Chapter 773

Can kill?

Then this matter will be much easier!
Both belong to the ranks of inconspicuous, Yuan Haoyun and France Li have completely different styles of doing things.

With a click, Yuan Haoyun pulled the AK-47. With a big wave of his hand, he led several subordinates to cover each other, and rushed into Mingxin Hospital which was in fierce battle.

At the same time, Johnny Wang, who had been staying at Mingxin Hospital from yesterday to now, had already led his men to start a fierce battle with Jiang Lang's troops.

Stretching out half of his body, Johnny Wang blasted two shotgun shots, temporarily suppressing the firepower on the other side, then he retreated carefully to the bunker and shouted loudly.

"Jiang Lang! I'll give you twice as much as Uncle Hai gave you! Mix with me, and I promise to earn more than you with this bunch of trash!"

Jiang Lang was also holding an AK-47, and took two young boys with him, hiding on the other side of the hospital corridor.

Giving a reassuring look to these men who had been betrayed by him to Li Ying, Jiang Lang secretly took out a pineapple imported from the United States: "Now that I have the opportunity to be the boss, I am wrong, but I run to follow you as the younger brother. You are so special Do you think I’m stupid?”

"Then cooperate! As long as you are willing to cease fire, from now on, regardless of size, you and I will sell guns together and earn money together!" Johnny Wang answered with a raised voice, and by the way gave a gesture of outflanking to his cronies.

This confidant, Ma Zi, understood in seconds, nodded to Johnny Wang, and carefully retreated to the ward behind him with the two subordinates behind him.

Unscrewing an inconspicuous socket, and pressing a button behind the wire, a passage suddenly appeared on a wall in the ward's toilet.

"How? I'm very sincere. If you continue to fight, even if you can kill me here today, you won't be able to escape from the police afterwards!" Johnny Wang continued to talk nonsense, outflanking Jiang through secret channels for his cronies. Waves buy time.

Jiang Lang is not a fuel-efficient lamp either. He and Ma Zai each took out a pineapple, prepared it, and threw it one, two, three to Johnnie Wang's hiding place.

"Fuck!" Johnny Wang just poked his head out to take a look, and saw a bunch of pineapples thrown over, so scared that he hurriedly threw his head into the ward behind him.


Seven pineapples exploded at the same time, the heat wave was overwhelming, and the fragments flew around.

Jiang Lang yelled "Kill!" He jumped out with a submachine gun in his hand. He squeezed the trigger and ran towards the hiding place of Johnnie Wang and others with a grim face.

Although Johnnie Wang reacted quickly, so many grenades exploded at the same time in a narrow space like the hospital corridor, and he was hit by several shrapnel, and scarlet blood flowed from both ears.

Jiang Lang took the lead, and the morale of Uncle Hai's subordinates suddenly rose. They rushed after him one by one, and looked behind the gunpowder smoke. There was a person lying on the ground, who seemed to be the target of this trip. Suddenly, an enemy appeared from behind and fired a bunch of bullets at them.

Amidst the screams, Uncle Hai's subordinates who followed Jiang Lang to kill here were swept down by Johnny Wang's cronies like mowing grass.

Because Jiang Lang rushed to the front, he leaned against a few human bulletproof vests behind him. He was only shot twice on the shoulder. He gritted his teeth and smashed open the door of the ward next to him, staggering and rolling in.

"Boss! Are you okay?" Johnny Wang's confidant helped him up, and while asking someone to carry him on his back, he kept urging in his ear: "Boss, wake up quickly, there are a lot of notes coming downstairs."

Soon, Johnnie Wang opened his eyes, and he patted his swollen head. The last image in his memory was a wave of pineapples thrown at him.

"Where's that bastard Jiang Lang?" Enduring the severe pain in his body, Johnny Wang shouted angrily at his cronies.

"Boss, leave him alone. If you want revenge, you will have a lot of opportunities in the future. Now the outside of the hospital is full of cops. If you don't leave, we really can't leave."

"Made, you, you, the two of you stayed to be him.

Others, follow me to the morgue. "Johnny Wang took a hard look at the ward where Jiang Lang was hiding.

Hearing that Johnnie Wang was about to run, Jiang Lang endured the pain and raised the submachine gun with one hand, but before he could get his head around, he was shot back by the two gunmen left behind by the opponent.

"Hey, the bosses are gone, let's not waste time here."

"Nonsense! Didn't you listen just now? The downstairs are all bad guys? If you don't leave, wait for someone to catch you?"

The two gunmen were also not stupid. They faced Jiang Lang's hiding place, finished their magazines together, and then turned and ran away.

At this time, Yuan Haoyun just brought a group of buddies to kill Jiang Lang who had injured his shoulder.

"Johnny Wang took people to the morgue. There may be an escape tunnel dug in his arsenal." Jiang Lang shouted to Yuan Haoyun, covering his shoulders.

Yuan Haoyun bandaged his wound with a stern face: "Don't be afraid, Li Ying brought almost the entire Mong Kok police station.

The intersections of the surrounding streets are all our people on the surface;
Zhan Mi also mobilized the power of the community, and Lian Sheng and Hong Xing also secretly came to many people.

Johnny Wang, he can't go. "

"Where are the patients and doctors?"

"Before I was covered by Brother Feng's people, it was inevitable to be injured. However, before I brought people in, I didn't hear anyone who was so embarrassing." Yuan Haoyun's movements are very skillful, and it doesn't take a minute Just bandage Jiang Lang's shoulders.

Aaron helped Jiang Lang get up, and handed him his own gun: "You can't use AK-47 with one hand, take my PPK."

"Brother, thank you!" Jiang Lang took the pistol and looked at Yuan Haoyun firmly: "I'm fine, let's go."

Yuan Haoyun knew that Jiang Lang could not be persuaded to retreat, so he could only give a reminder: "Be careful, follow me."


News from our station: At 2 o'clock this afternoon, a fierce gun battle broke out inside Mingxin Hospital.

The crime squad of Mong Kok Police Station arrived at the scene within 10 minutes of the gunfight...

Watching the live broadcast on the TV station, Ding Yunfeng touched his chin: "Zhan Mi, have the innocent people in the hospital been evacuated?"

"Brother Feng, our people took action immediately.

The operation went smoothly. Including the newborns, there were a total of 376 patients in Mingxin Hospital, all of whom were evacuated before Jiang Lang brought people in. "Jimmy hurriedly replied.

When Ding Yunfeng heard this, he showed a satisfied smile: "That's good, no hostages fall into Johnny Wang's hands, even if this hospital is smashed, it will be fine."

"Brother Feng, Brother Qiang, and the prince are all present at the scene. With them and their brothers watching in the dark, Johnny Wang shouldn't be able to leave."

Standing up and putting on his coat, Ding Yunfeng said to Li Jie: "Brother Jie, you go drive, just leave it to Jimmy to watch over here, and take me to the Chinese Chamber of Commerce."

Wang Jianjun escorted Uncle Hai to Seattle, and Li Jie came to serve as Ding Yunfeng's bodyguard in the past few days. The two came to the Chinese Chamber of Commerce without talking all the way.

Leaving Li Jie waiting in the hall of the Chamber of Commerce, Ding Yunfeng walked up to the second floor alone, and walked to the small room where Brother Tai and the others often gather.

After knocking on the door three times, Ding Yunfeng exchanged pleasantries with Brother Tai, Brother Ping and Brother Tong, then his eyes fell on the sofa on the left, a man in a satin gown and jacket, a watch chain on his chest, and gold-rimmed glasses on his face.

"Come on, Ah Feng, let me introduce you, this is Zhang Junyuan, Boss Zhang.

Some time ago, the Yunlai teahouse where the gun battle took place was the property of the Zhang family. Brother Tong stood up with a smile, patted Ding Yunfeng on the back and said.

It sensed that Brother Tong wrote the word 'Shanghai' on his back with his fingers.

Ding Yunfeng suddenly understood in his heart - from Shanghai?
No wonder this guy is dressed in an old fashioned way, and his expression on his face looks like a country bumpkin to everyone.

"Mr. Ding is the youngest member of your Chinese chamber of commerce. I, Zhang Junyuan, a stinky tea seller, offended Mr. Ding somewhere. I actually sent Hongxing's idiots to smash my teahouse..." Speaking sarcasm, Zhang Junyuan pinched the orchid finger and picked up the gaiwan.

Bowing his head and blowing, he took a sip, then smashed his mouth, frowned and put down the tureen: "Don't talk about it! People are out of town!

Allah, the Shanghainese, are not welcome wherever they go.

Today, with a thick face, I invite a few elder brothers to come forward, and beg Mr. Ding to show you your hand and give me a way to sell tea..."

"Haha, Boss Zhang, what you said is a bit serious.

How did I, Ding Yunfeng, get started? Brother Tai, Brother Ping and Brother Tong present here can all testify! Ding Yunfeng first asked Brother Tong to sit down, and then sat on the sofa opposite Zhang Junyuan:

"In 64, I came to Hong Kong Island from Guangdong Province alone, and I took a boat from the Chaozhou Gang;
The following year, with the help of my foster brother Lei Luo, he graduated from Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy and entered Stanley Prison as a prison guard;

In 69, he transferred from the correctional system to the Hong Kong Island Police Force, and then worked as a errand until 78 when he resigned and went into business.

For more than ten years, I, Ding Yunfeng, have never had any associations or gangs.

Someone smashed up your teahouse today, so you have to call the police.

If you want to ask me to introduce you to a reliable Sir, that’s no problem. Most of the people in the police force, from the first brother, Sir Cai, to the traffic team, will give me face.

But now you blame me for this matter..."

With a faint smile, Ding Yunfeng knocked out a big front door and stuffed it into his mouth: "You can eat food indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately."

"Ha, brothers, you all heard it!" Zhang Junyuan slapped, and slapped his right hand on the rosewood corner table vigorously, his slightly refined cheeks completely cooled down: "Dare, I Zhang Junyuan is eating Stuffed up, you went to your Chinese chamber of commerce to slander Ding Yunfeng for the sake of a dilapidated tea house?"

As soon as Ding Yunfeng patted the table, Brother Tong had already put away his smile: "Brother Zhang, if you have something to say, what's the point of patting the table?
This is the territory of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, not the hall of Shanghai Hengshe! "

"If the shooting is bad, I will pay for it!

Allah, the teahouse was smashed, I'm not angry yet, what's the point of taking a picture of your table today? "Zhang Junyuan stood up suddenly, looked at Brother Tong with a sneer: "If this incident happened in Shanghai, do you think I would talk to this little red guy? "

Facing Zhang Junyuan's index finger poking at him, Brother Tong, who always smiled and smiled at others, clasped the armrest of the sofa with five fingers, just when he couldn't help but lose his temper.

Suddenly someone grabbed Zhang Junyuan's index finger, and there was a click—it broke!

"..." Zhang Junyuan covered the wound, gritted his teeth and stared at Brother Tai who was looking down at the newspaper: "Okay, okay, Artai, Ah Ping, you two, are you able to support this little red guy?"

"Boss Zhang, you are from the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, and you came to our Chinese Chamber of Commerce today to investigate.

As the president, I also cooperated with you, and asked someone to invite Ah Feng to come and confront him face to face.

But you have no proof, secondly you falsely accused him of having something to do with the underworld in Hong Kong Island, and thirdly you even patted the table, you are unreasonable first, now what do you want me to say?" Brother Tai put down the newspaper, very calm Looking at Zhang Junyuan said.

Before the Shanghai man could open his mouth, Brother Ping, who had been silent for a long time, made up his mind: "Even if Lu Yunsheng was alive, I didn't hear anyone say that he dared to slap the table at the Peking Chinese Merchants Association at that time?"

"This is Hong Kong Island..."

"But your Zhang Junyuan's peak strength is still a dozen Li Caifa behind Lu Yunsheng in the trough period!" Brother Tong laughed loudly, got up and walked to Ding Yunfeng: "False accusations that the members of our Chinese Chamber of Commerce are involved in gangsters, who is it? Give your guts?
roll!If you are not convinced, go back and tell you the people who are responsible for the Shanghai Gang, everyone, go to the stock market and see the truth! "

"Alright, alright, alright, just wait for me." Putting down a template quotation about the villain's exit, Zhang Junyuan left the Chinese Chamber of Commerce with his hands covered.

With a dark face, Brother Tai threw the newspaper aside: "What the hell!"

"Hey, isn't it your first day dealing with these people?

Except for Shanghai, the rest of the country is rural.

Even if they meet people from the capital, they have to be more aggressive. Haven't we learned it a long time ago? Brother Ping comforted Brother Tai first, then turned his gaze to Ding Yunfeng: "Ah Feng, I know.You must be full of questions right now.

Come on, sit down first, and wait for us to talk to you slowly. "

After Brother Ping and Brother Tong's narration, Ding Yunfeng finally knew why Zhang Junyuan always added the word "you" in front of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

It turned out that after the war that year, many wealthy people in Shanghai chose Hong Kong Island as their first choice for escape.

Therefore, for a long time, the people of Shanghai, relying on their abundant funds, dominated the game between Chinese and British capital in the business world.

However, with the rise of the Hong Kong Island native faction and businessmen from Guangdong and Fujian provinces on Hong Kong Island.

These Shanghainese have gradually shrunk their influence in the business world.

Born noble and despising outsiders, they have always agreed with the leadership of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce.

Brother Tai and the others, even their predecessors, had some unpleasant things happen with this group of people when they founded the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

When Brother Tong and Brother Ping said this, both of them were a little vague.

Ding Yunfeng estimated that there should have been a lot of trouble back then, and it was inseparable from the power struggle.

"Anyway, you sent people to smash Zhang Junyuan's Yunlai Teahouse this time, if you don't bow your head, you will definitely fight..." Brother Ping concluded halfway, and replaced it with a wry smile: "Of course, you still broke the law now. His fingers, he will not let it go."

"Ah Feng, I'm sure of you, you and I will work together, no matter if you come over in the open or in the dark, you don't have to be afraid of these Shanghai gangsters!" Brother Tong held a cigar, his eyes gleaming coldly.

Zhang Junyuan's finger would be broken, but Ding Yunfeng helped him.

If he doesn't make it this time, who will dare to be friends and do business with Shark Tong in the chamber of commerce?
(End of this chapter)

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