Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 728 Confrontation of Three Series

Chapter 728 Three Elements Clash
Ding Yunfeng said it was casual, but Zhan Mi, who had been helping him all the time, knew very well that if possible, it would be best to cooperate with Wu Jue of the Chinese police.

Try to use the tricks, use Dadong and others to make a big dragon and phoenix, get credit for it, and see if you can increase the power of the Chinese police force by the way.

Walking out of the Ding family's mansion, Zhan Mizai was driving and shaking people on the phone. When he arrived at Man Han Lou, all four of them came, except Uncle Hua who was transferred to the North District, and Huang Yaobing.

After a few pleasantries, everyone sat down together.

Lin Leimeng picked up his teacup and took a sip: "Zhan Mi, why did you call us all of a sudden? Did Brother Feng have any orders?"

"Lin Sir, don't get me wrong, the thing is like this..."

All of them were his own people present, so Zhan Mi got straight to the point and sent the information about Da Dong and his group.

While the superintendents were looking through the documents, Zhan Mi said that Brother Feng had already agreed to arrange the Dadong gang properly.

Now!Brother Feng entrusted him with this task, and he thought that this experience pack should not be wasted.

Therefore, I asked a few Sirs to come out, and everyone discussed a charter - Dadong must be done, and the credit must be earned.

Lin Leimeng was the youngest present, and he was a little jealous of the credit, but when he saw the location of the two clues, he showed a wry smile at Jamie.

"Red Boy Game Hall is located in Yau Ma Tei, which is the site of the British Department;

Cadbury Nightclub opened in Causeway Bay, which happens to be the jurisdiction of Li Shutang.

Zhan Mizai, this time, things are a bit tricky. "

Huang Yaobing tapped the cigarette ash: "Isn't this nonsense? It's not tricky, how many of us are needed?"

"Old Huang is right!
Raymond, it's difficult this time. It's not about investigating the case on the opponent's territory, but about this group of people. They want to catch them all and get all the stolen goods, but also legally keep them alive, and they must not cause unnecessary casualties.

Based on what I know about Brother Feng, if everyone caused heavy casualties to grassroots folks or citizens of Hong Kong Island in order to get credit, he would definitely not be as good as us. "Hu Xin picked up the words, and after his analysis, the atmosphere became more dignified.

Zhan Mi stood up and poured tea for them, and added with some embarrassment: "I almost forgot, whether things are done well or not this time is also related to whether Brother Luo can be invited to go north..."

"Everyone, my mother-in-law is about to give birth. I'm sorry, let's go first!" Hearing this, Chen Jianxin decisively pulled away the chair, grabbed the briefcase and was about to run away.

Zhan Mi's detective stopped him: "Sir Chen, don't be so exaggerated, right?

With so many people present today, if we can't handle a Dadong, Brother Feng will definitely laugh at us to death. "

"Zhan Mizai, it's not that I don't support you!

But this case is too difficult. My personal suggestion is to ask Brother Jie or Tian Yangsheng to help. "Chen Jianxin pressed Zhan Mi's shoulder, and the lines he said did not match his identity.

Huang Yaobing and the others hurried up to stop him, but Lao Chen overreacted, they all understood.

Because, Chen Jianxin and Yan Tong were together back then.

If things go wrong, once Luo Ge gets mad, other people present will not say whether they are dead or not, anyway, he will definitely be the first to rush to the street.

"Enough!" Huang Yaobing took out his spear of kindness and slapped it on the table, cursing with anger on his face: "Look at your bad looks, one and two shoulders still have stars...

Isn't it just that he might fall in love with the dog raised by Li Shutang or Cai Yuanqi!
Before Brother Feng backed down, if he encountered such a thing, how often had he backed down?

Raymond, tell me!Is this case coming?Or should I do it? "

Raymond pushed his glasses, he was really flustered at first, but now he was so excited by Scissors Huang, he calmed down instead.

"Let me do it!

I'm still young, according to Brother Feng's arrangement, after Uncle Hua retires, I will replace him as Chief Superintendent of the North District.

But I am not satisfied, I hope to go further.

Moreover, the Observatory Watch & Jewelery Co., Ltd., which the robbers targeted this time, happened to be located in Tsim Sha Tsui, my previous jurisdiction.

I know their boss, Boss Yang, and I can ask him to cooperate with us in private. "

Huang Yaobing put away the gun of kindness, and gave Raymond a thumbs up: "That's right!

Look at those two, one is disabled and the other is useless (the foreshadowing is in Chapter 340, the original words of Uncle Hua), the guys rely on them, there is no hope of promotion, and it is very possible to go to the street instead! "

Chen Jianxin took a deep breath, pointed at Hu Xin, and said to Huang Yaobing: "Old Hu is useless, everyone in the police force knows this, but when did I become disabled?"


Hu Xin's eyes were shocked, and he looked at Chen Jianxin in astonishment.

Huang Yaobing looked at the two with a sneer: "I heard what Uncle Hua said! Not convinced? Not convinced, today's matter, you take care of it!"

"Then how good are you? Oh, who can't play tricks?"

"I support Raymond, and it is a bit difficult for me to carry Li Shutang.

However, I have no problem dealing with Cai Yuanqi's dog in Yau Ma Tei. "Huang Yaobing didn't lose the chain, he expressed his position on the spot.

Chen Jianxin and Hu Xin were both speechless, and Lin Leimeng was very moved. He stepped forward and hugged Lao Huang, and patted his generous back: "Huang Sir, thank you very much."

"Hey, if you say this, you'll be out of the loop. Brother Feng just retired, and if we don't make some achievements, the people below will see no hope, and it will soon become a mess."

Unable to bear Huang Yaobing's cold eyes, Chen Jianxin and Hu Xin glanced at each other, and the latter lowered his face: "Scatter your hellish sand.

Fatty, I warn you, don't point at Sang and scold Huai!
Since you said you want to deal with Yau Ma Tei, then Li Shutang will leave it to the two of us.

Now everyone goes back to send troops to investigate the case. How about coming here to gather clues at noon tomorrow? "

"Didn't you just say that earlier?
Ma De, why do you want to wait for me to come out as a villain? Huang Yaobing's expression was slightly relaxed, he took Jimmy and handed it to the little panda: "Jimmy, have you seen the situation?"

This time, we may have to fight against the British and Hong Kong series!

I would like to ask you to go back and tell Aqiang and Akun that in addition to arranging capable men to cooperate with us, it is best to prepare a dozen or twenty hooligans.

Once things get out of hand, we need this group of people to take the blame. "

"No problem, the major clubs are short of everything, but there is no shortage of scumbags."

"Then let's do this for today, adjourn the meeting and do things."

The five people left the box one after another, not knowing what was in the next room.

Ding Yunfeng raised his wine glass and sighed to Uncle Hua: "You are really good at seeing people. Chen Jianxin and Hu Xin have less responsibility than Lao Huang and Lei Meng."

"Hey, these years, Lao Chen has been worried about whether Brother Luo will come back to Hong Kong Island to settle old scores with him.

Old Hu is relatively timid. Before you covered him, Brother Feng, he dared to fight even a ghost.

Right now Lu Minghua can't support us on the surface, he must weigh three points.

Besides, what happened this time is indeed a bit difficult, so I can't blame them. "Uncle Hua smiled all over his face, and spoke nice words for these colleagues in front of Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng put down his glass with a smile: "I don't blame them, it's a normal person's reaction to be wise and safe. I'm just curious. I'm leaving. Everyone has the courage to wrestle with the British and Hong Kong families."

"It's fortunate that Lao Huang and Lei Meng didn't lose the chain today, otherwise, Brother Feng, you wouldn't be so angry with them and return to the police force?"

"I have retreated, how can I go back?
If it wasn't for the other party's promise to solve Brother Luo's matter, I wouldn't want to intervene this time..." Ding Yunfeng ate a piece of lobster, wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin: "Uncle Hua, I guess Lei Meng will still send Jia Kui out to be the pioneer!

Please take care of this case.

In case Cai Yuanqi is disturbed, I guess, you have to be able to hold him. "

"Brother Feng, don't worry, I will win and lose with everyone. I won't shirk when it's my turn."

Tsim Sha Tsui, Nathan Road, Observatory Watch & Jewelery Co., Ltd.

Lu Qichang pushed open the car door, took out his ID and hung it on his suit, and ran to the door of the gold shop.

Several military uniforms who came over in advance saw the heads of the serious crime team and the anti-mafia team coming in person. They quickly opened the iron gate and pushed away two security guards who smelled like curry: "Lu Sir, this way."

"What's the situation? How many criminals are there?"

"The other party is a lone ranger who came to rob him with two hammers, and before he even broke the counter glass, he was caught by two asan in the store.

Here, the one with the rope tied and lying on the ground is the one. "The military uniform who took the lead had a very helpless tone.

It's more than enough for a few of them to come and deal with this kind of oolong robbery.

But Qian Duoyang, the owner of the gold shop, couldn't stop him from insisting on calling Atou.

"Lu Sir! It is estimated that our boss has already told you before you came here.

Then I will not talk too much here, people are here, you can take them away. "

The manager of the gold shop is a big fat man, even in the face of Lu Qichang, he is still eccentric, and his words are full of superiority.

Lu Qichang didn't bother to pay attention to this kind of bullying garbage, walked up to the tied thief, and asked in a cold voice, "Isn't this the first time?"

"It's my first time, but it's the first time after I got out of prison this time.

I just came out. If you don't believe me, you can call Li Luofu. I have been arrested by him more than a dozen times. "The thief, who looked a little dumbfounded, replied confidently.

Everyone at the scene laughed angrily at his words. It was the first time I saw a thief who had no technical content in committing the crime. After being caught, he could still have such an arrogant attitude.

"Take it away." Lu Qichang waved his hand helplessly, and two military uniforms stepped forward to grab this person, and amidst the public's discussion, they stuffed him into a police car.

Lu Qichang said a few words to the manager of the gold shop, and as soon as he went out, he was stopped by the head of the military uniform who just opened the door: "Lu Sir, there seems to be something wrong!

That car had been going back and forth several times, and the people in the car had been watching the gold shop. "

Lu Qichang's complexion changed slightly, he looked up, and happened to meet Dadong's two eyes looking this way.

"Sure enough something is wrong! Immediately call the assault vehicles and traffic teams around to come over for support, others, follow me." Seeing that Dadong turned his head in a panic, and then desperately honked the horn, Lu Qichang pulled out his gun and ran over in the lead .

A few uniformed policemen saw that their boss's boss's boss had left the field in person, and each of them took out .[-]s and chased after them.

Through the rearview mirror, Dadong found that Lu Qichang was leading someone chasing him, he stepped on the gas pedal decisively, and gave the rear of the car in front of him a hard slap.

To open up a little space, Dadong slammed the steering wheel. Amidst the exclamation of the surrounding crowd, he smashed two red chickens away in succession, and fled forward quickly.

While running, Lu Qichang raised his muzzle and fired a warning shot, shouting to stop, but the reply was a raw chicken leaning out of the car window and shooting bullets at him.

bang bang bang...

As soon as gunshots were heard, the scene was in chaos.

The citizens of Hong Kong Island watching the excitement on both sides of the road screamed with experience, then turned around, looked for cover, showed curious eyes, and continued to wait and see the development of the situation.

Lu Qichang led someone to finish a wave of bullets at the rear of the car, and then got into several police cars that came to meet him, and bibubibu began to hunt down Dadong and the others.

The two parties entangled from Tsim Sha Tsui to Mong Kok. Seeing that they couldn't get rid of it, Raw Chicken took out a grenade, twisted the cover and threw it over.

Bomber chased after the nearest black Land Rover police car, and the cars behind slowed down. In the end, he lost the gangsters who dared to shoot and throw grenades in trouble.

A few minutes later, Lu Qichang caught up with him in a traffic car.

A piece of gauze was wrapped on his forehead, and the left half of his face was covered with blood.

He happened to be sitting in the passenger seat of the overturned police car.

"One or two, don't you usually brag about how good your driving skills are?
Why did you wither today?Don't tell me, you show off your driving skills, you don't drive a police car, but a human car!

There are four cars, and now one of them is lost!
How do you ask me to write this report?
Convex.A bunch of trash! "

At first he thought he was just here to catch a small thief, but in the end he got a lot of excitement from the street shootout. Lu Qichang's mentality exploded. He had a premonition that this time he would be punished even if he wasn't demoted.

bibu bibu!

At this time, another four or five police cars drove over.

The one that took the lead got off the pair of "Keng Ju duo" Lin Leimeng and Dong Biao.

"Lu Sir, why are you in such a mess?

I heard from your subordinates that you chased us from Nathan Road to Mong Kok? " Lei Meng first handed Lu Qichang a bottle of distilled water, and then asked with a straight face.

"Lin Sir, thank you so much for your water, the content of this case is complicated, I can't explain clearly in a few words!

I can only say that the firepower of this group of people is very fierce, and they have disappeared in your jurisdiction now, so you have to be careful.

I also had a guy who was seriously injured in the bombing and had to go to the hospital to check. For the specific situation, you can use your authority to go to the Taiguan tomorrow to check the report. I will go first. "Lu Qichang was injured and angry, and he would not have the physical strength and energy to deal with Lei Meng at all. After a few words, he asked his subordinates to help him get into the car and leave.

Watching the people from Tsim Sha Tsui leave, Lei Meng said in a deep voice, "Chen Jiaju!"

"Yes sir!" Jia Kui took a step forward, raised his head, raised his chest, raised his butt, and stood at attention.

"You immediately bring the serious crime team to investigate these people, Uncle Dart, you tell all the guys in Hugh to come back and report.

From now on, except for marriage leave, sick leave and funeral leave, all regular holidays will be cancelled, everyone will be on standby in Mong Kok below me! "

"Yes sir!" The two shouted their orders, but they didn't know that Lei Meng was also full of shock.

An hour ago, he had just gone to Man Han Lou for a meeting. Before he got back to Mong Kok and had no time to send someone to do something, Da Dong and his gang came out to make trouble?
It seems that this time I must show my [-] points of energy.

Otherwise, it is really possible to screw up!
(End of this chapter)

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