao's face, and I can only say one thing—this man's death is not yet here!" Lin Aying shook her head and laughed.

As soon as this remark came out, it was recognized by everyone.

Since following Brother Feng to find food, these days, in addition to staying at Jingzhuan No. [-] to take orders, everyone also used mystical techniques to calculate opponents and allies for the boss under Zhan Mi's suggestion.

Among all the people, Zhang Zihao was the one who surprised everyone the most—he was just what the gods gave him to eat in the green forest.
According to Feng Si's calculation, if he wants to destroy this guy, he must rely on the strength of his hometown.

It is also a coincidence that Zhang Zihao was arrested in his hometown in the movie, and the prototype of this character is even more exaggerated in reality.

He kidnapped two rich men in a row on Hong Kong Island, and then planned to blow up Stanley Prison, but the Hong Kong Island Police Force had nothing to do with him.

"As long as Zhang Zihao doesn't mess with me, then leave him alone and let Cai Yuanqi take care of himself.

Now let’s talk about the incident in the fishing village..." Ding Yunfeng looked at Chen Dachao: "My master gave me a dream last night, saying that he had already found out that the tribute boat carrying Qin's corpse was snatched away by the three families in the fishing village. of.I let you hang out with those villagers, now is the time to go over and deal with this matter. "

"Brother Feng, during this time, Dao Zhong and I sneaked over to investigate.

We found out that the village is very exclusive, and there is a small police station on the island where they live.

The name of the person in charge of the police station is Shi Chun. He takes the other two Sirs and drinks northwest wind there every day.

Due to the harsh working environment, Shi Chun has always wanted to get promoted by cracking down on the villagers' followers, so as to be transferred from this place where no shit. "Lin Aying took out a few photos, which included most of the supporting roles in "The Land of the Dead", except for a few leading actors in the troupe.

"I can't tell, you still have this photography skills?" Feng Si looked at Lin Aying in shock.

Lin Aying looked a little unnatural: "I didn't take the picture, it was taken by your nephew Xia Youren. This brat has gone to work as a reporter."

"Hello reporter, with a stable income and a decent job, it's better than being a Taoist priest." Lin Daying put down the photo and laughed at himself.

When these words came out, everyone sighed in unison.

Before everyone met Ding Yunfeng, except for Feng Si and Lin Aying, everyone else lived a tight life here.

That time he helped the pheasant to save Chen Haonan, but it was the only ritual that Zhong Fabai had received in the past three years.

"A Ying has to ask your apprentice, if he has an idea, I can say hello to Gan Lianghong and arrange for him to become a reporter for the Hong Kong Island Daily.

However, my personal suggestion is that unless he really loves this profession, if he continues to learn from you, his prospects are much better than being a reporter. Ding Yunfeng looked at Lin Aying and persuaded.

Lin Aying nodded her thanks, Ding Yunfeng then ordered them to send a person to Longshield Security Company to work every day.

During this period of time, Hong Kong Island has become more and more uneven.Not only gangsters are rampant outside, but also a lot of dirty things appear.

In this way, the business of Longshield Security Company must be expanded. In addition to guarding against people, it must also guard against ghosts.

The next day, Chen Dachao, who had been in the fishing village for almost half a month, finally brought a group of apprentices to help them do things.

Ding Yunfeng and others came together as tourists, and the head of the fishing village felt a little uneasy when he found out that there were so many outsiders.

But no matter how dissatisfied he was, he did not dare to offend Chen Dachao.

Dachao has been helping people in the New Territories for so many years, so he may not be able to get along well in the city, but in the eyes of these rural rich men, he is already the top talent they can contact.

After some fancy Taoist operations, Da Chao threatened the village chief and others with a heavy breath, saying that the sea around the island is full of grievances, and he must do a bigger ritual to suppress them, otherwise blood will flow into rivers , chickens and dogs do not stay.

The village chief and others are guilty of thieves, knowing that 300 years ago, their ancestors murdered a whole ship of officers and soldiers for their money and murder, and the remains of these officers and soldiers were abandoned by their ancestors at the bottom of this sea area.

For this reason, they firmly believed in Da Chao's words, promised to increase the money on the spot, and asked Da Chao to be responsible for arranging this large-scale ritual.

"Chen Daochang, it doesn't matter how much money you spend. In short, I ask you to take care of what happened in our village this time."

"It's easy to say, I will contact a few comrades as soon as possible to help.

I will write a form to you for the required materials, and you can send someone to the comprador in advance. "Da Chao held the wooden sword upside down, wiped the beard at the corner of his mouth with two fingers, and looked like a magic stick.

Ding Yunfeng stood not far away with Zhong Fabai: "Old Zhong, did you see that? Now you know why Da Chao was able to lead a group of apprentices in the New Territories, but you have to go to Kowloon to open a grocery store, right?" ?”

"Oh, I'm good at catching ghosts, but if you want to pretend to be a ghost, I really don't have the talent.

Obviously, the water ghosts in this sea area were captured by Patriarch Qianhe last night to make a fortune.

Just now, Da Chao was able to perform to the air a hard-working appearance of himself fighting the ghost king for [-] rounds, I really admired him. Zhong Fabai shook his head and sighed softly.

What expensive pomelo floats in the sea?
You hollow out the pomelo flesh, tie up the pomelo skin, a total of ten or so are tied together with bamboo strips, it's like a sheepskin raft, it's ridiculous if it sinks.

As for white rice not sinking...

You stir-fry the glutinous rice until it is about to explode, and if anyone sprinkles it, it will float.

At this time, Dachao sent Xichao to greet the two of them, saying that the village head had already prepared a banquet, and he was waiting for the two of them.

Ding Yunfeng and Zhong Fabai followed Xichao to the ancestral hall. Seeing Dachao as an expert, the people from the fishing village got up and invited them to the ancestral hall.

"Master, I will send someone to take care of what you want as soon as possible. As for this ceremony, when do you want to do it?"

"Hey, the sins committed by your ancestors 300 years ago, how can it be so easy to undo?
To be honest, I can't settle this matter alone.

As for those Dao brothers, whether they want to come or not, I have to sell my face and say good things!
After all, you descendants spent the sinful money of your ancestors, and we help you out of disaster, which is a great derogation of our own merits. "Da Chao put on airs and analyzed from his words that during the time when Ding Yunfeng and the others came over, he had already told the village chief what happened 300 years ago.

As soon as they heard this, the village chief and the other two bosses knew that they had to make some merit to Master Chen.

Glancing at Ding Yunfeng and Zhong Fabai, the village chief whispered in Dachao's ear, "Master, take a step to speak..."

"No! If you have anything to say, just say it here.

Ding Sheng is no longer in the police force. He has no control over the cases that your ancestors committed 300 years ago.

But Brother Zhong Dao is one of the foreign aids I'm going to invite this time, so you don't have to hide anything about your village from him. "Da Chao shook his head again and again, embarrassing the village head who pretended to be confused.

"Sorry, Ding Sheng, we didn't mean to snub you.

Because you used to be a policeman, but our ancestors were all thieves, so today's matter...hehe..." The village head got up to help Ding Yunfeng pour the wine, and the other two house bosses came over to offer cigarettes and light the fire.

Ding Yunfeng raised his glass with a half-smile, "You guys don't need to be so nervous, to tell you the truth.

The Jingzhuan No. [-] that Dachao works for now is actually run by me, Ding Yunfeng.

I have done research on this matter in your village.

You don't need to hide, I can also be open and honest.

300 years ago, I, Ding Yunfeng, were not in charge of the sins committed by your ancestors.

But if you want us to help your village get rid of that Qin corpse, I will take away [-]% of the island's gold, silver and jewels besides Zhong Kui's sword afterwards. "

"What? Ninety percent? Mr. Ding, the lion's mouth is not open like you..." The patriarch surnamed Li slapped the table angrily, and more than 100 clan members surnamed Li sitting on the left all stood up.

Ding Yunfeng smiled and shook his head: "I didn't ask for all of them today, which is considered very kind.

Because I know that the three of you have been working without incident for 300 years, relying on the illegal wealth you won back then.

Don't leave any belongings to give you time to adapt, and many people may starve to death.

If I didn't take this into consideration, I really wouldn't leave you a penny. "

The Patriarch of the Yang family shouted angrily: "Then we won't need you, I don't believe it, we can't hire an expert with money..."

"Almost all the experts who have the ability to handle this matter have been recruited by me to work in Beijing Specialized No. [-].

For the rest, as long as there is no sense at all, they will not come out to oppose our group of people;
As for the ignorant, it is useless for you to invite them.

Because he doesn't even have this bit of vision, and he is even less capable of helping your village to make peace. Ding Yunfeng looked at the village head, and said slowly: "I'm going to eat your village this time, and it won't work if anyone is invited." "

"Ninety percent is too much, Mr. Ding, why don't you give in and share fifty percent equally?" The village head winked at the two house bosses, and pointed five fingers on his right hand to Ding Yunfeng.

"No, I said [-]% is [-]%. I am not here to bargain with you for business. I am willing to leave [-]% for you. It is actually out of humanitarian spirit." Ding Yunfeng refused to accept.

Li and Yang's family, a total of three hundred people, all stood up and surrounded them with angry eyes.

Zhong Fabai, Chen Dachao and others guarded Ding Yunfeng's surroundings vigilantly.

Ding Yunfeng glanced at the audience jokingly: "I say [-]%, there is no need to discuss."

The corners of the village chief's eyes twitched, and he picked up the wine glass with trembling fingers: "Okay, Ding Sheng can do whatever he wants."

"Village head!" Li and Yang, the two patriarchs, were taken aback.

The village chief raised his hand and waved: "Don't be stupid, just a few hundred of us, Mr. Ding can kill us with a random call from Lianshengtang.

I have advised you on weekdays, don't cling to the ancestral precepts every day, and go outside more often when you have time.

If you don't look at things outside the island, you don't know how deep his background is. "

The Qian family is the leader of the three surnames, and the village head, the head of the Qian family, has made a decision, and the other two surnames can only nod in agreement no matter how unwilling they are.

Ding Yunfeng stood up with a smile, and shook hands with the village chief: "It's a very wise choice, your ancestors were guilty, if future generations continue to spend this evil money, they will get retribution sooner or later.

In the middle of the night these days, I will send a boat over.

You send the [-]% gold, silver and jewels on board, and leave the rest to me. "

"Okay, Ding Sheng, the lives of nearly a thousand people in our three families will all be entrusted to you."

"En." Ding Yunfeng picked up his wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

And a hundred meters away from the ancestral hall, on a big banyan tree surrounded by several people.

Shi Chun, chief of the Xiaodao Police Station, held up a binoculars and saw the scene where Ding Yunfeng shook hands with the village chief.

"Wow, that's a big deal! No wonder Ding Yunfeng stopped being a messenger. It turns out that he hooked up with the villagers here and wants to become a fan!" Shi Chun, who had been delusional that the villagers were going to be a fan, yelled out loudly.

Chen Longshi, who was helping him with the ladder, looked at A Tou with a confused look on his face: "No way, Sir Ding is a famous anti-fan fighter, no matter how depraved he is, there is no reason to go to fans!"

"Damn, knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing their hearts, being a servant, how can you make money quickly by getting fans?" Shi Chun climbed down the banyan tree, and first gave his subordinates an idea.

Chen Longshi covered his forehead: "It hurts, no, Boss, Ding Sir doesn't even live on his job salary, he has a lot of business outside, and he doesn't like the money from fans..."

"Choose, is it my boss now, or your boss?

If your vision is higher than mine, it will be your turn to be the Director! Hearing this, Shi Chun was furious, pushed Chen Longshi away, and stuffed a crumpled cigarette into his mouth: "A shocking scandal, a major case of the century!"

Let me catch Ding Yunfeng this time, I have at least 10 warning calls!
Ma De, Ma Rulong back then, he was not as powerful as me. "

(End of this chapter)

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