Chapter 765
Aunt Dart and Uncle Dart were talking louder and louder, and there was no reason why the three daughters and a son-in-law in the room could not hear them.

Lin Meiya held back her husband who wanted to go to the balcony to persuade him to fight, and pushed him back to the room with a big belly.

Brother Zhao sighed, and shook his head at Lin Xiaohua who was mopping the floor: "Second sister, if it wasn't for Laodou who secretly sent you to a missionary school back then, wouldn't our family have lived a good life long ago? gone?"

"No ifs! The person who was engaged to the Ding family by grandfather was our eldest sister, not me..."

"Is that so? But I heard that there are two marriage certificates, one is Brother Ding and the other is Brother Ding..."

"Hey, at the beginning, you looked down on the poor family and couldn't make a fortune. In this family, except for Mommy, you have a share!
If it wasn't, then you wouldn't help my elder sister and I pack our luggage that night. Lin Xiaohua threw down the mop in embarrassment, and walked in front of her younger brother with her hips on her hips: "He is well-off now, and my eldest sister and I didn't complain, you little devil, you mentioned it four times in three days...

Hmph, if you think someone is rich, you can marry him, you are 17 anyway. "

"I marry?" Brother Zhao pointed to himself with a look of shock.

Lin Xiaohua gave her a blank look: "It's not you, could it be me? Now it's not me who is talking..."

Uncle Dart was no match for Aunt Dart, and when he came back from the balcony to see his two daughters discussing Ding Yunfeng, he couldn't help but get angry: "Hey! What are you two arguing about?

Brother Zhao, have you finished your school homework today?
Brother, why don't you mop the floor quickly?Look at the clock on the wall, it's almost time for dinner..."

When Lei's family was arguing about whether to sell their house or not, their house was in a state of restlessness, and the old shop of Man Han Lou in Wan Chai.

Facing the whole table of delicacies, Wang Yifei turned his gaze to Li Cheng, who had a mole on his chin: "Brother Li, you and I have known each other for more than ten or twenty years.

Although, this colleague is an enemy!

But I, Wang Yifei, claim to have never offended you.

Suddenly invited me out today, and set up such a high-level banquet..."

After uncovering the shark's fin cup and taking a look, Wang Yifei let out a yo-ha: "Heaven's Nine Wings!
It's not cheap, even if the hair is dry and not soaked, it will cost 30 Hong Kong dollars for a little bite and prick!

Hey, I have something to say, I can't afford this kind of super high-standard Hongmen banquet. "

"Haha, Brother Wang, are you a little suspicious?

Today, with your and my wealth, even a 300 million cup of shark fin can afford it!

I really don't have any other intentions, I just want you to come out and get in touch with each other. " Li Cheng pushed his black-rimmed glasses and smiled sincerely.

Wang Yifei smiled faintly, put down his chopsticks and said, "Well, I have received your feelings.

Now, please call a waiter for me, I'm going to pack these dishes and eat them slowly. "

"Ah?" The smile on Li Cheng's face froze in an instant.

After being absent-minded for a few seconds, Li Cheng noticed that Wang Yifei not only put the tissue into the briefcase, but also reached for the toothpick jar! ! !
Standing up and grabbing the other party's wrist, Li Cheng smiled wryly and sighed: "Brother Wang, stop playing with me, I admit my mistake, I asked you out today because I have something to ask for."

"Hmph! There is nothing to be courteous about, rape or steal! I've seen through you a long time ago!" Wang Yifei broke away from Li Cheng's hand, and while sitting back with a sneer, he didn't forget to take the toothpick jar.

The whole set of movements is smooth and flowing.

The veins in the corners of Li Cheng's eyes twitched, he took a few deep breaths, and finally suppressed the soaring blood pressure.

"Okay, then I'll cut to the chase.

Did you subcontract to Brilliant Real Estate the renovation project of the Shek Kip Mei estate that your Wang Group acquired from the Governor's Office last month? "

Wang Yifei narrowed his eyes: "That's right, why, brother Li, you are interested?
It's a pity that you came a step late, I have already transferred the entire project to Chen Yaoqing. "

"Brother Wang, I asked you out today because I wanted to tell you about Chen Yaoqing. Some of his actions have completely crossed the line!" Li Cheng took out his cigar and lit it, looking at Wang Yifei and said.

Wang Yifei snorted and raised his hand to signal Li Cheng to continue.

"According to the default property acquisition price in our circle, the resettlement fee per household should be about 40 Hong Kong dollars for a bad building like Shek Kip Mei.

Brother Wang, do you have any objection to my words? Li Cheng squinted his eyes and asked slowly.

Of course Wang Yifei knew that the other party was digging a hole, but he lowered his head and thought about it, and he found that there was nothing wrong with this sentence: "So what?
You have said it yourself, this is everyone's default price, and it is not an expressly stipulated price!
Ah Qing has the ability to use 20, 10, or even 1 to take over the building, that is his skill.

As long as those house owners don't make trouble at the gate of the governor's mansion, isn't that all right? "

"Brother Wang, I think you must have misunderstood me.

I'm here to talk to you today, not because I, Licheng, are jealous that Brilliant Real Estate received the property at a price lower than the market price, but because Chen Yaoqing messed up the market price in this circle.

For those poor ghosts, he opened it to every household, every population, 40 Hong Kong dollars! "Li Cheng slapped the table hard and shouted at Wang Yifei.

"Each population is 40?" Wang Yifei stood up in shock.

Li Cheng looked at him with a sneer: "You heard it right, it's a full 40, and at this price, the building has not yet been taken down.

Perhaps, it will reach 50 tomorrow.

Brother Wang, I just want to ask you a question, do you care about this matter or not?

If you don't mind, I'll get up and leave immediately.

However, from now on, not only my Li family's Shichang real estate, but also the Li family and others will regard you and Brilliant real estate as enemies!

The reason is very simple, if you mess up the market price, if you don't kill you, everyone will have nothing to gain in the future! "

Wang Yifei suddenly raised his head, eyes full of philistines, suddenly turned cold: "Li Cheng! Do you think I, Wang Yifei, was scared too much?
If you really want to call a teacher to inquire about the crime, at least give me some time to verify the situation.

Talk to me now at the showdown?
Hmph, I see, you are not throwing a Hongmen banquet, but giving me a beheading wine! "

"Whatever you want.

Brother Wang, as the saying goes, if you go one step further, you will never be able to recover, but if you take a step back, the sea will open up.

Chen Yaoqing, a short mule, he can't even count as an earthen jar.

You and I are the same kind of people, we are from jade, you don't advance and retreat with us, and run to mix with that earthen jar?
Brother Li and I don't know what's going on in your head? Li Cheng flicked the ashes, took out one from the inner pocket of his suit, and threw it in front of Wang Yifei: "Brother Wang, how long has it been since you smoked a cigar?"
Pick it up, authentic Cuban high-end goods are here!

Those big front doors, little pandas, and Huazi, have a fart taste! "

Wang Yifei looked down at the cigars rolling in front of him, and couldn't help laughing, the sharpness in his eyes that had just erupted, gradually subsided: "Let me just say, a project worth a few hundred million yuan, is it worth you to come out of Licheng and be a villain?

In the end, you are here for Ah Feng..."

Throwing the toothpick jar in his hand back on the table, Wang Yifei opened the briefcase, first took out a pack of Huazi and slowly opened it, then under Li Cheng's cold gaze, he knocked out one and stuffed it into his mouth: "The so-called 40 Breaking the rules is just an excuse for you to make trouble!

Your real intention is to force me to break with Brilliant Real Estate and cut off Ah Feng's biggest source of income!

After all, without my Wang Yifei's help to acquire the land, as far as Ah Feng's relationship with the Governor's Mansion, Brilliant Real Estate would not be able to develop at all. "

"Brother Wang! You should know that there are some things that cannot be explained without seeing them clearly. I advise you, don't make mistakes!"

"Chengzai! I, Wang Yifei, have no sons or daughters. I'm the last one! Do you think it scares me to speak loudly?
Besides, the taste of Huazi is also good!

I have been scolded as lonely all my life, and now I just want to leave a name behind me, is that too much? "


two hours later...

At the gate of the Sanatorium and Hospital, a Bentley screeched and stopped with four tire tracks.

Ding Yunfeng pushed the car door vigorously, and led Zhan Mi and Wang Jianjun towards the entrance of the hospital.

Chen Yaoqing and Huang Dawen came over ahead of time, and when they saw Ding Yunfeng present, they rushed up quickly, they met for a while, and walked quickly to the elevator.

The elevator stops on the 33th floor.

As soon as Ding Yunfeng stepped out of the elevator, Wang Yifei's wife held both hands tightly: "Afeng, you are finally here. Yifei must have been killed by someone. He drove very steadily and hadn't had any accidents for decades... "

"Sister-in-law, don't cry. Let me understand the situation first. If King Uncle's car accident was really man-made, I will definitely not let the murderer go." Ding Yunfeng comforted Mrs. Wang, and led everyone towards the doctor.

"Wang Sheng's situation is not very optimistic. Mrs. Wang was too emotional just now, I dare not speak directly to her face!

In fact, judging from my 30 years of experience in the industry, 9% of Mr. Wang's condition is a vegetable. "The truth that Doctor Guilo told was very cruel.

Ding Yunfeng's face darkened completely when he heard this, and after asking for a few details, he gave Zhan Mi a wink.

Jimmy took out the check that he had prepared in advance, and stuffed it into the pocket of the white coat that Ghost wore.

With the others, Ding Yunfeng walked to the side of the hospital bed.

Looking at Wang Yifei who had just had a craniotomy and was still in a coma with many tubes inserted into his body.

He pursed his lips and squeezed out a sneer: "Do you think it was an accident or man-made?"

"There are no cameras on the road where Wang Sheng's accident happened.

However, as soon as Ah Qing sent the news back, Zhan Mi ordered Ah Cong, Huadi, Zhong Tianzheng and Dashengdi to investigate the scene.

I believe that with their knowledge of vehicles and machinery, there will be results soon. "Huang Dawen replied.

"Auntie! I'm here, what's the situation with Uncle now?"

"A Bao, your uncle, woo woo woo, the doctor said, he probably won't be able to wake up again."


Hearing the movement outside, Ding Yunfeng said to Huang Dawen: "Partridge is here, you go out and ask him to come in, and by the way, you can call Shi Shi again and tell her to come to the hospital to accompany sister-in-law with BOBO these few days. "

Huang Dawen nodded and went out, and soon brought in the red-eyed partridge.

"Before I came here, I heard that before King Uncle's accident, he had a quarrel with Li Cheng in Manhan Tower!" After watching Wang Yifei, Partridge walked to Ding Yunfeng: "Brother Feng, I suspect that this matter is caused by Li Cheng." out of the city."

Based on the fact that he played chess in the cabin of a fishing boat and won two streets with Wang Yifei, plus he has been the president of the Fuxing Detective Agency in the past few years, and the partridge supported by banknotes is no longer the ridiculous teapot of the past.

A head of curly, shawl-length hair, even though partridge combed his back and pressed his head, in his rage, it still swayed slightly like a lion's mane.

Mighty, domineering!
"Don't doubt it, we'll find out if we ask." Ding Yunfeng patted Partridge on the shoulder, and the latter was slightly taken aback.

How to ask?
Wang Yifei was reluctant to hire a driver and bodyguards. Some time ago, Zhang Zihao made a lot of noise outside.

He did accept Ding Yunfeng's kindness and brought a few Dragon Shield bodyguards by his side.

But later, he was reluctant to help the bodyguard's car refuel, and Li Shutang kept staring at Zhang Zihao, which made the latter keep a low profile for a long time.

Seeing that there was no risk, Lao Wang dismissed this team of Dragon Shield bodyguards.

Now there is a car accident, the only person involved is Wang Yifei, but he has fallen into a coma again and may become a vegetative state, where can I find someone to ask?
"There is no way for a living person, but for a dead person, I have a way to make him speak." Ding Yunfeng took out a yellow talisman.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, and Partridge even grabbed Ding Yunfeng's arm with both hands: "Brother Feng, I actually think that King Uncle can still be rescued!
Now you are going to help him arrange the following things, are you in a hurry? "

"Choose! You're a fake nephew, you don't even want him to die, so I'm so out of tune with my old friend? Let's go!" Ding Yunfeng's arm trembled, and Partridge couldn't help but let go of his hands, and took two steps back.

Glancing at the people present, Ding Yunfeng shouted softly: "Close the door, don't let people outside stop me."

"Okay..." Zhan Mi, who just came in, closed the door of the ward very alertly, and drew the curtains by the way.

"Lights out!"

"Brother Feng, close it."


Taking advantage of the people outside not paying attention, Ding Yunfeng pointed to light the yellow talisman and threw it on the ground.

With a bang, a hole emitting dim light appeared where the yellow talisman fell.

The air conditioner was originally adjusted to a large ward, but suddenly it dropped a few degrees, and a figure rose faintly from the entrance of the cave.

"Ah Feng, call me with a talisman all of a sudden? Did something serious happen?" Daoist Qianhe found that except for Ding Yunfeng, everyone else present was ordinary people. The yin and yang eyes are opened.

It was the first time to see Yin Cha, except for Zhan Mi who often went to Jingzhuan No. [-] to help, everyone was shocked.

Ding Yunfeng bowed to Qianhe first, and then pointed to Wang Yifei who was in a coma, "Master, can you save this man's life and make him awake for a while, I want to ask him a few words."

"Oh, it's easy. I can use a weapon to make his soul leave the body for a cup of tea. Is this enough for you to ask questions?" Qianhe thought it was a big deal, and laughed immediately after listening to Ding Yunfeng's request.

"Enough, a few minutes is enough."


Seeing that Qianhe was about to make a move, Partridge couldn't help but raised his right hand: "I'm sorry, this god, I want to ask, after the soul leaves the body, with my uncle's current physical condition, will he just hiccup directly?" fart?"

"Of course not! Fatty, haven't you heard that people can fake their deaths?" Qianhe looked Partridge up and down, showing a sinister smile.

(End of this chapter)

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