Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 777 The Story of Liangkun and Durian

Chapter 777 The Story of Liangkun and Durian
Kowloon, Dahua Cinema.

After receiving Jade Emperor, no, after receiving a call from the manager.

Zhan Mi called Coolie Qiang and the prince, and rushed to the scene with a large group of people.

Knowing that the property under Brother Feng's name was bombed, Kim McKee of the Kowloon Police Station not only rushed to control the scene with Meng Chao and the entire criminal team immediately, but also called the expert Wen, who was negotiating, There are experts involved in blasting, machinery and other fields.

"Everyone, after my inspection of the scene.

Based on my work experience over the years, I can clearly say that the bombs used by the other party this time are not very lethal, because their bomb-making technology is a little bit outdated..." Expert Wen stood In front of Zhan Mi and the others, he talked and gestured a lot of nonsense.

Kim McGee couldn't see it, and secretly tugged on his sleeve: "Hey, don't make it too complicated.

You can say it directly, from the analysis of the style of this bomb, it may be done by a big fisherman! "

"Is there any need for analysis?

The detonator bundle + small clock, of course, is from the northern school.

If it's a local product..." Diandian's alarm clock, half of which was blown up and packed in a plastic evidence bag, had a very stinky expression on his face.

Seeing that this guy's pretentiousness was about to commit again, Zhan Mi and others turned their heads to avoid it.

Luckily, there was Meng Chao, who was good at flattering people, and he asked curiously, "Brother Wen, if it's a local product, what about it?"

"Hmph, our local Da Lao family has long used electronic clocks as time bombs.

Tick ​​tock, bang, not even a piece of plastic left for you! "Expert Wen patted the evidence into Meng Chao's arms and raised his chin with pride.

Everyone knew this guy's virtue, he was insincere, and they all applauded.

Sending off the technical analyst expert article, Jimmy looked at the shivering theater manager standing aside: ""Hong Kong Island Daily" and "Yijiukan" each sent a chief editor.

They will teach you later how to deal with the reporters outside.Go down, you are not needed here. "

"Many...thanks, Li Sheng, I promise to do a good job in the future, please give me a chance..."

"You go and help resolve the public opinion outside. As for other matters, we can talk about them after this turmoil has passed."

Arrange two and streak horses, and take this theater manager out.

Jimmy took out his cigarettes and scattered around, then led the crowd to find an empty movie hall.

Looking at the mess, Jimmy pulled off his tie a little annoyed: "Brother Qiang, Brother Prince.

According to the current clues, I think that this incident must have been done by those members of the Green Gang. "

"Except for those people, who else would dare to make things difficult for us?" Coolie kicked away a slipper in front of him, beside which were crushed chestnuts, half-eaten sugarcane, etc.

It is conceivable that when hearing the sudden explosion, the people watching the movie must have been very panicked.

The prince twisted his neck and showed a ferocious smile: "In my opinion, one word, hit!

Jin Sir and Meng Sir are on errands, and they need evidence to do things.

But we are here to mess around, as long as we have doubts, we can do it!

Let me come this time!Tonight, I will lead someone to smash down the dance hall of those Shanghai guys.

As for whether or not to talk about numbers, or whether or not to have a pot of wine, I will talk about it after I finish smashing. "

"I think—it's okay." Coolie looked at Zhan Mi firmly.

Jin McGee and Meng Chao, one helped up the fallen seat, and the other carried a broom and buried their heads in sweeping the garbage on the ground. They seemed to be serious about helping, but in fact their four ears were pricked up.

Zhan Mi took a few puffs of cigarettes, and finally dropped the cigarette butt: "Okay! Just do it like this.

However, since you want to do it, hit him once and hurt him.

Brother Prince, tonight you and Hong Xing's men and I will sweep away all the nightclubs owned by people from Shanghai, including Jadeite, Wanbao and Haifeng! "

"No problem, I'm going back to shake people now, after 12 o'clock, I will do things!" The prince was overjoyed when he heard this, put down a sentence, greeted a few cronies, turned around and left.

Zhan Mi decided to fight, so he had to go back and report to Brother Feng.In addition, this time Hong Xing was going to do something in the first place, and the opponent was a gang with a not simple background like the Qing Gang.

Then after the fight started, there must be a lot of scenes, and Liang Kun, the leader, was required to come forward to preside over the overall situation.

But Ding Yunfeng is probably the only one who wants to find Liangkun who went to Nanyang blindly in Hong Kong Island.

Half an hour later, Repulse Bay, Ding's mansion.

Hearing the whole incident from Zhan Mi's mouth, Ding Yunfeng despised the low demonstration methods adopted by Xu Longwu and others, while approving Zhan Mi's deployment.

"I'll call Han Bin first and ask him to arrange manpower to bring Liang Kun back as soon as possible.

As for the prince tonight...

You ask Ah Qiang to bring more people to prepare, in case the prince falls, we can rescue him in time. "

At the end of Ding Yunfeng's instructions, he added one more sentence about the Tanlang Gang: "By the way, you can call Wang Bao.

Just say, they are responsible for guarding the Central Ring, and they don't get involved in my affairs with the Green Gang. "

Zhan Mi was a little surprised: "Brother Feng, are you worried that Partridge will take the opportunity to take someone out of bounds?"

"I'm not worried about Partridge, but it's hard to say about the people under him." Ding Yunfeng knocked out two Huazi, dumped one to Zhan Mi, and got up and walked to the balcony by himself.

Miss Xia is pregnant, smoking is strictly prohibited.

Zhan Mi Shiqu chased after him, took out the lighter and lit it for Brother Feng first: "Probably not, Yiqun and his gang, they have always listened to Brother Hao..."

Ding Yunfeng looked at Zhan Mi solemnly: "You are wrong to think so, since Brother Hao handed them over to Wang Bao, they have nothing to do with Brother Hao.

Now, Yiqun and even the association have changed their name to Tanlang.

The bond of loyalty is naturally weaker.

Whether we can control these evil wolves well, we can only see Wang Bao's methods.

Lao Wang and I were able to support him financially, but it was impossible to personally end up helping him. "When Ding Yunfeng clicked here, Zhan Mi understood it in seconds.

Just like this time, Brother Feng and Zhang Junyuan's meeting at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce collapsed, because Zhang Junyuan pointed out that Brother Ming Feng had a relationship with Hong Xing.

This kind of thing is taboo in the Chinese business community.

Everyone can do it, but can't talk about it.

Otherwise, you and I here are all hooligans, everyone is dirty, and it’s too late to dislike each other, how can we do business?

Malaysia, Shangri-La Hotel.

Liangkun held a big ocean horse in his left hand, and a bowl of civet stewed fish whip in his right hand. With an evil smile, he said in broken English: "I am a well-known producer on Hong Kong Island. The studio, the agency, and even the shadow line I can talk about..."

"Well, sir, are you sure you didn't lie to me? I don't seem to have heard the name of this Yin Yang film and television company."

"It's Qiankun, but when translated into your language, it can only be written as yin and yang..." Liangkun was stunned as he spoke. You must have heard of Dahua Yingxian, right?"

"Of course! It is said that there are 16 theaters in this shadow line, and the owner's surname is Ding..."

"That's right, that's right, I, Li Qiankun, is the partner of Mr. Ding you mentioned!" Just as the bull was blowing, Liangkun realized that someone was patting her on the shoulder from behind.

After saying a word, he turned his head to look, and the anger on his face disappeared instantly, replaced by a mean smile: "Who am I? It turned out to be Han Bin.

How about it, I just had a date, this girl has a good figure, right? "

Han Bin took out a roll of U.S. dollars and stuffed them into the Mariana Trench of Ocean Horse, and sent the other party away in fluent English.

Looking at the big Yangma who turned and left, Liang Kun pointed to the flagpole: "Hey, what are you doing, I just drank civet civet stewed fish whip, and you came here to drive the girl away, what should I do now?"

"Our movie theater in Kowloon was bombed in the morning.

Zhan Mi and Prince Edward are going to work tonight, brother Feng called me, and I will take you back to Hong Kong Island immediately. "Han Bin took Liang Kun to the hotel exit, passed by the swimming pool table, and gave him a durian stuffing: "Privately give you a durian, just hold it." "

"What, top durian?"

"Durian doesn't think you are short, but you still think durian is smelly?"

After years of operating in Nanyang, Lei Luo and others have gained considerable influence in several surrounding countries. At least there is no problem in arranging Liangkun to take the fastest flight.

At nine o'clock that night, Ding Yunfeng saw Liang Kun walking in front of him with his legs stretched out in a strange posture.

"Hello? You have been to Nanyang for a few days, and you have a hernia?" Ding Yunfeng couldn't help asking when he saw Liangkun sitting on the sofa carefully.

Liangkun shook her head with a stern face: "No, it's nothing serious, brother Feng, I'm... no, I can hold on, it's okay."

"Is it all right?"

"It's okay, I just ate a little too much fruit, and I just have a little stomachache."

"Well, if you have health problems, you can go to the hospital to have a look. Some time ago, I asked Zhan Mi to buy 2 hospitals, which are quite private."

"So good?" Liang Kun's eyes lit up, but she quickly put it away, and changed the topic: "Brother Feng. I heard that people in Shanghai are tired of their lives, and even dropped bombs on our cinema."

"Here, the signature is Yan Wang. The other party is very arrogant. I'm afraid we don't know his background." Ding Yunfeng handed the blackmail letter to the theater manager to Liang Kun.

Liangkun frowned and finished reading: "The Green Gang took the lead once in the years when Li Caifa was prosperous, but when he was driven by the Governor's Mansion to squat in the Kudao Island, these people almost disappeared on the road, and suddenly ran away again. come out……"

"Because they are coming for my shadow line." Ding Yunfeng glanced at Liangkun, smiled coldly, and slowly analyzed: Since this period of time, the Hong Kong Island film industry has become more and more developed. For him, his net worth has also risen with the tide.

As for the people in Shanghai, they were originally very interested in the film industry.

Fifty years ago, the birthplace of the film industry in my hometown was Shili Foreign Market in Shanghai.

When you come to Hong Kong Island, the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, in many industries, can't beat the gang of Brother Tai.

Xu Longwu and Chen Yinhua naturally set their sights on the film industry on Hong Kong Island.

As for Zhang Junyuan, the smashing of the Yunlai Teahouse was just a pretext that they happened to meet.

Even if there is no such thing, they will find other excuses to attack themselves.

"It turned out to be like this. It seems that there is no way to retreat this time. We can only fight to the end." Liang Kun stood up abruptly, before he could finish his bold words, the pain made his face grim because of the excessive movement.

The more Ding Yunfeng saw something was wrong, he quickly ordered Li Jie to send him to Ding's Hospital.

After a while, Liangkun's inspection report came out. Ding Yunfeng was speechless after reading it, so he could only tell Li Jie in time to ask the hospital's insiders not to spread it.

Thinking of Liangkun crying and complaining to himself on the other end of the phone just now—the reason why he hurt the flagpole this time was because he was tricked by Han Bin.

Before he got on the plane, this Binny tiger stuffed him with a Musang King durian.

What not to play, play this?
Ding Yunfeng deliberately went upstairs, opened the drawer, and called Han Bin: "Hello, Abin, Akun is a little out of tune sometimes.

But no matter how you say it, he is also his own brother.

Knowing that he drank a lot of supplements..." Ding Yunfeng paused, a little bit embarrassed: "Even if you want to give him something, you can't get a softer one...

Durian Oh, thanks to you, you can figure it out? "

Han Bin, who was staring at the training of the new team members at the Bloodfang Base, held a special phone with a dazed expression on his face: "Brother Feng, although I took the Musang King casually, it can be used by the Shangri-La Hotel to entertain guests, so I must be familiar with it." Transparent.

This one is not soft enough, I really can't find a softer one. "


Ding Yunfeng became more and more weird as he listened, and Han Bin was also puzzled by his phone call.

Looking at Liang Kun's medical records, Ding Yunfeng probably told Han Bin about the other's injuries.

"I told him to top the durian meat!"

"Akun misunderstood what you meant and pushed the shell."

The two spoke in unison, exclaimed in unison, then fell silent for more than ten seconds, and burst out laughing at the same time.

After laughing for a few minutes, Ding Yunfeng tried his best to put away his smile: "Okay, this matter, next time you meet Akun, explain it to him yourself.

I just pretend I don't know, otherwise he will at least go to the North Pole to hide this time. "

"Hey, this Liangkun, what is he thinking? How could I let him take the durian shell?" Han Bin wiped his tears, dumbfounded.

The two chatted a few words before closing the line, and at this time, Liang Kun, who was hanging water in Ding's Hospital, sneezed several times in succession, and he, who was holding his elder brother to call the prince, was shivering in pain. gas.

The prince was in the Hongxing headquarters, listening to Liangkun yelling non-stop, a few black lines appeared on his forehead instantly.

"Hey, Brother Kun, now brother is discussing with you to do something serious!
While you are on the phone, you are looking for a woman to help you vent your anger, isn't it a little disrespectful to me? "

"Prince, don't get me wrong, I, I was injured and am in the hospital!" Liang Kun hurriedly explained.

It's a pity that the prince didn't believe it, so he hung up the phone directly.

"Choose! I can't do anything by counting on you, a pervert." The prince turned his gaze to Sha Qiang who was standing aside: "Brother Kun, it's good that he knows the general situation.

Now go call someone, Hongxing Thirteenth District, I don't care what excuses these gangs have for rushing to the streets.

In short, before 10 o'clock tonight, I want to see 1000 elite swordsmen!
Whoever dares to send someone over, I'll call the door first and ask for someone! "

(End of this chapter)

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