Hong Kong Comprehensive Begins from Stanley Prison

Chapter 791 No need for 2 million, 1 million is enough

Chapter 791 No need for [-] million, [-] million is enough

Brother Gang laughed angrily when he heard the words, and he punched Brother Tong.

Brother Tong laughed and picked up his teacup and got up to avoid it, causing Brother Gang to almost sprain his old waist.

"Oh, it's outrageous to be fighting like Xiaoluzi at the age of ten." Brother Tai shook his head and gave a long sigh. Yes, the company still has a few contracts waiting for me to sign."

Seeing Brother Tai leave, Brother Ping also got up, and within 3 minutes, a group of Chinese business tycoons left one after another.

Falsely claiming to know important historical dates in advance, Ding Yunfeng once again stabilized the morale of the army.

After coming out of the Chamber of Commerce, he asked Wang Jianjun to drive him to the location where the Bank of China Building was located in his previous life.

"Brother Feng, this piece of land is not small. What are you going to build?" Wang Jianjun looked around and asked standing beside Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng looked up at the HSBC Building not far away, and immediately remembered the feng shui battle of the skyscrapers in Central, Hong Kong Island in history.

"Ah Jun, tell me, how about building a building here that looks like a three-edged saber, with one edge slashing at the governor's mansion, the other slashing at HSBC, and the last side, go and slap the ghost from my hand The land that was exchanged." Ding Yunfeng rubbed his chin and showed a smirk.

Wang Jianjun's eyes lit up, he threw out his army thorn with his right hand, and gestured in front of him: "Okay, brother Feng, your thought must make the ghost vomit blood.

However, would they agree to Gaifa like us?
I heard from Uncle Wen and Ah Qing that when building a building on Hong Kong Island, if the building is not properly planned, there are many departments that can come forward to block the progress of the construction! "

"Hey, when I went to the Governor's Mansion for a few hours today, was it to eat his MacLehose bread and steak?

I have discussed the specific issues, how to cover them, they are not qualified to intervene.

Moreover, 2 million US dollars will arrive within 48 hours. Ding Yunfeng turned and got into the car, and said to Wang Jianjun in the driver's seat.

Wang Jianjun drove the car, and asked curiously: "There is still 2 million US dollars? Brother Feng, isn't this equivalent to using the ghosts' money to build a building, which can be used to restrain them."

"Basic operation, calm down.

Driving, to Wang's house, I dragged Uncle Wang into the water, I had to come and talk to him, lest he be targeted by ghosts, I don't know that this scapegoat was thrown by someone. "


Since being targeted by the kidnappers last time, Wang Yifei's family has moved from the Taiping mountainside to Repulse Bay, and bought a villa a hundred meters away from Ding's mansion to settle down.

According to Lao Wang, this is because the cold air on the Taiping mountainside is not conducive to the health of the couple.

The fact is that everyone knows that this pair of stingy old men clearly want to use Brother Feng's security forces.

The two families are so familiar, it's just a matter of little effort for Ding's bodyguards to patrol more than a hundred meters each time.

It was the first time that the Bentley parked in front of Wang's house. When the concierge saw Mr. Ding coming to visit, he passed the message inside, pushed open the big iron gate, and invited them to the living room.

"Ah Feng, why did you suddenly come here as a guest?

Hey, I'm not prepared at all, my wife, you ask the Filipino maid to see if there are any bananas in the refrigerator, and cut them into strips to serve the guests. "Wang Yifei has been discharged from the hospital, but he is still in a wheelchair, and the plaster casts on his right leg and left hand have not been knocked off.

The Filipino maid Maria came out of the kitchen with a helpless face: "Master, since I applied for the job, when has there been fruit in the kitchen refrigerator?"

"I know there is no refrigerator in the kitchen, but there must be a small refrigerator in your room!
Hey, it's rare for a distinguished guest to come to your door. Let me borrow a piece of paper to cover it first. I will pay you next month and let my wife pay you 2 months! "Wang Yifei shouted to the Filipino maid while beckoning them to sit down.

Speechlessly, the Filipino maid rolled her eyes and made a sign of the cross on her chest, which should be calling God.

A moment later, when Wang Jianjun saw a plate of banana chips in front of him, he looked at Ding Yunfeng with some worry.

Grandet, like Old Wang, who even wants to take advantage of his servants, Brother Feng, you should kill him first, drag him into the water, and tell the truth later, you might provoke the other party's blood vessels to burst!

"Eat what you want, if you don't come with me, you won't be able to eat." Ding Yunfeng teased Wang Jianjun, took a sip of the boiled water in front of him: "King Uncle, there is something I want to tell you."

"Say, I'm listening, you are so busy, you must have something urgent to come over to my house suddenly." Wang Yifei had a plaster cast on his left hand, but his right hand was still very flexible. While talking, he had already eaten six slices of bananas.

"Oh, that is, I have already represented you to take over a project of about 5 feet..." Ding Yunfeng told Wang Yifei what had happened, and Ding Yunfeng smiled at Wang Yifei who was completely stunned: "Such a big project, Another deadline.

Only relying on Brilliant Real Estate, it would definitely not be fair.

I think it is beneficial, and it must benefit my own people!

So, without your consent, I made a promise in front of Du Ye.

This building will be built by a real estate company under your name and mine. "

After hearing this, Wang Yifei's expression was as exciting as that of Zhen Guanxi's face that received two punches from Lu Zhishen, full of ups and downs.

You must be complaining, isn't it three punches?
Because, if it was like Zhen Guanxi's face with three punches, Old Wang would have been pissed off by Ding Yunfeng!

"Ah Feng, you really know how to take care of me!

Because I know you, I have already fallen in love with Li Cheng, Li He and those people;
Now you have stabbed my name in front of MacLehose, I... I am really thankful to you. "Wang Yifei took out Tiger Balm and wiped it on, gritted his teeth and said to Ding Yunfeng.

Ding Yunfeng got up and walked over, helping him to smooth his chest: "Old Wang, those pro-British people are about to take your old life, you think you can take care of yourself?
Anyway, the other party thinks you are in the same camp as me, so you might as well bet in advance!
If you win, don't you have to worry about it for the rest of your life? "

"You bastard, don't give me ecstasy soup!
I have no children, and I am not afraid of wearing shoes with bare feet. I really can't fight, and I can still take my wife to immigrate abroad.

It's all right now, after being messed up by you, I just want to leave, and I won't be able to leave in the future. I can only follow you all the way to the dark. "Wang Yifei looked at Ding Yunfeng angrily.

Ding Yunfeng smiled brightly. Brilliant Real Estate was established less than ten years ago.

No matter how hard Chen Yaoqing tried himself, the strength of Brilliant Real Estate would not be able to reach the level of independently building skyscrapers.

The Wang Group is different. The Wang Yifei and his wife started from scratch, and the team that has been honed for decades is definitely ranked T0 among all real estate companies on Hong Kong Island.

Most importantly, the old Wang and his wife's ability to control money is world-class T0.

The Bank of China Building in history, a total of 70 floors were repaired, costing 1.5 million US dollars;
Now that the ghost has provided 2 million US dollars, Ding Yunfeng wants to try, whether he can build a ninety-nine 81st floor and kill those gangsters who are rushing to the street!

Hearing her husband swearing and swearing, he rushed towards Ding Yunfeng non-stop.

Mrs. Wang couldn't bear it and came out of the kitchen: "Yifei, calm down!
Actually, I think what Ah Feng said is correct.

This time you had a car accident, if there was no ghost behind it, how could a respectable person in Licheng do such a thing that dirty his hands?
What's more, don't forget, if Ah Feng hadn't invited his master to come up, you would still be lying in the ICU as a vegetable! "

Wang Yifei was left speechless by his wife's words, and in the end he waved his hand at Ding Yunfeng: "Oh, it's my fault, but I actually met you, who is a street hitter... Where's the map? Don't say you didn't bring it here!"

"Ah Jun, take out the blueprint of that land."



Putting on reading glasses, Wang Yifei unfolded the map with one hand, and looked at it carefully for a while: "You said you want to build about a hundred floors?"

"Yes, the current budget is 2 million US dollars, how about it, can it be covered?"

"It's a joke! I, Wang Yifei, will do it myself, and I still need 2 million? I can handle 1 million."

"Hey, hey, wait a minute! I'm going to build this building and give it to the Bank of China. Don't save materials too much, and make it a tofu project."

"I know, I know, it's really long-winded! When your uncle built the building, you were a pretty boy who hadn't been born yet!" Wang Yifei acted vigorously as soon as he started working.

While calling his company's senior management and Chen Yaoqing to bring people over for a meeting, he rushed Ding Yunfeng out: "Leave everything to me, and you can go and play. When the project is completed, it's OK if you come out and cut the ribbon."

After leaving Wang's house, Ding Yunfeng took out his cigarette case, lit one himself, and handed another to Wang Jianjun.

"Brother Feng, I really admire you.

For a person like Wang Yifei, it is estimated that no one can beat him except you. "A Jun helped Ding Yunfeng open the car door and smiled with a cigarette in his mouth.

Ding Yunfeng turned his head and looked out of the car: "Everyone is sincere, don't look at Lao Wang, Guhan is a little lonely, but he is not a ruthless person.

What's more, after everyone has cooperated so far, the couple is actually very clear that there is really no other way to go except to advance and retreat with me. "


Ding Yunfeng started the preliminary preparations for building the building, and the reply from the capital also came.

Daping's personal reply was very few in number, only eight: keep yourself safe and dare to forge ahead.

"Zhan Mizai, go find a master immediately, make a mahogany frame, frame it with me and hang it up!"

"Ah? Brother Feng, isn't it too blatant to do so?"

"I even confronted MacLehose face to face, do I still need to cover it up?"

Urging Zhan Mi to go down to do something, Ding Yunfeng went back to the upstairs study and contacted Wu Guanyi of the Zhulian Gang by phone.

"Brother Ang, last time you said that you wanted to set up fishing grounds along the coast to get fish to eat, and this matter has already begun.

However, Brother Hao asked someone to bring me a message from Stanley, saying that he misses his sister-in-law and the children very much, look..."

Frog Island, North Island City.

In an izakaya that imitates Japan and has the local decoration style of Washima.

Wu Guanyi held her eldest brother's phone with her right hand, and made a gesture of silence with her left hand towards the people around her.

"Haha, Ah Feng, I've been waiting for your good news.

It's not that my brother, I treat a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart, but that the typhoon is blowing on Frog Island in the past few days!
Every time Ah Ying's family wanted to go out to sea, the wind and waves on the sea would be terrible.

For their safety, we can only postpone it again and again. "

Hearing that Ding Yunfeng did not answer the phone, Wu Guanyi quickly explained: "But! Don't worry! I went to the meteorological station to ask about it this morning. The afternoon is sunny and sunny, just enough to go out to sea..."

"Hey, after dragging on day by day, I thought I needed to hire a Fujian fishing boat to pick up people."

"No, no, no, under this special environment, how can Fujian fishing boats be relied on?" Wu Guanyi's eyes twitched, and he gestured to the black wolf Li Youyou, who went out to get in the car, stepping on the gas pedal all the way , Drag racing to the pier.

Standing in the dormitory of the Fisheries Administration in the salty sea breeze, Xie Wanying's family, together with Ah Shui's group of volunteers, have been brought here by the Zhulian gang for almost a week.

"Sister-in-law, why do you want us to beat Zhou Chaoxian away?" The bald man standing behind Xie Wanying asked doubtfully.

Xie Wanying looked in the direction of the pier, resting her right elbow on her left hand and holding a women's cigarette in her right hand: "Because we walked like this, at least 5% of Ah Feng's power in Wadao will be lost.

In order to keep the 5% of Zhou Chaoxian's body, I must draw a clear line with him, so that he can find room to protect himself. "

"But, can Zhou Chaoxian survive this turmoil?
Moreover, he is very ambitious, if we hadn't been here to keep an eye on him, he might take the opportunity to betray Brother Feng and completely switch to the enemy's camp. "

"Don't worry, he has something in Ah Feng's hands, he dare not betray the master.

As for whether he has the ability to protect himself, we don't have to worry about it for him.

Over the years, he has received so much support from Ah Feng. If he doesn't even prepare for one or two back roads, he will die if he dies, and it will be a waste of resources to live. "Xie Wanying saw Li Youxian parked and walked upstairs, turned around and stopped talking.


Black Wolf Li leisurely stepped on the stairs and walked up to Xie Wanying: "You can go, pack your things right away, hurry up!"

Xie Wanying didn't say much, she went back to her room and pulled out a suitcase.

Xiaobin and others were protected by Ah Shui and the others, and the group followed behind Li Youyou, almost trotting towards the pier.

I don't know if I don't come out, but I'm startled when I go out.

Almost every 20 meters they walked, Xie Wanying and her party were stopped by someone holding a gun. At this time, Li Youxian took out a pass and handed it to the other party to check that it was correct before they could let them go.

In less than 500 meters, a group of people walked for almost half an hour.

Until the number of people was finally counted and boarded a smuggling cargo ship under the name of the Bamboo Union Gang, Xie Wanying finally let go of the boulder in her heart.

Standing on the pier, Hei Lang raised his head and waved to Xie Wanying: "Aying, I'm not a qualified boss, don't hate me!
I wish you all the best, and I hope you will see each other again in your lifetime. "

"Brother Li, take care!" Xie Wanying stared fixedly at Li Youxian who was protecting her family under Lei Gong, and finally couldn't help shouting.

In fact, she knew very well that the other party had tried his best.

If Li Youxian didn't nod that way in the Wu's villa in Taoyuan a week ago, Wu Guanyi would definitely not agree to Ding Yunfeng's request.It's probably still a long way off for my family to get out of trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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