Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 741 Big brother, how many apprentices do you have?

Chapter 741 Big brother, how many apprentices do you have?
Facing the boss and colleagues who have misunderstood their position for the past two and a half years.

Fat Leopard opened his mouth, and for a moment, he really didn't know what to say.

Every time I met outside, I was either beaten, scolded, or at worst got two blank stares.

Brother Feng personally set up this stage today, not only to clean himself up, but also let him choose a unit...

To be honest, it didn't matter which police station he went to, as far as he was concerned.

He has been undercover for two and a half years, and he, Abao, has suffered all kinds of grievances. He is afraid that all the leaders or employees present will not be able to accept him for a while.

"Brother Feng, it's up to you, tell me to go to Biandu, and I'll go to Biandu, to see the reservoir!" In order to avoid offending others, Fat Leopard smiled at Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng glanced at him, and then glanced around the audience. From the expressions on everyone's faces, he could roughly guess what Ah Bao was worried about.

As an undercover agent, you are everywhere.

Touching the glass, Ding Yunfeng turned his gaze to Uncle Hua: "Uncle Hua, if I remember correctly, you told me about it before you were transferred to the North District as Chief Superintendent.

You are about to take down the Haipang Subdivision Police Station attached to the Central District Police Station? "

"That's right! At that time, I had mastered more than [-]% of the key positions in the Haipang District Police Station!" Uncle Hua stood up solemnly.

Ding Yunfeng raised his hand and pressed it lightly, signaling Uncle Hua to sit down: "Okay! Since Fat Leopard asked me to speak, I'll make an exception and arrange for him to be transferred to the criminal team of Haipang Division.

I'll call Lu Minghua later, and he will handle the personnel transfer.

Uncle Hua, on the day Fat Leopard took office, I would like to trouble you to send him there in person, and give a word to the guys in the Haipang division. This is my arrangement. "

"No problem." Uncle Hua nodded in response.

Huang Yaobing and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Brother Feng's arrangement is the most appropriate. It can not only give Fat Leopard, who has been undercover for two years, a chance to take off, but also allow everyone to have an adaptation period to turn enemies into friends.

"OK, let's get down to business now. Come on, let's raise our glasses and welcome our brothers and sisters. Inspector Liang Jianbo goes home!"

"Cheers!" Huang Yaobing was the first to stand up and respond. Fat Leopard originally belonged to the Wanchai Police Station. As his old boss, of course he had to take the lead in expressing his opinion.

"Thank you, thank you all." Fat Leopard kept bowing to everyone with his wine glasses in both hands.

All the people present were higher than him in rank and police rank.

Everyone is willing to give face, it's for Brother Feng's face, and it's a bit ignorant to pick it up by yourself.

Alcohol is a good medicine to blindly eliminate barriers.

After a few rounds of drinks, Fat Leopard hooked up with Huang Yaobing and Bi Wenzhan, reminiscing about the glorious days when Brother Feng led everyone to break through the tough and crazy police in Wanchai District.

"Abao, I have to say, you went out for a walk and learned to be cunning.

Asking Brother Feng to talk about things is a good move!
He arranges for you to go to Haipang District, then greets Sir Lu, and then asks Uncle Hua to take you there to take up the post.

How is this different from appointing you to take over the Haipang District? "Facing the old subordinates, Huang Yaobing naturally spoke more casually.

Seeing Fat Leopard smirking, Bi Wen took a puff of cigarette: "Fatty, be more energetic!

I have spent half my life, that is, climbed to the deputy director.

If you can solve a few major cases, next time I meet you, I have to salute and call Director Liang! "

"Uncle Zhan, don't make jokes. My Fat Leopard weighs a lot, and I know it well." Fat Leopard took out a cigarette and lit it for the two old bosses. , It's like two different people.

After they chatted for a few words, Ma Jun, Yuan Haoyun and French Li came over with wine glasses.

Everyone came here to apologize. In the past two years, they have beaten Fat Leopard the most.

This meal took more than two hours.

Since Ding Yunfeng left the police force, it was the first time to shake people into a meeting. Not only the British and Hong Kong factions sent people to watch, even Lu Minghua, the leader of the Chinese faction, was very concerned about the results.

Good thing...

Before the game ended, Ding Yunfeng called Lu Minghua and told him about the cause and effect of Fat Leopard.

"Ding Sheng, don't worry, I will make arrangements.

Even if Sir Liang is arranged in the Haipang District, will he be wronged?

Chen Jianxin couldn't support himself in Tsim Sha Tsui. It was a time when there was a shortage of manpower. Why not go to Tsim Sha Tsui? " Lu Minghua grabbed the phone while stuffing a few densely written A4 papers into the shredder.

These were all his reasonings about the purpose of Ding Yunfeng's banquet before he answered the phone call.

Ding Yunfeng picked the gap between his teeth with a toothpick a few times, looked at Ma Jun and said with a smile: "Over there in Tsim Sha Tsui, I suggest transferring Ma Jun and Cao Leon.

These two people have poor brains, but their hands-on ability is not bad, which is enough for Chen Jianxin. "

"Okay!" Lu Minghua heard Ding Yunfeng's arrangement, and immediately agreed with kindness.

Since they contacted by phone, the two didn't exchange much content, and after a few words, they agreed to hang up the phone.

One street away from the Backbone Restaurant, inside a seven-seater commercial vehicle that is not new.

Two young police officers wearing headphones are concentrating on carefully manipulating the monitoring equipment in front of them.

Hearing the beep from the earphone representing [Call Interrupted], the person on the left took off the earphone: "Hey, did you hear it?"

"Well, the communication tools used by Ding Yunfeng have all been specially modified.

With this old guy, if you listen to it, then hell! "The other man looked helpless and patted the machine in front of him.

Both of them are members of the special department of the Hong Kong Island Police Force [Puppy Squad], for this task of monitoring Ding Yunfeng for a long time.

Not to mention them, even the person in charge of the Puppy Team has great opinions.

Achievement, know too much, no good end;

If there is no result, if the work is not effective, it will be held by the higher authorities;

With his whereabouts revealed, Ding Yunfeng's prestige in the Chinese police force, the entire department will be hostile by countless officers.

After complaining a few words, the voice of the boss came out from the instrument, and when they learned that there was no result again, the two people on duty were naturally slapped.

Ten minutes later...

The head of the Puppy team stood in front of Cai Yuanqi. Not long ago, he spat on his subordinates. Now it's his turn to be washed by the first brother with saliva.

"There are so many funds allocated every year, and every time you tell me that there is no result, you must purchase more advanced monitoring equipment!
The goal is to leave the company for half a year, and the equipment in your department has been updated for three generations!

Today, you told me that the content could not be monitored, so the next sentence, is it necessary to allocate funds again? "Cai Yuanqi's face was terribly dark—I just want to hear who Ding Yunfeng called and what he said on the phone. Why is this so difficult?
"Report! The target has a master who specializes in electrical appliances transformation. The speed of our procurement of equipment is far behind his transformation speed of the target's communication equipment..."

"Enough! I don't want to hear these explanations.

No matter what method you use, all in all, I must monitor the communication between the target and the outside world.

I will give you one more month now, and if you can’t handle this matter, your entire department, including you, should write a letter of resignation together! "Cai Yuanqi waved his right hand, turned around and lit a cigarette.

"Yes sir!" The head of the puppy team gave a warning salute, turned around and opened the door to go out.

Cai Yuanqi hadn't finished smoking this cigarette yet, someone knocked on the door and asked to see him, he came in and found that the person came was another guy who made him feel bad: Lu Minghua, deputy director of police affairs, the second leader of the Chinese department .

"Lu Sir, what's the matter?" Even though he really wanted the other party to die in his heart, Cai Yuanqi still had a smile on his face.

Lu Minghua was no better than the head of the Puppy team who had just left. The position of the opponent was half a level lower than him, but the real power was much higher than him.

"Cai Sir, this policeman, I want to transfer him from the Yau Ma Tei homicide unit to the criminal team of the Central District Haipang Division as the person in charge." Lu Minghua pulled the chair opposite Cai Yuanqi and sat down, putting down a personnel transfer application form.

Cai Yuanqi picked it up and took a look: "Liang Jianbo..."

Combined with the murder of a plainclothes fat dog in the Yau Ma Tei homicide group during this period, and thinking about the gangsters in Dadong who were identified by the Hua Department as the Annan gang, Cai Yuanqi immediately knew that this policeman surnamed Liang was the opponent who inserted himself next to Li Haitian needles.

"Haha, it's just an inspector-level job change, you can call me anytime, Sir Lu, why bother to make a special trip?

Haipang division, okay, no problem, I will give orders later. "Cai Yuanqi pointed at Fat Leopard's ID photo, showing a playful smile.

Lu Minghua stood up with a smile, and stretched out his right hand: "Then I will represent Sir Liang first, thank you, Sir Cai, for making it happen."

"Hey, don't worry about this little thing..." Cai Yuanqi stretched out his right hand and squeezed it firmly: "However, as it happens, I also have a small suggestion.

The original intention of the establishment of the Puppy Squad of the Police Force is to secretly track criminals, grasp the evidence and specific whereabouts of the other party's crimes, and provide accurate and useful information to the operation department.

Lu Sir, you are looking for action. I wonder if you can relax the approval process for dispatching the puppy team?

Oh, I didn't have the idea of ​​exceeding my authority, I just suddenly felt that if the process is streamlined, the efficiency of the Puppy team should be improved. "

"Is that so..." Lu Minghua moved his eyes slightly, pondered for a few seconds, and smiled apologetically at Cai Yuanqi: "The matter is important, Sir Cai, maybe I need some time to think it over!
In this way, the next time there is a meeting in Tai Kwun, you and I, plus another deputy director, will also invite some chief superintendents who are on the front line.

Let's discuss together and finalize a charter to resolve this matter? "

"Oh... that's fine, then it's decided like this?" Cai Yuanqi slowly put away his smile and stared at Lu Minghua coldly.

There was always a warm smile on Lu Minghua's face: "Okay, then it's settled. When you come to take the lead in speaking, Sir Cai, I will definitely applaud you wholeheartedly."

"Haha, Sir Lu, that's interesting!
If everyone in the police force supports me like you do.

Isn't it much easier when the work is carried out? "

The two exchanged a few words, and when Lu Minghua put away the documents and left, Cai Yuanqi's mood became even worse.

This time he lit a Cuban cigar and smoked a dozen or so puffs until he finally calmed down after coughing violently.

Picking up the receiver and calling the ghost Matthew, Cai Yuanqi told Fat Leopard that his actions in Yau Ma Tei, from beginning to end, were all known by the Chinese faction.

Ghost Matthew was not in a happy mood anymore, and when Cai Yuanqi finished complaining, he decisively called Director Ghost from Yau Ma Tei to Tai Kwun, and scolded him bloody.

"Fake, that fat man, Sir, why don't you find an excuse to drive him out of the police force..."

"Damn it, is there a brain in your skull?

In this confrontation, we have already lost Lizi, now you have to lose face yourself?
If you drive Fat Leopard out of the police force, then don't you show Ding Yunfeng and Lu Minghua that our ancestors can't afford to lose? Matthew was a little tired, and waved to the director of Yau Ma Tei: "Forget it, you write a report and I will transfer you to Tai Kwun to work."

As for Yau Ma Tei, I will recommend a Chinese police officer who is close to us to pick you up. "

"Oh, Sir, you can't do this?"

"Get out! Before I can't help hitting you!"

Two days later.

Ding Yunfeng received the news that the official document of Fei Bao's transfer to Haipang Division came down, and at the same time, Li Haitian temporarily acted as the chief of the Yau Ma Tei Police Station.

"Hehe, help Li Haitian to the top, can he do it? So far, the fat dog case has not been resolved." Ding Yunfeng smiled at Zhan Mi, and Ding Yunfeng obviously looked down on Li Haitian.

Jamie closes the memo: "The shorty pulls out the general!
Li Wenbin's ability is definitely stronger than Li Haitian's.

If Cai Yuanqi is willing, Li Shutang has to be willing too!

Who doesn't know that the Yau Ma Tei Police Station is working against us.

This is a position of three evil spirits, it is easy to go up, but it is difficult to get out of the whole body. "

Ding Yunfeng looked surprised and looked Zhan Mi up and down: "Yes, the supplementary lessons are effective.

Zhan Mizai, you have made great progress. If you were in the past, you definitely would not have included the Li family and his son in the analysis. "

Zhan Mi scratched his head shyly: "Brother Feng, you have won the prize. Yes, Fat Leopard may really be lucky. I heard from Uncle Hua that when I sent Fat Leopard to report to Haipang in the morning, there was a big accident. case……"

Listening to Zhan Mi talking about the daughter-in-law of the Song family, Yang Qianer, who was accidentally involved in a murder case, Ding Yunfeng's expression became very strange. Isn't this the plot of "Bodyguard Xu Zhengyang"?
Just as he was about to tell Zhan Mi to pay attention to this matter, a phone rang suddenly from the corner of Ding Yunfeng's desk.

Big brother's special line...

Opening the cabinet door, Ding Yunfeng took out a special phone, and just pressed the answer button, Ding Hu's thick voice came from inside.

"Ah Feng, another apprentice of mine, Xu Zhengyang, will go to Hong Kong Island to carry out a special mission in the future.

At that time, you send someone to pick him up. If he asks for your help and can help, you can help him. "

"Okay, brother, I see."

"Well, I have entrusted Zhengyang to take the letter I wrote to you. If there is nothing else, I will hang up."

"Wait! Brother, besides Wang Jianjun and Xu Zhengyang, you don't have other apprentices, do you?"

"Tsk, is this a question that can be asked?

How many people your elder brother and I have trained, and who these people are, are all state secrets.

Unless the leader nods or acquiesces, I can't tell anyone.

Well, don't think too much, when it's time for you to know, I will naturally tell you, hang up.beep……"

(End of this chapter)

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