Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 749 Brother Feng's Conscience, Qingqing's Love

Chapter 749 Brother Feng's Conscience, Qingqing's Love

"Back to the north, I don't know what the kid is doing..." Wang Renjie looked at Guan Zu's back and shook his head.

Amin couldn't help laughing out loud: "Hey, you are not a few years older than others, why do you put on such an old-fashioned look?"

Compared with Wang Renjie and Amin who ran to France to take refuge, both of them were worried about where to settle down to make a living.

Guan Zu, who was so poor that he only had banknotes left, and finally freed from his parents' control, was simply a runaway wild horse.

This kid, besides playing every day, still plays, and within a few days, he has attracted the attention of the local gang in Paris...

On Hong Kong Island, before Ding Yunfeng boarded the flight to London, he just received the news that the Guan family and the Li family had sent a large number of people to New York and Paris to find Guan Zu.

"Brother Feng, it is said that Guan Zu was lost this time. Guan Chun and Li Youhui almost got divorced. In the end, Li He came forward and finally suppressed the troubled daughter and son-in-law." Gan Lianghong sat beside Ding Yunfeng and said with a slight smile .

Ding Yunfeng flipped through an aviation magazine: "Zhanmi's work efficiency is getting higher and higher. I mentioned it to him. He bought Tongguan's servant as eyeliner so quickly."

"Zhanmi has a lot of resources to mobilize, not to mention Brother Feng, you are interested in the Guan family, he must put his heart into it.

But it's really pitiful to see him so busy that he can't keep his feet on the ground all day long. " Gan Lianghong felt sorry for Zhan Mi, but the expression on his face was gloating.

Ding Yunfeng raised his head and glanced at him: "How about, Mr. Gan, help Zhan Mizai share some of the pressure?

I see that I have good personal relationships with Kuili Qiang, Liangkun and Dasha.

Why don't you help Zhan Mi take over the club affairs? "

"No no no!
You said that I have a good relationship with them, but you still let me take care of them?

Then, everyone and I will become a superior-subordinate relationship?
Talking about principles hurts feelings, and talking about feelings has no principles.

I can't do this. I'll help you take care of the media. Gan Lianghong kept shaking his head, worried that Ding Yunfeng would bring up this matter again, so he changed the subject tactfully: "Hey, let's get back to business. When we arrive in London, shall we visit Smith Manor?"

Although old Smith is unreliable, the brothers Buff and John are quite good. "

"No." Ding Yunfeng turned his gaze to the magazine, and gave a reply that surprised everyone: "The Smith family has helped us enough, now that they have concerns, let's not cause trouble for them.

A few years ago, didn't I ask you to find a place in London to buy it and hang a sign as the office of "Hong Kong Island Daily"?
This time, it’s good to settle there in the past, and I can return to Hong Kong Island in less than 10 days, so let’s make do with it. "

"That's fine. It just so happens that that place is not in the city center. If something happens, the people from the mill can come closer to help."

While Gan Lianghong was speaking, he took out a pen and paper, wrote down the address and telephone number of the London office of "Hong Kong Island Daily", and distributed them to Qingqing, Li Jie and Tian Yangsheng.

Going out, and going to the enemy's base camp to handle errands, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

Gan Lianghong's move was to prevent people from getting separated accidentally and to find a place to meet up.

After a long journey, the flight of Ding Yunfeng and his party finally landed at London Airport.

Surprisingly, when everyone walked from the passenger exit to the airport hall, they could see the hairline receding seriously from a distance, holding up a board with the English names of Ding Yunfeng and Gan Lianghong written on it, and standing beside him. Beside him, Johnny always looks serious and looks like a spy to everyone.

"You two, you shouldn't be here today." Ding Yunfeng said with some emotion after shaking hands with the two.

Bauf shook his head again and again: "In terms of personal feelings, I don't think it's wrong for me to pick up my friend at the airport;
From a national level, I don't think it is the right thing for Great Britain to confront China. "

"Bauf is right, and I think so too." Johnny Ingrid opened his mouth, and finally said to Ding Yunfeng, "Except for the fact that you used Bean to keep picking wool from the London Library."

"Haha, Bean said, those books are very old, and they will continue to eat ashes." Ding Yunfeng laughed at Johnny's last sentence.

Johnny took a deep breath and sighed helplessly: "But no matter what, these books are forbidden to be passed on to China.

Ding, you should know that it was you who made Bean ask for books from the London library for the second time, which caused old Smith to be almost locked in. "

"Buff, say sorry to your father for me."

"Ding, don't worry, the matter is over." Bao Fu pulled Latin Yunfeng's arm, but found that he didn't pull him: "Go, the car is parked outside..."

Ding Yunfeng showed an apologetic smile to Bao Fu: "Bo Fu, just as you are willing to take the risk to pick me up at the airport, as a friend, I can't continue to bring you danger for myself.

Johnny, take Bow back immediately!

We will always be friends, but at present, it is not suitable to get too close. "

Bao Fu looked at Ding Yunfeng in shock, but Johnny didn't say a word, grabbed his shoulder firmly, turned and walked towards the airport exit: "Bo Fu, what Ding said was right this time.

We will still have a chance to catch up on the old days in the future, but as us and him, now that we are together, even nothing will become something. "

"Ding's meaning, I can understand! Now I'm curious, when did you become so reliable, Johnny?"

"Fack! I, Johnny Ingrid, have always been Britain's most reliable gold medal agent!"


Watching the two go away, Ding Yunfeng withdrew his gaze, took Qingqing and others to leave the airport through another exit, boarded the car and rushed to the "Hong Kong Island Daily" station in London.

After the two groups of them left, many ground passengers in the lobby of London Airport followed silently.

Within half an hour, the news about Ding Yunfeng's visit to London was sent to the heads of many special departments one after another.

"Can you do it?"

Ding Yunfeng, did you do what you said?

They publicly announced their position on Hong Kong Island, and there was an elder brother who was the personal bodyguard of that person in Huaguo.

He didn't do anything that endangered our country. If you want to punish him now, besides causing big trouble, what good is there? "

"But he went through Mr. Bean twice and [borrowed] some banned books from the London library..."

"Idiot, don't talk about things that are tacitly approved by the superiors in the future.

Do you know that in our capacity, every word and every word must be recorded.

Now tell me the truth, I don't know how many people can't attend the reception and dance tonight, but have to go home and stay up late to write materials!

You get out! "


A small head of a special department in London, with a spray of smear sprayed by his boss on his face, exited the office in a panic.

And at this time, Ding Yunfeng and his party finally settled down at the foothold.

After packing his luggage, Ding Yunfeng lay on the bed and took a nap.

Qingqing was wearing a black tight-fitting dress and a bowler hat on her head. She carefully opened the curtains with a deer-headed sword, and found four or five suspicious men and women appearing on the street downstairs.

"Hey, we're being targeted." Qingqing frowned as she patted Ding Yunfeng's belly with her scabbard.

The corner of Ding Yunfeng's mouth curled up slightly: "That's right, you are a man, no matter what you say, you are still a character.

If I came to London this time, the intelligence personnel here didn't respond at all, that would be worrying!
Leave them alone and let them watch.

This time, I, Ding Yunfeng, came to make friends, not to cause damage.

As long as we have a good grasp of the degree, as long as the leaders in London are not stupid, no one will come out to interfere.

To put it bluntly, I am a springboard that can serve as a bridge for my ancestors to express their goodwill to their hometown. "

"No wonder you have to wait until the Annan war comes to an end..." Qingqing sat on the edge of the bed, her plump thighs showed a seductive curve: "By the way, you have never taken a woman out to do errands, and this time you want me to accompany you to protect you, don't you?" Do you want people in my hometown to notice me?"

"Hey, if you don't tell me, women shouldn't be too smart, otherwise, our group of men will have no sense of accomplishment." Ding Yunfeng got up and put Qingqing into his arms, and put his chin against her fragrant shoulder.

"There are many good news about Annan, and the people who talk about it in my hometown are in a good mood, and the oldest one has a close relationship with my Ding family. Now is the best opportunity to help you clean up.

You are my woman, so you can't always stay in your hometown because of your aunt's problems. "

Qingqing's cold and pretty face blushed slightly: "Damn ghost, you have a conscience."

"You have seen my conscience, come, let me see if you love me. Hey, don't hide..."

Gan Lianghong chose a location far away from the city center for the "Hong Kong Island Daily". It is conceivable that this place is definitely not a high-rise building, but a pavement facing the street, an old building about several decades old.

The sound insulation effect is a bit poor.

Gan Lianghong and the others who were packing their things downstairs suddenly heard some movement, they all raised their heads, and cursed inwardly—a beast.

"I went out to familiarize myself with the surrounding environment, and I bought two second-hand cars as spares." Tian Yangsheng put his hands in his pockets and walked out Kuku.

Li Jie picked up the only mobile phone in the station: "Mr. Gan, I'm going to find the toll roads. You can watch at home."

Seeing that both of them were about to run away, Gan Lianghong asked anxiously: "Hey, you are all gone, who will protect Brother Feng?"

"Miss Qingqing."

"What about me?" Gan Lianghong pointed at himself, but the two had already walked away.

Enduring the beeping voice coming down from the floor, Gan Lianghong could only smile wryly, thanks to the fact that he was still sympathizing with Zhan Mi's situation on the plane, who knows, he is the most pitiful person right now.

Ding Yunfeng swallowed eight raw eggs for breakfast, but before nightfall, this wave of energy was exhausted.

As a martial arts practitioner, Qingqing's fighting power is not inferior to Shi Shi's. This time, he was so emotional that even Brother Feng almost overturned his car.

When it was time for dinner, he looked at Ding Yunfeng who was walking down the stairs with his waist supported.

Gan Lianghong and the others shook their heads in unison, Li Jie hesitated, and pushed a box of raw eggs in front of Ding Yunfeng: "Before we set off, Zhan Mi specially told me..."

"Don't make trouble, this food is disgusting." Ding Yunfeng put away the eggs, and passed on his experience to his subordinates with a straight face: "Don't believe in these so-called folk remedies, that French Li has always been unreliable, Eggs have to be boiled to eat."

Brother Feng, why did you put away the eggs?
Forget it, you are the boss, what to say.

Gan Lianghong and the others exchanged glances, and everyone had a tacit understanding and did not mention the egg recipe.

"Brother Feng, I contacted the local gangsters and bought two modified cars, one Chevrolet and one Ford." Tian Yangsheng looked around, chose a piece of bread, and took it out of his pocket while talking. Take out a can of fermented bean curd and wipe it up: "I'm already familiar with the few streets outside.

Around our building, there are seven nails in total.

In order not to startle the snake, I didn't pull them out. "

"Ash, you're doing great!
The group of people outside did not move.

Since people let the water go, we have to pretend to be stupid.

Otherwise, there will be no tacit understanding in this scene. "Ding Yunfeng asked for a piece of fermented bean curd, and pushed away the plate of looking up at the starry sky in front of him.

Li Jie picked up the plate, threw it out of the window, turned around and sat down, Ah Sheng lost another piece of fermented bean curd: "Over the toll road, besides him, there is also a big black man named Caesar.


Feiying, Ahai, and Azhan are all here. They just came back from Africa. They heard that Brother Feng is coming to London for business, and asked to come and help. "

Speaking of this, Li Jie stood up and pointed to the maid beside the table: "Everyone, let me introduce her name is Hongdou, the junior sister of A Hai and A Zhan."

"Hi Ding Sheng, hello brothers and sisters." Hong Dou smiled and looked up, revealing a charming face.

"It's a beautiful disguise. It wasn't Jiege who reminded you. Everyone didn't realize that you, a girl, dressed up as a maid to sneak in." Gan Lianghong looked at Hongdou in surprise. lock up.

Ding Yunfeng took a bite of the fermented bean curd bread: "No, I already knew about it."

Tian Yangsheng put a lid on the fermented bean curd bottle: "I know too."

Qingqing was already full, and tasted a few decent-looking dishes: "How can this kind of female fragrance be an ordinary maid, and only Mr. Gan is present, don't you know?"

"..." Gan Lianghong was at a loss for words, going out with this group of people - it was so annoying

Red Dou sticks out her tongue mischievously: "Thank you, Sister Qingqing, for your praise. By the way, are you not used to these dishes? Why don't I cook noodles for you?"

"Okay, okay, I want egg noodles." Gan Lianghong rushed to answer this time.

Qingqing said coldly: "The eggs are gone."

"Then... well, Hongdou, don't bother." Gan Lianghong had a rather helpless expression.

Hong Dou covered her mouth and smiled, "It doesn't matter, I can still make nun noodles."

With such a bad name, it would be better not to eat it.

Gan Lianghong smiled wryly. At this time, other people were full and left the table. In order to take care of the little girl's face, Mr. Gan could only sit and wait for this bowl of plain noodles.


In Smith Manor, old Smith leaned on a cane and knocked on Bow's door.

Seeing that his son was still working at his desk late at night, he sighed softly: "During the day, you went to London Airport, did you see Ding Yunfeng?"

(End of this chapter)

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