Chapter 731
Dadong's words won the support of everyone present.

They are a group of people who are fierce and evil, and evil is evil. After all, they just came to Hong Kong Island and have not been polluted by the world of flowers and flowers here.

Take people's money and save people's disasters.

In their eyes, this is justified.

"Brother Dong, don't worry, we have memorized the map nearby, and nothing will happen." Fat Gu put away the note and replied to Dadong.

No. [-] Middle School took out the guy to check it, clicked it into the chamber, grabbed the camera on the table, and followed Fat Gu out of the door.

At the same time, the fat dog is enjoying a girl's bone-knocking service in a health care place.

Just when he was squinting his eyes and humming, he was about to stretch out his salty pig's hand to wipe the oil.

The owner of the boneyard knocked on the door and came in, and handed a landline phone to Fat Dog: "Brother Dog, I have a call for you."

"Who is it?" The fat dog was disturbed, his expression was a little impatient and he picked up the receiver: "I'm Fat Dog, who are you?"

"Brother Dog, it's me, Artest.

Two days ago, I’m really sorry, when I was dragged away by the Mong Kok Police Station, you helped me guard the office, and I misunderstood you and said a lot of hurtful nonsense.

At noon, I ordered a table of swallow's fin and abalone at the Taikoo Shing shopping mall, and I want to apologize to you in person. "Jade Machine Ty's flattering voice came from the receiver.

The service staff who were serving Fat Dog heard that someone was setting up swallow-winged abalones in Taikoo City to entertain Brother Gou, and they all let out low voices in order to save face, which greatly satisfied Fat Dog's vanity in an instant.

"Oh, who did I think...

It turned out to be Artai, the bastard!

Aren't you very happy that day?In front of a bunch of young people, you scolded me as a fat dog who knew the law and broke the law by stealing into your room to be a thief?
how?To save face today, treat me to eat swallow's fin abalone, you don't want to catch my fish, and report me to the higher authorities with evidence? "Fat Dog sneered and got up, grabbed the phone receiver, and put it on.

It turned out that that day, after Artest invited Ye Yingwen to dinner, he went back and saw that his office had been turned into a mess. Some of them were placed in the desk drawer, and the banknotes that hadn't been collected in time disappeared. He finally couldn't help arguing with Fat Dog.

Fat Dog has always used Artest as a cash machine, but this time he scolded Artest in front of the duo, he couldn't hold back, smashed two arcade machines on the spot, and then left with his men.

Unexpectedly, after only two days of drying Artest, the other party couldn't help but came to beg for mercy.

The bad breath in Fat Dog's heart dissipated [-]% at once. Through the phone line, he scolded Arcade Tai hard, until the other party bowed down and apologized repeatedly, and finally agreed to go to Taikoo Shing Mall and eat at the other party's table And head wine.

"Brother Dog, you are so majestic." Knocking the bone girl praised softly.

The fat dog squeezed her happily, and amidst the other party's coquettish voice, got up and put on a suit jacket: "You little goblins, don't even think about who Brother Gou is?
It's not me playing it, Ding Yunfeng, have you heard it?
Why can't his subordinates step into Yau Ma Tei to plant a flag? It's because this place is covered by my fat dog! "

Anyway, blowing water is exempt from paying taxes. Although Fat Dog didn't drink alcohol, when he walked downstairs, almost all the governors on the top of Victoria Peak were canonized by him.

Taikoo Shing Mall is a large commercial center with a total of five floors, and many citizens come here for consumption.

On the first floor downstairs, there is an ice skating rink, where many young men and women chase and race.

Fat Dog went in and bought a cone, and while he was licking it, he walked to the third floor. The restaurant that Artest had made an appointment with him on the phone was right here.

At the same time, Eighth Middle School and Fat Gu, who came to ambush ahead of time, were also led by one of Artest's subordinates, standing on the fourth floor, condescendingly looking down at the fat dog eating a cone.

"You two big brothers, that person is a fat dog!

I'll go over to say hello to him first, you've got it right, but don't make any mistakes. "Artest's men looked at the two of them with some fear.

Ba Zhong said blankly, "You go ahead, I'll go behind.

Hurry up, there are a lot of people here, do things early, and get out early. "

Fat Gu stayed where she was holding a camera, zoomed in, and aimed at the Fat Dog downstairs who didn't know the god of death was approaching.

"Ah, Brother Gou, have you been waiting for a long time?" Artest's men ran up to Fat Gou, finished saying this, and ran away without waiting for his reaction.

Fat Dog was about to ask him where Artest was?Suddenly, a man with a mustache and a gray suit appeared in front of him.

"Fat dog!"


Ba Zhong pulled the trigger three times in a row, two bullets hit Fat Dog in the face, and one hit his heart.

The two are three steps apart, and Black Star is very powerful.

The kinetic energy of the three bullets brought Fat Dog's upper body back suddenly, and he fell to the skating rink downstairs, smashing peach blossoms all over the floor.

Ignoring the screams around him, after Bazhong finished his work, he put away his weapon and left along the route he stepped on in advance.

Hiding in the dark, Fat Gu, who took pictures of the whole process with her camera, accidentally discovered the handcuffs that Fat Dog was hanging on her waist.

Half an hour later, the Regent Hotel.

After listening to Fat Gu and No. [-] Middle School's story about going out to do things this time, Dadong's face was very ugly. He didn't know that his group of people must have been used by Artest.

"I just said that if you want to silence the rumors, you have to find a place where there are few people. How can anyone invite the target to a big shopping mall?" Raw Chicken slapped his thigh hard and let out an afterthought.

Dadong lowered his head and loaded the bullet into the magazine, and said coldly: "I was negligent about today's matter. I trust that bastard Artest too much. I won't let him go."

"Brother Dong, everyone doesn't mean to blame you.

The most important thing now is how do we go next?
Killing a bad guy today, the rumors outside must be getting tighter.

Temporarily cancel the plan, or take a risk, you have to make a decision as soon as possible. Fat Gu looked at Dadong and asked in a low voice.

Wu Wentou raised his head suddenly: "It can't be canceled, my wife is still waiting for me to buy appliances, and bring Hong Kong dollars back to live a good life."

"I'll listen to Dong Ge and Fat Gu." Sheng Ji turned and sat down, taking a deep puff of his cigarette.

Dadong got up and pulled out a small blackboard, picked up chalk and wrote on it: "I've decided, the plan is ahead of schedule!

Taking advantage of the current focus of the police force on the case of the murder of Fat Dog, we will kill him in the afternoon and snatch the Observatory Watch and Jewelry Co., Ltd. from last time!

However, this time the plan needs to be changed:
After we got it in the afternoon, we didn't go to sell Artai's stolen goods, nor did we go shopping, let alone go to Tsing Yi Island for a boat.

I will take you to meet the rich man Zhang Zihao. He has sufficient experience in dealing with the Hong Kong Island police force and will definitely be able to protect us. "

"Brother Dong, is this Zhang Zihao trustworthy? Will he hand us over to the police?" Fat Gu hesitated.

Dadong nodded firmly: "Reliable!

Some time ago, Ye Shiguan was targeted in his hometown, and now he lacks people like us the most, and he is very loyal, as long as we run to him, he will definitely keep us. "

"That's fine, you are the boss, you make up your mind, I have no objection."

Seeing that Da Dong and Fei Gu had negotiated that they would take refuge with a guy named Zhang Zihao after the gold shop was robbed, and the other three looked at each other for a moment.

"Wait, who is that Zhang Zihao? We don't know what the two of you are talking about!" Sheng Ji raised his right hand and couldn't help asking.

Fat Aunt Dadong glanced at each other, and the two knew that it was time for a showdown.

Knowing that the purpose of robbing the gold shop this time was to submit a nomination certificate to Zhang Zihao's gang, the other three were not angry but happy.

After all, if you can stay in the metropolis of Hong Kong Island, and in the future follow a big boss who is doing hundreds of millions of "big business" for food.

How to choose, it is too simple.

"Okay, I'll contact Brother Hao later.

Now, everyone, eat something to fill your belly, and then move at two in the afternoon.

At that time, No.[-] Middle School will be responsible for guarding the gate;

Fat Guy, Blackfly Head and Raw Chicken, you have 10 minutes to load the goods, and everyone strives to arrive at Brother Hao’s villa within half an hour, so we will be safe. Dadong tapped on the blackboard and wrote out the action plan.


In broad daylight, in a bustling area like the Taikoo Shing shopping mall, in front of the general public, he shot and killed a police officer.

Such an outrageous case, the last time it happened, probably had to be traced back to the era of the four chief detectives.

Ding Yunfeng, who lives in Repulse Bay, received the news 10 minutes after the incident, much faster than Fat Dog's boss Li Haitian!

"Brother Feng, these people are so crazy that they shot and killed a plainclothes police officer?" While talking, Zhan Mi put down another piece of information: "This is from the Lijing Hotel. I don't know how the white gloves hooked up with a man named Zhongqing community of societies.

The man-in-law and Lan Bao used King Kong as bait, and almost caught him several times, but they were all messed up by these gangsters.

Now Guan Chun has noticed, according to the news from the needle we buried on the opposite side.

Through Cai Yuanqi, Guan Chun invited a bald detective from the United States to come over to solve the white gloves. "

"Old Bean Dingxie of Ding Xiaoxie, the leader of Zhongqing Society, he is a character with very bad luck.

As I recall, he was associated with the Mafia in certain countries, possibly one of them being the Italian Antony family. Ding Yunfeng recalled the scene at the end of "The Great Era", when Ding Xie lost money from the overseas mafia and had to jump off the building with his sons.

Zhan Mi suddenly realized, and asked, "Then, should we send someone to warn Zhongqing Society? The other party invited a detective from the United States to come back."

"No need, the bald detective is a big joke!

Guan Chun counted on him to solve the case and catch the white gloves. Sooner or later, he will be blamed.

Say hello to Uncle Hua first, once Guan Chun reveals his flaws, you can ask Lu Minghua to join forces and use this matter to make a fuss. "

"Okay, I remember."

Instructing Hao Zhanmi to follow up on this matter, Ding Yunfeng came to the study alone, and opened a telephone that was rarely used.

After a while.

Yiqun, who was retreating to the Kowloon Walled City, suddenly moved.

Many surgical clinics like Ghost Hand Liu's in the city walled in received calls one after another.

In the past two days, if someone from outside comes in to seek medical treatment after being shot, they must report it as soon as possible. If there is any concealment, the family will be rich.

The other side!
At the Lijing Hotel, Dadong and the others hurried downstairs and got into a half-worn Santana. Dadong drove the car himself and rushed towards the Observatory Watch and Jewelry Co., Ltd., which had been attempted robbery before.

At the same time, Lin Leimeng took advantage of his personal relationship with the boss of Jinpu Yang.

In the past two days, he has inserted Chen Jiaju and the seconded Ma Jun, Yuan Haoyun, and Song Zijie in, temporarily pretending to be the staff of the gold shop.

"Come on, Qian'er, hurry up and call someone, this is your Uncle Lin." Boss Yang called his daughter over, pointed to Lei Meng and said, "Raymond, this is your little niece, you can take care of her more in the future ah."

"Oh, in the blink of an eye, Qian'er has grown so big. Lao Yang, have you ever promised your precious daughter?" Lin Leimeng pushed his glasses and asked with a smile.

Boss Yang pointed to the north: "I'm engaged to the Song family. You must have heard of my son-in-law, Song Shichang."

"Oh, the Song family!
That's my own!
Lao Yang, you have far-sightedness and know how to marry the Song family. This family is also well-known over there, with vision, vision. " Raymond gave a thumbs up to his old friend.

Yang Qian'er complained about being bored in a low voice, threw off Lao Dou's arm, and ran to try on jewelry by herself.

"Oh, this girl is spoiled by me, Lei Meng, don't take offense." Boss Yang smiled contemptuously and looked at his daughter dotingly.

Raymond smiled and shook his head: "You and I have known each other for more than ten years, so there is no need to say such polite words.

However, these two days are indeed a bit uneven, you two, father and daughter, it is best not to come to the gold shop.

You should have read the news at noon. Over at Taikoo Shing, we had a plainclothes man who was shot dead. "

"I see, if it wasn't for the color TV screen, I would have thought we were back in the era of the Four Inspectors.

Well, what you said is very reasonable. I will take Qian'er back to be safe. "Boss Yang called the fat manager and told him to follow Lei Meng's orders to do things, and then he pulled his reluctant daughter and sat on the tiger's head.

Lei Meng winked at Jia Kui and the others, and walked out of the gold shop with his hands behind his back.

But not long after he left, a Santana suddenly stopped at the door of the gold shop with a creak.

Fat Gu and the others pushed the car door and rushed down. Sheng Ji raised his weapon and gestured to the two Asan guarding the door.

The two Ah Thirty decisively dropped the shotgun, put their heads in their hands, and squatted down facing the wall.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Dadong patted the steering wheel and urged them loudly.

Fat Gu held an AK47 in both hands and was guarding the gate of the gold shop. He shot a few times at the two police patrols who rushed from across the street when he heard the movement.

Da da da!
When encountering AK47 at [-]:[-], the two patrol officers turned around decisively. They squatted down in a bunker, and then pressed the walkie-talkie on their shoulders—Call for support!

At this time, the raw chickens and the others had already rushed into the gold shop, forcing the staff present at gunpoint to open the glass containers, and each of them was turning jewels into their backpacks with red eyes.

Chen Jiaju and the others silently took out the weapons they had prepared in advance under the cabinet, and while the three of them were cheering, they all raised their guns and fired.

Bang bang bang!
With mental calculations but no intentions, Wu Tiantou reacted the slowest, and was taken away by several bullets on the spot.

No. [-] Middle School was shot in the shoulder, raised the black star and hit Yuan Haoyun's right arm.

Raw chicken is the most alert, he pulled a shotgun and blasted over, forcing the other party to bury their heads in dodge, then pulled No. [-] Middle School out of the gold shop, and got into Dadong's car with the ignition on...

(End of this chapter)

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