Chapter 798
If the solicitation failed, the toll road had no choice but to call Ding Yunfeng back.

But what surprised him was that Boss Ding seemed to be prepared for this outcome. Not only did he not get angry, but he ordered him to help Leon whenever he had time. In times of crisis, he could even play his Ding Yunfeng brand.

"Oh, Boss, you are really too kind.

I promise, in the days to come, I will try my best to help you..."

Toll Road held on to the receiver and tried to hold the phone until Xiaobin knocked on the door, reminding him that it was time to go to the gun range, and he finally hung up reluctantly.

Due to the time difference, Ding Yunfeng's side is still at night when the toll road call came.

Putting down the receiver, Ding Yunfeng pulled back the quilt and lay down.

It's a pity that Shi Shi has already fallen asleep, and the human creation activity that was suspended tonight can't continue, which makes him very depressed.


The next day.

While Ding Yunfeng was having breakfast, he heard two pieces of news, one good and one bad, from Zhan Mi.

The good news is that there is a man named Ma Chengrong, who leads a group of manga apprentices under him, and wants to take refuge in himself by blowing chickens and pulling strings.

The bad news is that Li Shutang was promoted in an unconventional manner. He was promoted from the chief of the Causeway Bay Police Station to the Police Force as a senior assistant director, responsible for the work of the Criminal and Security Division.

As soon as the other party took office, he immediately dealt a heavy blow to Ding Xi.

I don't know if I defeated the Green Gang or if it was the sequelae left by the durian top last time.

That guy, Liang Kun, was arrested in an underground casino in Causeway Bay. He was charged with having a super-friendship relationship with a girl who had never passed the age limit—and was sentenced to three years in prison.

"Made! Why didn't Han Bin smash a durian on his big head.

I've been out here for so long, I'm in my dozen years old, I'm just fooling around all day long, I'll never be in tune! "Ding Yunfeng put down the bowl and chopsticks, and walked towards the living room with a dark face.

Zhan Mi hurriedly followed and carefully reminded Ding Yunfeng: "Brother Feng, I checked the matter. That girl's measurements are 36/24/36, and she smells like dust all over her body. Just crossed the line.

In this matter, Akun is certainly a beast, but no one set up a trick. How could it be such a coincidence that he was arrested within a few days of dating. "

"I heard that it took less than 72 hours from the time Liang Kun was arrested to the start of the trial.

Because his charges this time were too nasty, Uncle Hua and the others refused to recruit people.

I just agreed to try not to let Brother Kun suffer in it. "Wang Jianjun looked at Ding Yunfeng helplessly.

Since coming to Hong Kong Island, their brothers have gotten closer to Liang Kun and his gang.

Therefore, seeing that Ding Yunfeng was somewhat dissatisfied with Liang Kun, Wang Jianjun still bit the bullet and interceded.

"Hmph! If you can control the torch below, don't think about bringing a fire extinguisher with you all day, he will be cheated?
What's more, even if your hands are itchy and you want to play a few games, you can't go to Haojiang to play?

It's too far away, doesn't Dasha still have a place in the New Territories?

He was so cheap that he insisted on going to Causeway Bay. Li Shutang had been operating there for several years, but he never moved the crown prince. It must be for today. "Ding Yunfeng pointed at the two of them and went mad.

Zhan Mi and Wang Jianjun buried their heads and did not dare to refute. They expected that Ding Yunfeng would be angry when he knew about this matter, but they did not expect that Ding Yunfeng would be so angry.

The deal is done, and Ding Yunfeng is angry, and he still wants to help Akun clean up the mess. He thought for a while, and said to Zhan Mi: "Hong Xing can't be left alone for a day. His leader has come to an end.

Ask Uncle Xing to hold a club meeting immediately, and choose the prince to be the leader. "

"Okay!" Jimmy turned and ran out of the villa with a terrified hearing the words.

Next, Ding Yunfeng made another phone call to Coolie Qiang and Master Su, and asked the two to prepare with Lian Sheng's troops. If anyone wanted to take advantage of Hong Xing's weakness to cause trouble, they would have to send troops to help them. Bundle.

First, they beat up the Youth Gang and seriously injured the vitality of the Hong Xing Ding family, and then cleaned up the door and wiped out the three sub-regional officials. Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, the leader fell.

In less than a month, the first-rate associations were almost slipping to the end of the second-rate crane.

If it wasn't for Blood Fang's need for Han Bin to take over the field, Ding Yunfeng almost wanted to transfer him back to 'accept orders in danger'.

After lighting a cigarette and calming down, Ding Yunfeng said to Wang Jianjun, "Prepare the car and go to Shibi Prison."


Stanley is Ding Yunfeng's base. Liangkun, a direct descendant of the Ding family, is rarely arrested. No matter whether Li Shutang or Cai Yuanqi, they will definitely not let him be imprisoned in Stanley, but choose another high-security prison for him - Shibi prison.

Shek Pik Prison is located in the south of Lantau Island, close to Shek Pik Reservoir, with good wind, good water and good environment.

The Bentley slowly stopped outside the Shek Pik Prison. Zhong Chuxiong and Qiu Jinjiang, who had come over from Stanley early, threw away their cigarettes and trotted over to open the door.


"how is the situation?"

"It's difficult, the people here are just casual acquaintances with me.

The warden of Shibi is surnamed He, he is the horse boy of the former Mason family, and he has a different stand from us.

But it doesn't matter, give me a little time, I can definitely handle him.

Difficult to deal with is the actual manager, the correctional director nicknamed Inhumane. I am worried that Inhumane will kill Akun before I get rid of Lao He. " Zhong Chuxiong took the Huazi handed over by Ding Yunfeng, and said while lighting it.

Two superiors in the uniforms of the correctional system gathered around a large hose that got off from a Bentley, and the three of them gathered together, pointing at the prison gate.

This strange combination quickly caught the attention of the guards at Shibi Prison. They dared not come up to talk to them, so they could only report to them.

Warden He came to the concierge quickly with his deputy, and glanced through the window, his face changed slightly.

Ding Yunfeng, Killer Xiong and Ghost Sorrow!

Ma De and Liang Kun hadn't collected their bedding yet, and these three came over, which was too fast.

Some bald deputy directors, seeing Warden He close the window, turn around and leave silently, hurriedly chased after him: "He Sir, what should we do now?
Ding Yunfeng has already come to your door, you need to come up with an idea as soon as possible.

In the end, Brother Tingyi or Brother Zhanfeng, the brothers below are waiting for your decision to do things! "

Warden He stopped in his tracks, and looked at the deputy in grief and indignation: "I have an idea, why do I have to hesitate until now?
Cai Yuanqi is the first brother, and Li Shutang is the senior director assistant at the constitutional committee level, behind these two are ghosts;

Ding Yunfeng is a Chinese business tycoon. The younger ones are Zhong Chuxiong, a warden who is at the same level as me, the older ones are John Smith, a senior official of the Correctional Services Department, and Lu Minghua, the deputy director of the police department!
Both sides of the family are rich, powerful, soldiers, and horses. I am a bad old man who has lost his backer and is dawdling around waiting to retire. "

"It's really pitiful to say that..." The bald man sighed approvingly, and then grabbed Ah Tou's arm in time: "No matter how difficult it is to choose, there is always a decision.

Centrists, die fast!
If we offend one party now, at least we can please the other party.

If you wait until they fight each other and knock you out, it will be too late. "

"Oh, Sir Mason is kind to me, but I am not optimistic about Brother Yi and the others.

I'm going back to my room to write a report and ask for sick leave. You can figure out the rest. Warden He left a sentence, decisively shook off the bald deputy, and strode towards the office building.

The bald warden was shocked, what do you mean let me figure it out? ? ?
You are the talker of the majestic Shibi Prison, if you say good things, you will make good things, and leave me as a deputy to carry out the thunder, is this so appropriate?

Standing in a mess in the wind for an unknown amount of time, it was not until the guard came that the unlucky bald man came back to his senses.

"Sir Zhong wants to visit Sir He?

You told him directly that He Sir was sick and had already taken a long vacation.

And I have urgent matters at home, and unfortunately I have to go back to deal with them. After two days, I will find time to treat him to dinner. "The bald man didn't dare to accept this scene, so he just found an excuse to push it away.

When the guard went out to answer, he took out a tissue and wiped his forehead, only to find that three layers of tissue were soaked in sweat.

"Fight on the street! How can I break the extremely difficult death game..." cursed in a low voice, just when the bald head didn't know what to do.

Lin Xingren, a tall man who seems to have practiced karate, nicknamed Inhumane, came over with a roster: "Luo Sir, I just happened to find you for something."

"Aren, what's the matter?"

"The Li Qiankun who came to our unit today, I found out that his warehouse number has not been confirmed yet. I want to ask you, just arrange him in the side."

Hearing this, Luo Sir took a meaningful look at Inhumanity: "Then... what do you think?

What background does he have, I believe you know it.

To be honest, the warden and I are in a dilemma as to how to arrange Liangkun. "

"Oh..." Lin Xingren's eyes lit up, he lowered his voice, and tentatively asked about the details.

Luo Sir didn't hide anything, and directly told the other party about the situation.

After hearing this, Lin Xingren held back his excitement and said, "Sir Luo, with all due respect, my subordinates think that you and Sir He are worrying too much?

Ding Yunfeng was just a businessman, no matter how much he tried to parry him before.

Brother Yi and Li Sir are thriving in the police force!
How should I choose? Needless to say?

If the two of you are worried that this matter is too risky, then you should pretend that you don't know, and leave the rest to your subordinates!only……"

"Just what?" Luo Sir deliberately looked at this ambitious subordinate and asked.

Lin Xingren chuckled: "It's nothing. It's just that the subordinate took such a big risk, and afterwards..."

"Senior Correctional Officer, is that enough?"

"Enough! Thank you Sir!"

"You're welcome, you deserve it." Luo Sir smiled very kindly, and before leaving, he was very pleased to pat Inhumane on the shoulder as encouragement.


On the other side, outside the prison.

Seeing that the other party avoided seeing each other, Ding Yunfeng and the others had no choice but to go back.

A Bentley and a Mercedes parked outside the Backbone Restaurant one after another.

Ding Yunfeng walked in with a few people. Uncle Ji saw Brother Feng, who hadn't been here for a long time, suddenly appeared, and hurriedly threw away the newspaper and ran to open the box that has been reserved and never entertains guests.

"Brother Xiong, you should ask your surname to meet him as soon as possible, and if you can't handle him with money, just tell him.

Although Ah Kun is not the leader of Hong Xing now, but if he loses a part inside, there are so many rotten guys outside Hong Xing, each of them can drown his family with a mouthful of saliva. After giving an order to Zhong Chuxiong, Ding Yunfeng dialed the phone again and called Chuanbo and Feisheji, two old fritters.

"In the stone wall, do you have any acquaintances you know, don't be with Lian Sheng or Hong Xing.

I guess they would not arrange for Akun to live with people from these two societies. Ding Yunfeng threw a cigarette to the two of them, and before they sat down, he directly raised his concerns.

"Yes, I have a cousin named Anan, the boss of Yifu, who happens to be locked up there." Fat Snake Ji said immediately.

The chatter continued: "A few years ago, I had a big circle with En Hui. He was nicknamed Three Legs. I will visit him today and ask him to take care of Brother Kun."

Hearing Anan, Ding Yunfeng didn't react yet, but when he heard the weird nickname of three legs, his expression became a little strange.

Brother Nan, the supporting role in "Black Prison Heartbroken Song", looks similar to Fat Snake Ji, and is also one of the prison tyrants.

Three-legged, the supporting role in "Heartbroken Song of the Black Prison", his appearance is similar to that of Gui Jianchou, and he is also one of the prison tyrants.

"Okay, if you can't get through the upper-level relationship, then go down the lower-level route. You two can go to work. If you find the relationship earlier, Akun will suffer less." After sending the two away, Ding Yunfeng scolded Liangkun a few more times. street.


Shek Pik Prison, Warehouse No. [-].

Liang Kun hugged the bedding and was pushed in by two prison guards. He staggered and almost dropped the things in his hands.

Even though Liangkun reacted in time without embarrassment, he was targeted by Sir when he saw him enter the door. Many prisoners who have been imprisoned here all year round, their eyes lit up, and they surrounded him with grinning smiles.

After all, Liang Kun has been a leader for several years, even if he knows that these bastards want to teach him a lesson, he can still hold on and not panic.

Taking two steps forward, he threw the things in his hands onto the adjacent bed, and Liang Kun clasped his fists and bowed to the surroundings: "I am Li Qiankun, nicknamed Liang Kun, the contemporary leader of Hongxing, the Hongmen brothers present here, come out to recognize me .”

After a few seconds of silence...

Everyone in the warehouse laughed.

"Haha, you're already in, and you're giving back the dragon's head!"

"That's right, do you think this is still outside? Before everyone came in, who was not the leader of a club."

"Put onions in the nose of a pig to pretend to be an elephant, and it will be a bit of a pain."

Every prisoner shook his head at Liangkun, whether it was the attitude of the prison guards bringing him here, or the inmates of Hong Xing who were suddenly transferred to other warehouses an hour ago, all of the above meant that the higher authorities wanted to kill Liangkun .

"I've been here for so long, and I haven't tried beating the dragon's head. Brothers, don't fight me..." A guy who looked a bit like the dead boss B shouted excitedly to the people around him.

Just when Liang Kun secretly complained, thinking that this embarrassment was certain, three legs rushed over from the side, kicking the boss B, no!Kick brother Gou to fly out.

"Why are you arguing? Ah Kun is covered by my three legs. If anyone wants to touch him today, then ask me about these three legs first!"

"That's right! In addition to three legs, you have to ask my boss Nan!

Today I put the words here, Akun is covered by me, who is not convinced, now follow me to the toilet to practice? "Brother Nan, with a cobra tattoo of the same style as Fat Snake Ji, walked slowly to Liang Kun with a few of his men.

(End of this chapter)

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