Chapter 736
250 million Hong Kong dollars was burnt in only ten minutes.

Zhang Zihao took out a pack of Marlboro from his body, and tapped out five of them, one by one, and placed them in front of the tombstones of several people.

"Dadong, and these few friends. The earthen pot can't be separated from the well, and the general will inevitably die in battle!

It's a pity that you were embarrassed before you followed me to do big business.

Alas, I have done my best to get to know each other and help you take care of the funeral.Have a good journey, let's cast a good tire in the next life. "

After speaking these few sentences, Zhang Zihao led a group of his men and walked out of the cemetery slowly.

But when it came to the exit, a tall woman with a dusty face suddenly came up.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Meng Meng stepped forward to stop him, glaring at him viciously.

Holding back her anxiety, Xiaochang looked at Zhang Zihao and shouted, "Excuse me, are you Zhang Zihao, Brother Hao?"

"Huh?" Zhang Zihao frowned, and walked over with his wife Hui Hui: "I'm Zhang Zihao, pretty girl, I don't seem to know you."

"My name is Chang Nu, and my man works with Brother Dong, who is tall and thin, with a beard and a beard on his lips.

Brother Dong took them out to do errands before, and he left things with me before he left. He told me that if they don't come back, let me find a way to hand them over to Brother Hao. "Xiao Chang took out an envelope bag from her handbag while talking.

Zhang Zihao took it curiously, and poured out a few Polaroid photos from the envelope.

"This is..." After looking down for a few moments, Zhang Zihao's expression changed drastically.

These photos were taken by the No. [-] Middle School, and one of them was a close-up shot, which happened to capture the handcuffs on Fat Dog's waist.

"Changnu, apart from leaving these, Dadong, does he have anything else that you want to tell me?" Zhang Zihao asked in a deep voice while holding the photo.

Xiao Chang lowered her head and wiped her tears: "I heard from No. [-] Middle School and Brother Dong that this time they were tricked by a man named Jiejitai, forcing them to advance their plans.

Brother Hao, that's all I know. "

"Well, yes, I see. Ah Hui, you count 5 yuan to Chang Nu." Zhang Zihao put away the photo, turned to his wife and said.

Sister Hui stepped forward and pulled Changnv aside, and while taking out the money to comfort her, she started talking secretly.

A few minutes later, Sister Hui sent away the crying Chang Nu, and walked quickly back to Zhang Zihao: "It doesn't look like a fake, this woman works as a dancer at the Cadbury Nightclub, and she wouldn't dare lie to us even if she had ten guts."

"Well, let's go back and talk.

If something happened to Dadong and the others this time, it was related to that Arcade Tai, I would not let him go. "Zhang Zihao threw down the cigarette fiercely.

After finally finding a capable candidate to replace Ye Shiguan, but now he is thrown into the street by a low-ranking gangster. He is so rich and can't stand this useless air!

On Zhang Zihao's side, he was very angry. On the other side, Guan Chun, the chief of the Central District Police Station, was also full of anger.

When the ghosts finished their show in front of the cameras and cameras, Guan Chun, who served as the background board for the whole process, called to stop Cai Yuanqi who was about to leave.

"Old Guan, why is it so urgent, can't we talk about it after I send the foreign devils away?" Cai Yuanqi pretended to be puzzled, and followed Guan Chun to the director's office.

Guan Chun took a deep breath, and sat on the sofa opposite the other party: "Cai Sir, if I don't ask you to understand these few words today, I will definitely suffer from insomnia tonight."

"So exaggerated?" Cai Yuanqi continued to pretend to be stupid, he took out two cigars and threw one to Guan Chun: "Is the work pressure too great?

Well, this weekend, I will organize the game.

Let's make an appointment to go out to sea together for a day without wives, so that you will feel comfortable physically and mentally, without the trouble of insomnia, haha. "

"Cai Sir, you were the one who asked me to suppress the Ding family, but now you don't say a word, and you just send an official document to hand over the case of white gloves to the man.

Do you know that when I called her, everyone in the Central District Police Station looked at me as a joke? With a dark face, Guan Chun directly confronted Cai Yuanqi.

Cai Yuanqi slowly put away his smile, lowered his head and lit his cigar: "Guan Sir, what you said seems like my brain suddenly flooded and I deliberately embarrassed you."

"Cai Sir, I didn't mean that!
I just wanted to ask you to say hello before you change your mind next time.

No matter how small my flag, Guan Chun, is, there are still a bunch of guys underneath who eat with me.

In these years, when you said to go east, which time did I go west?

You and I have been dating and cooperating for more than ten years. Today, you can't even leave me with this bit of decency? "Guan Chun raised his tone, his previously elegant face was slightly distorted.

He himself is the head of the Guan family and has a certain influence in the Hong Kong Island Police Force.

His father-in-law, Li He, is also the leader of the pro-British faction of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. His position is not comparable to that of Cai Yuanqi, but in terms of power, he is actually not inferior to him.

Seeing that Guan Chun was really angry and wanted to turn against him, Cai Yuanqi knew very well that if he didn't give the other party an explanation today, it would definitely be impossible.

With a sigh, Cai Yuanqi stubbed out his cigar: "Old Guan, let me say sorry to you about the white glove case first. Calm down and let me explain to you slowly..."

It took about ten minutes for Cai Yuanqi to improvise a set of grievances.

Rough meaning: Ghost Matthew and Ding Yunfeng made an appointment, turned the white gloves into terrorists, and appointed a male mother-in-law to handle it. Using this method similar to backdoor listing, the diamond case was solved.

"Ding Yunfeng ran to talk to the ghost Matthew for a man's wife?" Guan Chun was dubious, he felt that Cai Yuanqi was fooling himself.

Cai Yuanqi shrugged his shoulders: "That's the fact. Ding Yunfeng is famous for his nostalgia. If you don't believe it, you can ask the ghost Matthew for verification."

"That's not enough to..." Guan Chun's eyes flickered.

This kind of black-box operation in officialdom pays attention to seeing the truth without telling the truth.

He and Cai Yuanqi are allies, everyone can take off their masks to fight each other, but ask the ghost to verify, that is the iron head baby.

"That's OK?
Now, our Director of Customs is out of breath, right? "

Cai Yuanqi lit a cigar again, and a smile appeared on his face again: "Old Guan, you and I are both working under the hands of Gui Lao.

Don't look at me as the first brother in the police force, in fact, I can't decide many things.

Everyone is in charge, you should be considerate of me.

Well, don't think about these unhappy things.

weekend!This weekend I came to organize a game, called a few big stars, and everyone went out to play for a while and came back, and the fire was gone. "

Guan Chun's expression softened a little: "We'll talk about it later, you know, every weekend, I have to go back with my wife to see her daddy."

"Haha, the husband and wife are deeply in love, and I envy you. Come on, I have something to do at the other end of the hall, so let's go first."

"I send you."

"Don't bother, stay a step, stay a step."

A few minutes later, Guan Chun, who was watching Cai Yuanqi drive away, turned cold instantly.

He has been dealing with Cai Yuanqi for more than ten years, and the other party is focused on pursuing an official career, but he has climbed up step by step from the grassroots.

Of course, he was able to become the chief of the Central District Police Station today, and he could not avoid relying on the strength of the Guan family and the Li family.

But his own ability is not bad, whether Cai Yuanqi is lying or not, he has already judged from the facial expression of the other party.

Enduring his anger, Guan Chun finally waited until it was time to get off work.

While driving, he was preparing the draft, and was going to pass his wife. This weekend, he asked his father-in-law, Li He, to help him clear up the relationship.

It would be best if he could be arranged to pick up a constitutional committee-level ghost who was at the same level as Matthew.

That way, Cai Yuanqi will trick him in the future, at least someone can speak for him at the Taiguan.

Who knows.

As soon as he entered the door, before he could open his mouth, Miss Li had already scolded, "Are you crazy?

Today is the day when Azu went to study abroad. We agreed that we will have a meal with him at noon. You have not come back until now? "

"I'm busy."

"Busy? No matter how busy you are, having a son is important?

You are busy, I am not busy?

I have millions of dollars per minute, and I can spare a day to be with Azu.

You are a rotten devil, the director of the Central District, sitting in the office all day signing and stamping, can you be as busy as me? Miss Li was unhappy when she heard this, she pushed away a handsome young man, and strode towards Guan Chun.

During this time, at work, Guan Chun suppressed men and women everywhere, and was criticized in the Central District.

Cai Yuanqi suddenly parachuted into the official document and named the white glove case to the man-in-law, which made him lose face in front of many subordinates.

Now when I go home, my wife has a bite.

Originally, he wanted to ask the other party to ask his father-in-law for help, but naturally he couldn't say it.

Unable to get angry, he saw Guan Zu standing a few meters away, looking straight at him.

Lao Guan's anger was instantly ignited.He widened his eyes, pointed at Guan Zu and shouted: "Stinky boy, what are you looking at?
Did you see your old man's joke?

Studying abroad, look at your ghostly virtue, whether you stand up or sit down!
Do you think it's not enough to be ashamed at home, and you still want to go abroad to show your eyes?

Hold your head high and stand up for me..."

"Are you crazy? Why are you throwing your temper at the child?"

"I lose my temper, I'm teaching him to learn well, rely on you, can you teach children, you will spoil him..."

"He was born to me, I don't love him, who loves him?
rely on you?

24 hours a day, ask yourself, have you looked at him for 1 minute? "

Seeing his parents quarreling every day, the taciturn Guan Zu lowered his head and clenched his fists.

The son's reaction fell into Guan Chun's eyes, and it aroused his anger even more, he pushed his wife away vigorously, Guan Sir pulled out the belt around his waist, and slammed his son on the ground.

"Why don't you kill me too?

You are wronged outside, you get angry at people outside, why are you angry at your children? "Miss Li rushed forward, protecting her son tightly.

Seeing that this commotion was a bit loud, the servants who were hiding all rushed forward to pull Switch Chun.

Guan Chun swung the belt so loudly, but except for the first hit, he couldn't hit his wife and children again, and was blocked by the servants in front of him.

The monthly salary is paid by the wife, and you and your parents-in-law quarrel, and everyone can sit back and watch, but now that you have started, everyone has to help someone, no need to explain.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

"Master, you can't fight anymore. How can the young master be able to bear it?"


The quarrel between the Guan family and the dissuasion of the villa servants made the scene chaotic. No one noticed that Guan Zu's handsome face, which was still immature, had become extremely ferocious.

Days like this have been happening almost every day since he woke up.

He was fed up, especially when he always put the work of the police force first, and never cared about himself. Every time he met, he either waved his belt or physically punished his old man.


Our station reports:

[Recently, the Mong Kok Police Station cracked a huge robbery case, the case is as follows...]

On the TV, Radar Dart is holding a news release, and what he is talking about is the destruction of the Annan mega-criminal group headed by Dadong.

"Annan people? How did you become Annan people?

This situation is not quite right. "Arcade Thai used the remote control to switch to other TV stations, and found that the news on the other side also reported that Dadong and his gang were from Annan.

"Brother, what's the matter? What's wrong?" Seeing that Artest turned off the TV angrily, Blade Hua asked curiously.

Street Jitai lit a cigarette, and immediately stubbed it out in the ashtray: "Ah Hua, I'll leave the place to you for the time being. I'll go out to relax and come back in a few days."

"Ah? Brother, what happened?" Seeing Artest turn around and open the safe, and quickly put the cash inside into a travel bag, Blade Hua panicked.

Arcade Tai moved quickly, packed his luggage in less than 3 minutes, opened the office door and walked out.

The red boy arcade business was very good, Artest broke out in a hot sweat when he walked outside the office.

After looking around vigilantly, he walked quickly to the opposite road and got into a very unremarkable Volkswagen Beetle.

Start slowly, increase the accelerator, the Beetle drove tens of meters, and immediately began to speed up. Artest's purpose is very simple, that is, to go to the pier to take a boat, and hide in Haojiang to avoid the limelight for a few days.

"Brother Hao, that bastard came out of the arcade."

"Don't worry, do it after two more streets."

"Roger that!"

Along the way, Yajitai's hands holding the steering wheel were drenched with sweat. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the ferry terminal was just two intersections ahead.

Just in front of the red light, he stepped on the brakes, but before the car stopped, a Jinbei van next to him suddenly accelerated and hit him.


Big Bread got a Beetle, and Artest, who was sitting in the car, almost experienced a small earthquake.

"I'm protruding (艹盘艺)!" He cursed angrily, just as Artest was about to unbuckle his seat belt and get out of the car to argue with the other party.

The door of the van was opened, Meng Meng rushed down with a few strong men, smashed the window with a baseball bat, and pulled Artest out who was trying to escape by car.

Before he can speak, give him two fists first.

Seeing Arcade Tai bent over and lying on the ground, Mengmeng smiled coldly: "Take it away."

Before the red light turned yellow, Arcade Tai was escorted into a van and taken away, leaving a Beetle alone in front of the zebra crossing.

at the same time.

Outside the Red Boy game hall, Inspector Li rushed in with big eyes and menacingly: "Where is Artest! Tell him to come out, we have something to ask him for clarification."

(End of this chapter)

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