Chapter 780
I can drink milk,

Chocolate can be eaten,
Plastic wrap is usually used to preserve freshness, but last time Pijiu heard from Liangkun that under certain special circumstances, it can also be used to wrap fishy...

Li Jie thought for a while, and felt that Leon may be asking this question for the second purpose of the plastic wrap.


He didn't want to answer, because his brother Jie's character was Guang Weizheng, not Liangkun, and he could be embarrassing at any time!

"Milk and chocolate can be used to satisfy hunger, and plastic wrap is used to wrap food and put it in the refrigerator." Li Jie gave his answer in a regular manner, and Li Jie praised his wit.

Unfortunately, after hearing this, Leon shook his head and denied it on the spot: "Wrong! Your idea is too superficial.

Let me tell you!
Both milk and chocolate are used to fight ghosts, because the bull's head and horse face in the underworld are specially in charge of the gang of Ah Piao, so cow's milk has the effect of restraining ghosts.

And there is nitric acid sulfur oxide in the plastic wrap, this substance can wrap the energy molecules of ghosts, so it can be used to catch ghosts..."

See you soon.

It turns out that there is a third way to use plastic wrap...

Before Leon could finish speaking, Li Jie stretched out his hand to hold him down: "Leon, even if your theory is true, how about using cow's milk instead of mare's milk?

Also, what is the effect of chocolate? "

"Horse's milk is harder to find than milk. As for chocolate, this kind of food contains milk, stupid!" Leon glanced at Li Jie speechlessly, then left him and walked towards the gate of the villa: "Hey, as the saying goes, there are specialties in art, the ancients Sincerely do not deceive me.

I hope that the comrades at Jingzhuan No. [-] can understand me. "

"I think, in this world, it's hard for anyone to understand you." Li Jie looked at Leon's back and murmured.

Driving a Tiger Ben, Li Jie sent Leon to Jingzhuan No. [-] in Central. Along the way, he kept his mouth shut and made up his mind that no matter what the friend in the passenger seat said, he would never talk to him.

But Leon has been in a coma for more than half a year, and he finally woke up today, how can he be idle with his talkative mouth?

After hearing a lot of strange theories, just when Li Jie was feeling dizzy, Jingzhuan No. [-] finally arrived.

"It's here!" Turning off the ignition quickly, Li Jie opened the door and ran down, quickly opening the door for Leon, allowing the latter to enjoy the treatment that Ding Yunfeng never had.

"Brother Jie, don't be so polite, even Ah Feng calls you Brother Jie, and he and I are bosom friends..."

Visible veins appeared on Li Jie's forehead, and he urged, "Leon, please get out of the car."


Today, Jingzhuan No. [-] is on duty, and the clock is pale.

He saw a tiger-headed Benz parked at the door, and Li Jie went to open the door himself. He thought it was Ding Yunfeng himself, or some big guy who knew Ding Sheng, who caused dirty things in his house and was accepted to find someone to help.

But when he straightened his Taoist robe and looked up to see Leon and Li Jie walking in one after the other, Zhong, who had never been cowarded by demons or ghosts in several generations, turned pale, and the smile on his face suddenly froze. The royal zombies are still dead!

" you you, don't come here!" Resolutely picked up the mahogany sword, Zhong Fabai held it in both hands, and shouted at Leon with the tip of the sword.

Seeing Lao Zhong's reaction so violently, not only Leon was confused, but even Li Jie was shocked.

At this time, upon hearing the movement, Chen Dachao and Ma Jiuying, who were doing their homework in front of the altar in the inner room, rushed out copying the guy.

"Leon? Didn't you get arrested and sent to Chongguang Mental Hospital?"

"Master Patriarch, if you solve this disaster, you will find it here?"

Chen Dachao and Ma Jiuying spoke in unison, standing beside Zhong Fabai on one left and one on the right.

Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, Li Jie hurriedly came out to explain.

Ding Yunfeng had known Leon long before he set up Jingzhuan No. [-].

I brought Leon here because Brother Feng wanted to send someone here to support the prince's actions at night. Leon took the initiative to ask Ying to help, and he came here first to meet everyone.

"Know? It's not just acquaintance, this friend, we will never forget him when he turns into ashes.

18 years ago, our Maoshan faction once held a metaphysical exchange meeting in Hong Kong Island, inviting colleagues from all walks of life. I remember that he was still a young man at that time, and then..." Zhong Fabai said here, a look appeared on his face. Deep fear.

Seeing that Zhong Fabai was so agitated that he couldn't even hold the mahogany sword steadily, Ma Jiuying could only pick up the conversation and add.

Li Jie, Chen Xichao and others finally found out that it was at the Xuanshu Exchange Meeting.

Leon, who has no background and sects, is not afraid of tigers when he is a newborn calf. He first broke through the obstacles of disciples of various sects, took the microphone on the stage, and then published a shocking theory of exorcism in public.

Just when the elders of various factions and the elites of various sects sneered at his speech.

The most terrifying scene has appeared!

This guy actually demonstrated his tricks one by one using the heterogeneous materials prepared by the Maoshan faction to verify the participants.

The facts are in sight!

don't meditate,

Don't need to practice Qi,

without glyphs,

No need to chant mantras,

With just a bottle of milk/a piece of chocolate and a piece of plastic wrap, several ghosts were put down by Leon in public.

You know, it will still be 60 years.

Brother Feng hasn't come here yet, so he sent the calculator to his hometown to make big mushrooms ahead of time.

At that time, the governor, with all the luck of the motherland and the country, firmly held the leased land of Hong Kong Island.

The most powerful mystic masters present at that time were far higher than the current group of Jingzhuan No. [-] people, but the magic techniques that the seniors can display may really be inferior to them.

Thinking about hell, you have to hold up your mana to open your eyes,

Burning incense for the gods every day should save the number of times,
Now, a young boy, with three items belonging to the general public, wipes out the ghosts that everyone may want to use as a killer...

When Ma Jiuying said this, she raised her hand and wiped the corner of her eyes.

Chen Dachao went on to add: The mystical masters who were invited by the Maoshan faction back then, except for them, the Maoshan juniors who were serving tea and pouring water.

The youngest representatives of other sects also have to be 60 or [-] years old.

I don't know how many of these old men have never eaten chocolate in their entire lives.

Suddenly seeing such a scene of destroying the three views, there were more than a dozen old people who collapsed on the spot, or vomited blood and died, or lost their minds...

Many of these seniors are guests of high-ranking officials and wealthy people.

In one day, many old gods who were enshrined by others were actually driven to death by a handsome boy, crazy.

With such a big commotion, things must be unstoppable.

In the end, Feng Si's partner Wu Sir suggested that it is better to deal with it as a case of mental illness and injury.

Headed by the Maoshan School, a group of Gemyu masters, in order to improve Hong Kong Island's feng shui, discussed the Tao for three days and three nights at this metaphysical exchange meeting. , was attacked and killed by a mental patient.

In the report that Sir Wu hastily fabricated back then, there must be loopholes.

But how much, that is also a fig leaf.

It's better than a bunch of old cow-nosed people who have practiced Taoism for a lifetime, but they can't discuss the Tao with a young man who has no cultivation level. It sounds much better to be driven to death by him.

Because of this incident, Leon was sent to Chongguang Mental Hospital by the police force.

Feng Si also has elders who are embarrassing in this matter.

With his character, he naturally refused to sign, so he was disgusted by Liu Fu, who hoped that big things would be reduced and trivial matters would be reduced.

Wu Sir knew how to write a report to whitewash the peace, which was appreciated by Inspector Liu.

This pair of partners, a case-handling tornado, was wiped out wherever they went, and was eventually driven to Dongpingzhou to sit on the bench;
The one who knows how to be flexible and wipes the buddy's ass, plus Mr. Liu's blue eyes before, gradually rose to the top.

After listening to the three people talking about this old story, Chen Xichao and his gang of juniors all feared Leon like a snake and a scorpion.

"Ah! I remembered, there are indeed some of you here." Leon suddenly realized: "Fatty, you should be the one knocking the chime, the one in the middle, if I remember correctly, you were responsible for pouring tea and water, and the one on the right This one, you seem to be hitting the banner..."

"Choose! Should we say it's an honor now?" Ma Jiuying was so angry that he swears.

Leon shrugged his shoulders: "You can't blame me, when I demonstrated the research results, I got your consent.

To blame those old men's poor psychological endurance, I was so angry that I broke myself.

Alas, I said it at the time, as long as I beat them dozens of times with this hammer, they can be saved immediately.

It's a pity that none of you believed me, and even called the police to drag me...

If it wasn't for Chongguang's place, the food and shelter environment is good, I would have asked a lawyer to sue you guys for slandering and illegally imprisoning me. "

"Ajie, look, look, he's reasonable." Zhong Fabai held his heart, pointed at Leon and shouted.

Li Jie pressed down the 10KG hammer that Leon took out, and then showed his big brother: "I really don't know, there is still such a grievance between the two of you.

Well, why don't you let me make a phone call and ask Brother Feng's opinion?"

"In short, Ajie, you told Ding Sheng that it has been almost 20 years since the incident, and we can all understand that he didn't mean it at the beginning.

But considering our elders, they were basically all sat down by him unintentionally.

Now let us work with him, that is absolutely impossible!
And here at Jingzhuan No. [-], none of us welcome him. Zhong Fabai breathed a sigh of relief, and made his attitude clear to Li Jie.

Chen Dachao stepped forward to answer the phone: "Brother Feng, he is the person in charge of our formation, and the head of Maoshan Hong Kong Island.

It's more appropriate for me to make this call. "

Ding Yunfeng received a call from Da Chao, who talked for almost half an hour, and finally explained in detail the grievances between Leon and the mystical world of Hong Kong Island.

"It turned out to be like this...

Unexpectedly, Feng Sir and Wu Sir were also involved. Ding Yunfeng tapped the table and said directly: "Then you don't need to participate in this operation."

You go to help Feng Si, and continue to track down the master who is next to Jiang Tianyang.If Leon misses, it's up to you to deal with it. "

Chen Dachao didn't care about Ding Yunfeng's choice of Leon. If he didn't talk about rationality, Leon really had a way of dealing with ghosts, and his efficiency was much higher than theirs.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Dachao conveyed Ding Yunfeng's decision to everyone present.

"In this world, Ah Feng really understands me best." Leon, who was a little depressed, sighed with emotion.

In less than a second, Leon put away his feelings and took out a Weiwei insecticide: "Everyone, I recently made a new discovery..."

"Shut up, don't tell us."

"If you don't listen, you will become nervous!"

The faces of Zhong Fabai and the others changed drastically. While covering their ears, they urged Li Jie to send this plague god away quickly.

Li Jie didn't expect that Leon's lethality could be so great.

Saying sorry, Li Jie grabbed Leon's tattered suitcase, then grabbed Leon's wrist, and strode towards the door.

Leon raised his voice and shouted to the others: "Everyone, I will come back after I convince Ah Feng..."

Staring at Jie Ge pulling Leon into the car and leaving, Chen Dachao and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If you come again, the rest of us will ask Ding Sheng to resign first.

Although the salary and treatment here are good, but you have to spend your life?
Except for Chen Dachao, Ma Jiuying and Zhong Fabai had made up their minds. If Ding Yunfeng really took Leon in, they would run away carrying buckets, so as not to be blown out by the other party one day.


That night.

Central District, Mong Kok, Tuen Mun, Tsuen Wan, Aberdeen, Causeway Bay, and Tsim Sha Tsui, a total of seven districts, more than 700 people came and gathered at the gate of Tuodi in Hung Hing.

Liangkun, who finally hung up the water before sunset, stood on the balcony on the second floor with a gloomy face, looking at Dazai who was half as small as expected, and asked slowly: "Silly Qiang! Where is the prince? He won't Is it really knocking on the door and turning those people's faces?"

"Brother Kun, before you came, the prince had already taken someone out.

It is said that he will first sweep Kwun Tong of Niu Lao. "Sha Qiang was a little hesitant, but he knew how much Liang Kun cared about power.

If he finds out that the prince doesn't get his nod, he dares to lead someone to turn against his uncle from the society.

I'm afraid that even if the prince can break up the opponent, he will suffer a lot later.

Liangkun frowned and pointed to the phone on the table: "Call him back immediately. The internal accounts will be calculated slowly in the future. It is important to sweep up the Shanghai people's place. He even blows it out for me. If this is anticlimactic , how can I go out to hang out in the future?"

"Okay, okay, I'll call the prince immediately." Sha Qiang attached great importance to the order of the boss, Liang Kun, and immediately ran over to make a call.

At the same time, Kwun Tong, the most valuable salty cartoon club under the name of Niu Lao, has been swept away by the prince's people.

Kicking away the editor-in-chief who was hugging his thigh, the prince struck a match and slowly approached a pile of waste paper.

These are all comic works using Ding Yunfeng as the prototype.

If he hadn't brought someone over to clean up the scene today, the prince himself would not have known that Brother Feng is already a famous person in the dark animation world!

"Brother Prince, grandpa asked you to go back and lead the troops to be the vanguard. He said that he will settle the accounts with them slowly in the future, and it is important to fight the people in Shanghai now." A silly and strong voice came from the big brother.

The prince flew the matchstick and looked at the burning manuscript.
He kicked the editor-in-chief of the manga club a few meters away: "I will know in the future that you bastards dare to secretly use Brother Feng to make things up.

Then I will not only burn the shop, I will even tie up your family and burn it together, you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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