Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 734 Now, It's Time to Go to Taiguan

Chapter 734 Now, It's Time to Go to Taiguan

Lan Bao was twisted by the male mother-in-law and promised many unequal regulations.

From living together before marriage to sharing the same tomb after death, anyway, they sold everything they could, and finally satisfied the husband and wife.

Liang Kun stood aside and looked at him in a daze, he just wanted to make a nonsensical joke about Lan Bao...

Unexpectedly, the core of this comedy turned out to be a tragedy!

Today, he personally directed a human tragedy, and the leading actor was still his good brother--Lan Bao.

"Lan Bao, I'm sorry to stop today, I'm the one who is mean.

If one day you can't bear it anymore and want to find someone to drink, I——I'm on call. Apologetically, he patted Lanbao on the shoulder, Akun was rarely serious for a while.

Lan Bao wiped his nose, raised his head and showed a smiling face: "Akun, don't say that, as the so-called voluntary without pain.

Senior Sister, she is a bit strong, but she is also afraid that I will be too honest and suffer from going out, so she just helps me make up my mind everywhere.

Having said that, I haven't had her to help me manage relationships in the past few years.

With my emotional intelligence, I wouldn't be able to rise to this position today. "

Hearing what Lan Bao said, the guilt in Liang Kun's heart dissipated a lot.

Ordering Sha Qiang and others not to spread the news of what happened just now, Liang Kun pulled Lan Bao to sit on the sofa: "Ding Xiaoxie from the Zhongqing Club downstairs was driven away by me just now.

I will leave Shaqiang here for you to use, and you will be the spokesperson for each district in Hongxing. I will greet them personally when I get back.

If you need to employ people, you can just ask Sha Qiang to call the horses from various districts in Hongxing.

Brother Feng was busy with Sister Xiaoxia raising her baby some time ago, and today he suddenly asked Zhan Mi to call me over to help you, which shows that he is concerned about your case.

My brother, I might as well let you in.

In fact, Brother Feng felt very guilty in private for failing to promote Madam He before retiring.

You have to perform well and seize this opportunity. Based on what I know about Brother Feng, since he has taken care of the matter, he will definitely not be anticlimactic. Maybe, whether my sister-in-law can be promoted to superintendent depends on this time. "

Perhaps out of guilt, Liang Kun's shaking of Lanbao was all dry stuff.

In particular, Ding Yunfeng felt guilty about his position as a man-in-law. He doesn't regard you as a brother, and as a person, he will definitely not reveal it.

"Akun, thank you very much. After the matter is completed, our two parents-in-law must set up a table to invite you."

"Damn it, that's what you said!" Liang Kun laughed loudly when he heard this, and immediately got up to leave, leaving Sha Qiang to help the two deal with the white gloves.

At the same time, White Gloves, who lives next door, discovered that Ding Xiaoxie, who had come here early to wait to be served, was almost noon now and hadn't shown up yet.

I sent someone to call to inquire, but the Zhongqing Society refused to listen, and was so angry that they had white gloves on their hips and mouth shit! shit!Scolding non-stop.

"Boss, what should we do now?
On King Kong's side, someone was obviously helping him.

It is too difficult for us alone to find diamonds in an unfamiliar place like Hong Kong Island. "A horse boy with a parted head and greasy hair said to the white gloves.

White gloves pinched the bridge of his nose and made a very rational decision: "Well, before I came here, Godfather gave me two tasks.

The first one is to retrieve the diamond that was robbed by Monte Sutu and take King Kong's life;

The second one is to get rid of Ding Yunfeng who made old Carter laugh at Godfather.

Now, the first task is difficult to complete, I decided to put the second task on the agenda!You guys, bring some cash and get in touch with local underworld figures. I want specific information about Ding Yunfeng. "

"OK, Boss, we're going out to do something."

"Hurry up, if Godfather can't wait for good news, we will all feed the fish." White Gloves waved his hand with a depressed expression on his face. He is an international jewel thief, not an international killer. Not within his professional scope.


Losing the Zhongqingshe, a local snake, acts as a minion, and the white-gloved manpower brought from Europe can only use the most primitive means-money to clear the way.

However, what left them speechless was that the US dollar, an internationally accepted stepping stone, did not work well on Hong Kong Island.

Regardless of fans, kidnappers, or arms sellers...

When collecting money, everyone had bright smiles on their faces.

But as soon as they heard that they wanted to collect information about Ding Yunfeng, nine of the ten people immediately pushed back the banknotes, put down a sentence, this cup is my treat, and then hurriedly got up and walked away.

"Peter, have you gained anything from the people you contacted with Liansheng?"

"Don't mention it. I found the old bastard who claimed to be the most reputable in the underground world of Hong Kong Island. As long as he took money, he would be fine. He was nicknamed Chuanbao. Before he could finish speaking, he was thrown by that old bastard." Faced with whiskey, and asked someone to beat me, if I hadn't run fast..."

"Shit! It's the same on my side. I'm looking for someone from Hong Xing, a guy named Fat Snake Ji."

"The associations on Hong Kong Island are really rude.

We all follow the rules, if we use money to buy information, it’s fine if they don’t sell it, why do we beat people? "


Seeing a few of his subordinates running back in a mess, the white gloves stood up in shock: "What the fuck?

I sent you out to inquire about intelligence, not to drink and fight, look at your ugly appearance, the face of the Italians has been completely humiliated by you. "

"Boss, things are not what you think. I think that the second task Godfather gave you may be more difficult than the first one." It was still the greasy middle split subordinate before, and he pointed at one eye socket, Wronged to preach to the white gloves.

Only then did White Gloves realize that something was wrong, he picked up a special mobile phone, and quickly dialed an encrypted number: "Hello, John Wick?

It's me, white gloves, are you in the hotel?

That's right, I need your help, help me find a person, Ding Yunfeng from Hong Kong Island, according to the information I have, he has worked in the Royal Police Force of Hong Kong Island, and now he is a businessman, he may have a little contact with the local underworld .

Yeah, I know.

Is two gold coins okay?
OK, then I'll wait for your call..."

After saying a few words, the white gloves hung up the phone.

Before coming to Hong Kong Island, he really didn't pay attention to the opponents in this small place.

But the successive setbacks forced him to get serious.

Since there is no way to find out the details of Ding Yunfeng on Hong Kong Island, he simply asks his friends in the killer circle to inquire about it from the mainland hotel at a small price.

Ten minutes later.

The special phone in front of the white gloves rang. He waved his hands away and pressed the answer button: "Wick, it's me, I can talk."

"I have two messages.

First, check this person's information, two killer gold coins are not enough.

The person in charge of intelligence in the hotel just now offered me ten gold coins.

Judging from your tone, it seems that you attach great importance to this person, and I am a little curious about him, so I will pay the information fee in advance.

Now, I want to hear your opinion, do you want to spend twelve gold coins to buy this information from me, or let it go and just pay the two gold coins that I just asked me to do? "

"Damn it, are you going to get me? How can the information of a mere Hong Kong Islander be worth twelve gold coins?" White Gloves sat up straight suddenly, his voice changed in anger.

John Wick's calm voice came from the phone: "This is exactly what I want to be related to the second thing you said!
Ding Yunfeng's net worth is really worth ten gold coins in our killer circle.

If he resells his information to you, an outsider, I will increase the price by 20%, which is really a friendly price. If it is someone else, I will charge you at least fifteen coins. "

Hearing this, White Gloves slowly put away his scowl. He knew that John Wick would not be able to deceive himself.

"Okay, twelve gold coins are twelve gold coins.

As usual, I will send someone to deliver gold of the same value to the place you specify.

I am currently staying in Room 404 of the Regent Hotel on Hong Kong Island. You are an employee of the Continental Hotel in Hong Kong. Please send me the information about Ding Yunfeng. "

"It's a very sensible choice, Xiaobai. After reading Ding Yunfeng's information, you will thank me." John Wick, who has not retired yet and is currently at the peak of the killer circle, hangs up the phone with a smile, and turns his eyes to the man on the bed. Folding materials with a thickness of five centimeters: "No wonder you dare to mess with old Anthony..."

White Gloves went to great lengths to investigate Ding Yunfeng, but Brother Feng received reports from Chuanbao, Fat Snakeji and others not long after he sent people out.

"Well, a group of foreign terrorists are secretly planning to murder me, a member of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce?
Jimmy, now is not the time to send people to do things, but the time to drive to Tai Kwun, Central District, and report to police chief Sir Cai. "Ding Yunfeng put one hand on his hips and held a long cigar in the other, and he almost said directly - I want to punish people.

The headache-inducing Bentley slowly drove into the Tai Kwun in the Central District.

The guy on duty at the guard box at the gate crazily pressed the internal phone to notify the big bosses of various departments—Ding Sheng had arrived.

"Haha, Ding Sir, you're here. Don't be surprised that Mrs. Cai is too far away to welcome you." Cai Yuanqi walked down with two cronies, and met Ding Yunfeng on the stairs.

Ding Yunfeng looked up 45% of the way, smoking a long cigar without speaking.

Standing behind him, Zhan Mizai took a step forward, opened his briefcase and took out a stack of photos and documents and handed them to Cai Yuanqi: "Cai Sir, we came to report today.

The employees of Longshield Security Company found that many Westerners were against Ding Sheng.

These are the evidences we have collected, and we hope the police can take them seriously and send someone to protect the safety of Ding Sheng's life and property. "

Looking at the photo, the faces of the group with white gloves are very clear.

The corners of Cai Yuanqi's eyes twitched fiercely. Who the hell wanted to hurt anyone?
You, a 'victim' who has not been killed yet, has dozens of high-resolution photos of the gangster in your hand, and now you come to me and tell me that you want to report the crime and apply for police protection?
"Ding Sir..."

"Sir Cai, it's Ding Sheng, not Ding Sir." Zhan Mi corrected loudly, with a very serious expression on his face.

Cai Yuanqi took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart: "Ding Sheng, since this matter involves international terrorists, why don't you go to my office and sit down first, and then talk slowly?"

"Isn't it early?
Our Ding Sheng was invited to the Governor's Mansion for a meeting last week, and the Governor dared not let him stand for so long! "Zhan Mi continued to fulfill the responsibility of talking, causing Cai Yuanqi to secretly clenched his fists.

"You two, this way please." Cai Yuanqi could see that someone came here to entertain himself today, and he turned sideways to get out of the way, making an invitation gesture.

Ding Yunfeng hummed, took Zhan Mi, and walked past him proudly.

Cai Yuanqi's tooth decay was nearly worn out, and one of his subordinates spat at the background of Ding Yunfeng and the two of them: "What's the arrogance? Isn't he a member of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce? The spectrum is bigger than Brother Tai!"

"Brother Tai doesn't show off, he can show off, but Brother Tai supports it." Another person sighed quietly.

Cai Yuanqi turned around and glared at the two of them: "Stop complaining!
You haven't realized that today, the ghosts, one or two, are hiding in the office and can't come out, only a few of us are sent out to fight the thunder?
Ever since he publicly admitted that he took over the [-] mu of land in Guangdong Province, the backer has become the opposite side of the war in Annan!

Back then, Lei Luo relied on [-] trolls, even the ghosts dared not show face.

He has a million guns behind his back now, even if he spits on you both face to face, believe it or not, the ghost above will order you to hold back in the end, believe it or not? "

Cai Yuanqi's words became louder and louder, not only for Ding Yunfeng and the two who were walking in front, but also for the ghosts who opened the doors of each building to hear.

Ding Yunfeng didn't turn his head back, and kept his pace, he led Zhan Mi slowly towards Cai Yuanqi's office, while Matthew, the ghosts who were secretly spying on the situation, all looked a little embarrassed.

In the past few days, the momentum of the Guangxi and Yunnan tribes sent into Annan territory from the other side can only be described as a horizontal push.

It prompted the old men in London to recall the tragic experience of being beaten by the rabbit army on the [-]th parallel after following the ass of the United States.

The wind was blowing to the opposite bank, so the Governor's government's attitude towards Chinese businessmen was naturally a little softer.

As a result, Ding Yunfeng's identity on Hong Kong Island naturally became more sensitive.

Otherwise, from Brother Feng's standpoint, how could it be possible for the governor to invite businessmen to hold a meeting?
Knowing that Cai Yuanqi was very dissatisfied with repeatedly pushing him to take the blame, Matthew and the others decided to act as ostriches and pretend that they didn't hear it.

After beating two of his subordinates and complaining, Cai Yuanqi stopped, quickly caught up with Ding Yunfeng and the two, opened the door himself first, and asked the two to sit down on the sofa.

Boiling water to make tea, Cai Sir was smiling all over his face, he was completely different from the one who had just been wronged.

"Come, come, try my can of Dahongpao. People from my hometown sent it to me. It is said to be authentic." Bringing a cup of tea to Ding Yunfeng, Cai Yuanqi looked at him with a smile.

Ding Yunfeng picked up the teacup and took a sip, and finally said the first words he came to Tai Kwun: "Good tea! But compared to this cup of authentic Dahongpao, I am more interested in the friend who can give you good tea, Sir Cai. .

I don't know.Cai Sir, can you introduce me to the other party?
Because, I always want to find someone to make some good tea for daily hospitality. "

With your relationship between Ding Yunfeng and your hometown, you can't get good tea?

not good!

Missed out.

Cai Yuanqi's smile froze. No matter how much he adjusted himself, what happened on the stairs just now managed to arouse his anger, making him lose his temper as soon as he sat down.

This time, perhaps, the chess pieces he buried in his hometown may be at risk of being exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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