Chapter 739 An Ice Cream
Turning around and walking to the small living room outside, the leader surnamed Huang sat down on the green velvet sofa, took out a match, struck it, and buried himself in lighting a cigarette for himself.

After swallowing for a while, he grabbed the phone on the coffee table and dialed a series of numbers: "I have a task for you, come to the office to meet me."

"Yes!" A cold female voice came from the receiver.

After a few minutes.

A pretty girl with short hair knocked on the door of Leader Huang's office.

"Li Xiangqin, this envelope contains your ID card, bus ticket and funds for this trip to Houcheng.

Over there, someone will meet you at the station.

At that time, he will also tell you the details of the mission.

Ok, now you can go. "Leader Huang crossed his legs and pointed to a cowhide envelope on the coffee table.

Li Xiangqin saluted with a pretty face, then put away the cowhide envelope, turned around, opened the door and went out.

a few days later.

Something happened in Houcheng that shocked the senior management of my hometown.

The Tyrannosaurus rex fossils that were originally planned to be shipped abroad for exhibition, among which the most critical dinosaur skull, were lost.

"Old Chen, the dinosaur skull was lost in your camp, so naturally you are responsible.

Now I can tell you that we have already settled with each other on the date of the fossil exhibition.

If the dinosaur skull cannot be recovered as soon as possible, it will be a major event that will damage the country!You should be very clear about what the consequences will be! "

"Please rest assured on the 2nd, we are here in Houcheng, we promise to complete the task!"


Hearing the busy tone coming from the phone, Leader Chen did not dare to neglect, he decisively dispatched the trump card of his subordinates—agent Zero One to investigate the matter.

A week later….

Leader Chen received a call for help from Zero Zero One, knowing that he had successfully tracked down the dinosaur skull, and even tracked it all the way to Yangcheng in Guangdong Province.

Unfortunately, when he was about to recover his skull, he died tragically at the hands of a guy wearing invulnerable armor and holding a golden gun.

"Comrade Fuyi, rest in peace!

You did not sacrifice in vain!
I can probably guess who is the one who stole the dinosaur skull this time. "Leader Chen came to Houcheng Cemetery with a group of his men. He set up a clothes tomb for Ling Lingyi, and came here today to see Ling Lingyi off for the last time.

Just as he put on his hat and was about to leave, Leader Chen suddenly remembered something: "Gang Ya, I remember Fu Yi has a younger brother, right? Why haven't I seen him?"

"Ah, this..."

"What this and that?
It is an iron law to give preferential treatment to the families of martyrs!
Tell me, what's the situation with his brother now?
If there are difficulties in work or life, before I go south, if I can help today, I will make an exception and help him. "

The agent code-named Gang Ya took out a crumpled letter from his pocket with a look of perplexity on his face: "Yesterday you asked Amy and I to go to Linglingyi's house and help him pack some clothes and come to set up a tomb. Found a letter written by his brother Fuguang..."

"What's wrong, why are you being coy..." Leader Chen snatched it into his hand, and found that there were 5 words [letter to brother] written on the envelope.

Shaking out the letter paper and taking a look, Lao Chen's anger surged to his forehead with a bang.

Because there is only one sentence in the letter-brother, a few hundred yuan a month, what are you doing?
"It's outrageous, it's outrageous!

Fu Yi is such a good comrade, how could he have such an outrageous younger brother! Leader Chen was so angry that he tore the letter into pieces on the spot.

Gang Ya, who was standing aside, showed hesitation and didn't speak for a while, but the tall and thin Amy God secretly pulled him: "Don't say it!

If the leader knows that Brother Atou went to Hong Kong Island to become a thief, his title of martyr might be taken away. "

Gang Ya was startled when he heard the words, and said in a low voice: "Okay, I know how to do it."

The two waited until Leader Chen calmed down a little, then hurriedly supported each other, and walked out of the cemetery without looking back.

Perhaps angered by Fu Guang's words, Leader Chen, who originally planned to fly to Yangcheng in the afternoon, was unable to board the plane due to high blood pressure, so he had to postpone it for a day.

at the same time.

In several southeast coastal provinces, everyone who is eligible to drink Dahongpao is being investigated by the working group.

Seeing that he was about to be found here, Leader Huang was a little restless.

He never expected that the capital would send someone down just a few days after Cai Yuanqi's reminder.

Moreover, the leader of this working group turned out to be Lao Yang—this standard is too high.

"I said that my surname is Cai, so kind, why did you call to remind me?
Dahongpao, Dahongpao, a Beijing working group of more than a dozen people, came all the way to the south to check how many catties of Dahongpao?
There must be something wrong with the tea I gave him!

The bastard didn't tell me the truth and encouraged me to get dinosaur skulls.

Damn bastard, he thinks I'm doomed, and he's going to use me in the end! "Leader Huang got up and walked back and forth in the office with a look of irritability.

After smashing a few decorations, he calmed down a little.

After sitting down and lighting a cigar sent by Cai Yuanqi, Leader Huang murmured in a low voice: "No way! I have to find a way to divert everyone's attention and buy me some time to arrange my way forward."

Having said that, he took out a special telephone and dialed Cai Yuanqi's number.

Cai Yuanqi, who wanted to go out to work in Taiguan, suddenly received a call from Leader Huang. He hesitated for a while, and finally picked up the receiver: "Hello, it's me. What's the matter?"

"I already got the dinosaur skull we talked about last time. Now, how do I deliver it?"

"So fast?" Cai Yuanqi was a little surprised, pulled out his chair and sat down: "In two days, I will arrange for a freighter to go to Yangcheng Wharf, and you will send someone to put the dinosaur skull into a container and spray [Extra Strong Three Whip Pills] paint, the people at the dock will send the box to the freighter."

"Unexpectedly, there are people from you in Yangcheng Wharf."

"Hehe, there are many things you can't think of."

"That's right, Cai Sir has a great plan, how can we rough people beat you?"

"Old Huang, I heard your words with resentment, did some misunderstanding happen?"

"No, I suddenly felt something, I just praised you." Leader Huang pursed his mouth, tapped a special suitcase with five fingers of his right hand: "Okay, stop talking nonsense.

In order to transport this dinosaur skull from Houcheng this time, not to mention how many people died under my command, even the ace agent from Houcheng also died because of this incident.I have a request - give the money first, and then receive the goods. "

"What! Lao Huang, this is not in compliance with the rules." Cai Yuanqi's expression froze, and he raised his tone to retort.

"Made, are you talking to me about the rules?

According to the rules, I won't do so many things for you!

When you want me to do things, you have been convincing me to have the courage to break the rules;
Now, at the risk of losing my head, I want you to break the rules once, but you talk to me about the rules? "

Leader Huang's tone was serious, and at the end of his speech, he simply threatened Cai Yuanqi: "Will you give me one million dollars?

If not, I will turn myself in now and reveal all our affairs.

Of course I'm going to be targeted, but don't think about it when you're on Hong Kong Island.

You know who I am, if the person sitting in this seat has an accident, the capital may just take the opportunity to use you and me to make a fuss and use force..."

"Enough is enough, don't talk about it later!
Mad, one million dollars, right?
Okay, I'll arrange the manpower later to send the money to your overseas account. "Cai Yuanqi cut off the topic decisively, and replied with a knife: "I will give you the money first, but things must not go wrong!"You know that if you dare to lie to us, there will be no good end. "

A crisp sound.

The other side hung up the phone.

Leader Huang let out a mouthful of foul air, and immediately began to proceed to the next step.

Half a day later, in the archives room, he finally found a top product that was most suitable to be sent to Hong Kong Island as cannon fodder, and to attract firepower by the way—Zero Zero Paint.


Ding Yunfeng didn't know yet, it was because of the butterfly effect he brought.

Originally at the beginning of the movie, Li Xiangqin, the subordinate of the Golden Gunner, used a pencil to bully Leader Chen, who is still staying in the capital hospital for infusions to lower blood pressure.

As for Lai Youwei, leader Chen's mission to fool Ah Qi, he has become Ding Yunfeng.

That's right!

This time Ling Lingqi came to Hong Kong Island. His mission was to recover the stolen dinosaur skull from Hong Kong Island's [Smuggling King] Ding Yunfeng.

The only constant plot is that Li Xiangqin continues to follow Aqi as his assistant.

Her task is still the same, first help Ah Qi get rid of Ding Yunfeng, and then get rid of A Qi.

Ding Sheng, who was devoted to patriotism, died tragically at the gun of the spy on the other side!
Once this news report is broadcast, will it blow up a few catties of Dahongpao whose whereabouts are unknown?
"Sir, I'm sorry, you didn't book the Regent Hotel, but the Regent Hotel!" It was the same four-eyed frog last time. His false smile and contemptuous eyes all showed that he had seen through Ah Qi a long time ago. Details from my hometown.

"Isn't it?" Ah Qi was shocked when she heard this, and hastily withdrew her gaze from the foreign woman's big buttocks.

At this time, the bald man who came to review the process of the arrest of the white gloves happened to come out of the elevator.

"Hello, four-eyed boy, I'm Albert Au, the Interpol of the New York Police Department, assigned to Hong Kong Island!

Take care of my work ID, I want you to call out the surveillance video of the daily entry and exit personnel in rooms 404 and 405 in the past week! "The bald man took a fat man, went to the counter, slapped it, and threw out an English document.

In this era, the ancestral ghost is the actual ruler of Hong Kong Island, and the Americans are the bosses of the ancestral family.

Although the bald man has a Chinese face, his accent is still very Taiwanese;
But there is no problem with the ID they threw out, an authentic New York police officer ID.

Handing the ID back to the bald man with both hands, the four-eyed frog turned around and shouted to the two receptionists: "Ami, Ani, what are you two doing standing there?
I didn't see that the weather is very hot today, why don't you bring some ice cream to cool off this Sir from the United States?
Remember, take that BMW brand, don't make it BYD. "

"Well, the service is considerate, good, good, very good." The bald man nodded in satisfaction, and looked down at his watch: "However, the investigation is important, so hurry up and adjust the monitoring for me."

"No problem, I'll make an intercom call now and ask the people in the monitoring room to check the video." The four-eyed frog smiled and pressed the intercom call button.

At this time, Ami and Ani ran back carrying a box of BMW ice cream.

The bald man and the fat boy picked up one each. Ah Qi looked at the scorching sun outside, and walked over with a smile: "You two beauties, can you give me an ice cream? I haven't had any water since morning. I'm very thirsty." ..."

"Ice cream? No, we are not ice cream, these are our ice cream exclusively for VIPs and internal employees!

Daluzi, if you want to eat ice cream, please go back to Lijing Hotel to buy it.

Our Regent Hotel only has ice cream, not the ice cream you mentioned. "The four-eyed frog pushed Ah Qi away, and Ami at the front desk next to her embarrassedly closed the ice cream box. Ani explained in a low voice, why do you need to register as a hotel VIP first, it is only for internal use...

"Oh, that's different treatment." Seeing that he handed an ice cream to a four-eyed manager who happened to pass by the ghost, Ah Qi sneered: "As a Chinese, I feel very sorry for the ancestors of the three of you." Shame."

"Wow, what are you talking about? Call the police, Ami, Ani, hurry up and call the police, if someone makes trouble."

"Enough!" The bald man snapped and smashed the ice cream he had just opened to the ground: "Damn it, I'm a bad guy!
Four-eyed boy, I, the Taishan guy who went to New York to earn US dollars, has not forgotten my roots, but you, the little bastard who gave foreign devils a room card and handed condoms, has forgotten your ancestors.

I just saw you insult this gentleman with this carton of ice cream, either you guys apologize right away, or I'll pull you three back! "

"Sir, why are you turning your arms out?"

"How to turn, I'm a Chinese, teach me how to turn my arm? Do you want to turn like you three beasts?
I went to the United States to become a policeman, but I didn't admit that I was an American in my heart!

Go out with a New York work permit, which I have not yet obtained from the Central District Police Station, chubby, handcuffed. "

"Here!" The fat boy took off the handcuffs and handed them to the bald man.

The bald man snapped and slapped the front desk: "Hurry up! My time is precious, do you want to apologize, or do you want to go back to the police station with me?"

"We apologize..." Four-eyed frog lowered his head helplessly, and the two receptionists beside him also secretly complained.

Together with the man-in-law and Lanbao last time, this month, it was the second work accident.

It's just an ice cream, if you give it, you will give it, it's not like there is no one, why bother to deliberately bully others.

"Liangzi, he apologized now, what do you say?
If you are not relieved, I can take him back and detain him for 48 hours. "The bald man put away his handcuffs, walked up to Ah Qi and asked him.

Ah Qi withdrew her right hand placed on her back, looked at the bald man with a smile, and said, "Sir, you can do whatever you want."

"No problem, let's do this first. If you have to leave first, I will chat with him later."

"Okay, my name is Aqi, I live at No. 56, Pingshizi Road, Ercun, Sanshui Township, if you have a chance to come over to my hometown, remember to grab me for tea." Aqi picked up the box, walked out the gate, and shouted at the bald man.

(End of this chapter)

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