Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 720 The corpse is fake, but the sword can be real

Chapter 720 The corpse is fake, but the sword can be real
Qian He could only laugh at Uncle Jiu's words and remained silent.

Speaking of a word of cheating, since the establishment of Maoshan, [-]% of the Zongmen's cheating products, don't they all come from your Lin Jiu's sect?

Knowing that Qianhe is very precious to Ding Yunfeng's apprentice, the other party will definitely not repeat what he said.

Therefore, Uncle Jiu just complained, and took a few steps forward with a few fellow disciples, took out a golden altar, and put away the ashes scattered on the ground.

"Senior brother, let me deliver the ashes." Qianhe took the golden altar without waiting for Uncle Jiu to speak.

Uncle Jiu hummed, and patted him on the shoulder in relief: "Okay, I'll leave this matter to you.

Master and the others have already negotiated with Longhu Mountain, you can go there with peace of mind, nothing will happen.

I hurried down to give senior brother a longer sentence, so I took a step ahead. "

After finishing speaking, Uncle Jiu took out a seal that emitted a faint light, stamped it on the golden altar in Qianhe's hand, then pointed at the ground and swiped, and jumped in.

Looking at Qianhe with four eyes, he sighed leisurely: "Junior Brother Qianhe, you have been tricked by senior brother.

He is the magistrate of the underworld, so if he takes the initiative in this matter, Longhushan will give him three points of face no matter what.

You are Ding Yunfeng's master, if you go, it will be strange if they don't make things difficult for you. "

"Senior brother, I understand what you said." Qianhe said with a chuckle: "But as a master, don't we have to help the apprentice?
Last time, Ah Feng chanted a mantra to invite me to come up, and broke the three vermilion brushes of senior brother.

You know his temper, if I don't take the initiative to come out this time, he will have to push this matter on me.

How to say...

It's better to be a human being and face reality. "

Siyan thought about it, and felt that Qianhe's words made sense.

Lin Jiu was stingy when he was alive, but he became a stingy ghost after death. Anyway, if he stretched out his head, it would be the same if he retracted his head.

Taking advantage of sending the ashes this time, it won't hurt the other party to make the same tone last time.

Four Eyes took out an account book, and flipped through it with some pain: "Oh, it's my bad luck to meet you, let's go, let me walk with you."

Qianhe glanced at it, and asked in surprise: "Everyone is a soul ecstasy, when did you accumulate so much Yin virtue?"

"Can you control it? It's lucky for you master and apprentice this time. Longhushan happens to have a Taoist second generation who is about to burp, but his sinful virtue is not enough to find a position below..." Siyan said, Walking away with Qianhe's shoulders on their shoulders, the figures of the two gradually disappeared.

Ding Yunfeng didn't know that this time he burned the body of Longhu Celestial Master, causing Qianhe and Siyan to wipe his ass.

He led the crowd to the back mountain of the fishing village where Qin's corpse was sealed.

Using the keys prepared in advance by the villagers of the fishing village, they unlocked the mechanism leading to the secret room. They went to the basement floor and cleaned up the four corpses of the tomb-guarding women who had to absorb the moonlight to move. Ding Yunfeng pointed to the two stones that sealed the stone well. Fu: "The Qin corpse is right below.

Fourth, you come, or should I come? "

"The head of the jade pendant can't be moved lightly, let me do it." Feng Si mentioned the magic sword bestowed by Lin Jiu, he bit his finger, wiped the spine of the sword——the sword begins to strike!
A red light flashed across the wooden sword, and Feng Si jumped onto the stone well.

He clasped his hands high and poked hard.

The two Dragon and Tiger Dao Talismans engraved on the stone slab broke into four sections with a click.

Without the suppression of the rune, the Qin Corpse who was dormant in the well woke up instantly. It raised its head and let out a piercing laugh.

Chen Dachao took out a handful of broken evil talismans, and he didn't count many of them, so he threw them all down.

When the yellow talisman touched the corpse, it was like pouring cold water into boiling oil, crackling, and the sparks were electrified, making Qin corpse howl again and again.

"So fierce?" Da Chao couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw that so many talismans were thrown down without causing much damage to the opponent.

Ding Yunfeng pulled away Xichao, who was looking down at the mouth of the well, and helped him avoid a sword light rushing up from below: "Use the gossip mirror to burn it with the scorching sun."

"Okay!" Lin Daying and the others jumped up to the edge of the well in response, and each took out a gossip mirror from their sleeves, refracting the sunlight and falling to the bottom of the well, causing Qin Corpse, who was trying to rush up, to scream.

"Brother Feng, I'm so lucky to have you pull Xichao!" Chen Dachao wiped the sweat from Xichao's brow that was frightened by Xichao. Like the others, he jumped into the well and used the gossip mirror to guide the scorching sun into the bottom of the well.

Ding Yunfeng slowly ordered a little panda: "I came here today, and I never thought of making a move. You guys are responsible for fighting monsters, and I am responsible for preventing the juniors from pulling everyone's hind legs."

Xichao and others: (_)
Ignoring the resentful gazes of these guys, Ding Yunfeng took out a pair of white gloves and put them on, picked up the ancient sword that had just shot up from the bottom of the well and almost cut off more than half of his head.

"Looking at the style of this sword, it really is a sword of the Qin Dynasty.

No wonder 300 years ago, this guy was regarded as the corpse of Qin Shihuang by Myanmar. "Ding Yunfeng squinted his eyes to observe Jianfeng.

With a wave of his hand, he directly left an inch-deep sword mark on the stone wall.

"Wow! It's so sharp!" Xichao and the others ran over, looking curiously at the sword in Ding Yunfeng's hand.

Ding Yunfeng handed it to a few people to play with, then he took off the jade pendant of the sect master, walked to Feng Si's side, and stamped a drum-shaped round magic weapon in his hand.

"Let me do it." Feng Si held up the magic weapon of Dasheng Lingguang, ran to the side of the well, and faced the gossip pattern to the bottom.

The sunlight was focused by the magic weapon, turned into a pillar of fire, and crashed into the bottom of the well.

The corpse of Qin, which had been burned by Lin Daying and others for a while, also sensed something was wrong at this time. It raised its head, opened its mouth and spit out countless dark green corpse gas, trying to resist the attack of the blazing sun and fire pillar.

It's a pity that before he could hold on for a few breaths, the corpse aura was completely burned by the blazing sun fire pillar.


Looking at the human-shaped pillar of fire screaming at the bottom of the well, Feng Si and the others put down their magical weapons one after another, until the corpses below were turned into ashes, they jumped down the edge of the well and walked to Ding Yunfeng's side.

"Hey, haven't you guys played enough?" Da Chao slapped Xi Chao on the back of the head, and snatched away the sword from the opponent's hand.

Ding Yunfeng took out his cigarette case and wandered around, asking Feng Si instead of everyone: "Old Si, your magic weapon doesn't seem to be the style of our Maoshan School."

"Brother Feng, you are right. This is actually my friend's relic, and it is the inheritance treasure of the yin and yang lineage." Feng Si nodded and said, pointing to the spell inscribed on the magic weapon.

Everyone's eyes showed surprise, they all knew that the yin and yang lineage mentioned by Feng Sikou was not the onmyoji of Fusang, but the yin and yang family among the hundreds of schools of thought.

This faction has long since disappeared from the world.

Unexpectedly, there are still descendants.

"Well, I'm curious to tell you about your friend when you have time." Ding Yunfeng turned and walked towards Shijing, Feng Si nodded in response, and carefully put away the drum-shaped magic weapon.

Feeling the high temperature evaporating from the well, Ding Yunfeng led several people and waited for about an hour before climbing down one by one.

Walking into the secret room where Zhong Kui's sword was placed, Ding Yunfeng found a brocade box in the corner of the wall, opened it, and found a long sword etched with complicated incantations and three pieces of money for suppressing corpses.

"Let's go." Glancing at the secret room that had been emptied by the villagers of the fishing village, Ding Yunfeng led a few people back along the original road.

Returning to the surface from the ground, bathed in the warm sunshine, everyone felt a little depressed, which instantly dissipated.

"Oh, these villagers are so courageous!

They actually use these ghosts to guard gold, silver and jewelry for themselves?
The two stone runes at the mouth of the well just now, if any of them broke something while moving.

Didn't they follow the warning carved on the wall of the well by their ancestors--the fierce ghosts come out of the cage, and the corpses are everywhere? Looking at the mouth of the well that was blown down by Ding Yunfeng with a grenade, Xichao's face was full of fear.

Ding Yunfeng looked at him jokingly: "Man dies for money, and birds die for food. The ancestors of the three families left messages on the wall of the well to warn them. Maybe they are referring to the situation you mentioned."

"Brother Feng makes a lot of sense." Chen Dachao came over and shouted to a group of apprentices: "You guys take a step first, go back and call Dull Dog to prepare to return!"

"Yes. Master." Xichao and the others nodded in unison.

Lin Daying held two swords in his hands: "Brother Feng, we didn't come home empty-handed this time.

The scabbard of this ancient sword was burned away with Qin's corpse, which reduced its value a little.

As for this Zhongkui sword, although it comes from Longhu Mountain, we got it by chance in Maoshan, so we can put it away and use it. "

"Zhong Kui's sword is placed in No. [-] Jingzhuan town hall, and the three township money, Lin Daying, Lin Aying and Ma Jiuying, you three are divided.

Fourth brother, you already have two top magic weapons. I will not divide the spoils this time between you. I plan to give you 200 million Hong Kong dollars. "

"Brother Feng, you can say whatever you want, I don't care." Feng Si nodded cooperatively, Chen Dachao and the others didn't object, anyway, Brother Feng didn't treat his own people badly, and there will definitely be compensation afterwards.

Ding Yunfeng walked to the pier by the sea while talking: "I'll let Dasha take that unsheathed Qin sword back to the other side, I heard that they will hold an exhibition of terracotta warriors and horses.

I am sending this sword over now, maybe you will be able to see it on the TV program in two days. "

This made everyone laugh out loud.

Dumb Dog was attracted by the laughter, and when he saw Ding Yunfeng walking in the C position of the crowd, he hurried up: "Brother Feng, the boat is ready, you can leave at any time."

"Okay. We will lift the anchor when we get on the boat." Ding Yunfeng had just explained, when a boat approached beside him.

Looking at several familiar men and women coming down from the boat, Ding Yunfeng knew that this boat was a theater troupe.

In the movie, these people recklessly ran to hunt for treasure, but they released Qin's corpse by mistake, resulting in the massacre of everyone in the fishing village overnight.

"Gentlemen, how far is it from Hong Kong Island?" The troupe leader was a four-eyed guy with a scum-like look. He was smiling and came over to say hello.

Ding Yunfeng glanced at him up and down: "Are you going to Hong Kong Island?"

"Yes, we set off from Guangdong Province and plan to try the market around the New Territories first.

If the audience responds enthusiastically, we will go to the urban area for development. "The four-eyed guy replied patiently, pointing to the broken sail: "But our boat sailed halfway, and the sail was broken. I found that there are people living here, so I asked the boss of the boat to come over and have a look. "

"The few of us are tourists, and the villagers on the island went to Hong Kong Island to watch movies.

They will be back in the evening, if you are going to Hong Kong Island, then leave with our boat.

If you want to try a few plays in this village, you can also stay.

The only thing to pay attention to is, don't run around if you have nothing to do, there are many rats and insects on the island. "Ding Yunfeng found an excuse casually, and led everyone onto the boat driven by Dull Dog.

The four-eyed man hesitated for a moment, but finally failed to follow.

"Hey, this village is so xenophobic, how could it be possible to invite outsiders to sing?

It seems to me that this group of people will spend the night in a tent by the sea today. "Chen Dachao put up a pergola with his hands, looked at the small island gradually going away and said with a smile.

Ding Yunfeng didn't speak. All the restless non-human beings on the island have been pushed away by his group. Presumably, this group of people will not cause any more trouble...


All the way without a word, back to Hong Kong Island.

Ding Yunfeng immediately made an encrypted phone call to Leader Ye and told him that Qin's corpse had been destroyed by him.

Our archaeologists, the next time we have a dispute with Myanmar, we can tell the other party with confidence that there is no such corpse, and the corpse of the first emperor has always been in the Qin Mausoleum on Mount Li.

"Great, thank you so much, this news came very timely! Comrade Ding, on behalf of the relevant archaeologists, I would like to express my gratitude to you." Leader Ye said very happily.

Ding Yunfeng waited until the other party's laughter subsided, and then threw another blockbuster - a Qin sword.

At this moment, Leader Ye's breathing was so heavy that Ding Yunfeng could clearly hear it on the phone.

"Comrade Ding, I have a difficult request..."

"Leader Ye, please tell me."

"Can this sword be sold to the country?"

"Hey, between us, if we talk about business, it's too alien. If it's really necessary, I'll ask Dasha to bring it to you these two days."

"No, no, no, we have to pay for it, as the comrades at Wenhuakou said at the last meeting.

An exhibition of Terracotta Warriors and Horses from the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor will be held in France in the near future, if at this time, we can add a sword of the Emperor Qin..." Leader Ye's calculations can be heard even on Hong Kong Island by Ding Yunfeng.

Good guy!
The corpse of Qin must be fake, but the sword can be real!
Promising to only charge a symbolic transfer fee of 1 yuan, Ding Yunfeng hung up the phone——Qinhuang Baojian, this term seems familiar.

"New Best Partner"?
Thinking of the wonderful combination of the bald man and King Kong, Ding Yunfeng came downstairs and asked Zhan Mi about the development of the man-in-law and Lanbao.

"It's said that I'm already engaged, and we're probably getting married soon..." Zhan Mi was a little surprised that Brother Feng suddenly asked about the man's wife, and he took out the memo and flipped through it: "I found it, Sir He and Sir Lan are married on June 6 this year." Engagement date, and their wedding is scheduled for March 1 next year."

"Remember, when the day comes, remind me to attend." Ding Yunfeng instructed.

Zhan Mi immediately made a mark on the circle with a pen. At this time, the doorbell rang, and the servant went to open the door and found that the person who came was Uncle Hua, Chief Superintendent of the North District.

After a few pleasantries and sitting down, Uncle Hua asked Ding Yunfeng to speak to the man who happened to be He Dongshi, a man.

"The man-in-law has been working as an inspector for a long time. When I went to the North District, I was worried that there would be no case for her to solve, so I left her in the Central District.

Unexpectedly, Guan Chun kept suppressing her, even if there was a big case, she would not send it to her, which made her come to me several times and said that she would be transferred to the North District.

snort!It's outrageous to take out a woman with the surname Guan.

Brother Feng, I came here today to ask you to find a way to see if I can promote the man-in-law to be a senior inspector before she gets married. "

 I have a cold, I can only write 2K in these 4 days, I will try to write more tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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