Chapter 754

Behind Ding Yunfeng, the big iron gate of the castle, full of traces of time, slowly closed.

Butler Karl stood inside the gate, looked at the prospective uncle outside the door apologetically, and bowed.

Ding Yunfeng smiled at him. This old man with gray temples and wearing a tuxedo, in terms of appearance alone, is more in line with most people's impression of Western nobles than Wufu.

With his hands in his pockets, he walked a hundred meters alone, when Ding Yunfeng squeaked beside him and stopped a semi-old Chevrolet.

"Brother Feng." Tian Yangsheng rolled down the window and called out respectfully.

Ding Yunfeng sat in the passenger seat, took out a pack of red pandas from his body, opened it, threw one to him first, and then lit it himself: "Go back, the matter is settled."

"Okay!" Tian Yangsheng has a cold temper, but he is not a stunned young man who is unreasonable in the world.

I didn't ask why the Duke didn't send a car to send Brother Feng back. He stepped on the accelerator and slammed the steering wheel. During the U-turn, the Chevrolet had already accelerated, and the engine roared away along the winding mountain road.

at the same time.

Tan's Restaurant, Chinatown, London.

There was a huge round table that could seat sixteen people, and there were talkers who made a living in London's Chinatown, with strange expressions, looking at Gan Lianghong, who specially posted a post today to invite everyone over.

"Mr. Gan, you are this!" A white-haired old man who seemed to be the most senior, smiled and held up his wine glass. He gave Gan Lianghong a thumbs up, and then tapped his chest with his little finger: "And For those of us who are trying to survive in a group in a foreign country, in front of you, the chairman of the "Hong Kong Island Daily", that is this."

"Mr. Dong, these words are too flattering to love Gan, don't dare to be, don't dare to be." Gan Lianghong raised his hand to stop the white-haired old man, and looked at the others present: "Don't think too much, everyone.

Today I have a banquet for all the seniors in Chinatown. I just want to ask you to take care of Guan Yuming, the owner of the Guan Family Restaurant, within the scope of your ability.

Hehe, in fact, this request is what Brother Feng meant.

I can assure you that the meaning is only the literal meaning, and there is no other meaning.

We are all Chinese, people are in other places, we should watch and help each other..."

Listening to Gan Lianghong's words, Mr. Dong and the others smiled on their faces, but they were very disturbed in their hearts.

You Gan Lianghong used to come to London every time, but you have never been to Chinatown. We only know about you as a big boss through the "London Morning Post".

Suddenly today, for the sake of a Chinese restaurant owner, we invited a group of local snakes in the gray area to dinner.

This meaning, only literally?
"Mr. Gan, I'm sorry, I want to ask, who is Brother Feng?" Elder Dong exchanged glances with the others present, and asked again.

Gan Lianghong pointed to the top of his head: "My boss, Ding Yunfeng."

"Oh... I've been famous for a long time, I've been famous for a long time..." Mr. Dong and the others suddenly realized that they probably had never heard of Ding Yunfeng's name before, and they talked about it dryly.

Seeing the vision and ability of this group of people, it is only expected to be a bully in Chinatown.

Gan Lianghong gradually lost his patience. He drank a few glasses of wine and directly announced that although his ability is not high, he is also qualified to talk to the high-level leaders of mainstream media such as "London Morning Post".

While you are happy now, if there are any problems that need to be solved, everyone can properly raise them.

This signal of interest exchange is too obvious!

Elder Dong and the others, who had always been suspicious of Ding Yunfeng and Gan Lianghong's visit, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Gan, you are right, we Chinese are outside, don't we have to help each other?

The matter of the Guan family brothers will be my matter from now on.

My brother-in-law, he controlled the supply of vegetables in several surrounding Chinese gathering places.

I will greet him as soon as I get back. From now on, he will be responsible for delivering all the dishes in the closed restaurant. In terms of price, I guarantee that it will be [-]% lower than the market price! "

"I have a special relationship with Sanniao, so let me do my part."

"From today onwards, the daily fees that Guan's restaurant pays to Chinatown will be on par with other old restaurants. With Mr. Gan as the guarantee, I don't think there is any need to investigate Boss Guan."

Some people took the lead in expressing their opinions, and others naturally followed.

In the end, Mr. Dong even made a decision to save Guan Yuming from the inspection period and give him the treatment of an official merchant in Chinatown.

Gan Lianghong showed a satisfied smile, took out a pen and paper and pushed it in front of Mr. Dong: "There are so many people present, I believe there must be some people who have appeals to the media.

Mr. Dong, you are the highest seniority present, I would like to trouble you to preside over this matter.

Please register for everyone after the show, and then send it to the station of "Hong Kong Island Daily".

I will return to Hong Kong Island next week. In these two days, I will try my best to help everyone get things done. "

"Oh, Mr. Gan, how can I say this?

You're a big business man, you've only been in London for a week, and you still have to help us with that mess..." Mr. Dong said politely, but put away the pen and paper with both hands honestly.

Accompanied by these gangsters, finished this not-so-authentic Chinese meal.

Under the escort of Li Jie, Gan Lianghong returned to the newspaper station in the Ford he bought from Tianyangsheng.

When he entered the door and saw Ding Yunfeng sitting on the sofa making Gongfu tea, Gan Lianghong pulled off his tie, came over and raised his head to drink a cup: "Today I might as well go to see Grand Duke Howard with you!
Those local snakes in Chinatown, guarding their one-third-acre land all day long and domineering, all of them thought that I wanted to use Guan Yuming to grab their territory!
The most outrageous thing is that they know me, the chairman of "Hong Kong Island Daily", but they don't know you, the hot-handed crazy policeman. Do you think this is ridiculous? "

"Haha, it's normal.

You fly here for meetings, and you're in the London Morning Post from time to time.

They're hunting in London, so it's not surprising to know you Ganlianghong.

My deeds basically happened when I was a police officer. The two places are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, so it is strange that people know me. Ding Yunfeng skillfully warmed the cup to make tea, and put a cup in front of Gan Lianghong: "Besides, you think it would be good for you to accompany me to see Wufu?"
Just ask, Sheng, if I hadn't contacted him on the phone, I would have walked back this time, and hit the street. "

"No, didn't you say before that that lady Lilith is obsessed with you?
Why are you so confused today that you have to walk back? Gan Lianghong held his teacup and looked at Ding Yunfeng in surprise.

Ding Yunfeng sighed inwardly—Lilith is easy to deal with, but her father is hard to deal with.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Ding Yunfeng told Gan Lianghong the whole process of negotiating an alliance with Wolf.

After Gan Lianghong listened intently, he tapped on the armrest of the sofa and said, "In this way, Grand Duke Howard promised to help us only in words."

"Sure, with his family background, even if he doesn't cooperate with us, he can at least be rich for a hundred years!

I'm not afraid to tell the truth, the cards we play are needed by the ancestral royal family, the London Parliament needs it, but the Howard family doesn't need it much.

My instructor was willing to let go this time, but it was actually because of Lilith's face. "Ding Yunfeng spread his hands.

Gan Lianghong smiled wryly and nodded: "Lucky, you came to Scotland Yard for training, and you left behind this romantic affair before you left!

Otherwise, when we came to London this time, our eyes were really darkened, and we didn't know where to start. "

"That won't be..." Ding Yunfeng rubbed his chin: "I have a failure plan. The Howard family is the first choice. I have hit a wall here. I still have the second and third goals."

Gan Lianghong looked at Ding Yunfeng in shock when he heard the words: "Didn't Zhan Mi say, Brother Feng, you stay at the Kwun Tong Police Station fishing all day?
Good guy, without leaving home, there are second and third alliance goals! "

"Hey, what do you call fishing?

In order to keep you from rushing to the street, I don't know how many billions of brain cells I want to die every day...

This Zhan Mizai, dare to slander me behind my back?
It seems that he is still too idle, I have to add some burden to him. " Ding Yunfeng took two puffs of his cigarette, and decided on the spot that, except for the time of shooting, Zhan Mi had to squeeze out all the time he spent squatting in the hole.

Gan Lianghong quickly sold his best friend, and facing the embarrassing and angry Brother Feng, he cleverly brought the topic back to the right: "It's hard work, hurry up and tell me who the second and third targets are, and let us see your network, Brother Feng. "

"Rice, the former Commissioner of Police.

He was transferred back to his ancestral home from Hong Kong Island and joined the London Parliament. He is currently the backbone of the new aristocracy of his ancestral home!

The advantage of this ghost is that he will definitely do things if he takes money;

The disadvantage is that with the improvement of his status, if you want to ask him to do something now, even with my previous favor, the price is not low. "When it came to serious matters, Ding Yunfeng put away his smile and slowly stated the goal of the second alliance.

Gan Lianghong nodded slowly: "Rice is good, and has a good reputation. What about the third goal?"

"Earl Carter." Ding Yunfeng took a sip of tea and laughed softly.

Gan Lianghong straightened his back in surprise: "Who? Carter?"

"London celebrity, Earl Carter, you don't know the elder Carter of the London Newspaper Association." Ding Yunfeng corrected a sentence without further words.

Earl Carter is both good and evil. His way is so wild that even the Parliament of All Nations has to approve him to invite flying eagles to find gold.

Although this man's title is lower than that of the old man Wolfe, but in terms of mental calculations, at least nine out of ten people have to be swallowed by him to the bone.

Ding Yunfeng didn't want to ask him to cooperate if he had no choice.

"Fortunately, I'm still laughing at those people in Chinatown who are a frog in a well, now it seems that I am similar to them.

I didn't hear you mention it today, brother Feng. I haven't even heard about the earl's deeds. Gan Lianghong thought for a while, and finally he could only smile wryly.

Just as Ding Yunfeng was about to comfort him, Hongdou in a maid outfit knocked on the door and came in, bringing a beautiful invitation: "Brother Feng, Mr. Gan, this is just sent by Feiying.

Earl Carter, I would like to invite the two of you to visit the castle. "

"Ha, I just mentioned him, and he came to my door." Ding Yunfeng looked at Gan Lianghong with a smile.

Gan Lianghong took the invitation out of curiosity, and found that the sealing seal was a complex heraldry: "Good guy, iris flower + sword + shield, and an old nobleman who has been passed down for hundreds of years, brother Feng, should we go or not?" ?”

"Of course I will!
If we take the initiative to come to the door, we will naturally lose the right to speak.

Now that people invite us, if we don't go, wouldn't that be showing cowardice?

What's more, many friends have many paths, an elder in my hometown said, make more friends, and make fewer enemies..." Ding Yunfeng gave a big blow, and Gan Lianghong, who was beside him, had already started ordering Hongdou to prepare the dress for the dinner.

That night.

Carter Castle.

Two Rolls-Royces drove along the main road to the entrance of the banquet hall.

This is Earl Carter sent to the newspaper office to welcome Ding Yunfeng and his party.

"This place is not much smaller than Castle Howard." Ding Yunfeng got out of the car, glanced around, and smiled at Gan Lianghong.

Gan Lianghong grew up in a wealthy Chinese businessman since he was a child, and he claims to have seen the big world.

But facing Castle Carter, who raised leopards as watchdogs, he was also taken aback.

"I haven't been to Castle Howard, but from what I've seen today, this guy is indeed capable and has been included in your alliance target list." Gan Lianghong replied in a low voice.

Butler Carter, who has the same style as Butler Carl, stretched out his hand sideways to the two of them as a gesture of asking to go.

Ding Yunfeng embraces the well-dressed Qingqing, Hongdou wears a close-fitting cheongsam, and acts as Gan Lianghong's female companion.

Li Jie and Tian Yangsheng wore black suits and black sunglasses on their faces, and they actually acted as the bodyguards of Ding Yunfeng and Gan Lianghong.

The six followed the housekeeper to the living room. Feiying, A Hai and A Zhanqi who had come earlier stood up and called Brother Feng.

A middle-aged man with whiskers, gold-rimmed glasses, a brown vest and gray trousers stood up holding a pipe: "Welcome to Castle Carter, everyone!
Mr. Ding, Mr. Gan, my full name is too hard to remember, you can just call me Carter, please sit down quickly! "

Before Gan Lianghong came, he had already prepared a lot of greetings.

But he didn't expect that Earl Carter was so straightforward that he was shocked.

Ding Yunfeng brought Qingqing forward, and shook hands with Carter neither humble nor overbearing: "Thank you for your invitation, this is my wife Lin Qingqing."

"Mr. Ding, a beautiful and elegant lady, you have a good eye! Of course, Ms. Lin, your eyes are even better. Please sit down." Carter patted Ding Yunfeng on the shoulder, his tone impeccably sincere.

Gan Lianghong took the opportunity to come up to greet him, and then sat on the sofa next to him with the red beans.

After Carter ordered tea, he chatted with everyone.

From the differences between Chinese and Western cultures, several people talked about the gap in economic strength, the strength of national power, the potential of Huaguo, and even the hidden dangers of their ancestors.

In the sky and on the ground, there is a large dragon gate formation.

At last!
Several people confirmed each other, dared to speak up, they were all old foxes!
Who wants to verbally set up a trap for the other party to step on, it is basically impossible.

"Mr. Ding, Mr. Gan, I am very impressed by your knowledge and vision. By the way, I heard that when you two come to London this time, you want to find a good friend to work as a partner?" Carter smoked. Take a puff of your pipe and take the initiative to stop meaningless nonsense.

Ding Yunfeng and Gan Lianghong looked at each other with a smile, and the latter continued, "We Chinese always like to make friends no matter where we go! Earl Carter, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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