Chapter 795

A place like Mui Wo on an outlying island.

That's where Kun doesn't lay eggs, birds don't shit, and wolves shed tears when they come.

Even the members of the police post on the island are composed of water and land.

The story was about an unlucky police chief, and the other police officers were drawn from the marine police to make up the count.

Everyone goes to work on weekdays, except for reading newspapers and fishing.

The last time the police were dispatched was decades ago. Chen Zhichao took a few seniors to the temple to rescue the third sister.

Upon receiving a call from Jiaqianwu, it was said that someone on the island had hanged himself.

The people in the entire police station hurriedly put on their uniforms and hats, carrying a few broken batons that were almost eaten by moths, and each rode a bicycle to the scene.

"Who called the police?"

"Sir, it's him!
But this friend is very suspicious, because at the pier, he asked me to bring him over to find my tenant, Ayao.

I don't know what the two of them talked about, but Ayao hanged himself in my room. "Old Chen hurried over without waiting for Jiang Wuxiong to answer.

Jiang Wuxiong took out a business card from his pocket, and handed it to the four-eyed police chief opposite, who was buttoned wrongly: "This is my business card, I am an amateur private detective, and the guy who hanged himself is Hong Xingshexi The ring talker is Chen Yao.

This young and Dangerous boy is related to many illegal cases. I was entrusted by Sir Liang of the Central District Police Station to come out and explain the case.

It's a pity that when I found him today, he caught the opportunity and committed suicide.

If you don't believe me, you can call Sir Liang to verify. "

"Seaside subdivision... still surnamed Liang?
Are you talking about Liang Jianbo, nicknamed Fat Leopard, Deputy Director Liang? Li Jianjian pushed his glasses and looked at Jia Qianwu in surprise: "Hey, my own people, Fat Leopard and I have known each other many years ago. "

Seeing that Li Jiancare turned around and put on airs, he first ordered his subordinates to go inside to collect the corpse, and then invited himself to drink tea at the police station and record his statement...

Jia Qianwu finally understood, a few days ago, when he found out where Chen Yao was hiding and then called Hong Xing to report the progress, why did the other party ask the middleman Xian Shuji to send this business card.

It's outrageous, there are people from your D family even in Shankara like Outlying Island...

Seeing Jiang Wuxiong who should be tortured, he talked and laughed with Sir on the island.

Old Chen turned around silently, but just as he was trying to slip away.

A police officer held his shoulder and said, "You are the owner of the house. Stay here and don't wander around. You will come back with us soon to take notes."

"Ah? Isn't it, Sir, this person died in my room for no reason, and I am the victim?"


Didn't you hear what the detective said just now, this Chen Yao is Hong Xing Xihuan's talker?Now he has come to hide with you, who knows if you are his accomplice?

Stand still, neighbors, look up and see you down, don't force us to lock and copy! "


Li Healthcare took Jiang Wuxiong back to the police station, and then called Fat Leopard, who was making egg powder in the police force and has now made a fortune.

Within an hour, the lawyers of Huang Dawen's firm and the commissioners of the North Territory Region arrived at the scene one after another.

As an enthusiastic citizen, Jiang Wuxiong left with Huang Dawen's men ahead of schedule;

Relying on this matter, Li Healthcare successfully restored contact with Liang Jianbo, an upstart from the Chinese family;
The Northern Territory Region can also pin some undisclosed cases involving undercover police officers to the dead Chen Yao.

A win-win situation for all parties!

Except for Lao Chen, who was immoral in collecting money, when Jiang Wuxiong left, he saw this old man being escorted into the interrogation room. If there was no accident, he would at least be charged with providing shelter for triad members.

"This lawyer, I have work today."

"You're welcome, Mr. Jiang, this is my contact information. If you need it in the future, you can call me directly."

"I will. I'll be free in two days. I'll treat you to dinner."


Parting from the lawyer at the pier, Jiang Wuxiong carefully collected the business card left by the other party, and then took out the note written by Chen Yao before his death: "It's much easier to deal with the most difficult Chen Yao."

Three days later.

In an underground casino set up by Hung Hing in the New Territories, he had just slaughtered a few fat sheep and pushed the casino manager away from the office with banknotes. Where the heart is, there is a palm-length fruit knife stuck in it.

Another four days.

At a seafood stall in Tsim Sha Tsui, a thin figure suddenly fell from the roof, frightening a group of diners who kept cursing and rushing to the street. After a while, someone recognized that the deceased was Hung Hing Kwun Tong. Human bull!
After losing three hall master-level bosses in a row, not to mention the inside of Hongxing Club, even Hong Kong Island is divided into black and white, and it has also entered a state of panic.

"Fuck, is Liang Kun really coming?

The three talkers, what the hell, they will be destroyed if they say so.

How come I didn't realize before that that broken gong voice has such courage? Hu Xuyong, the speaker of the number gang, shook the newspaper in his hand, turned his head to look at the lame Xiao Xiao and said.

Lame Xiao was lying on the massage table, and a girl behind him was stepping on his back hard, resting his chin with both hands, and Lame Xiao squinted his eyes and replied: "This matter? I think, I can't blame Liangkun for being too cruel.

At that time, he was on vacation in Nanyang, and the prince acted as the acting leader to shake people up to prepare for the start of the youth gang.

It is said that Chen Yao and others not only refused to send troops, but after Liang Kun returned from Nanyang, they did not make a phone call to explain, and even hid to see no one afterwards.

These things, if it were me, I would kill people. "

Hu Xuyong chased away the girl who was helping the two step on their backs, and excitedly handed the lame Xiao a cigar: "Brother Xiao, I've found someone to take away.

This time, Hong Xing and the Green Gang went to war, and although they won, it was a miserable victory.

At present, all the troublemakers in Xihuan, North Point, and Kwun Tong have been cleared out by Liang Kun. This is a good opportunity for the group to have no leader.

Are you interested in joining forces and snatching him down a few streets? "

Lame Xiao Xiao took the cigar and lit it, and took a few puffs: "It's not easy, everyone knows who is standing behind Liang Kun.

Attacking Hongxing to grab territory now is obviously taking advantage of the fire to rob.

In case that person ends up on the stage, how will it end then? "

"Hey, you are too careful, Ding Yunfeng has even quit the police force, how could he directly intervene in Jianghu affairs?

Besides, isn't there no big boss behind our number gang?
But when did you read it, does that person care whether our site is robbed or someone else robbed it?
These gangsters have already gone ashore in vain. If they hadn't raised our mud legs to protect themselves, they would have cut ties with us long ago. "Hu Xuyong laughed at himself, then tapped the eggplant ash and lowered his voice: "Besides, based on what I know about Liang Kun, this guy will not go to Ding Yunfeng for help unless he is desperate.

This time, let's not be greedy, one person will rob him of half of the district, and after the incident, we will promptly find someone to set up a drink to make peace, and then pay Hong Xing a sum of money and a little face, and this will be done. "

Hearing what Hu Xuyong said, Lame Xiao was also moved, and his eyes rolled: "Okay! Done!
Since the camel was driven to the Netherlands by Situ Haonan, the relationship between Dongxing and our two families has been getting colder and colder every day.

This month alone, Qinlonghu sent people to smash my two stables in Mong Kok.

If I don't fight a few victories to boost my morale, people outside will think my signboard is just paper! "

"That's right! If we can't beat Situ Haonan, we can still bully the semi-disabled Liangkun.

Then it's decided, these few days, you and I will each go back and make preparations, and before Hong Xing has recovered, give him a hard time. "


Otherwise, is it difficult to be a boss?
Your indole is not sounding, let alone earning enough pension money to withdraw from the arena.

Maybe, the people below you already want to turn against you.

Can't stand Situ Haonan's offensive, regardless of the bearded brave with the word "Yong", or the lame Xiao with the word "Xiao".

These two people who are in charge of the number gang have found that if they don't do something to divert the attention of the gang, the position under their buttocks may be unstable.

And the winning streak is in full swing, you can't afford to offend;

Playing a small club, but also being bullied by jokes.

After much deliberation, he wants to show his prestige and hope to win, the current Hong Xing is a very good goal.

Liangkun here has just received the news that three of the five twenty-five boys have been taken over by Jia Qianwu, leaving only the beautiful sister from Sham Shui She and Ma Wangjian from Chai Wan.

After opening a preserved red wine, Liang Kun took a big sip: "Jia Qian Wu is indeed a professional, although he charges a bit more expensive, but he has a reason for being expensive.

Uncle Xing, you tell him that you killed 3 people in a row, the rumors outside are a bit tight, and many Sirs greeted me and reminded me to stop in moderation.

Then stop it first, and wait for a while before continuing. "

Holding the red wine glass in both hands, Uncle Xing replied with some embarrassment: "Akun, it's okay to talk, but Jiang Wuxiong, he recognizes money but not people.

I'm afraid, he will suspect that we have reneged on the debt, can we settle part of the final payment first? "

"Oh, no problem, I don't need part, just pay him the full amount, and when the remaining two people can do it, we will notify him to do things." Liang Kun swiped a check and handed it to Uncle Xing.

Uncle Xing quickly put it away, he didn't forget the scene at that time, Jia Qianwu obviously said that if there was a steel jumper missing afterwards, he and Uncle Ji would have to fight together!
The next day, Jiaqian Wu was invited out, and Wu was very happy to be able to collect the money in advance.

He patted his chest and promised that as soon as Hong Xing said anything, he would go and settle with Sister Liang and Ma Wangjian.

What's more, before leaving, he broke the news to Uncle Xing—Xiao Zidui and Yong Zidui, who have been mobilizing urgently for the past two days, seem to be bad for Hong Xing.

Uncle Xing didn't expect that there would be such a surprise.

"Brother Wu, thank you very much for your reminder. I'm not free today. When I have time, I must give Hong Xing a chance and let us greet you well."

Putting down a scene, Uncle Xing kicked the gas pedal and raced back to Hongxing's headquarters.

Hearing that the number gang was two words piled up, Liang Kun was also at a loss when he suddenly wanted to join forces against him, so he immediately called the prince and the others to discuss countermeasures.

"Ma De, Hu Xiyong and Lame Xiao are courting death!

Brother Kun, I don’t think there’s any need to discuss it. Let’s act first, start a war tonight, first get rid of Hu Xuyong, and then get rid of the lame Xiao…” The prince shouted and beat him every day, but this time no one responded to him.

After shouting a few words and being ignored, the prince sat back helplessly: "Everyone is sharpening their knives, and we don't do it yet. I don't know what you guys are thinking?"

"Prince, calm down. Have you forgotten that we have not recovered from our fight against the Youth Gang this time!
Even Chen Yao and others have to spend money to hire someone to do it, not to mention that these two piles of words are all the top ranks in the number gang? Uncle Xing sighed, and suddenly missed the time when Brother Han Bin was in Hongxing.

If Binny Tiger and the dinosaur were here, don't talk about Beard Yong and Lame Xiao, even Chen Yao and the others wouldn't dare to obey the leader's order!
To put it bluntly, Liangkun has too few talented people, but there are too many eggs, only the prince is a general.

"I must call, and I have to call these two numbers at once to help the community, so that no one will think that Hong Xing is a sick tiger, and he can just come to pick up bargains!" Liang Kun punched the table, shaking The cup was falling apart.

"Where are people? There are no soldiers?" Uncle Xing smiled wryly and spread his hands.

The prince stood up: "I can stand up to people with a pile of brave characters alone, don't say you can't beat a cripple together?"

"Prince, even if we win again this time, we will have to use up all the strength we have left. I'm afraid that after the incident, it wasn't a big society like Yong Zidui or Xiao Zidui who came to take advantage of the fire, and probably even other unknown gangs They are going to rush up to carve up Hong Xing." Ji Ge pulled the prince to sit down, and analyzed with a serious expression.

After everyone heard this, everyone felt very heavy. Liang Kun silently lit a Huazi: "Then there is only one last solution!"

"What can I do?"

"I want to borrow soldiers from He Liansheng, and they can join forces to attack us, so I might as well unite with the coolies to strengthen them and swallow these two gangs together."


Facts have proved that Hu Xuyong is a bit overcompensated.

It was about his appointment with the lame Xiao Xiao to take advantage of Hong Xing.

In less than 48 hours, Ding Yunfeng knew.

"Number gang, why do you want to provoke Hong Xing all of a sudden?" Ding Yunfeng looked at Zhan Mi doubtfully.

Zhan Mi smiled wryly and explained: "Brother Feng, maybe they were also pushed into a hurry by Situ Haonan. A while ago, didn't Situ Haonan force the palace to scare the camel to go to the Netherlands? Then he used the bearded brave and the lame Xiao to create a joint venture with the camel. The fan alliance used it as an excuse to ask these two people to hand over a batch of lost goods from Dongxing!

Of course, this matter is what Dongxing said to the outside world. No one knows whether Hu Xuyong and Lame Xiao are black and white. Anyway, during this period of time, Dongxing has made the two of them miserable and lost a lot of territory. .

Since they teamed up with Camel back then, many people in the number gang themselves couldn't see it. Therefore, Hu Xuyong and Lame Xiao are having a hard time these days. Some veterans have already said that they will be re-elected and replaced. "

Hearing Zhan Mi's explanations, Ding Yunfeng couldn't help but think of Fusang, Hans the cat and Yiduren.

Isn't this the way internal conflicts turn to the outside?

Good guy, Young and Dangerous also understand this trick!

"Forget it, I'll make a call and ask the number to help withdraw the troops.

Fighting and killing, even if Hong Xing wins, he may become a second-rate club. "Ding Yunfeng grabbed the phone and quickly dialed a series of numbers.

(End of this chapter)

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